Palace Prisoner

Chapter 12 Wanhua's beauty is eye-catching

The mountain rain is full of sleeves, the ink is intoxicating, the peach blossoms are fascinated by the painting, and the love is full of half a lifetime of flashy. Drink a glass of wine, but with the scattered peach color into the glass, the light floral fragrance melts the wine, Shen Sirong raised his head slightly, and the ink silk hair is like the only dark color in this spring.

"Wanli green and red, it is difficult to make the bottom of the heart." Momo notes that all the descriptions and poems in this roll are original, and if there is a reference, Momo will explain it.)

The broken whisper came out of the red lips and fell on Xiao Yuanqi's ear. He stepped on the floor and looked at Shen Sirong, who was drinking under the peach blossom tree not far away. There was more unevenness between her indifferent eyebrows, and shallow sadness poured out in her every move. At this time, Shen Sirong didn't know what she looked like at all. She just thought that she was going to die in sad spring.

Xiao Yuanqi seemed to have a slight discomfort in his heart, and his smile suddenly diminished. He didn't want to see Shen Sirong like this. He knew that she had been unhappy since he issued the edict of the draft, but this was for the sake of the country. If he wanted to isolate the Wang family, he could only balance more other high-level courtiers with a marriage contract.

"Are you complaining about me?"

Shen Sirong was deeply drunk and opened his eyelids tremblingly when he heard the words, and looked at Xiao Yuanqi innocently with a pair of foggy eyes. She had long known that Xiao Yuanqi was coming, and the strong dragon fragrance was incompatible with the flower fragrance, mellow and heavy.

Xiao Yuanqi in front of him was not only one, but also many overlapping phantoms. Shen Sirong stretched out his hand to grab a few, but his wrist hurt, and he was drunk and suddenly woke up.

There was a sense of stubbornness in Shen Sirong's eyes. She looked into Xiao Yuanqi's eyes without shyness and saw that there was no ever-day tenderness in his eyes, and there was a sneering in her heart. Under the world, it was Wang Tu, not to mention the small palace inner courtyard. She thought that in this moon hall, she could relax and drink to warm her heart, but he didn't even give her this right and found it here.


"Are you still my noble concubine Shen like this? Unexpectedly, regardless of the royal face, he made trouble for such a thing. This drunkenness is to be seen by others, which is to be proud to fail your noble concubine. A burst of silence excited Xiao Yuanqi's obedient temperament, with a strong annoyance in his tone.

I, noble concubine, honor.

Suddenly, Shen Sirong sat up from the stone table, and in an instant, he was the elegant and high noble concubine. The deliberate smile put the corners of her lips with a sharp lip line, which seemed to be fierce. She asked Xiao Yuanqi proudly and calmly, where was the same person as the previous drunk alone again?

She understood about the election, and Xiao Yuanqi had never hidden it from her. She had known since before she ascended the throne that Xiao Yuanqi would not be alone. What she could do in the harem was wait for him to take care of her, but in those days, she always thought that Xiao Yuanqi was sincere to treat her, but she had never thought that in her own After the heart is really delivered, there is no room for a piece of sand.

Xiao Yuanqi likes her, but this can be given to many people. Shen Sirong suddenly didn't know whether it was right or not that he vowed to accompany him to govern the world, support the people and settle the border. Who knew whether it was she who stood by his side in the end.

Today, in the name of hurting spring, I came to the Moon Hall alone, but it is a memory of the past days, which has nothing to do with the general election.

"My concubine has never had sex with the emperor for trivial matters, but I haven't had a drink for a long time. Today, I only saw the spring passing, so I lost my honor on the moment." Shen Sirong said and smiled, as if he had never had any other emotions because of the election.

Xiao Yuanqi also became more and more confused about where his anger just came from. At this moment, he saw that Shen Sirong took a step back and was no longer angry. He came forward and hugged Shen Sirong and smiled lightly: "If you don't want to, I will be arrogant. How can I let my concubine be wronged?" Xiao Yuanqi's joke slightly relieved the depression in Shen Sirong's heart, but how can there be a two in the deep palace for a lifetime? What I want is nothing but his sincere treatment and peace and joy.

"I don't dare to be wronged, but my concubine asked the emperor for something." Shen Sirong looked at the sky, and countless clouds swept in the distance, full of the originally light sky.

Xiao Yuanqi half hugged Shen Sirong and stepped into the bedroom of the Moon Hall, spitting a deep answer on the tip of his nose.

"I only want the emperor to keep my concubine's 'peace and joy' in the palace."

Shen Sirong waited for Xiao Yuanqi's promise, and Xiao Yuanqi agreed again. He is the supreme of the 95th Five-Year Plan, and it is only a small matter to keep her safe and happy.

It seems that after the rain, the two returned to such tenderness for the first time after ascending the throne.

This tenderness is eye-catching. Xiao Yuanqi brought a pile of medals at night. Please go to the general election as soon as possible. No one stopped the left and right factions, even including Shen Sirong's father, Shen Shiyan. Since Shen Sirong gave up his idea of sending Shen Siyi to the East Palace, he has tried his best to seek marriage for Shen Siyi, but she has always forced her to die. Now Xiao Yuanqiguang's choice of concubine is also her last chance. After all, he can't bear Wang and Shen Siyi.

