official god

Chapter 47 Chaos Chapter Cheng's Chapter Chengshi

The charter city is located in the northernmost part of Yan Province. It is an old city with underdeveloped transportation and economic underdeveloped economy. In addition, the latitude is high, the winter is long, the crop production is not much, and the economy has always been the last in the province. Since Hu Zengzhou became mayor, he has always wanted to work hard to make a difference in office, but many things can not be done only by determination and perseverance. The victory of people in the revolutionary era is just a slogan. In a city with neither industrial foundation nor agriculture, the only thing he can do is located in Natural grasslands and pastures in the northern part of the city are the best choice for the development of tourism.

However, unfortunately, there is no traffic in all directions in the city. In addition to a highway connection with the capital, ordinary roads are occupied by various trucks transporting coal. It is common for traffic jams for several hours, and even a traffic jam for three or five days. The continuous extension of hundreds of kilometers is the spectacle of trucks. Scenes are also common.

The railway is also very backward. There is only one bus a day between the capital and the capital, and it is surprisingly slow. It is less than 200 kilometers away from the capital, and the train takes four or five hours to walk. Although there are also high-speed, because of the need to cross the mountains and mountains, there are too many turns, so the speed cannot be too fast. Compared with the speed limit of 120 kilometers in the plain, the speed limit of 200 kilometers is as high as high as 100 kilometers, and the speed limit of 70 kilometers is less than two hours elsewhere. Here, there are at least Time.

There is no way to the sky. Any ambition is fantasy. Many lofty ideals will be beaten to pieces by the helplessness of reality. Therefore, in the past three years since he became the mayor of the charter city, Hu Zengzhou's mood has become heavier and heavier, and he wants to leave here more and more. Even if he does In a few years, he rose to a position and completely left the charter city, a desolate place with no political achievements.

Originally full of hope, after Shen Fuming was promoted to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, he naturally took over the position of secretary, which was also a reward for his hard work and painstaking efforts in the city of the past few years. Unexpectedly, after he fought with Shen Fuming, he finally took the post of secretary of the county party committee of the county party for Song Chaodu, and was also praised by Song Chaodu. The joy in his heart had not faded, but he heard a thunderbolt news: a secretary-general of the provincial party committee fell from the capital!

Shen Fuming's position was replaced, and he did not hear the news that he was transferred elsewhere. Since Shen Fuming did not move, the matter of his succession as secretary also came to nothing. Hu Zengzhou was very angry and looked forward to it for several years. If he hadn't waited to take over the position of secretary, why would he have to

Hu Zengzhou's anger reacted to specific things, which showed that the staff around him were being disciplined more often, and even the secretary-general of the municipal government was once disciplined by him because of a small matter, which was very shameless. Fortunately, some people at a certain level know the reason for Mayor Hu's tant temper, and no one blames him. And people who are not qualified to know the reason for his temper don't even have the courage and ideas to be dissatisfied with him.

Compared with Hu Zengzhou's restrained anger, Shen Fuming's attack is unscrupulous thunderous anger! As long as anyone asks him to report his work, as long as he picks out a mistake, he will be kicked out immediately, go back to realize the mistake and come back. There was a long-sighted deputy secretary of the district party committee, Liu, who had something to do with Shen Fuming before. He had drunk several times and sent gifts. When he came to Shen Fuming to report his work, he was scolded by Shen Fuming for a few words. He felt inexplicable. He didn't figure out what was going on I sorted out the reporting materials according to your instructions. How can I say that the data is unreasonable?

Shen Fuming looked unhappy. When he said it, he laughed angrily: "So, I can't remember what I said? Or is there a conflict between my spirit of instruction and the party's policies?

When Deputy Secretary Liu heard it badly, why is he so stupid? How can he point out the leader's fault in person? The leader is the leader, and the leader is the subordinate. Any problem and any mistake is caused by the unfavorable execution of the subordinates and the lack of serious work. How can it be a mistake in the leader's spirit of instructions? At that time, he broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly self-criticize: "I'm sorry, Secretary Shen, it's my work mistake. It's because I didn't remember the leader's instructions. It's because my work is not meticulous, my attitude is not serious, and the implementation is not in place..."

"Since you know you are wrong, you still dare to quibble, and you still want to try to avoid responsibility? Deputy Secretary Liu, where are your principles and party spirit? What's wrong with your conduct and conduct? Under your leadership, the party mass construction in Hedong District has successfully completed the goal of publicity work and cadre assessment work? There should be detailed examples to explain how to implement it. It's not an empty general talk like you!" Shen Fuming stood up and threw the material in front of Deputy Secretary Liu. "Strospect carefully. If you can't do it well, I will propose to the Standing Committee to adjust your work."

When he heard Shen Fuming directly call his position "Deputy Secretary Liu", he felt bad. Usually, Secretary Shen always amiably called him Xiao Liu, or Secretary Liu on a slightly more serious occasion. This time, he called him "Deputy Secretary Liu" very directly. Obviously, Secretary Shen's dissatisfaction with him reached its peak. When he finally heard that he wanted to adjust his work, he was almost scared to stand unsteadily and collapsed on the ground. Secretary Shen said the same thing in the charter city. He was afraid that the adjustment work he said was to let him go to the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the National People's Congress for retirement.

"Secretary Shen, I, I, I'm wrong..." Under Shen Fuming's accumulated power, he couldn't even speak completely. He could only keep nodding and bowing, and the smile on his face was worse than crying.

"Get out!" Shen Fuming didn't look at him and shouted loudly.

The leaders of the two groups of the party and the government are frighteningly bad-tempered. All the people are careful, lest they hit the muzzle of the gun. It feels uncomfortable to be hit by a shot, and no one is willing to ask for trouble. Fortunately, whether it was the secretary of the municipal party committee or the mayor, they returned to normal after a day of anger, but no one dared to take it lightly, and no one knew what kind of storm was hidden in peace.

If there is no problem with Song Chaodu, Hu Zengzhou also knows that he can't be so generous, although he also knows that he has to complain about it, and he can't complain about Song Chaodu. After all, he can't protect himself. However, Hu Zengzhou had a vague guess that it was impossible for Song Chaodu not to hear any news that Qian Jinsong wanted to airborne in advance. The reason why he kept it secret was that he could fulfill his promise and let Li Dingshan successfully take up the post of the party secretary of the Ba County Party Committee.

But when he was very stuffy and angry, he heard about Shen Fuming's gaffe, and his mind was much more balanced. Compared with the loss that he did not take over as the secretary of the municipal party committee, Shen Fuming did not get the position of member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, which was a huge loss and a blow. He could even imagine that Shen Fuming's face was pale and angry like a roaring lion, and

The best way to relieve pain in the world is to see your opponent suffer more damage than yourself and lose more benefits than yourself. Thinking of being overwhelmed by Shen Fuming's toughness and domineering over the years, Hu Zengzhou's unhappiness caused by his failure to take over the municipal party secretary has eased a lot, and at the same time, he had some more pleasure of gloating.

Tut, the title of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee has not been won. What a good opportunity, what a critical step, and it was lost in vain. Shen Fuming, Shen Fuming, how long can you be proud? Are you still willing to be your local emperor in the charter city? Calculate, you are also 55 years old today. It seems that your desire to enjoy provincial treatment after your divorce is going to fail... Hu Zengzhou subconsciously touched the thick hair on his head. Thinking that he is just 50 years old this year and has a large age advantage compared with Shen Fuming, he has more pleasure and letter in his heart. Heart.