Son, you miss me

Chapter 22 I don't know how to show feng shui, but I can learn

When the two arrived home with meat buns, the buns were not cold yet. Banxia and Peilan were both at home. Yesterday, it was because of Peilan's absence that they didn't take good care of Zizhu. This time, I really didn't dare to let Banxia take care of the children by himself again.

Zizhu took the medicine in the morning, ate something and fell asleep again. Children are greedy and sleepy, but it doesn't matter. After all, they are patients, so it's easier to recuperate.

Seeing the two come back with steamed buns, although Peilan's face was a little surprised, he finally turned into a trace of worry. On the contrary, Banxia stared straight at the cloth pocket containing the steamed bun, and then went straight to the steamed bun. As if she smelled the fragrance of steamed buns, Zizhu also hummed a few times, turned over, rubbed her eyes to look at the people in front of her, and then reached out her hand to Banxia for steamed buns.

"Your sister is really up to you..." Yong Mingyan said in a low voice when he saw this.

"Are you praising me?" Xin Yi stared at him and asked in a low voice.

"Of course not."

She poked his side ribs with her elbow and made him jump far and rub two painfully. "Don't be."

The two were happy to flirt, but Perlan's face became more and more ugly. In the end, they could only sigh and shake their heads helplessly.

Yong Mingyan waited for Zizhu to chew a steamed bun. Xin Yi wiped her greasy little hand, and then put it on the pulse for a moment.

"How is Pearl?"

"It's okay. It's nothing serious. Take a few more pills and rest for a few days. Yong Mingyan said and caressed the hair of purple beads. But remember that you can't drink such a cold thing immediately after playing like crazy in the future.

Seeing Zizhu nodded obediently, Xin Yi turned to Yong Mingyan and asked, "How tojian the medicine this time?"

He smiled bitterly, " Unfortunately, I guess I really have to leave a prescription this time. You also saw that there are so many people in the inn today. I'm afraid that Jizhou City can no longer live there." Yong Mingyan sighed, "But it doesn't matter. Go to the nearby place to avoid the limelight for two days and may come back again."

To be fair, she actually doesn't want Yong Mingyan to leave Jizhou. After all, if such a big gold owner is far away from her, won't he lose a lot? But she didn't say much, just a 'oh' answer.

Yong Mingyan saw Pearl's illness and left. He heard that while the person was away, he only went back to the inn to pick up the medicine box and left Jizhou. He is a person who is afraid of trouble. Even if he claims to be a magic doctor, he doesn't seem to be in the mood to care about other people's trivial matters. He even has no place to avoid patients. Although Xinyi can psychologically understand the circuit of Yongzi's brain, no matter how he thinks about it, Yong Mingyan is destined to be a strange person among the magic doctor.

In contrast, Xinyi's business is also relatively easy to do. Although there is no Yong Mingyan, the big gold owner, Mr. He will sometimes come to her and ask about miscellaneous trivial things, and the lot drawn is as usual. Perhaps Mr. He's advertising effect is good. Many rich second-generation officials and second-generation brothers who have made friends with Mr. He often come to take care of her business. From the beginning of the lottery, face-to-face consultation, dog-headed munist. Anyway, she is currently the number one fortune teller in Jizhou City and almost the only fortune teller who has business to do.

In a few days, Pearl's body has been completely healed. Xinyi's business was booming, and Banxia was also sent to the school to study. Peilan didn't dare to leave Zizhu alone at home, and she usually went out less.

In the summer, the weather is very bad. Although her gossip stall is close to the wall, it is not shady at all. Xinyi curled up on the bamboo stool and missed the ice cream before crossing more and more... But now, there is no ice cream in summer, and it's good to have a few pieces of ice.

While she was fantasizing about saving some ice next winter, she suddenly felt a Taoist figure in front of her. Looking up, he was a strong man with a face, as if he had never seen him before.

"Sir, can you take a look at the feng shui of today's house?"

Xinyi just wanted to agree, but he felt it was not appropriate. Choosing a site depends on feng shui is really a big deal. Her three-legged cat kung fu is still fooling people. If it is such a high difficulty, it is absolutely not good to do without real knowledge. She hesitated for a moment and said awkwardly, "I'm... I'm proficient in unsigning and calculating faces. As for looking at feng shui, I'm not very good at it."

"Oh..." The man looked at her up and down: "I thought people said that your husband was very effective, but I didn't expect that I couldn't even see a feng shui." He squeaked his lips, "But that's all right. Since my husband said that he can't see feng shui, let me calculate it for the old man at home and see how long he can last."

This is really embarrassing. Seeing that this man means that the old man's life will not be long, why don't you ask the doctor to see it, but ask a fortune teller to see it. She can't open the recipe, and she can't jump to exorcise ghosts. What's the point of this? Xinyi felt strange and naturally didn't want to go, but he couldn't stand the entanglement of the strong man. In the end, he was carried away like catching a chicken.

