official god

Chapter 37 Cao Shuqi also has a network

Cao Shuqi held Xiaxiang's arm tightly and shouted at the man, "Sun An, if you are a step later, I will be arrested. Humph, I'm just here now. You're useless. Go back by yourself.

What's surprising is that Sun An, dressed in a police uniform, smiled and said in a low voice, "Shu, give me a chance. I promise I won't let you down. I really came as soon as I received your text message. At this time, it was the rush hour, there was a traffic jam on the road, and it was normal for a minute or two at night, right?

While talking, Sun An's eyes moved to Xiaxiang, and then turned to glance at three people standing two upside down, with a suspicious expression: "Did you knock these three people down?"

Xia wanted to nod and didn't say anything. Cao Shuqi said proudly, "Justice defense, one fights three, isn't it awesome?"

Sun An is of medium height, but when he walks, his legs are straight and his waist is straight. Obviously, he has practiced. He turned back to the two people who got off the police car and said, "These three people drank and made trouble. They committed the crime on the spot and handcuffed them first..."

Xu Jing, a man with glasses, saw that the momentum was not good. Knowing that the policeman and the other party were acquaintances, he hurriedly took a step forward and quietly said to Sun An, "Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. Dude, give me face. The three of us are still a little far away in Beicang District. Don't make too much trouble and make friends.

"Misunderstanding?" Sun An's eyes flashed through Xiaxiang and Cao Shuyan, who were close to each other. His heart was blocked and uncomfortable, and he was not angry. "When the three of you just hit one, why didn't you say it was a misunderstanding? Why didn't you say it was a misunderstanding when you flirted with someone just now? If the police don't, you will continue to misunderstand, beat the man and take the woman away, won't you?

As soon as he heard it, the man with glasses knew that the police were deliberately looking for fault, and he was secretly looking for hardships in his heart. Unexpectedly, a guy riding a bicycle, could not only fight, but also called the police to know him. It was too shameful to be caught in the police station. He reached out and took out a box of I said, my mother works in the District Education Bureau, and she is the director. The father of the other two buddies, one is the deputy director of the District Industry and Commerce Bureau. By the way, it will be corrected soon, and the other is the director of the Urban Management Bureau. They are all insiders, and it is convenient to meet people, right?

Xu Jing, a man with glasses, saw that Sun An was just an ordinary policeman. Maybe he was from a police station in Beicang District. Speaking of which, he could always find someone he knew to talk to talk, and then moved out the three gods in their three families. He would definitely scare the little policeman. Halfway through the smoke, his eyes What's wrong with you, buddy? Maybe your leader still has something to ask for the god of our family.

Sun An was stunned and touched his ears. He didn't pick up the cigarette. He said in a muffled voice, "Wait a minute..." He turned around and called Cao Shuyu, "Shuyu, I have something to ask you. Come here."

Cao Shuxuan dragged Xia over and wanted to come over, with an unhappy face: "What are you doing, Sun An? This little thing can't be done. Just grab it and lock it up.

Sun An blinked his eyes, and his seemingly simple smile revealed a strangeness: "No, there is something I still can't understand, and you have to help me. What's the level of the district governor?

"Deal level." Cao Shuqi understood something, and his eyes swept over the man with glasses.

"What is the official of the director of the district education bureau?" Sun An asked again.

"Science level."

"Is the section level very small?" Sun An looked confused. He looked at Cao Shuqi, and then at the man with red-faced glasses. "Is he bigger than my father's official?"

Xia thought almost couldn't help laughing. This boy was so good at pretending that he knew at a glance that he was deliberately acting and teasing the three children.

At this time, Ma and Heizi were also brought over by two policemen. The two of them were still unconvinced and shouted to make a phone call.

Cao Shuqi covered his mouth and smiled, as if he had a conspired to succeed: "Your father is a deputy department-level cadre, the section level is the deputy department, the deputy department is the department level, and then the department is the deputy department."

As soon as Ma and Heizi, who were so angry that they wanted to make a phone call, they immediately closed their mouths. Look at me, I look at you. Their eyes were wide open, and their faces were unbelievable, but they couldn't speak.

"Damn it!" Sun An patted his thigh and shouted, "He can't even compare with mung beans. He dares to pretend to be a high-ranking official in front of me, and almost scared me. This man is a big loss!" Hey, I said Li Fei and He Ming, take these three kids into the police car, so as not to get in the way here. Go to the team later, and then give him a crime of pretending to be a high-ranking official. Let's see if he is honest or not?"

The man with glasses was originally dejected and was devastated. He thought that the god who carried out of the house could fill the facade. He didn't think about how to compare with the father who had a deputy hall in front of him? Let's admit it. But it's not right. He heard the smell, looked at Sun An's police uniform carefully, and shouted, "No, our fight is a civil dispute. It should be under the jurisdiction of the police of the police station. You are a criminal policeman and can't control us."

Sun An patted the man with glasses on the shoulder and smiled: "I have a little eyesight. It's worthy of wearing glasses. Li Fei, my task has been completed. I'll leave it to you.

Li Fei looked thin and weak, and also wore a pair of glasses. He came to the man with glasses and said seriously, "I'm Li Fei, a police officer of Minsheng Road Police Station. The three of you, please come with me."

Xia wanted to be surprised secretly. Sun An seemed to be out of tune. In fact, he was thin in the thickness and acted rigorously. He took a look at the car parked at the door of the Chufeng Building and recognized that it was the one driven by several people, so he took a step forward and said, "Police comrade, as a law- My colleague reacted to a situation.

Sun An's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly grasped Xiaxiang's hands and said, "Our police welcome you to cooperate with our work like this. This comrade, if there is any situation, you can react. If the situation is true, we will deal with it seriously."

Cao Shuqi turned his head aside and couldn't help laughing.

Xia wanted to point his hand at the car at the door of Chu Feng's building: "Police comrades, these three people not only gathered to commit murder and flirt with women, but also violated traffic regulations. Driving in the pedestrian street should be deducted three points and fined 300 yuan according to the regulations. In addition, they are suspected of drunk driving. By the way, they also drive cars that do not meet the regulations on the road, which violates so many traffic laws and regulations all of a sudden. It is really outrageous. I hope that the police will strictly investigate violations for the sake of the people's personal safety.

"You talk nonsense, you spit blood, I don't drink and drive, my car is fine, all in line with the regulations." He trembled with anger and stamped his feet and cursed.

The man with glasses is still unconvinced: "This is a matter for the traffic police. Do you criminal police and police have to meddle in other people's business?"

The young policeman known as He Ming came to the front. He was more than 1.8 meters tall, slightly fat, and saluted with a smile: "Comrade, I'm a traffic policeman. Please show your driver's license. In addition, the right front wheel of your car is out of gas, and you can't drive on the road

The lack of gas in the right front wheel is Xia's masterpiece. When there was a collision at the intersection, he secretly put a fruit knife under the other party's front wheel. As soon as the car started, he cut the tire. Until now, it seems that it is not pricked deep.

The man with glasses was so angry that he couldn't speak: "Why did you three completely different policemen get together? Didn't you deliberately deal with us?"

He jumped his feet and shouted, "What's the beginning of that girl? Dude, tell me, and I'll apologize to her." Needless to say, the clothes the little girl was wearing didn't seem to be a famous brand, let alone the boy. His clothes were average and he was riding a tattered bicycle. How could they know the son of a deputy department-level cadre? The father of the little policeman is at the deputy department level. Which god is he? Yanshi said that it was big or small, and there were countless deputy department-level cadres, but they were also at the deputy department level, and there was a difference in power.

The father of the little policeman is not the real leader of the deputy department, is he?