official god

Chapter 1 Awakening from a Dream

In June, the child's face changes as soon as he says. It's still sunny in the morning. After noon, there is a faint thunder coming from the sky. Before long, dark clouds covered the whole sky, making it dark everywhere, and it was about to rain.

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, it was the sultry time when the clouds rolled and the thunder burst. Suddenly, a huge lightning cut through the sky, as if it had hit the window. Then, the dull and suppressed thunder kept ringing from far and near, as if the house trembled a little.


With a scream, Xia wanted to wake up from the nightmare, sweating profusely and with a frightened face. He had an extremely real and clear nightmare. He dreamed that 12 years later, he failed to invest in stocks and the company he started closed down. He became a complete loser. Finally, he drank too much every day and finally died.

One by one, one by one, everything is extremely clear, which makes people wonder whether everything is a dream or has really happened?

Xia wanted to sweat profusely and gasp, suppress the fear and uneasiness in his heart. He shivered and took out a cigarette, took a sip, and glanced at the desk calendar on his desk. The date was Monday, June 15, 1998.

He clearly remembered that it was Monday, March 15, 2010, when he went to the bar alone for a drink, and he didn't know how much he had drunk. He only remembered that his head was as big as a fight and his head was dizzy. It seemed that he had met his ex-girlfriend Wei Xin. Then he left alone and staggered outside. The Turn the ground, and then fall to the ground...

What's going on? Is this death?

Then he woke up and went back in time. Unexpectedly, he went back to 12 years ago. Did God play a joke on him, or did he give him a chance to start again? 12 years is not long or short, but it is the most important golden 12 years in his life. Now that he has such a precious opportunity in front of him, what kind of different life should he get out of?

Xia Xiang had a splitting headache. He stood up and looked out of the window. The grape rack outside the window is full of grapes the size of rice grains. On the wall in the distance, several loofahs climbed all over the wall. Through one side of the wall, you can see a Qianlima car parked outside the yard.

It is not a low-end Chilima car produced by South Korea's Hyundai in 2003, but a Qianlima produced by Nissan in Japan in 1998. It is a medium and high-end car for the European and American markets, leather seats, automatic transmission, electric windows, and automatic wipers, which was already a very luxurious configuration at that time.

Xia suddenly remembered, isn't this Li Dingshan's car? Looking at the license plate number, it was indeed F. It was Li Dingshan's smuggled car from Baoshi to Yanshi, the provincial capital. The license plate procedures were all fake. The market value of this car is more than 300,000 yuan, but when Li Dingshan got it, it seemed that it only cost more than 80,000 yuan.

1998? Li Dingshan? Xia Xiang finally woke up. Now it's his second year of college. He is 23 years old and is working in Li Dingshan's company.

Li Dingshan is the reporter stationmaster of a national-level newspaper in Yan Province. In 1996, he borrowed the east wind of the country's major newspapers and periodicals to start the tertiary industry. The newspaper invested 1 million yuan and registered the science and technology information culture development center in the name of the national newspaper in Yan City! One million yuan can be regarded as a huge sum of money in the 1990s, which also proves that Li Dingshan is indeed strongly supported by some people in the newspaper.

However, Li Dingshan's complacency did not last long. A year later, the first business lost 500,000 yuan, and the next year, another investment of 500,000 yuan was lost. Xia didn't know how to lose money in the first business, because he hasn't come to the company yet. In the second business, he participated in the whole process. He knew every detail and every mistake. As for the second failure, he couldn't even say a superfluous word except for Li Dingshan's bad fate, because this matter was really depressing and had nothing to say. Except for complaining about bad luck, he was really aggrieved enough. Choked.

Now the company is already panicked. Originally, the company was not big, with a total of more than a dozen people. There is no hope in the second business now, and it is on the verge of collapse, so the resignation was transferred. In a blink of an eye, there were only five people left in the company.

Wen Yang, vice president, 36 years old, was a section-level officer of the Youth League Provincial Committee. He joined Li Dingshan as soon as he founded the company. He is Li Dingshan's most loyal follower and one of the people he trusts most.

