Palace Prisoner

Chapter 27 The big case in Yizhou arises out of thin air

Shen Sirong is not overthinking, and the smell of right and wrong in this palace has become stronger and stronger. Not only for freehand and the wet nurse, but also on a cold night, she also hopes that he can stay away from the court. Speaking of cold nights, although he is her close bodyguard, there is a difference between inside and outside. Except when necessary, cold nights are hidden in the dark.

This move is really superfluous. If someone really plans for her, he will naturally know the existence of a cold night. Or it's because of Xiao Yuanqi that he was so careful in the cold night.

Shen Sirong walked out of the Yongqing Palace and walked quickly in the bright sunshine. She crossed the door of the harem and went to the outer court.

At the place where the imperial hospital is connected in the inner and outer courts, Shen Sirong is wrapped in a thick cloak to cover his body. Before arriving at the imperial hospital, she took off her hat and showed her true face.

Stop in front of the room filled with a strong medicinal fragrance, Shen Sirong untied the cloak tied to his chest, and the doctor who came out of the room saluted her respectfully.

"Your concubine, please."

Shen Sirong followed the guidance through the heavy door and passed through several pharmacies. The fragrance of medicine around him has faded a lot. Instead of the previous strong, it is a shallow fragrance into the spleen. The fragrance stained the clothes and penetrated into Shen Sirong's heart.

"Mother, the young child was shocked. His body was very weak, and his internal injury was fine, but he had to rest for a period of time. He woke up last night. The doctor walked one step behind Shen Sirong, and he told Shen Sirong about the child's injury.

"The young child was injured by my car, and the doctors took care of him many times. When I find his family, I will send him out of the palace." Shen Sirong ordered.

The doctor took a few steps and stopped in front of a room: "Yes, this room was originally a room for medicinal herbs, and yesterday I made a special trip to make room."

"Is that right? Thank you." Shen Sirong stopped. She did not push the door, but glanced at Mother Shen. Mother Shen took out an ingot of silver and stuffed it in the doctor's hand. The doctor was slightly stunned and bowed deeply.

Shen Sirong smiled and turned his head, waiting for the doctor to leave. The palace people around him were also aware of their eyes and quietly retreated to one side. Shen Sirong glanced at Mother Shen and immediately pushed the door in, while Mother Shen was guarding at the door.

In the room, the mixed smell of various medicinal materials is not good and even a little choking. Shen Sirong crossed the cabinet containing medicinal materials and lifted a curtain not far away.

Inside the curtain is a small space, with a small figure lying on a small wood** by the window.

Hearing the footsteps, the young child woke up from ** and sat up. When he turned around, his eyes were full of hidden defense and panic.

"Are you all right?" Shen Sirong was beterrened by the complexity in his eyes. How could such a young child have such a look?

The little child seemed to know her. Seeing that it was her, his guard was much lighter. This surprised Shen Sirong, but she put it away without a trace.

"Are you the crown princess? The noble concubine now?" The child looked at her, with a clean face and good facial features, but the clear eyes were full of blood, destroying the elegance.

He suddenly opened his mouth, and the tone of the question was very stubborn, and he was talking about the crown princess.

"Do you know me?" Shen Sirong asked.

The child shook his head and nodded again: "You are the one who hit me." This childlike words made Shen Sirong speechless. She sat down beside the child and stopped talking.

This child is not simple. He is only about seven years old, but his behavior is quite old, and even children from everyone should not calm down when they see her.

Imagine that a child was knocked and woke up in the palace for only two reasons: first, he is very familiar here, and second, he knows that he is here and the purpose of his coming.

If the guess is correct, this child should be the second kind. Therefore, Shen Sirong was consumed with him, but he was just a child. In terms of patience, Shen Sirong asked himself that he would not be bad.

"My name is Xu Qing. People from Yizhou."

Half an hour later, the child finally opened his mouth. Shen Sirong admired this patience. When he opened his mouth, Shen Sirong raised the corners of his lips and laughed.

"You finally talked. I thought you would stay with me all the time." Shen Sirong said lightly and wanted to get closer to him. Xu Qing refused to appreciate it and turned his face away, but his eyes when he looked at Shen Sirong showed a broken mouth. There is panic, fear, determination and tenacity in those eyes

"You can rest here in peace. I will tell them to take good care of you. I will send you out of the palace when you are healed."

Shen Sirong stood up and walked out, and Xu Qing finally couldn't help saying a sound.


Seeing him take a step forward, Shen Sirong no longer waited: "You obviously know me, and you still want me to do it, right?" Xu Qing's eyes flashed and did not deny it.

"Can you see it?" The strong sense of alienation in Xu Qing's cold words did not match his appearance, but aroused Shen Sirong's heartache.

