official god

Chapter 6 Active Xiao Jia

Xiao Jia wore a short-sleeved T-shirt on her upper body, just covered her navel, and wore a pair of tight jeans on her lower body, which made her slender thighs stand with a ponytail casually tied on her head, as pure as a water lotus, and stood behind Xiaxiang with a smile.

"Have you recovered from your cold?" Xia Xiang's first reaction was that Li Dingshan's antipyretics were very useful, and the second reaction was that Xiao Jia was really beautiful. This simple and bright dress really looked like a college student, but why did she have to have a close relationship with Wen Yang? It seemed that there were still some ambiguous relationships.

With this idea, Xia thought was a little indifferent to Xiao Jia. No matter how you look at it, you think she is too good at disguise, and you remember that she looked dejected just now, and you have an idea in your heart. It's better to stay away from her as before.

Xiao Jia looked at Xiaxiang strangely, and his eyebrows were affectionate, which made him unable to move. Although Xiaxiang has experienced a lot of women, the seductive amorous feelings in Xiao Jia's eyes still made him stunned and almost lost his mind.

Xiao Jia was quite confident about her appearance. Seeing Xia Xiang, who had been honest and shy before, she couldn't help but be stunned. Then her mouth curled up, and her thin and long eyes narrowed into a crack. She smiled: "The antipyretics are very useful. Thank you, Xia Xiang, I didn't expect you to be quite Otherwise, I'll treat you to dinner in the evening, just to show your care just now.

Xia Xiang doesn't want to provoke Xiao Jia. Now he is fully focused on Li Dingshan, and he is about to go out with Li Dingshan at night, so he doesn't want to provoke Wen Yang because of Xiao Jia. It's not that I'm afraid of Wen Yang, but that I don't want to deal with Wen Yang more. Xiaxiang always felt that Wen Yang's small eyes squinted all day long, and there was always a trace of gloom from time to time.

"You're welcome. They are all colleagues, as they should be. But I have something to do in the evening, so I can't accompany you. I'm sorry. Xia wanted to answer quietly.

Xiao Jia was obviously stunned. Obviously, she didn't expect Xia to be able to refuse her charm. After thinking about it, she smiled and said, "It's okay if you don't go. Next time I invite you again, I must be happy. By the way, Xia thought that the company's current situation will not last for a few days. Do you have any ideas? At least he is a genuine college student. It's not difficult to go out to find a good job.

In 1998, although college students were no longer the hot pride of the sky, they were much stronger than the serious surplus of college students caused by the expansion of enrollment ten years later, so college students at this time were still good.

Xia wanted to see Xiao Jia, who seemed to have no intention to ask, but a strange brilliance flashed in her eyes, and her heart moved. Is there any secret about Xiao Jia? Yes, with her appearance and ability, it's easy to leave the company and find a good job outside. She has been staying and won't leave. She must have any ideas. Thinking of Wen Yang, who is an alumnus of Li Dingshan, is several times lower than Li Dingshan. Before coming to the company, I'm afraid he also got Li Dingshan's promise. Otherwise, with his position as a section-level officer of the Youth League Provincial Party Committee, it will also take great courage and determination to jump to a company.

Correct subject level? Xia suddenly remembered something. In case of his secret operation, Li Dingshan finally agreed to take office as the county party secretary, he would definitely take a few of his own people there. Jia He went to be a driver, and Wen Yang went to be the director of the county party committee office. He was also at the same level. Only he did not have any level at all. Even if he was a secretary for Li Dingshan, he might not be qualified.

Don't go to the end. After a long time, Li Dingshan successfully took office, but only took Jia He and Wen Yang away. He only ended up being unattended. Isn't it a waste of time to make wedding clothes for others?

Thinking of this, Xiaxiang suddenly sighed and said, "What can I think? Now the relationship is all in the company. If you want to resign and go out, don't transfer procedures. There will be future trouble. Let's go through the transfer procedures, it's very troublesome. Besides, there is still a front-line turning point in front of the company, wait and see..." While talking, he glanced at Xiao Jia and saw her smiling as if nothing had happened. Her big eyes narrowed into a thin moon. Unspeakable sweetness, he couldn't help but be distracted and hurriedly coughed to hide his gaffe. "What about you Son?"

Xia thought just said casually, but Xiao Jia suddenly said mysteriously, "If you promise to have dinner with me, I will tell you a way to make money, and I am willing to work with you, as long as you start."

When Xiao Jia spoke, she leaned over. I don't know whether it was pretending to be mysterious or intentional ** Xia Xiang. She came to Xia Xiang's ear and exhaled her breath. A fragrance blew into Xia Xiang's neck with a hot air, which made his ears hot, his neck itchy, and his mind was excited. Her eyes Above the right shoulder, a lavender belt passes through, which makes her skin more smooth and touching than snow.

I remember that when she was wet by the heavy rain not long ago, Xiao Jia was still wearing a flesh-colored bra. At this moment, she not only changed her clothes, but also changed her bra to lavender. Maybe she changed her whole body. Xia wanted to suddenly have a strange idea. When did Xiao Jia put his close-fitting clothes in the company? He didn't find it in the company almost every day?

