Palace Prisoner

Chapter 54 Blood Red Moon Cage Deep Palace

In the Guixiang Palace, there is a dead silence. The shout of "The emperor has arrived, the noble concubine has arrived" is particularly sharp here. Shen Sirong looked at the dazzling Bai Ling under the eaves and couldn't help tightening his heart.

"Join the emperor, join the noble concubine." Wang Shu also looked sad. She came out of Liu Ran's room when she heard the sound, and her red eyes made people feel a little sad.

Xiao Yuanqi helped Wang Shu and then asked, "What's going on?"

"Your Majesty, my concubine came to investigate the Wu family after the noble concubine's sister. After a few days of investigation, I knew that the magnolia grass was here by Liu Concubine. That's why I came to investigate in Guixiang Palace.

Wang Shu wiped away her tears without hurry and replied. Shen Sirong looked at the door where Liu Concubine lived. The bricks were getting more and more red, accompanied by the fallen leaves that had not yet time to clean up, confronting each other.

"I asked how Concubine Liu died..." For Wang Shuming's report, in fact, it was very impatient to praise his own words. Xiao Yuanqi's eyebrows were on his temples, and the bridge of his nose was even more straight.

The hand hidden in the sleeve couldn't help trembling. Wang Shu raised her eyes slightly and said, "Yes, back to the emperor, Liu Concubine is the person who gave the magnolia grass to the Wu family, and Wu's hibiscus fragrance has been examined by the imperial doctor."

"The fragrance of Hibiscus is given by the noble concubine, right?" Xiao Yuanqi said a cold sentence, which cheered Wang Shu up.

She replied cautiously, "Your Majesty, there is no problem with the hibiscus fragrance."

Wang Shu did not answer whether it was given by Shen Sirong. She remembered the words of the woman wearing a mask in her mind and could not be targeted at Shen Sirong.

Listening to this answer, Xiao Yuanqi did not question. On the contrary, his originally tense face loosened a little: "Is it really done by Concubine Liu?"

"Yes, there is a suicide note."

After Wang Shu finished speaking, she took a blood book from the maidservant beside her. While the blood color was very terrible, Shen Sirong took it and looked at Xiao Yuanqi. Xiao Yuanqi nod his head slightly, and Shen Sirong unfolded.

On that side, it was written on the white: I deserved to die. When I was in the East Palace, I served the emperor with the Wu family. Her favor was also fifty-five. Later, the king ascended the throne. The concubine thought she could share the emperor's worries, but she didn't know that as soon as she entered the harem, she would not see the sun. Your face is getting farther and farther away. The concubine lived with the Wu family, and the relationship with Guixiang Palace became increasingly discord. After all, it was a big mistake.

The concubine heard that the Wu family defected to the throne of the noble concubine, which was not the same. In her heart, she was extremely jealous, and the noble concubine gave her the fragrance of hibiscus, and Wu showed off very much. Occasionally, I heard a secret and knew that the matching of magnolia grass was of strange use. So, I was exhausted just to die with the thief.

Today, my concubine knows that she is not guaranteed. I only begs you to have some pity and protect my concubine's whole body. He will meet in the underworld one day, and my concubine is still the king's soul...

Shen Sirong whispered, and the word was blood and deep love. She didn't know how she felt. Looking up at Xiao Yuanqi, the corners of his mouth squirmed gently, and he must have felt something.

"Your Majesty..." Shen Sirong handed the blood book to Grandpa Wang beside him.

Xiao Yuanqi lowered his sleeves embroidered with the golden dragon and clenched his hands in an invisible place.

"It's a thick burial. Wu was also wronged and restored her position as a concubine. In addition, she was rewarded with some things, and the lord of a palace in Guixiang Palace also let her stand in front of her. It's some of my compensation."

A lightly sentence dropped the dust of what turned the harem upside down.

Except for Shen Sirong, it seems that the rest of the people are relieved. The anger of the son of heaven, millions of corpses, and being safe and happy is the greatest pleasure.

Shen Sirong personally prepared the burial for Liu Ran, and also did his best. But she couldn't be happy after all, so when Wu Wanqing came to thank her, Shen Sirong gently turned her away. Yes, Wu Wanqing was out of danger and lost an enemy. Originally, she was suppressed by Dong Meiren, who was not as good as her. After Dong Meiren moved to Mohua Palace due to pregnancy, she was suppressed by Liu Ran. Now she has finally become the owner of a palace and can also be called "the palace". How can she not be thanked?

But thank you for your life. How can she keep it...

Wu Wanqing's affairs calmed down, and the harem was quiet, but in this silence, there was always a strange atmosphere, which made Shen Simong more and more uneasy. Like a pool of lake water, it seems calm and there is no fluctuation, but it can roll up in an instant, which will make the lake water restless.

Perhaps the old saying, "Thinking day, dreaming at night" is really the case. Shen Sirong has not slept well recently. He always wakes up inexplicably in the middle of the night and can no longer sleep after that.

The imperial doctor came to see it, but he couldn't say why. He just mixed the good medicinal herbs into pills so that Shen Sirong could calm down. Xiao Yuanqi has also been staying in Yongqing Palace for one day without exception.

Whenever you are trapped by a dream and wake up, the king beside you will always wake up first and look at her with clear eyes to drive away all her uneasiness.

