College Record

Chapter 250 Death

Chu Nan also has a younger sister, and he understands the relationship between siblings.

If his sister is in danger, he will not think like Xiong Han, and even risk his life to save his sister from danger.

Taking advantage of Chu Nan's distraction, Xiong Han suddenly jumped behind him, but he opened his arms and hugged Chu Nan for the bear. Following him, the heavy blood wave also surged over, and then quickly changed his shape and differentiated countless blood ropes, criscrossed, like the roots of an old tree, and soon tied the two tightly. .

"Brother, I'm here to hold him back. Go and carry out Sister Tong's order. Once the mission is successful, it is equivalent to our two brothers returning Sister Tong's favor!"

Because of too much blood loss, Xiong Han's face was ashes at this time, but his strength was surprisingly strong. He firmly fixed Chu Nan in his arms, making it difficult for Chu Nan to walk.

* looked deeply at Xiong Han and didn't say anything. He just nodded heavily, immediately changed his goal, and rushed straight to Fang Qing.

Chu Nan had the intention to get rid of Xiong Han's bear hug, but the more he struggled, the tighter the blood rope wrapped around his body would wrinkle, and he could hardly breathe.

"Are you going to die with me?" Chu Nan only felt that the blood rope wrapped around his body was getting tighter and tighter. If he went on like this, his body would definitely be cut into countless pieces by these blood ropes and end up dead bodies.

Of course, if Chu Nan suffers misfortune, Xiong Han will not be spared. After all, under the bondage of those blood ropes, he and Chu Nan have been united.

However, Xiong Han looked like death and gave up his life at this time, and his silence clearly answered Chu Nan's question.

The next moment, seeing that * was about to rush to Fang Qing, the people of Shengwu College immediately stood up, forming a thick human wall in front of Fang Qing, and also preventing * from moving forward.

"I don't want to hurt you. Get out of the way, or don't blame my ruthlessness!"

After a warning, *s suddenly stretched out his arms and his thoughts moved. Two basketball-sized fireballs instantly appeared in his palms. The fireballs turned over, the heat wave was burning, and he was eager to try. It seemed to contain the power to burn everything. Once ordinary people come into contact, they must turn into ashes.

However, in the face of the warning of * and his powerful power, everyone was unmoved. They always formed a human wall and stood firmly in front of Fang Qing. Although everyone was very scared, they believed that Chu Nan would not let them be hurt.

Obviously, Chu Nan has brought an extremely powerful spiritual force to everyone. In the face of this power, everyone can be fearless!

"You two brothers are obviously good people. Why do you have to do things so well?" Chu Nan expected that * would not hurt the innocent, so he was not in a hurry to hurt Xiong Han, but admired the two brothers in his heart. If possible, Chu Nan would like to be friends with them, not enemies.

"Chairman Chu, although our two brothers are both rough, we also know how to repay kindness. Sister Tong is grateful to us. Her order is our life, so we will complete her order at any cost, including sacrificing her life!"

Xiong Han's gloomy eyes were extremely firm. He didn't want to be the enemy of Chu Nan, but unfortunately, in order to repay his kindness, he had to be the enemy of Chu Nan.

"Huh!" Chu Nan sneered, looked a little impatient, and said fiercely, "Is it true that as long as you two brothers die once, you will repay the kindness of Tong's kindness? In this case, I will do as you two brothers wish!"

After saying that, the cold light suddenly flashed in Chu Nan's eyes, and above his body was a firelight. Looking at the burning flame, there seemed to be lava rolling, and the strong heat emitted by it not only melted the blood rope tied to him, but also the earth seemed to be gradually melting.

At this moment, Chu Nan is like a burning sun, with firelight and momentum like a rainbow, making the whole campus shrouded in brilliant light, so that everyone can't help turning their heads and closing their eyes and dare not look directly at it.


bursts of heartbreaking screams kept emanting from Xiong Han's mouth, which sounded worse than death. However, he still hugged Chu Nan tightly. Even if his hands were burned with blood bubbles, even if his body was burning crazily, he did not mean to let go. He always fixed Chu Nan in place, making it difficult for him to walk.

