official god

Chapter 85 Who is the little hooligan

(Update early so that everyone can see it as soon as possible. Trying to achieve three updates every day is a requirement: ticket! Brothers, what about your combat effectiveness? What about your enthusiasm? I'm eager to wear it...)

Xia wanted to laugh and didn't say anything. It was not that he had no obsession with Xiao Jia in his heart, but he also felt more and more that sometimes keeping a proper distance makes the two get along better. Xiao Jia is too strong-teeth, and he seems to be soft, but in fact, he is a hidden needle in the cotton. When the two really have a conflict, it may be a result of both sides in the end.

The three people had dinner casually. After dinner, Xiao Jia proposed to take a walk. Feng Xuguang hesitated for a moment, pulled Xia to one side, and told him a few words. It was nothing more than his infinite future. He could not hinder his official career because of Xiao Jia. He hoped that he would think twice and then act.

Feng Xuguang was able to say these words face to face. Xia Shang was still secretly grateful. Feng Xuguang really regarded him as a close friend and an indispensable and important partner in the future business process, so he cared about him so much, lest he would make a mistake and make a mistake. Xia wanted to turn around and gently stroked an ivy next to him with his hand: "Brother, I know what you are worried about. I also admit that Xiao Jia's beauty is indeed a normal man who can't resist, but no matter what I do, I have my own proportion, and I won't lose the big because of small things."

Feng Xuguang was relieved: "Haha, it's easy to say. Then I've been resting for a long time when I go back. I've been driving for a day and I'm tired."

The temperature in Ba County at night has dropped rapidly. It was only August, and it was already slightly cool. Xia wanted to see Xiao Jia put her hands on her shoulders, reached out and held her in her arms. The moonlight was like water, the beauty was like jade, and the unique body fragrance of Xiao Jia came from her nose. She was familiar and warm. Xia Xiang was at the age of blood, and she couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

I don't know when Xiao Jia changed her dress, a light gauze dress, which not only fits well, but also matches her white skin. Walking in the moonlight, she is like a Lingbo fairy. The gauze brushed and brushed Xiaxiang's arm, with a feeling of crispness. Xia thought that he was a normal man. The beautiful woman was beside him, and he had a night of ecstasy. It was too abnormal if he was not affectionate. He reached out and grabbed Xiao Jia's smooth and tender hand, put it in the palm of his hand, and said softly, "Isn't it really not specially to come to Ba County

The shining brilliance in Xiao Jia's eyes is like the bright moon in the sky. She let Xia want to hold it in one hand, and her chin in the other hand. Her beautiful neck is long and delicate, and the faintly visible collarbone is sexy and charming, but there is no touching emotion on her face, but a thoughtful look: " Is it better to wholesale vegetables or invest in resorts in Laiba County? The prospect of vegetable wholesale is good, but if Sanshan Resort is developed, the tourism resources of Ba County will immediately show great charm, and at the same time, it will also show immeasurable commercial value. However, the investment in the resort is too large, and I don't have so much money in my hand. If not, I really want to have a try

"If the resort really wants to implement it, there will be a lot of resistance. Will there be too much progress for a while? It needs to be discussed from a long time..." Xia wants to notice that Xiao Jia will be particularly impressed when he talks about business, and his whole body will glow with a charming brilliance. All his mind will sink into it, It is said that thoughtful men make women intoxicated. It turns out that contemplative women also fascinate men. "And you are not suitable to invest in resorts in Ba County, and I don't allow you to interfere in this matter..."

Regarding the resort, Xia wants to have other plans. Feng Xuguang is not the best investor, let alone Xiao Jia, because once the resort is mentioned on the surface by Li Dingshan, it will definitely touch the interests of all parties. At that time, there may not be any unfavorable factors. Feng Xuguang It is not suitable for Xiao Jia to be mixed with muddy water.

If the resort is properly operated, it can not only bring tangible benefits to the people of Ba County, but also write a strong stroke to Li Dingshan's official career. Of course, it will inevitably bring turbulence in the political arena of Ba County, and it may be reshuffled.

"Why don't you let me make money?" Xiao Jia muttered dissatisfiedly, raised her little face, and there was obvious dissatisfaction in her beautiful eyes. "Who are you? How dare you not allow me to intervene with a tone of command? I have to intervene. What can you do with me?

The woman is still coquettish and soft. As soon as Xiao Jia closed the meditation on her face, she suddenly became bright in spring, as if to dispel the darkness around her. Xia wanted to smile and hugged her shoulder hard: "This matter is very complicated, and you can't say too much for the time being. Listen to me, you are doing Very good. You can definitely make a lot of money in the future. In addition, I suggest that you start this matter as soon as possible, open up all links, and enter the vegetable market in Yan City in the shortest time. When you have a certain economic strength, you will turn to the capital. Maybe I will give you a big surprise in Ba County.

"Can you tell me what the surprise is?" Xiao Jia was moved by the self-confidence and perseverance on Xia's face. She didn't know what he was planning. In short, he could always surprise people, and every time he was very thoughtful, which made her feel impressed.

"It's better to keep it secret for the time being!" Xia said half-jokingly that some things are not easy to reveal too early. Even for Xiao Jia, it is the same. If you say too much, you will lose it. Some secrets are still only he knows. "But I appreciate your optimistic about the prospect of vegetable wholesale. The little girl has a good vision and deserves praise."

"If you don't say it, who doesn't want to hear you lie." Xiao Jiaming blamed him. In fact, he didn't mean to complain at all, and there was a shallow smile on his face. "What little girl, it's really unpleasant. I'm not an unworldly little girl... Did you lie to someone's little girl in Ba County? You almost spilled the beans, right? Be honest with me!"

If a woman is not jealous of a man, it can only explain two points. First, she doesn't care about him. Second, she has someone else in her heart, and she just plays with him. There is a strong sourness in Xiao Jia's words, half a joke and half a question. Xia Xiang smiled implicitly: "This question is not easy I have done the test, and I haven't carefully studied the little girl. I'm not technically mature. It's very possible to be cheated by the little girl.

"Who will take a fancy to you? A little dark and a little thin, handsome but not very handsome. Although he is still a little energetic, he is not very energetic..." Xiao Jia recovered the charm of his daughter's family, smiled and pushed Xia to think, a few meters away from him, pretending to look him up and down.

Xia wanted to stand up and put on a pose to let Xiao Jia appreciate it. Xiao Jia looked left and right. His picky eyes seemed to be talking about a piece of clothes, which made Xia Xiang's heart hair and said with a smile, "Have you seen enough? If I look at my toned figure and wear clothes, it is not easy to find the inner advantages!"

Of course, Xiao Jia knew Xia's hint. She blushed and scolded with a smile: "Little hooligan!"

"Little hooligan..." Xiao Jia's voice was not loud. As soon as her voice fell, a very loud voice suddenly sounded from the side. A man came out of the night, dressed in a white dress, with a loose head, and a little bamboo blue in his hand, "Why are you, little hooligan, who are you flirting with Child? Humph, a pervert is a pervert. He can't change his hooligan nature. I really didn't see you wrong!"