College Record

Chapter 219 Four slaps

After Luo Han roared out, the people in front of him avoided left and right, making Chu Nan's face gradually reflected in Luo Han's eyes.

At first sight, Luohan couldn't help opening his eyes and was stunned as a whole. It was like seeing a devil and meeting an old friend. It seemed that his heart was both happy and thrilling, and all kinds of emotions were changing rapidly on his face.

In the end, there was only one expression on his face, which was unbelievable!

It was wrong, so Luo Han quickly rubbed his eyes with his hand and stared at it again. After thoroughly seeing Nan's appearance, he couldn't help but stand up and respect it. All his tempers were instantly disappeared. After holding the title in his heart for two years, he finally made him shout out at this moment: " Will...President!"

At this moment, Luohan's just-up fighting spirit has disappeared, his momentum has dissipated, his anger is recovered, and there is only excitement in his heart. The seven-foot man's eyes are full of long-lost tears, but in the face of Chu Nan, he dares not act rashly, just like a child who made a mistake, waiting for his parents' training. Guide.

Except from the school gate, as many as 3,000 people came to Nanling University, most of whom were former former departments of Chunan, except for a few freshmen.

Therefore, they will not fail to recognize this familiar face in front of them!

At this moment, when I saw Chu Nan appeared, everyone in Nanling University was full of respect, almost out of habit. Suddenly, they bent their waists and faced Chu Nan. With the loudest voice, Qi Qi Qi called him:


The loud voice is far away and earth-shaking!

As if at this moment, the people of Nanling University have all returned to the past, back to the most glorious moment in the past, and back to the great moment when Nanling came out, which was enough to shock the world!

However, in the face of his former classmates and his comrades-in-arms who had fought together, Chu Nan was expressionless and walked straight to Luohan as if there was no one beside him.

It was not until he looked at each other with Luo Han that Chu Nan stopped, and there was still no expression on his face, but his clear eyes had become turbid, which seemed to be mixed with anger, disappointment, sadness, and all kinds of emotions intermingled and turbid, but Luo Han was frightened and couldn't help lowering his head. His face was full of regret. Perhaps, he had realized his mistake through Chu Nan's eyes.

"What are you doing?"

The cold and dull voice sounded from Chu Nan's mouth. The voice was flat, but it contained irresistible majesty, like a sharp sword, deeply piercing the heart of Luo Han, completely destroying his momentum and making him feel cold in his spine!



As soon as Luo Han's words were spoken, Chu Nan suddenly shook his big arm and directly slapped him heavily in the face. In an instant, five bright red fingerprints were clearly visible on Luo Han's face!

However, Luohan did not have any complaints. He lowered his head, blushed, and even put his hands behind his back, saying that he would not take any resistance!

Everything that Luohan gave him today was given to him in those years, including his reputation, his status, and his territory...

So in his heart, Chu Nan is his eldest brother. The eldest brother must have a good reason to teach his brother a lesson, and it is even more natural. Therefore, Luo Han can only accept it humbly!

"Answer me, what are you doing?"

"President, I..."


Unable to explain, Chu Nan slapped him in the face again, but this time he worked harder, so that Luohan's left cheek was high and swollen, and a bright red blood oozed out of his mouth.

"Answer me, what are you doing?"

Chu Nan asked the same question repeatedly, and he would continue to ask until Luo Han answered it correctly.

"President, in fact, I'm here this time..."


Another slap, slapped Luohan's face fiercely, still in the same position, so that Luohan not only had blood in his mouth, but also his white eyes were full of blood. He only felt dizzy and shaky, but in front of Chu Nan, he had to try to stand up straight.

Obviously, he still did not give the answer Chu Nan wanted.

"Listen, if you do something wrong one day, what I want is not an explanation, but your sincere repentance. Because blind explanation will not make you progress. Only by recognizing your mistakes can you learn lessons and do better. Do you understand?"

"Yes, president, we understand!"

A sound suddenly sounded in Luohan's ear.

