Son, you miss me

Chapter 11, touch the little hand, son, let me show you the palm

Xinyi looked at the steamed buns in his hand and Yong Mingyan's face, which was quite puzzled. What's wrong with the steamed buns? My brother steamed it deliciously.

"...I don't mean this." The man in Qingyi has a headache. "I mean, if you invite someone to eat, can you only take a steamed bun... and break half of it?"

She was also aggrieved, "Mr. Yong, we just said that there is only such a steamed bun left in the whole family. The family is poor, and there are only so little rations every day..."

Yong Mingyan glanced coldly, "Well, it's obviously nonsense. I just saw you take a bank of silver."

Xinyi was horriffed and quickly covered the silver ingots in his chest... for fear of being robbed by him. "This money was lent to me by others..."

"Even if you borrow it, it's okay to spend flowers first." He said indifferently and rudely.

It's over. Before the money is hot, it has been remembered first!

At this time, she was very sad. She looked at Yong Mingyan's outstretched hand, touched the silver knot in her arms, turned her back with a righteous face, and stumbled nervously.!"

"I saw that you were afraid that I would see a cat with a mouse, but now I have a bad temper when I mention money," Yong Mingyan's mouth inadvertently smiled faintly. "I didn't expect that this gentleman was still a greedy man."

As soon as he heard this, Xinyi concluded from the bottom of his heart that there must be a lot of feces for people who dare to treat money like shit like this. Especially if you take a closer look at the use of Yongmingyan's clothes, it is clear that they are all good brocade silk. Alas, this shows that the rich and handsome will never understand the sadness of short and poor.

Yong Mingyan stretched out his hand, and Xin Yi handed over half of the steamed bun. Yong Mingyan dodged and stretched out his hand again, and Xinyi handed over the steamed buns again. After a few rounds, the prince in blue finally said, "Can't you hand over the more valuable one?"

"I think this steamed bread is the most valuable." She said with a serious face.

"Then I won't ask you for the most valuable one. I want the second most valuable one on you." He stretched out his hand again.

Xinyi looked at him, opened his eyes and asked, "Are you sure... Are you sure you want something of second value!"

"What? Or won't you give it?" Yong Mingyan looked down at her, frowned, and seemed to be slightly unhappy after being haunted by her back and forth for a long time.

She shook her head, "It's not... It's just that I feel so embarrassed to give you the second value."

"Don't be embarrassed, just give it to me."

"Well..." She hesitated for a moment and finally agreed. Blue Queen... Lan Queen Xinyi handed over the slightly smaller steamed bread in her hand, "Because this half is smaller than that half, so this... this is the second valuable thing."

Yong Mingyan looked at the steamed bread stuffed in his hand and said helplessly, "It's not too much to say that you look shabby... Do you live by pointing to a steamed bun every day?"

Thinking of this, Xinyi couldn't help but feel sad. "I want to take my younger brother and sister to drink spicy food, but now I can't even afford a meal of meat. It's good to have steamed bread and pickles all day long." Speaking of this, I can't help complaining, "Son, you look so rich, don't you need a few taels of silver from me?"

I can see that Yong Mingyan's heart is probably very good. Hearing this, he frowned in embarrassment, "Forget it, then I won't care about you. You should always remember to find Xuantie for me. If you can't find it, worry about your little life." He reached out and poked her forehead heavily, and then turned around and was about to leave.

Xinyi's stomach screamed very timely. Thinking that it was time to have lunch, he took a step forward and shouted, "Big Brother!"

"...Who is your big brother? Don't scream!"

But Xinyi didn't want to change his words at all. He grabbed Yong Mingyan's cuffs with one hand and held it tightly, and the light in his eyes flashed. Big brother, it's fate to meet. You think it's already noon. Why don't we have dinner together?"

Yong Mingyan twitched the corners of his eyes, "What?"

"It's your treat!"

"...get out."

In fact, every time Yong Mingyan recalled this incident, he was very strange what kind of demon he was on that day, which made his heart so good that he really didn't slap this annoying little thing to death.

On the contrary, Xinyi grabbed his sleeve and followed the restaurant until he faced the table full of delicacies. He really felt that the happiness was too sudden. It was not until Yong Mingyan handed her chopsticks that he realized it was time to eat happily.

She ate happily aside, but in contrast, Mr. Yong seemed to have no appetite. It seems that because he grabbed his clothes, Xin Yi felt that there was also a soft bitterness of traditional Chinese medicine in his hand. Presumably, this son should be a medical doctor for a living. Looking at Yong Mingyan's rich virtue, it can be seen that being a doctor has been one of the most profitable industries since ancient times.

But Xinyi thinks that being a magic stick is actually quite profitable. It's just that I'm working late, and I will definitely make a lot of money in two years. So thinking of this, her heart was relieved a lot, and she was instantly relieved and continued to chew happily.

