official god

Chapter 52 Minister Zhang's enthusiasm has a unique intention

Li Dingshan came down from the office building of the Municipal Party Committee, and the things were similar to what Xia Xiang expected. Shen Fuming and Hu Zengzhou were both official. On the surface, they were polite and polite and said a lot of clichés. The Municipal Party Committee also sent a deputy director of the Organization Department to accompany Li Dingshan, which was This is what happens in the officialdom. No one will be picky with the official articles, but only when you really move to the real one can you see the distance.

Ba County is more than 120 kilometers away from the charter city. There is no highway, and it is also a mountain road. After a short break, it will be accompanied by Minister Zhang and set off. Zhang Shuying, Minister Zhang is 36 years old. She wears a decent professional suit. She looks dignified and generous, and her facial features are quite correct, but she is a little tall, especially the skeleton is very large. When shaking hands, Xia wants to feel that her hand is not much smaller than his hand, and it is also a little hard.

Although Zhang Shuying's charm is still there and her figure is plump, the wide bones like men are daunting, and she has also lost a lot of women's softness. Women don't have to be small and exquisite, but they must not be tall. No man is interested in falling asleep with a wide body.

Minister Zhang did not have the habit of organizing cadres to cherish words like gold. He talked endlessly all the way, introduced the scenery along the way from time to time, and asked Xiaxiang's age and marital status with great interest, and even joked that he wanted to introduce him a girlfriend. Xia wanted to be polite and deal with it. Minister Zhang thought that Xia was still a hairy little boy. He covered his mouth with the back of his hand and laughed: "Xiao Xia is too shy. How can you catch up with a girl like this? Although Ba County is remote and not rich, that place is very strange, but there are beautiful women..."

Xiaxiang, a beautiful woman from Ba County, has been taught for a long time, because Yang Bei is from Ba County. When he thought of Yang Bei, he had mixed feelings in his heart. He thought that he would never meet again in life, but he didn't expect to work in Ba County thousands of miles away. Can he still see Yang Bei in this life?

Minister Zhang covered his mouth with his hand and smiled to make Xia want to feel cold for a while. He hurriedly turned his head and looked out of the window.

Not long after leaving the charter market, the scenery outside changed from a large area of farmland to continuous mountains. The mountain turns with the road, and the mountain road bends. From time to time, there will be one or two villages hidden in the mountains. It is the time when the trees are abundant in summer. Occasionally, one or two small rivers wind along the mountain road, and there are also quite the beauty of green mountains and rivers, which is not in line with the rumored poor mountains and rivers, which is beyond the surprise of summer.

After an hour of driving, the terrain suddenly rose, and the mountains disappeared. The place to see was the grassland that could not be seen at a glance. Ba County is named because it is located in the grassland on the dam. Half of the mountainous area and half of the grassland, and the grassland area is called on the dam. The county town of Gu Ningbao is located at the intersection of the grassland and the mountainous area.

This is the time when the water plants are most abundant. The blue sky, white clouds, green grass and trees are thick. It is really a rare beauty. The cool mountain wind is blowing, and there is no need to turn on the air conditioner in the car. It feels cool and the temperature is pleasant, but it is only about 20 degrees. The coolness of nature is a hundred times stronger than the coldness of air conditioning. Xiaxiang's mood suddenly became comfortable. With only the scenery and pleasant climate in front of him, the first impression of Dam County was quite good.

Minister Zhang seemed to see Xia Xiang's intoxicated look, and he didn't know whether he deliberately hit them, or something else said: "Ba County is the most beautiful and most nostalgic at this time. After autumn, it will be winter for five months. At that time, it will be a dry grass and the mountains are bare Bald, except for stones or stones, the temperature is more than minus 30 degrees when it is the coldest. It's so cold that people don't want to go out, and there are few people in the whole county streets.

Li Dingshan heard the voice: "Minister Zhang knows so much about Ba County. Is he from Ba County?"

"That's..." Minister Zhang lengthen his tone, "I stayed in Ba County until I was 18 years old, and then I was admitted to college before leaving Ba County. I was lucky to be assigned to the charter city. I have a niece who also graduated from college, and was assigned to the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee of Ba County... By the way, Xiaoxia, my niece's name is Zhang Xinying. She is very beautiful. She is 23 years old and has no partner. Do you want to think about it?

Xia wanted to wave his hand quickly: "Minister Zhang, stop making fun of me. I'm an honest child, and I blush when I see a girl." Since Zhang Shuying likes to joke, it's nothing for him to pretend to be shy. As the deputy director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Zhang Shuying talks a lot. It's not like ordinary cadres of the Organization Department like to keep silent to increase the sense of mystery, but Xia can see that she is not a simple role. She said a lot, but there is no word related to the appointment and organization of cadres. It seems that he joked In fact, she implicitly told Li Dingshan that she had a niece working in the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee.

Li Dingshan smiled and didn't say anything, but he nodded slightly, meaning that he knew.

Zhang Shuying smiled with satisfaction, but turned her head to Xia and said, "Xiaoxia, don't run away. I must introduce you to Xinying."

Xia couldn't help thinking about it, not because of how to shit Zhang Xinying, but because he felt that Zhang Shuying was a little overd. It's right for the officials of the Organization Department to see officials at the first level, but at least Li Dingshan is also the county party secretary, the head of a county, and he came down directly from the province. Moreover, he took the way of Hu Zengzhou to take office in Ba County. I'm afraid that no one in the city party committee of the constitution When Shan also saw Zhang Xinying, did he still want Secretary Li to give her a promise to Zhang Xinying?

Even if Wang Xiaomin, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization, came down in person and wanted Li Dingshan to take care of his friends in Ba County, he would not be so enthusiastic and unscrupulous, would he?

Is it? Xia wanted to be shocked. Is Zhang Shuying Shen Fuming's person? Her behavior seemed to be enthusiastic, with her own idea, but in fact, she was still testing Li Dingshan's attitude?

Seeing that Li Dingshan was a little embarrassed, Xia thought that he would no longer hesitate and quickly accepted: "Since Minister Zhang looks up to me so much, I'd better be respectful than obey. However, the ugly words can be said. In case your niece doesn't like me, you have to say it implicitly. Don't hurt my self-esteem too much, or you won't dare to find a girlfriend in the future.

Zhang Shuying pretended to be unhappy and said, "What is this, Xiaoxia, you are such a young and promising handsome young man, I can guarantee that Xinying will like it. I'm afraid that you don't like our niece. You young man from a big city have a high vision, don't you, Secretary Li?

Why doesn't Li Dingshan know the hint in Zhang Shuying's words?

When he first arrived in Ba County, he didn't know anything about the situation in the county. Several deputy secretaries and several deputy county magistrates, as well as the county magistrate's stone fortress, including the remaining members of the Standing Committee, had anything to do with which head of the city, who was at peace with whom, and It is even more impossible to meet the niece of a deputy director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee as soon as she takes office. It is a joke.

Besides, Zhang Xinying has Zhang Shuying, the aunt of the deputy director of the Organization Department. If she can't be reused in the Propaganda Department, her ability will explain a lot of problems. Sometimes many seemingly inconspicuous people will be involved in all aspects of relationships and move their whole body. Li Dingshan is not a person without political wisdom. As soon as he heard that Xia wanted to take the initiative to take over the matter, he pushed the boat and said, "Minister Zhang, young people's affairs still need to be solved by themselves. Besides, about Xiaoxia's personal questions, I have always been indifferent and asked him to get the idea by himself. By the way, Minister Zhang, it's not too early to arrive in Ba County today. I'll arrange it in the evening and go back to the city tomorrow, right?