In this uneasiness, Dong Meiren is about to give birth, and Xiao Yuanqi will not go after only once. Everyone will not blame Xiao Yuanqi for his cold heart, but will be dissatisfied with Shen Sirong's more and more obedientness. Except for Lanxi, she didn't see anyone else.

Shen Sirong has been much better in recent days and stepped out of the Yongqing Palace, a royal garden that he has not seen for a long time. The plum blossoms have been opened for a few minutes.

The cold fragrance came, and Shen Sirong couldn't help laughing. This smile stunned Lanxi who came to hear the news not far away. Shen Sirong's light-colored clothes set off more and more dust. During this time, she has lost a lot, and her watery eyes look even more watery. This smile seemed to suppress the beauty of thousands of plum blossoms.

"Your sister-in-law, you are so beautiful."

For a moment, Lanxi came forward with a smile and joked.

Shen Sirong's smile expanded and his eyes were darker: "Don't you feel bored when you come to see me every day?" He lowered his head and pointed to the food basket held by the waiter beside Lanxi.

Lanxi didn't think so. He came forward to hold Shen Sirong and said playfully, "How can it be boring? If the royal sister-in-law is happy, the royal brother will be happy. If the royal brother is happy, it will not be my turn to be bored.

Shen Sirong smiled dumbly and suddenly asked, "Have you seen Dong Meiren?" She is about to give birth, isn't she? Is everything ready?"

"How dare I go to see it? You know, if you go now, you can't escape even if you make a little mistake. Don't go, sister-in-law." Lanxi's words were sincere, which also made Shen Sirong feel sad.

"No, I want to see it. Will the princess accompany me?" Shen Sirong asked, but he walked directly to the front. When she became familiar with each other, she liked Lanxi's nature very much, and Lanxi was dedicated to her, which was indeed rare.

is Shen Sirong knowing that Lanxi will not refuse. Lanxi stamped his feet, caught up with Shen Sirong, who took two steps away, and walked towards Dong Meiren's residence.

The luxurious carved screen, the exquisite hollow bedpost, the soft and elegant veil, and the countless bead curtains. There is no strong fragrance in the room, only a few red plums that have just been picked emit a faint cold fragrance. One of the people next to Dong Meiren was next to Wang Shu. She saw Shen Sirong standing in the house and quickly stepped up.

It seems that Wang Shu has also done her best for Dong Meiren's baby.

"Are you the person around Wang Concubine?" Shen Sirong asked when he saw that the maidservant was ordinary but aura suddenly appeared.

"Yes, the maidservant is clear, and I met the noble concubine, Your Highness."

Qingru, a good name.

Shen Sirong made her get up and walk back with her feet. Qingru stood in front of Shen Sirong and said in a low voice, "Please avoid it. Your Highness, please follow the maidservant in."

When Lanxi saw such a battle, she sneered and brushed her arched body. She stepped in front of Shen Sirong and asked harshly, "What do you mean? You are bold. Even the noble concubine dares to stop it?"

Lanxi's questioning was beside his ears, but Shen Sirong's eyes looked straight at the maidservant named Qingru and intuitively told her that this maidservant was not simple.

Really, the maidservant did not panic, but said, "Naturally, the maidservant dares not stop the noble concubine, but the empress's body has been not been good recently. This woman's childbirth is a matter of blood, and she is really afraid of hurting the Empress's body."


The maidservant nodded lightly. Shen Sirong walked to Lanxi and gently pulled her hand hidden under her sleeve.

"Well, I won't go in. Princess Lao, go in and have a look."

Clearly, his eyes flashed, and he must have never thought that Shen Sirong would let the princess in alone. But soon, she lowered her eyes and led Lanxi to the back of the screen.

Not long after waiting, Lanxi came out. Shen Sirong saw that she looked comfortable and left Dong Keying's place with Lanxi. When he returned to Yongqing Palace, Shen Sirong asked, "What's the situation?"

Lanxi's calm face has changed. Although she has an informal nature, the situation just now also made her puzzled.

Dong Meiren has been asleep and looks as usual, but I always feel that something is wrong. But I can't say what it is..." Lanxi was very unclear, which made Shen Sirong miss a beat in his heart.

"Princess, tell me what you just saw." Shen Sirong thought of the maidservant named Qingru, so he was vaguely worried.

Lanxi sat down on Shen Sirong's side and raised his eyes and thought, "I went behind the screen. The room was very clean, and there was a bowl of medicine that Dong Meiren had just drunk at the table. There is nothing unusual about anything else, but Dong Meiren seems to have been sleeping all the time because she is pregnant. I just don't quite understand why Dong Meiren frowns when she sleeps.


It is impossible to frown except in a deep sleep.

"Yes, I always feel that the room is very strange, and so is the maid of honor. She is obviously polite, but it always makes people feel uncomfortable. I don't know if it's uncomfortable for Wang Shu to bring this kind of person around." Lanxi just said what she wanted. Maybe she guessed a little bit and knew that Dong Meiren was controlled by Wang Shu, but she couldn't see more clues.

"Okay, don't think about it. You are also about to be an aunt." Shen Sirong removed the original heavy topic, and there was another quietness in Yongqing Palace, but the scene in Shen Sirong's dream became clearer.

The night was dark, and the moonlight outside the window was red, which was very unusual. This is an image of murder. The officials of Qin Tianjian came to the table one after another and asked the emperor to sacrifice to the sky, but the blood-red moonlight fell in Shen Sirong's eyes, and she couldn't help thinking of Dong Keying.