College Record

Chapter 285 Pretling

When he came to the desk, Chu Nan handed a bottle of orange juice to Su Mengting and smiled, "By the way, I bought a bottle for you."

Su Mengting took the drink with a smile and thanked him. After that, she thought about Fang Qing in her heart and continued to talk about the so-called Maoshan curse, hoping that Fang Qing would be entangled by evil spirits and fall into hell forever.

Chu Nan picked up the mobile phone on the desk, checked the missed phone, and looked at the mailbox. He was afraid that he would miss Fang Qing's phone call or text message when he went out.

Seeing Chu Nan concentrate on pounding his mobile phone, Su Mengting knew what he was doing. She must have wanted to see if Fang Qing had contacted him.

Thinking of Fang Qing, Su Mengting couldn't help but be angry and jealous. She repeated the so-called Maoshan forbidden curse over and over again in her heart. She earnestly hoped that Fang Qing would die of breath now and return to Jiuquan!

At the same time, she seems to have forgotten that Fang Qing just made a phone call. Although she did not answer, it will still be displayed on the call record.

Chu Nan couldn't help but be happy when he accidentally saw Fang Qing's call, but when he saw that he didn't answer the phone, he was puzzled. It seemed that he had never refused to answer Fang Qing's phone?

Turning his head and looked at Su Mengting, Chu Nan casually asked, "Did Fang Qing call me just now?"

Su Mengting was stunned when she heard the words, only to remember that she had just deleted the text message and did not clear the call record.

Anyway, Su Mengting will never admit that she has moved Chu Nan's mobile phone. She doesn't want to destroy the clever image she has finally established in Chu Nan's heart.

Su Mengting shook her head, saying that she didn't know.

Chu Nan didn't say much. Just call and ask Fang Qing.

So I was about to press the call button, but suddenly I heard Su Mengting say, "Chu Nan, my parents want to invite you to lunch. I don't know if you are free after school?"

At the time after school, Chu Nan just wanted to visit Fang Qing. In addition, he didn't want to go anywhere, so he looked at Su Mengting with a smile and refused, "I'm sorry, I have something to do after school, so I can't make time. Go back and thank my aunt for help. I appreciate their kindness.

After saying that, she turned her eyes back to the mobile phone screen, but without waiting for him to call Fang Qing's phone, Su Mengting suddenly made a muffled hum, which sounded extremely painful.

Chu Nan looked at it in a blink of an eye and saw Su Mengting covering her chest tightly with her hand. Her face turned red and turned white. There were tears surging in her eyes. She looked quite uncomfortable, as if she had a drug addiction attack, but it was more like a sudden injury.

Yes, in order to prevent Chu Nan from contacting Fang Qing, Su Mengting just bit her tongue, because only in this way can she show real pain and make Chu Nan believe it.

Of course, her purpose is to divert Chu Nan's attention, or she wants to monopolize Chu Nan. For this reason, she will be willing to bite off her whole tongue at any cost.

"What's wrong? Why is your face so ugly? Chu Nan asked with concern, obviously that his attention was successfully diverted by Su Mengting.

"I... I feel so uncomfortable. I always feel hot, cold, numb and painful. Chu Nan, I really feel bad. Am I... Am I going to die?" Su Mengting's tongue was bleeding crazily, while she kept swallowing, not afraid of the bloody smell at all. At the same time, she pretended to be addicted to drugs and waited for Chu Nan's pity.

Looking at Su Mengting with a pale face, Chu Nan was slightly anxious.

Although he has never tried poison/product, he also knows the harm caused by poison/product. Especially when drug addiction occurs, that taste can really make people suffer a lot, and life is worse than death!

"Do you have medicine with you?" Chu Nan put away his mobile phone and paid full attention to Su Mengting.

"I forgot to bring it. Chu Nan, I feel so bad. What should I do? Su Mengting didn't lie. She really didn't bring any medicine. Because she has quit her drug addiction with extraordinary willpower in the past few days. As long as it is something Chunan doesn't like, she will abandon it without reservation. At the same time, she is also lying, because her drug addiction has not happened at all. It can be said that painstaking efforts have been exhausted.

Seeing that Su Mengting's appearance became more and more painful, Chu Nan had no time to think too much and said, "I'll take you to the hospital." After saying that, he helped Su Mengting up.

Su Mengting just got together, but suddenly her body softened and said weakly, "No, I have no strength all over my body and can't walk at all."

Su Mengting did not show a trace of flaws, which made her look extremely weak no matter how painful she looked.

Chu Nan saw it and couldn't bear it. He simply held Su Mengting in his arms, and then went straight out of the classroom in full view of the public, intending to send Su Mengting to the hospital.

Seeing this scene, the students all opened their eyes wide.

