official god

Chapter 99 Liu He's Troubles

Xia wanted to hear the string song and know the elegance. Du Shuanglin had been embarrassed to open his mouth because of his face, so he said through his wife that he was a teacher's background, and some integrity was still there. I guess he heard Feng Yun's words too obvious, and his face was a little unstoppable. Xia wanted to pretend not to see it and casually changed the topic. After a while, he pretended to suddenly think of something and asked, "Mr. Du has only one child?"

Du Shuanglin's son Du Tongguo just graduated from the Chinese Department of Yan Provincial Normal University. He didn't want to return to the city of the charter, let alone return to Ba County, and insisted on staying in Yan City to work. Du Shuanglin is just a propaganda minister of the county party committee. If he is in the charter city, he still has some connections. In Yan City, there is no one he knows, let alone the ability to arrange the future for Du Tongguo. Fortunately, Du Tongguo also has a little ability. With his real ability, he passed the interview of Yan Provincial Evening News and became an intern reporter.

When Li Dingshan heard that Xia wanted to recount the interaction between him and Du Shuanglin, he laughed and said, "I dare not say anything else, but there are few people I don't know in the media in Beijing and Yan Province. The editor-in-chief of Yansheng Evening News and I have trained in the capital, and I am also half a classmate. The relationship is reasonable. I called to ask..."

A few days later, Xia wanted to meet Du Shuanglin by chance at the gate of the county party committee compound. Du Shuanglin looked excited and enthusiastically insisted on inviting Xia to dinner. Xia wanted to attract everyone to look sideways and had to agree. Because he was happy, Du Shuanglin was a little tall under a few glasses of wine, and he talked a lot. Xia wanted to understand that Du Tongguo's internship period was originally three months, but suddenly he was praised by the editor-in-chief for a press release, and he was officially entered the Yan Provincial Evening News.

It happened that Liu Shixuan and Huang Pengfei stood at the door of the county party committee building, looking gloomily at Xiaxiang and Du Shuanglin walking out of the county party committee compound. They looked at each other and saw a trace of vigilance in each other's eyes. Seeing that there was no one around, Huang Pengfei whispered, "Secretary Li's little secretary really has a means. Lao Du seems to have stood in line."

Liu Shixuan said dissatisfiedly, "They can't turn over the sky. Zheng Qian will not stand with them, and the head of Shi County has not made Li Dingshan worry about it."

"What about Zhang Xinying?" Huang Pengfei said carelessly, "Minister Zhang has made several phone calls and kept putting pressure on me. I can't stand it anymore. County Magistrate Liu, can you figure it out?

"Drag, drag and don't report!" Liu Shixuan looked back at the third floor. Seeing that Li Dingshan's office window was closed, he smiled coldly, "Li Dingshan wants to take advantage of the fisherman, so we compare patience with him to see who is more calm. Zhang Shuying gave it to me to deal with. If you don't believe her, how dare she turn against her face?

Huang Pengfei had to agree with a bitter face, but he said in his heart that Zhang Shuying called me every day, not to call you. She doesn't dare to talk to you, but does she dare to challenge me? It's not easy for both sides to get angry. However, he didn't dare to say it face to face, so he had no choice but to look at Liu Shixuan and thought disapprovingly. It's just a deputy subject. Secretary Li really wants to take it out for discussion. Even if you don't let the Standing Committee pass, Secretary Li will have a way to suppress you in the future. Do you

Liu Shixuan returned home depressed. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Liu He and Yang Bei sitting in the living room. Liu He said angrily, "Dad, it's a bad thing. Xiaxiang, this boy is so bad that he bullied me."

When Liu He went to Jiazhai Township early this morning to find someone to dig mushrooms and ferns, he used to be reluctant to go to the Yellow Sea because he could get a cigarette. He had no enthusiasm or initiative at all, which made him so annoyed that he had to throw him two cigarettes generously. As a result, Huang Hai didn't look at it. He returned the two cigarettes to him and said strangely, "Two cigarettes will be generous? Xiaoxia gives two boxes at a time!"

The result can be imagined that Liu He, who is very vigilant, coerced Huang Haiwei. In the end, Huang Hai couldn't stand Liu He's two boxes of good cigarettes **. He explained the behavior of Xia and others clearly. Although Huang Hai did not know Xia Xie's real identity and only knew his surname Xia, Liu He was not stupid It was Xia who wanted to bring people here with the idea of making mushrooms and ferns.

Although Xia wanted to have not revealed anything in front of the Yellow Sea, and tried to act like a greedy city man, at least he succeeded in confusing the Yellow Sea, but Liu He knew who Xia wanted to be, and he had always regarded the rolling dragon ditch as his own back garden. How could he let others get involved? What's more, others still think about it!

Liu He has a lot of business in Ba County, and many dance halls and hotels have his shares. However, for him, although the mushrooms and ferns in Rolling Dragon Ditch don't make much money, they are better than a long flow of water. It is a capitalless business and a steady profit. Therefore, as soon as he heard that Xia wanted to lead It's definitely not as simple as Xia wanted to say to Huang Hai. If you really want to eat it yourself, how can you bother to see the origin? Egg-eating people, who is so curious that they want to know the hens that lay eggs? Liu He realized that something must have gone wrong.

Is it Xia who wants to get involved in the mushroom business? Thinking of this, it was as if Xia wanted to take Yang Bei away from his hand, Liu He was like sitting on a needle and felt. He no longer wanted to stay in Jiazhai Township for a moment and pulled Yang Bei home on fire.

Liu Shixuan didn't say anything for a long time. He sat on the sofa and turned on the TV casually, but looked out of the window. Liu He knew that when Liu Shixuan was thinking about things, he had the habit of listening to TV and did not disturb him. He pulled Yang Bei to whisper.

After a while, Liu Shixuan turned off the TV, glanced at Yang Bei, and asked, "Why didn't you go to work?"

Yang Bei blushed and did not dare to face Liu Shixuan's eyes anxiously. Just as he was about to speak, Liu He hurriedly explained, "Dad, Yang Bei's unit has nothing to do. It just so happens that I'm going to ask you to help her transfer to the organ. The county party committee or the county government can

After graduating from Yangbei University, he was assigned to work in the Ba County Grain Bureau. Because of the underdeveloped agriculture in Ba County, the Grain Bureau has almost nothing to do. Before knowing Liu He, Yang Bei's mother, Niu Hongmei, was just the deputy director of the Culture Bureau. Her energy was limited, so she could only let Yang Bei stay in the Food Bureau to survive. Later, when she met Liu He, Niu Hongmei thought she was close to the big tree, so she encouraged Yang Bei every day to talk to Liu He and ask Liu Shixuan to help her work in the government office.

Yang Bei, on the one hand, his mother talked endlessly all day long, and on the other hand, he also felt that Liu Shixuan, as a member of the standing committee of the county party committee and the executive deputy head of the county, is it not a matter of arranging a person's office? He also pestered Liu He to change his job. Although Liu He liked Yang Bei, he always felt that Yang Bei was not sincere enough to him, so he vaguely did not agree. Unexpectedly, Xia thought suddenly appeared not long ago, letting him know that the red man next to the county party secretary was Yang Bei's first lover. He was hateful and anxious in his heart. He wanted the overlord to force Yang Bei to deal with Yang Bei several times, but Yang Bei refused to stay on the night of the wedding, and vowed to ensure that she was definitely

Liu He was skeptical and did not go, but he was worried about Yang Bei's job change, so he was ready to find an opportunity to talk to Liu Shixuan.