Xiao Yuanqi issued an order for Shen Sirong to host this draft with the dignity of the noble concubine. Many women also seek to see Shen Sirong from their heads to see Shen Sirong, and no matter what happens in the future, at least the current harem is respected by Shen Sirong.

"Mother, Mrs. Meng, please see me."

There was chaos in Shen Sirong's mind. He had just sent away several important ministers, wives and daughters, and he was really tired of dealing with it. I still remember those young women with beautiful eyes, bright eyes and bright teeth, each with their own grace.

"Mrs. Meng?" Shen Sirong had a pause in his mind, and then remembered that what he meant was Ye Su.


Shen Sirong's heavy body softened. She was relieved to see Ye Su being led into the Yongqing Palace not far away. Today, Ye Su will not come, and Shen Sirong will also go to her after the election.

"You should have come to see me long ago. In this palace..." Shen Sirong saw Ye Su, and her closeness made her smile. This sincere smile made her cheeks a little sore, and she felt sad again.

"Mother, you should call it 'this palace'." Ye Su was serious, and Shen Sirong looked at her slightly until Ye Su suddenly laughed after a moment of stalemate.

Shen Sirong rarely saw a good person and took the initiative to call everyone out.

"Sit down. What did you think about coming today? Isn't it?" Shen Sirong let Ye Su sit next to her. Her expression had not changed, but she was already very wary.

Ye Su shook her head and said with a smile, "Is my wife like that? Others may not know what she is thinking, but Ye Su's self-questioning is still clear.

With a smile, Shen Sirong held up an undisguised unwillingness: "It would be a beautiful thing if I could be like you..." The end of the words turned into a joke. It made Ye Su laugh and cry for a while.

"The Empress said that there was something wrong with the minister, but I don't know what's the matter?" Ye Su turned his words shyly.

"What I want to ask is what you asked for last time." Shen Sirong restrained his friend's posture and talked against him in the attitude of kings and ministers.

Ye Su also straightened up and said with a straight face, "Mother, I know what you want to ask, but he just found out some eyebrows."

"Well, you can go back and tell him that I must have asked about this matter to the end. He must also know how important this matter is to the emperor."

Shen Sirong is always restless when he thinks of this matter: "Let him check it carefully first. After the general election, he will find a chance to go out of the palace. How about calling your husband and wife to have an interview?"

"The minister took the order." Ye Su is sincere. What Meng Yuan has in his hand is nothing, but it is also too much involved. A piece of paper can also subvert many things.

The lunch bell rang at noon, and Shen Sirong could no longer keep Ye Su. Many women were roughly entertained and sent them out. If Ye Su was left for dinner, I'm afraid they would be suspicious.

After Ye Su left, Shen Sirong ordered someone to close the door of Yongqing Palace and slept soundly all afternoon.

The day of the election came in such a false commission. Heavy screening was just a form. In the end, almost all the 30 people standing in front of Shen Sirong were the daughters of important ministers. Shen Sirong has never seen them to learn etiquette when they enter the palace, but he also knows who has the best chance.

Among the group of women, led by Chen Yunyun, the granddaughter of Prime Minister Chen Xun and Wang Shu, the daughter of Wang Chu, the daughter of Prime Minister Wang Chu, will be on the list. Her eyes swept over, and at the end of the second row, she saw Shen Siyi.

Shen Sirong shook his head. Each woman's clothes and hair accessories were uniform, but Shen Siyi embroidered a bunch of green bamboo on the hem of her skirt, and a faint cyan was shown in the lake-blue palace costume.

She is still too anxious.

Shen Sirong listened to Mother Shen (that is, the wet nurse, who was promoted to the director of the harem after Xiao Yuanqi ascended the throne, and Shen Sirong gave her surname Shen to show her kindness) read the roster, and his eyes traced everyone. The delicate face made Shen Sirong's eyes a little confused. In contrast, she couldn't help but feel some vicissitudes.

"The emperor is here."

Shen Sirong got up and stood up from the main position and retreated to kneel down. The girls also knelt down and looked uneasily at the embroidered golden dragon-patterned boots from far and near.

"You're not doing well these days. Don't kneel down. Sit down." Xiao Yuanqi personally helped Shen Sirong get up and sat on the main throne with her. Everyone was stunned that it was the queen's seat.

I can't help but have more respect and puzzlement for Shen Sirong.

Since Shen Sirong managed the general election, she has done nothing else except deal with the wives. She asked Mother Shen to explain the situation of the beautiful girl one by one.

From time to time, some bold women looked up to see Longyan, but found that Xiao Yuanqi had never looked at them, so she had to lower her head lonelyly. Wang Shu even looked at Xiao Yuanqi after getting up, and the naked love burned Shen Sirong's eyes. Shen Siyi was also uneasy. If she saw it correctly, she smiled at herself. What was this? Seeing Xiao Yuanqi's favor with her, she remembered this available sisterhood?

Looking at these small movements, Shen Sirong was a little worried. Presumably the harem is difficult to calm down...