College Record

Chapter 222 Firm Heart

Since Fang Qing did not blame Luo Han, Chu Nan did not investigate, including Huang Han. At this time, several people showed a slight smile on their faces and finally put an end to the incident.

"President, why are you here? You are not..."

Luo Han stopped talking and he didn't say the word "prison" because he thought it was disrespectful to Chu Nan.

"Good performance, early release. As for why I'm here, it's very simple. This is my school. Chu Nan answered Luo Han's question concisely, and then didn't say much.

In fact, Chu Nan really wants to ask Luo Han about the situation of Nanling University, and also wants to know why the current Nanling University does not have the purpose of that year?

Now, the people of Nanling University are simply a group of unreasonable bandits.

Not to mention bullying the weak, they also wantonly levy huge protection fees from major enterprises in South China. If this is not considered bandits, Chunan can't find other words to describe them.

However, he didn't ask his questions in the end. Since he didn't plan to go back, what did Nanling University become like and what does it have to do with him?

"President, why don't you go back to Nanling University? We are all waiting for you to go back! Especially Sister Tong, she misses you so much..."


Before Luo Han finished speaking, Huang Han hurriedly pretended to cough and interrupted him.

You should know that Fang Qing is Chu Nan's current girlfriend. The two of them are more concubines and stronger than Jin, and they are destined to get together in the future. But everyone knows that Chu Xingchen's girlfriend is Tong En of Nanling University, so if Luo Han mentions Tong En in front of Fang Qing, Fang Qing will be a little embarrassed.

In case this happens, Fang Qing may be regarded as a "mistress" by outsiders. After all, Chu Nan did not propose to break up with Tong En, so this kind of rumor may not happen. If Tong En knows that Chu Nan is in love again, how can she give up? In this way, neither Chu Nan nor Fang Qing will be safe.

Huang Han glanced angrily at Luohan and complained, "Didn't I tell you? The president has his own choice. We have no right to interfere. What are you asking? Also, the president doesn't want anyone to know that he came out early, let alone that he went to school here. The president now just wants to get rid of the past and live a plain life. If you don't want to make the president angry, I advise you not to say anything or ask anything.

"Why?" Luo Han has always been single-minded. The more he can't figure out, the more he wants to figure it out.

Let alone Tong En, let's talk about Nanling University.

There are a large number of people in Nanling University, and there is still Chu Nan's painstaking efforts, so Luo Han really can't figure out. Since he has regained his freedom, why didn't he return to Nanling University? No matter how you compare it, Nanling University is better than this unintrodued garbage school?

The most important thing is that everyone in Nanling University is waiting for him to go back. Only he can make Nanling University always stand at the peak of the university world and maintain the myth of undefeat.

It can be said that Chu Xingchen is the representative of Nanling University. In the past two years, the reason why no one has dared to violate Nanling University is that everyone is very sure that Chu Xingchen will return to Nanling University to control the overall situation sooner or later. Therefore, outsiders will be afraid and never dare to invade Nanling University and its subsidiaries. The major territory.

However, if it is known that Chu Xingchen will not return to Nanling University, then Nanling University will lose its backbone, and morale will certainly decline greatly. In case someone takes the opportunity to invade again, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Luo Han has a deep affection for Nanling University, and he doesn't want to see Nanling University face various crises anyway.

So he dared to ask, "President, is what Huang Han said true? Are you really not going back to Nanling University?

Regarding Luo Han's question, Chu Nan has made up his mind from the beginning, especially when he thinks of his family. He is even more determined that he will never allow himself to return to Nanling University. He vowed to get rid of disputes and live a stable life with his family.

At present, Chu Nan nodded firmly, indicating that he had answered Luo Han's question, and then said, "If it's okay, you can take those people outside back quickly. What Huang Han just said is what I want to say.

Luo Han was stunned when he heard the words, and then looked at Chu Nan's firm eyes. He only felt a cold breath rushed into his heart, instantly freezing his expectations and his dreams.