This is what Chu Nan said to their four heavenly kings.

Suddenly realized that Luohan removed all the tedious nonsense, raised his voice, and said loudly to Chu Nan, "I'm sorry, I didn't listen to the president's teachings. I not only bullied others, but also stained the reputation of Nanling University, which violated the president's will and the purpose of Nanling University. I also received a scum like Qin Shou, misheard his slander, and lost the face of Nanling University and the president of Nanling University. President, I'll give you an explanation now!"

After saying angrily, Luo Han suddenly reached out and grabbed the Westerner behind him.

At this time, the Western boy was scared out of his wits.

In fact, since he heard the people of Nanling University shouting the word "president" to Chu Nan, the Western boy understood what was going on, but how could he imagine that Chu Nan, who was usually sven and bullied by people, was the famous Chu Xingchen?!

Incomparable fear, the Western boy looked dull and full of horror. Pang Shuo's body couldn't help shaking. His crotch had been wet, and he didn't know when there was a pool of yellow water under his feet, and he was obviously scared to pee!

Looking at the Western boy, Luo Han's eyes are full of fierce light, and his anger is unquenchable.

If it hadn't been for this Western boy and Qin Shou, he would not have brought people to bully Shengwu University today, let alone be blamed by Chu Nan, so he would naturally blame Qin Shou and the Western boy for everything.

What's more, Qin Shou and Westerners are enemies of Chu Nan, but they can't get along with Nanling University. In Luo Han's view, this is unforgivable!

However, Luo Han knew that Qin Shou had been more or less auspicious, so in order to calm Chu Nan's anger, he could only take the Western boy for the time being!

Together, Luo Han instantly hit his strength and suddenly picked up his right fist, using an unparalleled Shenglong fist, and with a "kash" sound, sparing no effort to bombard the Western boy's chin!

Under the blow, the Western boy's face and skin and flesh fluctuated violently, and the whole person rose from the ground and took off. When his body passed the top of Luohan's head, Luo Han reached out and grabbed the Western boy's right ankle again, and then he was full of strength. He shook his big arm and slapped the Westerner's body fiercely on the hard ground!


A loud noise shook people's hearts!

At this time, I looked down and saw that the Western boy was lying flat on the ground, with his limbs open, forming a "big" character. The hard cement floor was smashed out of a deep pit. Although the Western boy was lying calmly in the pit, his teeth were broken, seven holes bleeding, and there was no response. It seemed that he would not die, even if he could escape a disaster. If you live your life, I'm afraid you have to fall a little sequelae!

"Anyone who defected to me with Qin Shou and this Western boy before will not be left until I mutilated them all!"


At Luohan's order, No. 100 gathered up and formed a siege, surrounding the students of the former Shengwu University, and the next thing Nanling University people had to do was to mutilate them!


Before the people of Nanling University took action, Chu Nan took action again, giving Luo Han a loud slap in the face again, and also preventing people from Nanling University from going to take action.

Looking at Chu Nan, who was still expressionless, Luo Han was stunned and completely stunned. At present, he only felt that his face was burning and his head was dizzy. Both in his heart and in his mind were all confused.

But what caused all this was not Chu Nan's slap in the face, but Luo Han really didn't know what he had done wrong?

He really wanted to make up for it and wanted Chu Nan to calm down, but he didn't know how to calm Chu Nan's anger for a moment?

Luo Han's mind turned around, thought hard, and continued to look for his mistakes.

After a moment, he slowly turned his eyes and looked at Fang Qing lying in the distance, and then seemed to think and understand something.

"How many times have I told you not to take action against a woman unless she has done something unforgivable. If I know that you hurt women at will, I can't forgive you."

"Hey, president, we are all old men. We won't do such a rompous thing as bullying women!"

Suddenly, the conversation between himself and Chu Xingchen came out of his heart. Luo Han Mao suddenly opened up and finally found his other mistake!

However, in Chu Nan's heart, he hurt more than a girl...