"Okay, then I'll go straight to it. Do you want to bring down the royal family? If you want, I will give you a piece of evidence to avenge my people. The child's heart is exposed in this sentence, and his words are still naive and arrogant.

Shen Sirong's face did not change, but the blood on her red lips was a little less. She returned to the bed and sat down and took Xu Qing's hand. Xu Qing first shrank to escape, and then relaxed.

"Why did you come to me?" What Shen Sirong puzzled was this. She was just a person in the harem, and the Shen family did not have much support in the court.

And Xu Qing seemed to have a strong hatred for the Wang family, and he talked about the clan. If it hadn't been for deep hatred, the child would not have been so old.

Xu Qing's less-colored eyebrows frowned, with wrinkles on his forehead, and the shallow gully was full of hesitation: "I believe you."

Shen Sirong knew that he didn't tell the truth, but he no longer asked him: "Try me in detail."

Xu Qing's face became heavier and heavier: "My Xu family is originally a Wang clan in Yizhou. There are many people and mainly merchants. For decades, he has managed a state chamber of commerce for the governor of Yizhou. And my Xu family also helped the state government manage taxes, but this is the reason.

"The reason for the disaster?"

"Yes, five years ago, in the history of Yizhou, when he paid the tax in the first year, he called my father, saying that the tax was poor. Dad couldn't figure out where the difference was at that time, and he couldn't bear to add accounts to the villagers, so he had to make up the difference mentioned by himself.

Xu Qing bit his lower lip, and his wide eyes were full of tears. He forced himself to stop the tears, but the tears fell desperately.

"How could such a thing happen? Didn't anyone report to the court?" Generally speaking, this is a matter of the Ministry of Household, and the Ministry of Household is not under the direct jurisdiction of Wang Chu.

"I don't know. Later, Lord Li privately added taxes and forced his father to come forward to collect it. My father refused, and my Xu family's business was blocked many times. Dad had no choice but to compromise..."

Speaking of this, Xu Qing looked very embarrassed and fell a little red at the root of his ear.

Shen Sirong pitied the child who carried too much and felt that Xu Qing's mood was on the verge of breaking out. She couldn't say any comfort, so she couldn't help hugging Xu Qing. Xu Qing's shoulder hurt.

"However, he still won't let go of my father. My father knew that this would harm the whole family and secretly left an account to protect himself, but it was this account that caused the destruction of the family. That day, the people in the state government arrested my Xu family. I hid in the latrine for three days before I narrowly escaped..."

Shen Sirong held his hand tightly: "It's okay, it's okay."

Xu Qing's whole body trembled. Those memories with blood and shame went deep into his bone marrow. He forced himself not to be afraid and not to be afraid. However, he can't do it.

"How do you know this?" Shen Sirong asked cautiously.

"My father gave me a little golden man on my sixth birthday. My father said that there was something that could save my life. Be sure to keep it confidential. So I took the golden man with me. After the accident, I opened the golden man, which contained a letter written by my father.

Xu Qing said and put his hand into his arms. Shen Sirong waited for a long time and didn't see him take out anything. He lowered his head and couldn't help smiling when he saw his vigilance.

"Do you still believe me now?"

As soon as the words fell, a warm satin fell into the palm of his hand. Shen Sirong put it into his sleeve without looking at it. She said lightly, "You can rest for a while. Remember that your identity should not be known to outsiders. I will arrange a place for you as soon as possible. Today, you don't want to eat anything from anyone. Do you understand?"

Xu Qing nodded, and Shen Sirong turned out and walked to the cabinet where the medicinal herbs were placed outside. Shen Sirong opened the silk satin, which was empty.

It's really as she expected. In this case, it is necessary to untie the bell.

After leaving the imperial hospital, Shen Sirong ordered Mother Shen to go out of the palace after lunch and go to Taishicheng's house in person to bring Mrs. Meng to see her.

Shen Sirong did not return to Yongqing Palace but went to Shangyang Palace. Who wanted to close the door in Shangyang Palace?

"Madam, the emperor is not in Shangyang Palace." The internal supervisor guarding the palace said.

"Where is the emperor? I have something urgent to discuss with the emperor at this time." Shen Sirong said anxiously.

Xu Qing's matter must not be delayed until tomorrow. If he can't be sent out of the palace today, he will be in great danger. There are eyes everywhere in the palace, and no one can guarantee whether they will doubt his head.

The internal supervisor looked embarrassed. He stretched out his head to Shen Sirong's ear and whispered, "The Queen Mother sent someone to invite the emperor half an hour ago, saying that she invited the emperor to have lunch. This morning, the emperor went to Mohua Palace."

Mohua Palace?

Shen Sirong smiled: "M Mother, let's also go to Mohua Palace."