After being stunned for a long time, Luo Han said in that trembling voice, "President, Nanling University and the whole South China region are all mountains that you have beaten down with one hand!" Are you so patient to give up? President, have you forgotten your dream? Do you really have the heart to destroy all our dreams? We have been waiting for two years, day and night, hoping that you can lead us to realize our dreams again soon! But why, why did you abandon us? Why do you give up our common wish?

"Dream?" Hearing these two words, Chu Nan was also thoughtful.

has indeed brought him infinite longing and infinite motivation to everyone in Nanling University.

Standing on the top of the university world, recorded in the history of the university world, creating a new university era, calling for wind and rain, omnipotent, how huge and beautiful this dream is!

In those years, it was enough to make Chu Nan's blood boil.

However, Chu Nan is now disheartened and no longer has the slightest hope for his former "dream".

Because he has a new dream, this new dream is very simple to realize. There is no need to accumulate blood, and there is no need to pursue it by force. As long as he puts down everything he has ever done, he can easily realize it. Once this new dream is realized, it will benefit not only himself, but also his relatives. Benefit and follow happiness!

The firm heart can no longer be shaken.

At this time, Chu Nan looked at Luohan seriously and said calmly, "I'm sorry, I think my dream is very different from yours. My previous life is not suitable for me, and my current life does not want to be disturbed. If you understand what I mean, please leave."

"President, please go back to Nanling University. Please, let us fulfill the dream in our hearts together. President, I really want to go back to the past and go back to Nanling University with you!"

Luo Han pleaded sincerely. In fact, his heart was desperate, because Chu Nan's eyes were so firm that Luo Han knew that he could not shake it.

However, Luo Han was unwilling. Even if there was only a chance to shake Chu Nan, he would risk his death to plead for no other reason. Just because Chu Xingchen is the hope of all the people of Nanling University, losing him means that Nanling University has lost his soul. The past will not reproduce. Those waiting for Nanling University can only be destroyed. Death!

"Even if I go back with you, even if I can lead you to realize that so-called dream, then what?" Chu Nan asked Luo Han, and the "then" in his mouth sounded simple, but it seemed to contain a lot of things.


Luo Han thought hard, and in the end, he couldn't answer this simple question!

"Luohan, no matter how great a person's dream is, after a great experience, whether the dream is realized or not, everyone should return to plain. No one wants to live in endless struggles all their lives, including the relatives around you who care about you. What's more, the dream in your heart is not only what you hope to achieve, but also many people hope to realize it. But at the end of this dream can only accommodate one person, that person is by no means me, because I have been defeated on this road of pursuit. Therefore, that dream no longer belongs to me, it has nothing to do with me. I hope you can understand what I'm talking about.

After listening to Chu Nan's heartfelt words, Luo Han couldn't help clenching his fist.

He is not sure that he has understood Chu Nan's words, but he can be sure that Chu Nan is the boss in his mind in this life. No matter what choice he makes, his brother will listen and respect him!

"I know!" Luohan's eyes were also full of unshakable firmness. He only heard him speak slowly and said to Chu Nan seriously, "President, no matter where you are, you are the only boss of my arhat. I believe that not only I think so, but everyone in Nanling University thinks so. But I respect the president's will and won't tell anyone that you are here. It's just that I don't know what I can do for you now, but if the president needs anything in the future, please remember to let me know. No matter how I go up and down the sea of fire, I will do whatever I do!"

"Thank you!" Chu Nan sincerely thanked Luohan. He was very happy that Luohan could understand him. As long as he could help him keep a secret and not tell others that he was here, he would be very grateful to him.

"President, please take care of yourself. I'll go first!"

At the time of parting, Luo Han clenched his fist again. Although his huge eyes were full of reluctance, he still looked deeply at Chu Nan, followed his body, strode, and soon disappeared.