College Record

Chapter 241

In this family, Fang Zhenghao's words are equivalent to the imperial edict, so Fang Qing does not doubt what the maid said. After all, the maid does not dare to tell this lie, but Fang Qing really doesn't know what kind of medicine is sold in her father's gourd?

But since Fang Zhenghao said that he could eat whatever he wants, Fang Qing had no worries, so he sat down with his brother and prepared to let go of his stomach and have a big meal. Let's talk about it later.

First, she put a piece of fragrant chicken leg for her brother, and then Fang Qing picked up the bowl and chopsticks and began to wolf down. She was really hungry.

Without the rules, there is no restraint, so the sister and brother ate this meal very fast. Although there were still a lot of things left on the table, the sister and brother were very full and satisfied.

Fang Qing has never felt that the food at home is so delicious, and she has never eaten so full at home.

I just woke up and had a full meal now. Fang Qing only felt energetic and full of strength.

Seeing that the sister and brother had finished their meal, several maids began to gather around the table and clean up the bowls and chopsticks. Another maid poured a drink for the sister and brother and asked with a smile, "Miss, would you like some dessert after dinner? If the lady needs it, I will ask the chef to do it for her immediately.

"I don't need it anymore. Please ask the chef to do something for my brother. Thank you!" Fang Qing said politely to the maid.

"Miss, you are so kind. If you need anything in the future, just tell us. It is our business to serve a good master, a good lady and a good young master. The maid looked a little flattered, but she was enthusiastic and thoughtful.

Looking at the smile on the maid's face and the respect contained in the maid's eyes, Fang Qing felt that she was a member of the family and the eldest lady of the family.

Fang Qing also felt this feeling for the first time in her life.

Fang Qing is strange. What the hell is going on?

The maid's attitude towards herself is also very good, which is simply inferior.

In the past, it would have been good if they didn't look at themselves!

"If you don't need anything, please go to the master's study. The master had told him before that he was waiting for the young lady in the study. The maid's voice sounded again, still so polite.

Speaking of her father, Fang Qing's heart was habitually thumping, and her spirit that had just gotten better became depressed in an instant, and her spine collapsed. She was both nervous and scared. She couldn't understand after thinking about it. What did her father ask him to go to his study? Also, does Dad really allow himself to enter his study?

"Are you sure Dad really asked me to meet him in the study?" Fang Qing was skeptical and asked the maid.

"There is nothing wrong with what the master said himself. Miss, please rest assured. The maid said firmly.

Since it was Fang Zhenghao's order, Fang Qing had to go even if she didn't want to. She didn't have the courage to disobey her father.

It's just that he is still wearing pajamas. If he goes to see his father like this, he will think that he doesn't respect him and then be furious, right?

"Where's my school uniform?" Fang Qing asked the maid. Even if she wants to see her father, she has to dress formally. In front of her father, there is no room for her to be casual.

"Miss's school uniform has been taken for dry cleaning, which is also ordered by the master before. The master also said that you can go to the study to see him at any time, as long as the young lady is not bare.

Fang Qing blushed when she heard the words, and at the same time, she was puzzled: Is this really what Dad said? Is he so unscrupulous?

There is nothing she can do. Fang Qing can only wear pajamas to see her father. She dares not let her father wait for a long time.

came to the third floor and stood in front of Fang Zhenghao's study. Fang Qing was in a worried mood and almost knocked on the door, but she couldn't get it.

This study has always been her forbidden place.

If Fang Zhenghao hadn't called her to come today, she wouldn't have even the courage to pass by, let alone stepped into the threshold.

is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse that cannot be avoided.

All the doubts in my heart today will be solved after entering.

With this in mind, Fang Qing summoned up her courage, cheered up, raised her hand and gently knocked on the door twice.

"Come in."

Fang Zhenghao's voice sounded faintly, and Fang Qing did not feel so nervous, because she did not hear the harshness of the past in Fang Zhenghao's voice. On the contrary, it sounded so kind and approachable.

After getting Fang Zhenghao's permission, Fang Qing slowly opened the door and tiptoed into the room.

The lights are bright, shining the whole room like the day, and you can see everything.

Fang Qing looked around the four walls and saw that the wall was full of photos of different sizes. The people in the photos were so familiar. There were fathers, mothers, and the young figure in their arms, isn't it herself?

Taking a closer look, Fang Qing found that there were not only photos, but also many colorful paintings hanging on the wall, but the people in the painting seemed to be unchanged forever. There were only four people coming and going, father, mother, brother, and herself!

Moreover, these photos and color paintings are obviously some years old, and it seems that they have been hanging in this room for a long time!

But why...

"These photos were taken when you were a child, and you were still ignorant at that time. I painted these paintings myself, and they are the most precious to me!" Fang Zhenghao stood in front of the desk, bowing his head and writing something with a pen, while saying with kindness.

"These photos and paintings are your most precious things, Dad?" Fang Qing was completely attracted by the current scene and couldn't help admiring it and muttered puzzledly.

To say that there is no herself in the photos and those paintings, then Fang Qing will definitely believe what her father said, but in every photo and every painting here, she has her own existence. However, her father has never liked herself, so Fang Qing is really puzzled how he can allow herself to appear in his most precious things. Question mark

"Ha ha, silly girl, the most precious thing I said is not to refer to these photos and paintings, but to the people in the photos and the people in the paintings. They are the most precious thing."

Suddenly hearing Fang Zhenghao's words, Fang Qing couldn't help frowning and slowly focusing her eyes on her father. All kinds of emotions in her heart changed on her face like a horse lantern.

She is now very suspicious of her ears, thinking that she has just had hallucinations and heard some unrealistic words.

The most precious thing!

How can you be your father's most precious thing?

Fang Qing doesn't believe it, and she doesn't believe it.

Hearing is virtual, and seeing is believing.

Fang Qing only knew that she had never received love and care from her father. What she got was only countless cold eyes and beatings and scolding. The only thing she saw most was the "hatred" look hidden in her father's eyes.

Although she has heard these words as her father said today, they are always in a dream.

In reality, she can't hear her father say such heartwarming words to herself. She can only see her father bring her painful experiences again and again!

Therefore, she has always believed that hearing is false and seeing is believing!