Jia He, 27 years old, secretary and driver, has been following Li Dingshan for 5 years and is also one of his most effective subordinates. In addition to being a driver, Jia He is usually Li Dingshan's personal secretary, who is responsible for taking care of his living and life. Because Li Dingshan is divorced, his 6-year-old son lives with his ex-wife, and he lives in the company himself.

Xiao Jia, 23 years old, like Xia Xiang, is a female college student who graduated last year. She looks sweet. Jing Wenyang was introduced to the company and had a close relationship with Wen Yang. The two of them seemed to be a little ambiguous. However, Xia thought was just a guess, and there was no real evidence.

Teng Qiang, 26 years old, was originally a technicalian of Yanshi Pharmaceutical. Because Li Dingshan's first business was to cooperate with Yanshi Pharmaceutical, he seemed to have some relatives with Li Dingshan, so he volunteered to transfer from Yanshi Pharmaceutical to the company. As a result, after the business went bankrupt, he had been wandering in the company Originally, it is equivalent to being abandoned and no longer reused, but I have not left the company, and I don't know what the plan is.

The last person is Xia. After graduating from college, he was first assigned to a construction company as a technician, and later he was introduced to Li Dingshan. Because the second business he was planning involved in the infrastructure part, he talked with Xia Xiang at first sight. He couldn't stand the bright prospects described by Li Dingshan. Xia Xiang resigned from the company and transferred to Li Dingshan's company. Moreover, Li Dingshan's company is still a career establishment. Compared with the enterprise establishment, it is at least much better in reputation.

Unfortunately, the establishment of the career is not fake, but it is just a false name. Everything depends on the company's self-support, and the newspaper will not allocate a penny at all, so it is actually an enterprise.

Now the company's prospects are hopeless. He hasn't left. It's not that he doesn't want to leave, but that he hasn't found a suitable job for a while. Once he finds it, he will definitely not stay in the company for another day. After all, it is said that he is working every day. In fact, everyone

To put it bluntly, there was no ruling in the end. At most, Li Dingshan publicly admitted his failure and declared the company bankrupt, and everyone made a living. However, Li Dingshan wants to be strong and face-to-face. In fact, he has not accepted the fact of failure psychologically, just like he has been hiding his divorce for many years. Except for Jia He, no one knows at all.

The reason why Xia wanted to know was that once he drank with Jia He, and both of them were drunk. After drinking, Jia He told the truth and accidentally leaked it.

Today is June 15th. By the way, he remembers it clearly. Just today, he received an employment notice from a company and then resigned to Li Dingshan. Although Li Dingshan looked a little embarrassed and claimed that the company still had room to turn around, he finally nodded and agreed and let him go.

Starting from today, after he left, he began the process of struggling alone. He had less and less contact with Li Dingshan, but he faintly heard that he finally returned to the newspaper and became an ordinary editor. Before his rebirth, Li Dingshan was 52 years old. If nothing unexpected happens, he will be an editor in less than a few years. If the identity retreats, there may be a title of editorial review. Anyway, there is no longer any chance to recover. Life is plain, and there is no magnificent wave.

The joy of rebirth was soon overwhelmed by reality. Xia wanted to sit back to his seat dullly. Today, Wen Yang and Xiao Jia went out early in the morning and didn't know what to do. Teng Qiang simply did not come to work. Jia He asked for leave to go back to his hometown to visit his relatives. Now only he and Li Ding If he didn't guess correctly, Li Dingshan is sleeping upstairs now.

Isn't there any opportunity and choice after rebirth? He has to leave the company as before, go for a while, and finally live a peaceful life...


The phone suddenly rang, which woke up Xia's deep thinking. He was stunned and subconsciously thought, was it possible that the company he applied for called to inform him to go to work? If so, does he still have to resign to Li Dingshan later, just like last time, and then step out of this small building carrying countless people's failed dreams?

P: New book upload, please collect, eager to recommend, thank you.