official god

Chapter 70 Goodbye Yangbei's Oolong Incident

"I don't know, I didn't say the details." Li Dingshan looked at Xia Xiang strangely and thought that the things in Yan City are far away. What are you worried about? Although he was nearly 20 years older than Xia, he did not know that Xia wanted to know the direction of history, let alone that Xia could see the far-reaching impact on the future from a seemingly ordinary little thing.

What Xia wants to worry about is that his appearance has led to the completion of the renovation of North Street ahead of schedule. If it is really a small wing flapping, the Ducun incident that should have happened half a year later also happened in advance, then can you think that Nanfang Yijian has also entered Yan City ahead of schedule, and has Start interfering in the construction market of Yanshi on a large scale? If that's the case, many things must be done in advance.

"Secretary Li, if it's convenient for you, call Secretary-General Gao and ask him what specific problems he has encountered? If it is similar to the previous example of the transformation of North Street, I may have new ideas..." Xia wants to say it as implicitly as possible. Li Dingshan also knows the specific beginning and end of the last incident.

"That's right. No wonder Gao Hai took the initiative to mention his work at that time. It turned out that there was an ambush here. I'll ask him. Xiaoxia, you majored in architecture, but you are bypassed to planning!" Li Dingshan didn't think much. He took out his mobile phone and called, but found that there was no signal, so he had to smile helplessly.

If the Ducun incident really happens, Xia wants to be uncertain about how to persuade Gao Hai to strictly investigate the people behind the scenes. Maybe Chen Feng only thought it was an accident, not someone hiding behind his back. However, Xia thought that he also admired Chen Feng very much now. If it hadn't been for his unexpected and decisive action at that time, if he had been weaker or mishandled, he would have been caught at that time. Although the means of construction in the south were not smart, it was often the most useful to deal with timid officials in China.

Xia wanted to take out his mobile phone, but found that there was no signal. It seemed that the mobile base station was in the poor mountainous area, and the coverage was not wide. He stood up and wondered why Huang Hai hadn't come back yet. He nodded to Li Dingshan, opened the door curtain and was ready to go outside to get some air. He was lowering his head and put his mobile phone in his pocket. He didn't pay attention to it. He was tripped by the threshold at the door.

Xia Xiang couldn't stop and suddenly rushed forward. Hearing the sound of "dong", he and a person were bumping head to head. Although he was not strong, his head still hurt when he touched his head. He took a breath of cold breath in pain, and saw the other party's "Ouch" covering his head with his hands, his eyes were full of tears, and his round eyes were wide open, as if they were wronged, surprised, and as if he had seen the most incredible thing in the

Xia wanted to rub his head. Before he stood firmly, he felt that his eyes were full of stars, as if countless sparks were flashing in front of his eyes, and the fireworks of the past were all blooming for a while, showing a beautiful, pure and incredible picture in front of his eyes - the girl in front of him was wearing a lavender coat and a The trousers are casually tied with a ponytail on the head, which not only has the purity and beauty of the students, but also has the mature beauty that is separated from the childishness of the students. Her round face is playful and vivid, and her crescent-like eyes are particularly charming, especially when the corners of her mouth are always slightly raised, which has a naughty and lovely taste.

Yang Bei... Xia wants to make a moan-like call from the bottom of her heart. It's really Yang Bei. She would meet her here, and it's such a strange and ridiculous way of meeting! Before he could even really open his mouth to call out her name, he heard a roar from beside him: "Your mother is blind and dares to hit my girlfriend. You don't want to live, do you?"

After all, Xia Xiang was a person with some skills. He felt wrong. He subconsciously jumped back and barely dodged a punch on his head, but he did not avoid the other party's kick. He hit his leg firmly and could no longer stand still. He sat on the ground with a "plop".

The other party refused to give up, and had to step forward to do it. Jia He jumped out of the room, kicked him on the back, and kicked him into the mud!

Although Xia thought he was kicked, he didn't feel any pain at all. He originally thought that the size of Ba County, even if Yang Bei was in it and wanted to meet her, it was almost impossible to find a needle in a haystack. Although he also had Yang Bei's phone call, he had been holding back and didn't know whether he was escaping or unwilling to face the past.

He sat on the ground, trying to stand but did not stand up. He was in a trance and had a sense of vicissitudes of life. In later generations, he has never met Yang Bei or contacted him since he graduated. His pager was kept until the pager closed down. For several years, he just waited for a familiar pager to call, but never.

When he learned that Li Dingshan was going to take office in Ba County, he also had a trace of confusion. He didn't understand that God gave him a chance to be reborn, and did he have to give him a dream of reunion? To be honest, although he has never forgotten his first love with Yang Bei in later generations, his nostalgia for her and the damage caused by her resolute breakup have long been diluted and scattered into clouds. After coming to Ba County, he was busy with all kinds of things and subconsciously forgot the fact that Yang Bei was in Ba County, but what he never expected was that the sudden meeting began with an accidental meeting...

Yang Bei has also forgotten the pain. She stood still in a daze and stared at Xiaxiang sitting on the ground in disbelief. There was bitterness in the confusion on her face: "Xiaxiang, why is it you? Is it really you?"

"Xia wants to? Is it the person you did when you were a college student? Beibei, what's going on? Why did he come here? Didn't your mother tell you to break up with him and resolutely break up with him? Don't have any more relationship with him!" A fat woman suddenly appeared in front of her. She was not tall, but she was very fat, with a wide waist and thick back, and her face was full of flesh, especially a pair of small triangular eyes slanting at people, and her eyes were full of contempt. "What's good about a poor boy? It's great to stay in It's not the same as a nobody."

She came to Xiaxiang and snorted disdainfully: "Xiaxiang, why don't you give up? You really have the intention to chased to Ba County from afar! But you don't want to abduct my daughter. To tell you the truth, my daughter is going to marry the children of high-ranking officials. You are pretty good-looking, but it's useless for a man to be good-looking. It's useless to have money and power to be useful. It's better to get out of Dam County as soon as possible, otherwise..."

She glanced at the man who fell to the ground. Maybe Jia He tried too hard, and the person who was kicked climbed on the ground and didn't get up for a long time. The fat-faced woman screamed at first sight: "Who did it? Who dares to hit Liu He? Who doesn't want to kill the son who dares to beat the county magistrate?

Looking back at Yang Bei with a stunned face, she suddenly pulled her voice and shouted, "Beibei, why are you still standing stupidly? Why don't you help Liu He get up? If someone beats your boyfriend, and you don't help him call him back for you, you have to know to ask someone to help you outside, right? Go and call someone!"

She helped Liu He up from the ground, put her hands on her waist and came to Xiaxiang again, and said with an airy face, "Do you know who he is?" Do you know who I am? Tell you, stinky boy, he is the son of County Magistrate Liu. I'm the director of the Cultural Bureau. Don't finish today's affairs. You wait, and someone will come to pick you up in a moment..."