College Record

Chapter 266 Fair Showdown

Until Dong Sheng made his cheeks swollen like a steamed bun, Chu Nan didn't care at all. Obviously, he didn't want to defend Dong Sheng.

Seeing that Chu Nan was indifferent, Dong Sheng also stopped self-harming at this time, but stared at Chu Nan pitifully like a lamb to be slaughtered, eagerly hoping that Chu Nan could open up and let him go.

But at this point, how can it be said?

"You either kill him directly or let him go. If you torture him and humiliate him, what's the difference between you and him? Chu Nan looked at Huang Han seriously, and the meaning of the words was quite obvious. He wanted Huang Han to be decisive.

Huang Han understood what Chu Nan meant, nodded and said, "Even if the president doesn't say it, I know how to do it. After all, I used to be from Nanling University."

"Bear two knives!"

Once Huang Han said this, the two brothers gave him the machete in their hands. The knife was still stained with blood, but they could not hide the sharpness of blowing hair.

"You all retreat. Our Huaxing Society will not bully the young. The boss will solve his own affairs by himself!" After talking to the brothers behind him, Huang Han said to Chu Nan, "I'm sorry, please step back temporarily."

Chu Nan didn't say anything, but silently retreated a few steps. At the same time, the brothers also retreated together, gradually opening up an open space for Huang Han and Dong Sheng.

Huang Han threw one of the knives at Dong Sheng's feet and resolutely said, "Let's pick them up. Let's use these two knives to make a break today, which also puts an end to the resentment between Huaxing Society and the White Tiger Gang for many years. Life and death are safe!"

At this point, Huang Han said to the brothers behind him, "Listen, what I want is a fair confrontation, and no one is allowed to interfere. If I unfortunately die under the knife of Boss Dong today, no one is allowed to avenge me and let Boss Dong go. Did you hear that?"

"Yes, boss!"

The brothers responded loudly, and the sound was like a rainbow!

Looking down at the blood-stained three-foot edge under his feet, and looking at Huang Han's weak appearance, Dong Sheng faintly saw a trace of hope.

Anyway, Dong Sheng is also an old man. He has used a lot of knives and guns along the way. He will always have some kung fu foundation. Group P is not good, and there is no problem to fight one-on.

What's more, Huang Han has been tortured to death before. At present, he is scarred and exhausted. If he cuts each other, Dong Sheng feels that he may not lose.

Thinking about this, Dong Sheng bent over and picked up the machete on the ground and held it tightly in his hand. His face gradually became ferocious, and his eyes were murderous, concentrated and concentrated. Obviously, he focused all his attention on Huang Han alone, and looked like he wanted to remove Huang Han into eight pieces.

How dare Dong Sheng be careless when it is about life and death?

Huang Han also dares not underestimate the enemy. He clenched the handle of the knife with both hands and was ready to go. In a word, either Dong Sheng died today or he died. Things must be done, otherwise Huaxing Society and the White Tiger Gang will fight endlessly, and I don't know how many brothers will die in vain in the future!

However, Huang Han took into account the morality of the world. He had done his best to Dong Shengren and gave him a chance to live. Next, it depends on who will kill the deer!


Dong Sheng suddenly shouted, moved his feet, and rushed forward. At the same time, he waved a knife with his big arm, and hit Huang Han's head fiercely, as if he were fighting for the death!

Huang Han aimed at the situation and immediately blocked it.


With a blunt sound, under the fierce collision of the two knives, a dazzling spark came out, but Huang Han was shaken back four or five steps, his arm was numb, and the machete almost fell off his hand. It can be seen that Dong Sheng is not an easy to deal with.

Dong Sheng did not stop at all. He pressed step by step, took advantage of the situation to pursue, mechanically waved the long knife in his hand, and cut it according to Huang Han. The knife hit the key point of Huang Han, and couldn't wait to kill him.

Fortunately, Huang Han used to be a good fighter, especially in Nanling University. Fighting was more common. He also often fought with the enemy, so he has certain practical experience and a calm heart, which can keep him calm at any time.

At present, in the face of Dong Sheng's fierce pursuit, Huang Han kept wielding his knife and retreating carefully. However, he was clearly at a disadvantage, but at this moment, the brothers of Huaxing Society did not care about him, but showed sincere trust in him, believing that he must be able to cut Dong Sheng alive and completely lay the foundation for Hua. The status of Xingshe in Qinhai City.

Of course, Chu Nan does not doubt Huang Han's strength. Although Huang Han is in a weak state, his skills are by no means under the four heavenly kings of Nanling. It is precisely because Chu Nan believes in him that he let him have a fair confrontation with Dong Sheng. When this matter spreads in the future, it will be beneficial to both Huaxing Society and Huang Han. Harm.

Until there was no retreat, Huang Han stopped, and then there was a wall to block it. In front of him, there was Dong Sheng's long blade facing each other. Although Huang Han's situation could not be attacked by the enemy, there were tigers and wolves in the front, and there was no way back. The situation was precarious.

"Go to hell!"

