official god

Chapter 22 Unintentional borrowing

Sure enough, the doorman saw the license plate and let it go directly. The Audi car drove to the door of the manager's office of the simple room. Xia Xiang and Cao Shuyu got out of the car. He threw a box of cigarettes to Li Jiefu: "Brother Li has worked hard. You can walk around. I'll accompany Shuyu to

Li Jiefu can be Cao Yongguo's driver. Of course, he also has eyesight. Although he doesn't know what Xia Xiang has to do with the Cao family, since Director Cao is willing to rest assured that the daughter of love is like the pearl of his hand to accompany Xia, the relationship must be extraordinary. If Xia wants to be very polite and make him have a good impression, how can he take away his cigarettes? It's time to make concessions.

Xia thought that he didn't give him a chance. He waved his hand at him with a smile, turned around and walked away.

Xia wanted to take a few steps and whispered, "Shu Yan, discuss something with you and pretend to be my girlfriend in front of outsiders later, okay?"

Cao Shuyu held the notebook in front of his chest with both hands, and his red lips pouted slightly. He asked puzzledly, "Why do I feel like a big gray wolf standing in front of me? I want to know what you're thinking!"

Xia wanted to make up a lie: "My former college classmates worked as technicians here, and as soon as they met, they laughed at me for being dumped by my girlfriend. Men are also vain. If I bring another girlfriend, I think I will stop his broken mouth.

Cao Shuyu was overjoyed: "So you mean, I'm more beautiful than your ex-girlfriend?"

"It seems to be more beautiful..." In order to coax Cao Shuyan to agree, Xia wanted to exaggerate the fact. In fact, in his opinion, even if Cao Shuyan is more beautiful than Yang Bei, it is also very limited. After all, Yang Bei is also a rare beauty. "I don't count. If I see my classmates later It's credible."

"This is more fun, I promise you." Cao Shuyu entered the play very quickly. As soon as he finished speaking, he reached out and put his hand to hold Xiaxiang's arm. Xia wanted to look back nervously. Fortunately, Li Jiefu didn't know where he had gone. He knew that if Li Jiefu saw it, it would definitely fall into Cao Yongguo's ears.

The project manager responsible for the construction project of Jiajia Supermarket is Li Hongjiang, the manager of the provincial second construction company. Li Hongjiang came to the construction site early this morning. He learned that Party A's project funds had not yet arrived, so he couldn't help but be angry. He recruited all the foremans together for a short on-site meeting. The spirit of the meeting was two points. One was a full-scale suspension, and the other was that no one was allowed to start Who.

In 1998, the construction market was not like a complete buyer's market in later generations. The construction company was in front of A, and the waist pole could still be straight, and it could also justifiably ask Party A to pay the project on time, otherwise it would be threatened to stop work. In less than a few years, in order to seize the limited market, the construction company did everything possible. In the end, as long as there was a project, the construction company could first advance the foundation or even build three floors on the ground, which led to vicious competition in the construction industry, which led to the collapse of a large number of construction companies, resulting in a A large number of tofu residue projects.

At the same time, it also caused the abnormal prosperity of the real estate industry in disguise. As long as there is a pre-approval of the land, you can find a construction company, let the construction company invest to build the house first, and then pre-sell it. Then there will be money from the bank, and then continue to develop new real estate. Just a real estate tycoon!

As the branch manager of the second construction, Li Hongjiang is also a leader. He urged Feng Xuguang three times and didn't get the project payment. He felt that there was no light on his face. In order to show the authority of the leader and let Feng Xuguang know who had the final say it, he pretended to his With a dignified meal, he also knew that his attitude would soon be conveyed to Feng Xuguang.

After teaching his men, Li Hongjiang came out of his office. From a distance, he saw that Feng Xuguang's office was still closed, and there was no movement. He couldn't help sneering secretly. At this time, he could still calm down. As soon as the project stopped, the opening date of the supermarket was delayed. Let's

The whole Jiajia supermarket covers an area of about 60 mu, of which the main building is about 15 mu, and the rest are ancillary facilities, such as central air conditioning, parking lot and warehouse. The whole construction site is surrounded by a brick wall. Party A, that is, Jiajia Supermarket, also has a simple office on the construction site, and Party B, the simple office of the second construction unit, which is located on both sides of the construction site, looking at each other from a distance.

Li Hongjiang, who was made angry by Feng Xuguang's attitude several times, didn't bother to quarrel with him again. He directly gave him a simple job to stop and rectify, and see if he dared to push back again. Li Hongjiang doesn't care whether Feng Xuguang really has no money. If you don't have money, don't start construction. If you don't have money, don't play with real estate!