Although the rough man did not treat her elegantly, when he arrived at the edge of the whole soil where the site was selected, he respectfully called her 'Sir' twice when he saw four neighbors.

Xinyi looked at the left and right are also houses. There are also traces of bricks and tiles in this open space. It seems that it has just collapsed and is ready to be renovated. I don't think there should be anything wrong with this.

"Sir, can you help me take a look at this area?" The man handed over a compass and pulled Xinyi and left. "How about you look around?"


In front of so many people, she can't excuse herself. She can only follow the man for a while, far away from the surrounding spectators. Then the man said, "Since you don't know how to look at it, just say that this house is good. I just bought this land, and I don't know whether it's good or bad, so I want to build a new house to live in. If you say something good to you again, it will be a good thing. With that, he quickly stuffed a few pieces of silver into Xinyi's hand.

Oh... Do you dare to take her as a mascot? Say it earlier, damn it! Isn't it easy to do? Just say whatever you want. Since people explain it this way, what else does she have to avoid?

I wanted to make a big circle with the man, but this area was really not small, so I came back after walking for a while. According to the man, Xinyi praised this land: "This land has the appearance of gathering treasures. If you build a house here, you will definitely attract wealth and wealth every year. In addition, if the terrain is flat, it will be blessed to build a house for thousands of years, so as to protect the prosperity of this family.

Hearing this, the man seemed to be relieved. He turned his head to look at the countryside, arched his hand, and smiled red. Today, I entered the first pile, and I would like to ask you to have a drink.

When the neighbors heard this, they also respectfully led the man to his old house not far away.

The house is indeed old and old, and the wall skin has fallen off, revealing gray bricks and dark brown wooden beams. It must be completely different from the newly bought land. Xinyi expects that those who can afford to build a house on such a large piece of land must be rich, and if he is rich, how can he live in such a dilapidated house all the time? I think it must be a sudden windfall. When I had money all of a sudden, I began to buy these.

When the rough neighbor greeted him came to the simple table in front of the house, he saw Xinyi and hurriedly pulled into the house. By the way, since you are here, I will show it to the old man. The disease has not been getting better recently. When do you think you should prepare for the funeral? Don't rush with the completion of the new house. How unlucky it is.

This also made Xinyi speechless. I don't know whether this son wants the old man to live a few more years or die early. I had to smile awkwardly, "Why didn't you go to see the Yong magic doctor a few days ago? Although he doesn't like to ask for medical treatment, he also eats money. If he gives more money, he may really be invited.

"Hi, I don't know the Yong magic doctor yet?" The man grinned and snorted disdainfully: "Seeing a doctor is a decisive medicine to get rid of the disease, but the expensive diagnosis really takes the lives of our group of ordinary people. There is no spare money to invite him!"

... There is no spare money to ask him for medical treatment, but there is spare money to buy land and build a house?

Xinyi just wanted to say it, but finally swallowed it back into her stomach. After all, it was someone else's business, and she was a stranger who talked about it. Oh... Well... In fact, there is no need for me to see it or not," she smiled awkwardly in front of her. "This kind of thing still needs to be spoken by the doctor. This matter of life and death is really hard to say..." When she said this, she couldn't help but add very truthfully: "After all, this is good or bad, and you also think it's one side. If you are invincible, you can only say it well by some doctors.

When the man heard this, he also gave a little dissatisfaction with Xinyi, "I think people say how capable you are. He is just a loser who doesn't dare to say anything, but he has the skin of a deputy fortune teller."

The people who came have basically sat down. A sister-in-law has been very busy inside and outside. Seeing that the strong man was still chatting with Xin Yi, she shouted unhappily as if she wanted him to help. After picking up this gap, Xinyi also said 'bye'. The man looked at his daughter-in-law left and Xinyi to the right. Finally, he had to frown and wave his hand to help the kitchen: "Forget it. If you are busy, just go!"

She was not ready to stay for a long time, so she turned back to her gossip stall and turned over a few pieces of silver that the man had just stuffed her - this is probably the only income for this day!

The mother-in-law selling potatoes has been closed for a long time, and there are only a few stalls left next to her. In the afternoon, the sun was so hot that people were almost cooked. Unfortunately, it really came to her estimation. There was no business in the sun all afternoon. Xinyi felt that he would go home early tomorrow to avoid tanning himself into black potatoes in vain.

And when she came home with the residual heat from the sun, she smelled a familiar smell. Zizhu ran out of the room and rushed into her arms and said excitedly, "Today, that meat bun has come to send us meat buns again!!"

... Meat buns? Who!?