"Yes, I didn't hear it clearly just now. What's your name?" Yong Mingyan took a sip of tea and asked her.

"Xinyi, my name is Xinyi!" After saying that, she took a big sip of the soup, but the soup accidentally flowed to her lips. She took the veil and wiped it hard. She looked down at the handkerchief, but found that there were many stubbles stuck to the wiped hair on her mouth, and she couldn't help whispering " hiss..." He hurriedly rolled up the handkerchief and stuffed it into the cuffs. When he looked up at Yong Mingyan, he found that he had been looking at his movements, and Xinyi's eyes subconsciously dodged. I don't know if he saw the erased hair on the veil just now.

And Yongmingyan stared at her and only raised his eyebrows and said, "Xinyi?" He repeated, "Xinyi is the name of the buds of magnolia. I don't think your name is Xinyi. Isn't it better to call it Mulan or Magnolia?"

When Xinyi heard this, his hand shook inadvertently, and the balls that had been caught on the chopsticks fell on the plate.

... Did he just see it?


In the face of Yong Mingyan's questioning, she was unhappy and ignored it. She stuck the ball with her chopsticks and stuffed it into her mouth, but her teeth bit the chopsticks again, which was very painful. When it was so easy to eat the enemy's meatballs, he retorted unhappily, "Mr. Yong is really strange. Why do you just get some girls' names?"

As soon as Mr. Tsing Yi heard this rebuttal, he couldn't hang on his face and said 'Oh' several times. I don't mean anything else. I just quoted the explanation in the pharmacopoeia. I hope you don't mind.

She glanced at Yong Mingyan and continued to nibble on the ribs. While eating meat, she thought that she really shouldn't care about this kind of naming scum. What's the magnolia and Mulan? It's not vulgar. Fortunately, his name was not his own. His father should be quite good at naming it. The name Yong Mingyan sounds really good. If When Yong Mingyan gave his son a name, he might still have a dog egg... Tut, I don't want to.

When she finished nibbling the ribs, she looked up at Yongmingyan, who was still embarrassed, "Speaking of which, Mr. Yong is proficient in pharmacopoeia and should be a doctor, right?"

Talking about the old industry, Yong Mingyan also nodded, "Exactly."

"Oh, that's strange." She frowned and said, "Do you have two masters?"

"Nonsense, there is naturally only one master!"

"But this gossip stall is also your master's. You can't use this gossip stall to see a doctor, can you? Is it possible that your master is not only proficient in medicine, but also fortune-telling?

She asked in surprise, but saw Yong Mingyan nodded and said, "That's right. But there are a lot of things that Master can do, and I just learned a little.

"Do you know fortune-telling?" When she talked about her career, she was also energetic and stared at him with wide eyes, "Why don't we compete!"

"...What's the competition? I haven't learned these from my master." Yong Mingyan said, "I just know medical science. How can I understand the way of fortune telling people?"

"Strange, since you haven't learned all your master's skills, how did you get a teacher?" Xinyi asked puzzledly, "Just like teaching you, can you be relieved to be thrown out of the teacher?"

"How to speak and get out of the teacher's door." Yong Mingyan rudely pulled her on the head fiercely, "It was what the master said. The master said that he would only teach us enough for a lifetime."

Xinyi rubbed his head, "Oh?' You guys? It seems that you still have a brother?"

"I have a younger brother." Yong Mingyan took a sip of tea indifferently, and there was nothing after. In contrast, Yong Mingyan doesn't have many words, but they all have questions to answer.

"So... what did your brother learn, also medicine?"

When Yong Mingyan heard her ask this, she coughed unnaturally, as if she wanted to laugh, and then gave it back. Under Xinyi's questioning, he finally shook his head and answered, "Brother... He didn't study medicine, because he started late and was not suitable for studying medicine again, so the master taught him the same better..."

"Don't sell the key, Mr. Yong, why don't you talk about it quickly? What is it?" Xinyi also raised his spirits and grabbed him to ask questions.



Is this master right? One thing is enough to last a lifetime, so what's wrong with this alchemy!? She came through time. Naturally, she knew that the refined elixir could not only prolong her life, but also were heavy metals, which were very harmful to the body. And I don't know whether to eat the refined elixir or sell it to others. If someone knows the goods, it's best. If it hits your hand, it's really a big loss. With such a tricky professional skill, can it still be used for a lifetime...? Is such a cheating master really a man?

She silently expressed sympathy for Yong Mingyan's younger brother for a while, and then asked, "Yes, I haven't come to the point yet. The gossip stall is your master's. Is it possible that no one learns from the Book of Changes from him?

"Master has only two apprentices. Maybe he has accepted newcomers as apprentices now. It is probably possible to learn fortune-telling from him." Looking at Xinyi keep pointing at herself with her greasy fingers, Yong Mingyan's face turned black, "Go, you obviously haven't even seen the master. Don't get close to me."