College Record

Chapter 235 The Last Battle

Taichen's failure of his arms is basically the same as that of an abandoned man. If Fang Qing wants to attack him, he can only let him slaughter him.

The great opportunity was right in front of her. Fang Qing did not hesitate, flew out, stepped to Taichen's side in the blink of an eye, raised her fist, waved it, and almost hit Taison's left temple with all her strength.

Even though Taichen's physique was amazing, his fragile temple could not withstand Fang Qing's hard blow. Suddenly, he felt that his eyes were black, and his feet swayed two steps. His huge body slowly leaned back. With a loud bang, he fell to the ground and fell into a semi-coma.

So far, except for the sea urchin, Hot and Taichen have been defeated and both of them have fallen to the ground. This not only made Fang Qing raise her eyebrows, but also completely show her strong strength, so that everyone in the two schools was stunned, as if they were enjoying an American blockbuster, all silent in the exciting plot. You can extricate yourself.

At this moment, Fang Zhenghao's godless eyes have become bright, staring at Fang Qing without blinking, as if Fang Qing's agile skills and gorgeous battles. If there is divine luck, Fang Zhenghao is still vivid in his mind, making him completely look at the other party with new eyes.

At this moment, Fang Qing naturally became the focus of attention. If this matter spreads, she will inevitably become the focus of the whole university community.

What is the strength of defeating the two king-level masters of Nanling University in a row?

Except for the word "powerful" to describe her, the people present have no words to use.

In the dark, there is still a small stone left in Chu Nan's hand. Even so, he also played happily.

He is very happy that he can do something for Fang Qing, which will make him feel that he is very valuable. At least for Fang Qing, he is very valuable. For this reason, as Fang Qing's boyfriend, he can't help but be a little proud.

The most important thing is that as long as Fang Qing is safe and happy, Chu Nan will be satisfied.

At this moment, Fang Qing is shining brightly, which makes people admire him.

Including the people of Nanling University, no one will regard her as a weak person again. With her strength, no one will regard her as a weak person.

But there are exceptions to everything.

When he took a closer look, he saw that the other party's eyes were still contemptuous, and it seemed that he had found some clues in Fang Qing, so his contemptuous eyes still carried the strong contempt of the other party.

Among the four heavenly kings, the sea urchin is the most calm one. Unless he is sure of winning, he will not take action at will.

But at present, the fire and Taichen have been defeated, and the sea urchin has had to take action. However, it is not difficult to see through his confident expression that before the battle has begun, he has achieved success and has the victory. He has not paid attention to Fang Qing at all, let alone been scared by Fang Qing's so-called strong strength.

After breaking his fist, the sea urchin slowly walked out of the front, with a calm heart, and slowly moved towards Fang Qing.

Looking at the thin body of sea urchin and his not very ugly face, Fang Qing was secretly relieved.

Judging from the appearance, this sea urchin is much more difficult to deal with than the first two.

Of course, this should also be the last battle!

"Alas! Even this boy has become bad! What a downwind of the world!" The probe looked at the sea urchin approaching Fang Qing in the distance, and Chu Nan whispered resentment in his mouth. In addition, he would like to remind Fang Qing that although the sea urchin seems to be weak in appearance, he is actually the strongest of the four heavenly kings, and it is no exaggeration to say that he is the capital of the four heavenly kings. Unfortunately, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Chu Nan could not appear and could only help secretly.

In the face of the slowly coming sea urchin, Fang Qing also opened the combat posture. Her small face showed confidence, and her eyes were as calm as water. No matter inside or outside, there was no emotional fluctuation at all, nor did she show any nervousness and played as usual.

After all, she has fought two games in a row, and so far, her mentality has been completely released.

On the way, there was a charming smile between the corners of the sea urchin's mouth. His smile was as warm as the sun, which made people feel so tender as water, and there was no murderousness all over his body. It seemed that he did not come to fight with Fang Qing, but more like to make peace.

Looking at the smile on the sea urchin's face, Fang Qing also unconsciously relaxed her vigilance. She really hoped that the sea urchin would come to shake hands with her, because no matter who lost or won this battle, it had no meaning in the end.

But how could she think that behind the gentle appearance opposite, there was a stormy murder?

At this moment, the sea urchin suddenly turned cold, and its fierce eyes suddenly appeared, and the murderous spirit hidden in his heart gushed out. It rose to the sky and swept through the four fields, as if it had changed from an angel to a demon in an instant. With a killing heart, he rushed straight to Fang Qing at the speed like a wild horse.

Fang Qing shouted in her heart, but because of the sudden incident, she had no way to dodge at all. She immediately lost her proportion. She was not retreating or entering, but she was stunned.

"Idiot, it's so easy to be deceived by the enemy's appearance and triathlon! Pooh!” Chu Nan was depressed and wanted to use the pebbles in his hand to help Fang Qing relieve the siege, but the environment did not allow it at all. After all, Fang Qing was facing the sea urchin at this time. If Chu Nan wanted to take action, he would at least wait until the two of them exchanged positions.

A breath rushed to Fang Qing, and the sea urchin stopped suddenly. At the same time, it punched and rushed straight to Fang Qing's face.

Anyway, Fang Qing was also a triathlon, and she reacted quickly at the critical moment, so she turned her head away and hurriedly escaped the fist of the sea urchin.

At the moment when Fang Qing dodged, the sea urchin seemed to have already seen her behavior. The current punch failed, and the sea urchin continued to kick out, aiming straight at Fang Qing's head.

As soon as she dodged the punch of the sea urchin, Fang Qing had not yet made a positive posture and faced a head-on kick. She panicked in an instant. She had to instinctively raise her arms and block in front of her head. As a result, although she successfully resisted the foot force of the sea urchin, she felt that her arms were about to crack and the pain was unbearable, and the huge impact The force directly shocked her without a step.

Driven by the pain, Fang Qing's arms trembled violently, and even the originally calm heart was now setting off a stormy wave, jumping and frightened.

She never thought that this sea urchin seemed to be thin, and its strength was so amazing that even Taichen and Huo were not as strong as him. If she was kicked by him again, she would have to spit blood and die!

As soon as she stood firm, Fang Qing stared forward at the first time. Unexpectedly, she saw a ferocious face. I don't know when the sea urchin had approached and was close to her.

Fang Qing was shocked, and her consciousness retreated a few steps, but in the end, no matter how many steps she took, the sea urchin always kept a close distance from her, and it would give her a fatal blow at any time, which was inevitable!

"Idiot, get away!" Chu Nan also became anxious. As long as Fang Qing could let the sea urchin into his sight, he could let the sea urchin eat a turtle. However, due to the speed of the sea urchin and the pressure, Fang Qing could not get rid of it at all. With a little carelessness, the consequences were unimaginable.