College Record

Chapter 273 Bloody Killing 2

Chu Nan said a word, and six of them focused their eyes on the people in the middle.

Obviously, this person is Liu Bao. Of course, he is also the main murderer who cut Fang Qing yesterday, and Chu Nan specially came to kill him.

staring at Liu Bao's long thin face, Chu Nan was angry from his heart, and his evil thoughts followed. The alien energy in his body was ready to move and roll over. He seemed to feel nothing in his heart except ruthless killing.

"I am Liu Bao. Brother, which road are you on? We are from the Associated Press.

Liu Bao knew that it was not easy to mess with, so he wanted to scare Chu Nan in the name of the gang.

and the Associated Press is indeed a relatively large gang, with 5,000 members and a certain status in the world, but these are not important to Chu Nan. In his opinion, even if Tianwang Laozi comes today, he can't protect Liu Bao.

Clenched his fist, and Chu Nan slowly walked to Liu Bao.

If he wants to kill Liu Bao, he only needs to stimulate the power in his body, which is as simple as crushing an ant, but Chu Nan does not use the power, which seems to be too cheap for Liu Bao.

Chu Nan has always had a clear understanding of kindness and resentment, and prefers to give back to him.

Since it is a blood debt, Liu Bao has to repay it with blood.

Seeing the ruthless face, Liu Bao immediately waved the steel knife in his hand and shouted to the people around him, "Go on, kill him!"

The six little brothers looked at each other, then nodded to each other, and then swung the steel knives in their hands and rushed up. They were all fierce and murderous. They couldn't wait to unload Chu Nan into eight pieces.

In the face of the frontal attack of six people, Chu South Africa did not stop, but quickly met him. He stepped forward and kicked the opposite person unprepared. The knife in his hand also flew high, and he also took off and hit the wall ten meters away. After landing, he was depressed and showed no sign of life.

The other five people did not stagnate for half a moment and raised their knives at Chu Nan and cut them down at the same time.

In the gap, Chu Nan quickly reached out to take the knife above his head, immediately cut it straight down, and immediately opened the head of one of them. Then he waved left and right, and the cold light flashed and sealed his throat with a knife, which instantly made the movements of the left and right two people fall silent. Then he stabbed the yellow dragon with his backhand. With a sneer, he actually broke the other person through his intestines. Without waiting for the man to fall, Chu Nan raised his foot and kicked him as fast as lightning, and kicked the last person to the ground. As a result, before the man stood up, Chu Nan threw out the knife in his hand and fixed his body firmly on the ground.

At the same time, the other four people also fell down one after another, and a large amount of blood gushed out of them, gradually forming a river of blood at the feet of Chunan. Bloody air filled the air and replaced the rotten smell of all kinds of food. At this time, this scene was like a hell of blood, which was shocking.

In a short film, six living people turned into six bodies, and all of them died in the same person's hands, and everyone was fatally hit.

Can Liu Bao be comparable to the strength and courage of the other party?

Of course, Chu Nan did not kill innocent people indiscriminately. After all, everyone here hurts Fang Qing.

Chu Nan can tolerate anything, but he can't tolerate someone hurting the people around him. Therefore, these people all deserve to die, at least in Chu Nan's eyes, they deserve to die!

Looking at Chu Nan, whose body was splashed with blood, Liu Bao was like looking at a fierce ghost. His eyes trembled and his legs shook. His whole body was like a frosty eggplant, shaky and frightened. There was also a pool of yellow water under his feet. Obviously, he was obviously scared to pee.

He doesn't even know what happened?

Who is the other party? Why did you find it here? What are you here for?

For these problems, Liu Bao is still in the dark, so even if he dies here today, he doesn't know why he died, and he will not close his eyes when he dies.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you kill me? Don't come here, don't come..."

Facing Chu Nan, who was approaching step by step, Liu Bao had no way to retreat. He could only stand against the wall and keep waving the machete in his hand, but he looked so weak, as if he was making the final struggle. After that, what was waiting for him was the abyss of death!

Chu Nan took a closer look and saw that the knife in Liu Bao's hand was still stained with blood. Although the blood had dried, it clearly reflected the scene when Liu Bao hurt Fang Qing yesterday, which made Chu Nan vividly and deeply stimulated his heart.

"Why, why did you hurt Fang Qing?"

Chu Nan seemed to be talking to himself, with countless blood in his eyes. It seemed that his eyes had been red. He couldn't stop trying to stop. His ferocious expression, blood all over his body, and red eyes. At first glance, he was like a demon from hell, which made Liu Bao frightened and frightened.

At this point, Liu Bao finally understood what the person in front of him came for. It turned out to be because of the girl yesterday.

Because Liu Bao has always done things with money, he doesn't care about other things. This is the rule of the world, so he doesn't know who the girl who was hurt him yesterday is.

Today, it seems that the identity of that girl is quite not simple, and there can be such a person to take the lead for her!

However, for Liu Bao, these are no longer important. What matters is how to save their lives.

When thinking about life and death, Liu Bao suddenly knelt down and hugged Chu Nan's legs with both hands. He had a runny nose and tears, and even explained, "Brother, oh no, big brother, listen to me, I'm just doing things with money. I didn't mean to cut the girl yesterday. The person who instructed me is Tong En. She is the eldest sister of Nanling University. She has something to say. How dare I not listen? If you want to avenge, go to that Tong En. It's none of my business, big brother!"

Hearing this, Chu Nan seemed to be moved and was stunned.

Chu Nan didn't expect that so many people would be afraid of Nanling University.

For example, this Liu Bao, in order not to offend Nanling University, he didn't even let go of a girl who had no grudge against him, which was really terrible!

The reason why Nanling University is notorious and everyone is afraid of it is directly related to a person. If this person is not Chu Xingchen, who else will it be?

Thinking so, Chu Nan was stunned again.

So, the reason why Fang Qing has become like this today also has something to do with herself!

At the thought of this, Chu Nan suddenly had a fury in his heart!

He hates people who hurt Fang Qing, but he hates himself even more.

After all, he "established" today's Nanling University, but Fang Qing's life and death are uncertain, but he has nothing to do with Nanling University!

Take a step back and say that if Chu Nan had been able to get rid of the relationship with Tong En earlier, Fang Qing would not have become what she is today.

This is not his fault, but whose fault is it?

Everything seems to have been doomed.

Or, this is karma.

For Chunan at this moment, the latter is more appropriate.

But the evil results he once planted today require Fang Qing to repay them. Chu Nan can't accept them for a moment. If he can, he hopes that he will carry all the evil consequences, but he can't fulfill God's wishes, because what shouldn't have happened has happened!