I can't stand Xiao Jia's close-fitting**. Xia wanted to move her steps quietly, a foot away from her, and then said, "Okay, there is really a way to get rich. I can treat you to dinner. But when it comes to the ugly words, I'm poor now. I really want to do something big business, but I don't have start-up capital.

Xia thought that he would not believe that Xiao Jia really had a way to make a fortune. Even if there was, based on his knowledge of Xiao Jia, he didn't think she would be generous enough to share it with him, so he just said that he first gave up the idea of Xiao Jia to let him pay and contribute.

Xiao Jia looked disapproving: "Well, if you really need to invest tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of yuan, even if you have it, I dare not do it. I really want to lose money. I can't afford to sell it. Xia Think, what I said is true. Don't believe it. Do you know that Wen Yang can be transferred back to the Youth League Provincial Committee at any time now? Why doesn't he go back and is not lazy in this half-dead company? It's because he has a lot of money to make!"

The news immediately surprised Xia. Seeing Xiao Jia's firm face, he didn't seem to be a liar, and couldn't help thinking: Wen Yang was mysterious every day. He was indifferent to the company's affairs, but he came to report almost every day, and then locked in the house and couldn't come out, and he didn't know Only Xiao Jia in the company often goes in and out of his office. When others want to go in, they are always pushed out by him for various reasons.

With the close relationship between Xiao Jia and Wen Yang, it seems that she must know something. Xiaxiang doesn't really want to make money with Xiao Jia, but it's worth a try to know what Wen Yang is doing from Xiao Jia. When Li Dingshan really wants to choose between him and Wen Yang, he also needs to prepare in advance to understand what kind of person Wen Yang is.

"The company can't make money, and Mr. Li can't imagine it now. Mr. Wen really has a way. Why don't you tell Mr. Li so that the company can come back to life?" Xia wanted to curl the corners of his mouth and smiled gently.

Xia Xiang, who has experienced more than 12 years, has a calm and easy-going temperament than his peers. He smiled inadvertently and casually, but he has a temperament that is not commensurate with his current age, which makes Xiao Jia jump for no reason. He can't help looking at Xia a few more times. He wondered However, he doesn't look bad, but he is not handsome. Why does he suddenly become so manly today?

Xiao Jia secretly thought that this guy smiled a little bad and a little cute. The skin was not white, but he was quite healthy. Looking carefully, he was really a sunny boy.

When he was thinking about it, he suddenly found that Xia Xian was sweeping her neck intentionally or unintentionally. His eyes were hot and there was a trace of greed. He couldn't help blushing. He spat and scolded, "Where are you looking? Take back your eyes and don't look around with three cats and six eyes!"

Xia wanted to smile and said as if nothing had happened, "Let's talk about business, don't break in. I didn't look around. It's because you're too close to me.

Xiao Jia glanced at Xia with hatred. The amorous feelings of that glance almost made him unable to control it. He secretly said that this girl was really a goblin.

"Wen Yang, if he wants to have a selfless spirit, he is not Wen Yang! Humph, an authentic villain, a miser, a greedy ghost, a big bastard! He clearly agreed to divide half of me, but he didn't give it for three times in a row, and he insisted on me..." Suddenly realized that he had spilled his mouth. Xiao Jia covered his mouth with his hand, looked at Xia with a nervous face, and hesitated, "Don't tell Mr. Li about this. In case Mr. Li turns with Wen Yang Yes."

Sure enough, there was an inside story. Xia wanted to ask quietly, "What's going on?"

Xiao Jia looked upstairs, shook her head and whispered, "When you invite me to dinner, I'll tell you."'s not convenient to say!"

Xia wanted to know that she was worried about Li Dingshan upstairs, so she didn't force herself. She smiled, sat back to her seat, waved her hand and said, "I really have something to do tonight. I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow when I have time. By the way, you are just right. Drink more boiled water so that you can consolidate the condition, otherwise it is easy to repeat.

A glimmer of light flashed in Xiao Jia's eyes and nodded vigorously: "Well, thank you, Xiaxiang. After chatting with you for a while, I feel much better. I didn't notice it before. It turns out that you are not only an honest person, but also a good person.

Xia Xiang nodded and was about to speak. Suddenly, he heard the footsteps coming from upstairs. Li Dingshan rushed down from upstairs. Chong Xia wanted to raise the key in his hand and said, "Xia Xiang, I have something to do in the evening. I want to meet Gao Hai and have dinner with President Li. Let's talk about it later. Remember to lock the door when you get off work.

Gao Hai is the deputy secretary-general of the municipal government. Although the level is not the deputy department level, the position is important, and it is said that it is still heavily used by Mayor Chen Feng, and may soon become a regular position.

Li Dingshan is in a hurry to see Gao Hai. Is it that the land of the railway station square will be approved immediately? In my memory, it will take at least a month to get the land approval. If things really change because of his rebirth and the approval is issued in advance, it will be difficult for him to persuade Li Dingshan to work in politics. If this is really the case, Li Dingshan will go to the dark, and he may have a big fall on the LCD large screen project. In the end, not to mention going back to the newspaper to be an ordinary editor, I'm afraid he won't get a good end.