Everyone doesn't know that Su Mengting has taken drugs, and they don't know that her addiction has "attacked" at this moment, so in everyone's eyes, they only saw a very ambiguous scene between a man and a woman, that is, Chu Nan gently took Su Mengting away regardless of everyone's eyes, completely a pair of love.

A girl couldn't stand it anymore, so she took out her mobile phone and called Fang Qing.

When the phone was connected, the girl opened her mouth and said, "Oh, my God, president, we finally got in touch with you. Where have you been these days? Why is the mobile phone always turned off?

Fang Qing also got a new mobile phone today. When the old mobile phone was ambushed, she didn't know where it was.

Originally, Fang Qing wanted to find a classmate to ask about Chu Nan's situation, but the students' phone numbers were stored in their old mobile phones, so she always hoped that a classmate would call her.

At this moment, it suddenly came true, and Fang Qing also cheered up and hurriedly asked, "Xiaolan, is Chu Nan at school?"

The girl named Xiaolan sighed disappointedly and said, "I was there just now, and now I'm gone. And he didn't walk by himself, and he still held a person in his arms.

Fang Qing was puzzled and asked, "Where has he gone?" What is holding a person in your arms? Please make it clear."

"General Assembly President Chu just left the classroom in a hurry with Su Mengting in his arms. We don't know where they are going, but we can be sure that there must be something wrong with them."

Hearing this, Fang Qing felt a chill seeping into her body, cold from head to toe.

Chu Xingyue didn't know himself. Chu Nan sent himself a malicious text message. Now he is still with Su Mengting, and he is still in pairs, like glue.

She suffered these serious blows one after another. Even if Fang Qing was so strong, she couldn't stand it.


When he came to the school gate, Chunan stopped a taxi.

First, he carefully put Su Mengting in the car, and Chu Nan also got into the car and said to the driver, "Please go to the hospital."

"No, I want to go home. I don't want to go to the hospital. I want to survive by my own will. I want to prove to my parents that I will definitely quit my drug addiction. I don't want them to worry about me anymore." Su Mengting's eyes were firm and resolute. Obviously, she played the family card.

If she goes to the hospital, Su Mengting will definitely be recorded by the hospital. After all, she uses drugs and may alarm the police, which will have an impact on her future and reputation.

After thinking about it so carefully, Chu Nan nodded and promised to send Su Mengting home.

After a while, the taxi slowly stopped at the door of the Happiness Restaurant.

After paying, Chu Nan took the sleepy Su Mengting out of the car and went straight into the restaurant.

Suddenly, when they saw their daughter's face ashes, weak and taken back by Chu Nan, Su Huaqing and Xiao Ping were suddenly nervous. They only heard Xiao Ping ask quickly, "What's wrong with Xiaoting?"

"It should be a drug addiction attack, right?" The only thing Chu Nan can think of is Su Mengting's drug addiction. In addition, he doesn't know what's wrong with Su Mengting?

"Drug addiction attack?"

The couple looked at each other and saw confusion in each other's eyes.

A few days ago, Su Mengting did have symptoms of drug addiction, but it is not so serious now. What's more, she hasn't been exposed to poisons for a long time, and she hasn't touched those things for a long time, so she should no longer be addicted to drugs. Why did she attack again today?

At this time, Xiao Ping was about to say something, but was interrupted by Su Mengting's weak voice: "Chu Nan, I want to go back to my room to have a rest. I don't want my parents to see me like this. I don't want them to be worried about me anymore.

Chunan nodded with a smile and comforted the couple, "Don't worry. If she can survive until now, it means that her addiction is not very big, and there should be no problem. Sorry, I'll take her back to the room first.

After saying that, Chu Nan walked straight to the third floor with Su Mengting in his arms.

Since Chu Nan had come to Su Mengting's boudoir once last time, he soon returned to the old one, then gently put Su Mengting to sleep**, helped her cover her with a quilt, and wipe the sweat on her forehead.

"Wait a minute, I'll pour you a glass of water. If we really can't survive, we will take medicine." After saying with a smile, Chu Nan went to help Su Mengting pour a glass of water, raised her head and carefully fed the water into her mouth.

At this moment, Su Mengting is happy, and she has made up her mind to keep this happiness and not allow any deprivation. Unless she dies!

So far, Chu Nan has finished what should be done, and the next step is to depend on Su Mengting's own willpower.

"Have a good rest. I'll go first."

After saying that, Chu Nan turned around and was about to leave, but was suddenly held by Su Mengting.

"Chu Nan, can you stay with me? I feel so scared and lonely alone!" Su Mengting's face was bloodless, but her eyes were bright. She looked so innocent, especially the strong plea revealed from her tone, which made Chu Nan unable to refuse.

However, Chu Nan still wants to visit Fang Qing.

After all, he is about to leave the city, which will mean parting. Therefore, Chu Nan wants to take a look at Fang Qing more, and then, either leave her appearance in his heart, or forget her forever...