Dong Sheng stared at the right time, lifted his strength, and raised his knife to cut Huang Han's forehead fiercely.

The blood in Dong Sheng's eyes shocked Huang Han. Obviously, in order to save his life, Dong Sheng's eyes were red!

In a hurry, Huang Han could only block Dong Sheng's full blow.

When Dong Sheng was cut with a knife, Huang Han only felt numb. The long knife in his hand was actually divided into two and broken into two pieces. Then he only heard a "sneer". The knife in Dong Sheng's hand had been cut into three parts and cut on Huang Han's shoulder!

The blood couldn't stop flowing, and soon dyed Huang Han's whole arm red, which made the brothers of Huaxing Society crack their eyes and couldn't wait to rush up and smash Dong Sheng to pieces.

Seeing this scene, Chu Nan couldn't help clenching his fist, but he did not take action and still chose to believe in Huang Han.

Feeling the sharp pain brought by his shoulders and the warm blood, at this moment, there seemed to be a sound of fighting in Huang Han's ears, and pictures flashed one after another in his mind, which gradually made a stream of blood pour into his heart and made him excited.

At this moment, Huang Hanruo returned to the bloody era two years ago, and to the crazy era when he had to fight with the enemy even if he was covered in blood.

As long as the blood is not cold, it can be invincible!

Although these two sentences are a little outdated, they are stimulating Huang Han's heart and unconsciously increase his strength. At this time, he held the half of the broken knife in his hand, suddenly gritted his teeth, and immediately grabbed Dong Sheng's knife-holding arm, making him unable to attack or retreat. Unexpectedly He was controlled by Huang Han.

Dong Sheng was shocked and desperately wanted to continue to kill Huang Han with a knife. However, he was exhausted and could not get rid of Huang Han's shackles.

"That sentence just now, now I will return it to you intact..."

"Go to hell!"

With a harsh words, Huang Han took a step forward and stabbed half of the broken knife in his hand horizontally. With a "pop", half of the broken knife pierced Dong Sheng's chest and completely penetrated his heart!

Time, the picture, as if fixed, all fall into a static...

The next moment, Dong Sheng's turbid eyes were gradually covered with a layer of blood mist, his face was as white as snow, his lips were dry and cracked, and there was not even a trace of breath of life. The knife in his hand also fell to the ground, making a crisp sound, as if ringing the bell at the end of the battle of life and death.

Huang Han's face was fierce, and he quickly pulled out the half of the broken knife from Dong Sheng's heart and brought out an amazing pillar of blood. Then he saw Dong Sheng's eyes closed, and his whole body collapsed to the ground in an instant. He had no reaction. His life was lost and died on the spot!

"Good job, boss!"

"From now on, Qinhai City will be the world of our Huaxing Society!"

"The boss is awesome, the boss is powerful!"

For a while, the brothers of Huaxing Society were unable to suppress their excitement. They couldn't help raising their knives and shouting wildly. The sound spread all over the world, making the atmosphere like a swearing conference of the underworld. All of them were boiling blood and powerful!

Huang Han was in the glory and enjoyed the joy of victory. After pouring a long breath of cold air, he threw away the bloody knife in his hand and stumbled to Chu Nan, trying to straighten his waist. Although he was bleeding and he was quite weak, he had a smile on his face and said to Chu Nan, "President, I didn't let you down and lose face to our Nanling University. As long as the blood is not cold, it can be invincible! I remember what the president said and did it!"

After saying that, Huang Han couldn't help closing his eyes and fainted on the spot.

Chu Nan stretched out his hand to hold him back and saved him from falling.

At the same time, Chu Nan realized that the moment when Huang Han turned defeat into victory, his consciousness had returned to Nanling University two years ago, and returned to that invincible time!

Indeed, that time was indeed desirable, happy, and even brought endless motivation, because at that time, everyone in Nanling University had a dream.

If you have a dream, you have motivation.

However, Chu Nan felt that he could no longer find the previous feeling. It seemed that everything he had could only stay in his memory. In reality, he could not turn back and didn't want to look back!

"You can take him to the hospital." Chu Nan gently opened his mouth. So far, everything he should have done has been done. In the future, he just wants to be quiet and really doesn't want his relatives or friends around him to be hurt any more.

"President Chu, what about you?" A brother from Huaxing Society asked, and several others hurriedly picked up Huang Han and went straight to the hospital.

"Me?" Chu Nan smiled and then walked to the open door and said, "Of course I have lived in my life. Do you want me to fight and kill with you all day long? How boring is this? In addition, when Huang Han wakes up, you tell him that I still owe him a lot of money. Let him live well before the money is paid off.

"Chairman Chu, thank you!" A brother sincerely thanked Chu Nan for Huaxing Society, Huang Han, and everyone else.

"It should be me who said thank you. I owe you too much. Go back and help me lay flowers for my dead brothers, hoping to see them again in hell or heaven in the future!"

When the voice echoed, Chu Nan had disappeared. The brothers were stunned and looked at his disappeared trajectory. Dimly, everyone felt that this might be the last time they saw him...