Suddenly, Li Hongjiang's eyes fell on the Audi car parked at the door of Feng Xuguang's office. Because he was far away, he couldn't see the license plate of the Audi car, but he faintly saw that there were two 0s behind Yan A, and then there were three digits behind it. What is the first of the three digits? He opened his eyes wide and was not sure whether it was 1 or not. His heart was so irritable, just like it was full of weeds, and it was indescribably uncomfortable.

It's nothing to have an Audi car. There are a lot of rich people. However, there are very few license plates of Yan A00, because those who can have the license plates of the first few hundred places are all face-headed people, and many of them are the heads of provincial departments and bureaus.

Did Feng Xuguang invite any big shots?

Li Hongjiang ignored himself, and he couldn't help worrying about gains and losses in his heart. He was worried that in case he really wanted to be provoked, he was just the manager of a small branch, so small that he could not be a small official position, which could cut off his future in one sentence. Thinking of this, he slowly moved closer and closer to the Audi car. After he finally saw the license plate number, he almost jumped up with a scream: It turned out to be Director Cao's car!

How could Director Cao's car be parked in front of Feng Xuguang's office? Does Feng Xuguang know Director Cao? No, he really needs to have a relationship with Director Cao, and let him be pinched by the manager of a small branch?

If the mayor came, or the leaders of other provincial departments and bureaus came here, Feng Xuguang would not be so nervous. At least he was also a person who had seen the scene. If he really had a leader to plead for Feng Xuguang, he also had many excuses to prevaricate. For example, there was a shortage of funds, he could not Unexpectedly, wait, anyway, list a lot of difficulties to let the leader know that he didn't mean to make things difficult. Li Hongjiang is also a good player, or he can't get into the position of manager of a company.

But if it is really Director Cao, he dares not say a lie, not only because Director Cao is also from the construction industry, but also because Du Tongchun, the general manager of Erjian, was picked up by Director Cao. It can be said that he is the direct line of Director Cao, and he is also the direct line of In this way, he is also a member of Director Cao. If Director Cao really speaks, not to mention that there is no money, even if you have money, you have to create the appearance of no money, and then carry forward that if there are no difficulties, you have to create difficulties and finally overcome the difficult situation, and assure the director that the project will be completed in quality and quantity!

If Director Cao really remembers him, the position of vice president of the Second Construction Corporation may be promising. The more Li Hongjiang thought about it, the more excited he became. He rubbed his hands and trotted all the way to the front of the Audi car, ready to ask the driver Li Jiefu about the inside information.

Unlike Li Hongjiang's complacent mentality, Feng Xuguang is now anxious. He has made all the phone calls in exchange for a result: no money. He also knows that many friends are not without money and don't want to lend it to him because they don't care about the prospects of his supermarket. Yan City is an emerging city. Although it is a provincial city, the residents' income is not high and the consumption capacity is limited. He built a large supermarket. In the eyes of many people, there is only a dead end, and no one is willing to lend money to projects that are doomed to fail.

When Feng Xuguang had nothing to do, he did not think of Xia, but he felt that Xia thought that Xia's behavior at that time might just be a little clever. He shod him and wanted to make a good impression on him. If he really wanted him to solve the funding gap of 1 million yuan, it was tantamount to a dream. Even if he is really sick and rushed to the doctor, he still can't lose face to ask for a college student who has just graduated.

Putting down the phone, Feng Xuguang, who was irritable, was ready to go to the construction site to see if he could persuade Li Hongjiang to give him another month to raise funds. In fact, there is also a friend who is willing to pay 1 million yuan to help him tide over the difficulties, but on the condition is that he wants 20% of his shares, which makes him scold him as a wolf's ambition. In vain, he has been a good friend for many years, and he is not soft at all when he takes advantage of the robbery.

He opened the door and saw that there was an Audi parked at the door. He was stunned. Looking at the license plate of the small number, he couldn't help muttering in his heart, which leader suddenly inspected the Jiajia supermarket project. Why didn't anyone inform him?

When he was puzzled, he heard Li Hongjiang's particularly eager voice: "Mr. Feng, I said Mr. Feng, when did you meet Director Cao? Look, you really don't have enough friends. Since you know Director Cao, why don't you tell me that I'm afraid that I can't guarantee the quality of the project and deliberately ambush?

Feng Xuguang scratched his head. What's going on today?