Hearing his brother's howling, * couldn't help turning around and seeing that his brother was already entangled in fire. He couldn't help but be shocked and was about to go to the rescue. However, thinking of his brother's painstaking efforts, he still gritted his teeth and suddenly turned to face a group of Shengwu college students. As a last, he had to choose to take action to solve it as soon as possible. Fang Qing, complete Tong En's order.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Fang Qing rushed out of the crowd, stood resolutely in front of * and said calmly, "The person you want to kill is me, regardless of their business. I'm here. If you want to kill me, come to me!"


The students spoke with one voice and scrambled to be the first. Soon, the students were like a torrent and drowned Fang Qing's figure again.

"President, we owe you too much. Anyway, we will protect you once today. Chu Nan is right. Even if it's only once, we will be vigorous!"


In the face of the flame in *'s hands, the students are calm and determined, vowing to be Fang Qing's patron saint, even if only once...

Fang Qing burst into tears and was moved. She wanted to rush out of the crowd and protect everyone as the president of the student union, but she was surrounded by her classmates and was as difficult as Chu Nan!

"You asked for it. Don't blame me!"

* Without hesitation, he suddenly combined the fireball on his palms into one, and the energy increased more than 100 times in an instant. Under one blow, it was enough to burn all the material in front of him. At that time, all the students in front of him would never be spared!


Just as the energy in *'s hand was dying, suddenly a voice came from behind him.

* He was stunned when he heard the sound. He was naturally familiar with this sound, but he didn't know why he was so calm?

The owner of this voice should be being controlled by his younger brother, isn't it...

*Instinctively turned around, looked around, and was immediately shocked.

I saw that Chu Nan had broken free from Xiong Han's shackles, but Chu Nan was safe and sound all over his body. He grabbed Xiong Han's neck with one hand and controlled him in the palm of his hand.

However, Xiong Han was miserable and stretched. His body was full of large and small blisters. Even his face was severely burned, and there was a trace of white smoke on his skin. His whole body was dying, and he was held in his hands like a dead fish.

After a closer look, * suddenly burst into tears and sadness.

However, Xiong Han's two arms were gone, and there were obvious burn marks on the wound, but no blood flowed out, because his blood had already dried up, and only his soul returned to Jiuquan and died!

Although Chu Nan is expressionless, he is obviously warning* with actions. If * dares to hurt Fang Qing or any student, he will kill Xiong Han in an instant.

Turning his head and took a look at Tong En, who was stunned. Chu Nan couldn't help showing disgust in his eyes. He didn't want to hurt Xiong Han, but Xiong Han obeyed Tong En's instructions and insisted on doing so. He refused to let him go. He must let * complete the order issued by Tong En.

In desperation, Chu Nan had to burn Xiong Han's arms. In this way, he could not restrain Chu Nan. Chu Nan can also blackmail him *. For Chu Nan, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone, but for Xiong Han and *, this is inevitably too cruel!

However, in Chu Nan's view, the two brothers are not wrong, and they are not wrong. There is only one wrong person, not Tong En. Who else will it be?


Looking at Xiong Han's tragic situation, * his liver and intestines were broken and heartbroken, as if someone was cutting his heart with a knife, making him make a hysterical cry.


The bear is cold and precarious, but if he can get timely treatment, he may still be able to save his life. Of course, it all depends on *.

If * stop here, Chu Nan will never continue to take action.

"*, your brother is dying. Can you really bear to watch him die in front of you? Stop it and take your brother to the hospital now. He can still be saved. If you insist on going your own way, don't blame my ruthlessness."

Because Chunan is too far away, * if he wants to launch a power attack on everyone, it is impossible for Chunan to rush to protect everyone in time, so Chunan can only threaten Xiong Han in order to force * to submit.

Although * can also threaten Chu Nan with Fang Qing and everyone's lives, Chu Nan believes that he will not do so, because Chu Nan believes that brotherhood is much more important than the so-called love and classmates.

Finally, *'s psychological defense was completely broken, and the fireball in his hand gradually became smaller and extinguished. After that, he didn't care about anything and ran towards his brother while shedding tears.