official god

Chapter 109 The relationship between the parties is surging

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Beihe Trading does not count, because Beihe Trading submitted an application for contracting the barren mountain, and the price given was low, which made the stone fortress have the impulse to tear off the application materials. It simply wanted to legally put the rolling dragon ditch into Liu He's pocket without spending money!

If there is really an investment, counting the political achievements, Li Dingshan will take the lead. As the county magistrate, he can be at least a small part of it. This is the most touching place for the stone fortress.

As long as there are political achievements, everything will follow the normal procedures. Liu Shixuan can't get the rolling dragon ditch in the end and can't blame him. The stone fortress made up his mind. Between Li Dingshan and Liu Shixuan, on the basis of maintaining neutrality, he should tilt a little to Li Dingshan. It should be said that Beihe Trade got the Rolling Dragon Ditch, but changing the soup without changing the medicine will not bring any benefits to the Ba County and the local people. It is very different for companies in the provincial capital to invest. It doesn't matter how much money you have. The key is that there are also large provincial companies in Ba County to invest. Even if the reputation comes out, it will also make the city look at the tricky

Exciting. Shi Fortress looked at Xia Xiang and looked a little more affectionate: "Secretary Xia, when Minister Wang of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee called, he asked me about you. It seemed that Minister Wang wanted to transfer you to the city. You are Secretary Li's secretary. I dare not make the decision for you, but since Minister Wang has mentioned it, I must tell Of course, Secretary Li has to take the idea

Wang Xiaomin? Xia Xiang was shocked by the sudden news. He glanced at Li Dingshan and saw that Li Dingshan was also surprised. He shook his head slightly and knew that he did not know Wang Xiaomin. He was even more puzzled that he had only seen Mayor Hu Zeng and Zhou Hu in the city, and he had not seen him in front of Minister Wang. How could he know He also proposed to be transferred to his city. What's the big joke?

But he also knows that the stone fortress will never play such a joke on him!

After the stone fortress left. After a long time, Li Dingshan laughed at himself: "I don't know if I'm too lucky or too bad. I finally found a good secretary. Someone always thought about you and wanted to transfer you away from Xiaoxia. What do you think?

How could Xia know that Wang Xiaomin was entrusted by Chen Feng to transfer him to the charter market, and then transferred him back to Yan City. It was not Wang Xiaomin who wanted him, but Chen Feng who wanted him to return to Yanshi. Of course, cross-city mobilization is relatively cumbersome. Wang Xiaomin can't stand Chen Feng's repeated demands. After all, his relationship with Chen Feng is extraordinary, so he plans to explore Li Dingshan's style through the stone fortress first. In his opinion, as long as Li Ding is willing to let people go, everything is easy to say. Xia The county party secretary is too strong, and everyone can distinguish where it is more promising.

However, Wang Xiaomin estimated that the situation was wrong. Even if Li Dingshan agreed to let him go, Xia Xiang didn't want to leave Ba County now. What's more, I don't want to work with Chen Feng. Compared with Li Dingshan's uncertain future, Chen Fengcai has an uncertain future. More importantly, he can't get Li Dingshan's absolute trust in Chen Feng.

"No idea. To be honest, Secretary Li, there may be a misunderstanding in this matter, and there may be other secrets. In any case, I won't leave Ba County or Secretary Li, unless Xia wants to smile, "Unless Secretary Li dislikes me and wants to adjust me, that's another matter."

Li Dingshan did not agree to transfer Xia Xiang, and he himself did not agree, and the city would not be too forced to play tricks on him. However, this happened a little strangely. Li Dingshan couldn't guess what had happened. Xia thought it was also puzzled. He even thought of Hu Zengzhou. Is it Mayor Hu's meaning, euphemistically conveyed through Wang Xiaomin? No, not to mention that he is not so charming. Even if Mayor Hu really favored him because of the last incident, he doesn't have to pass Wang Xiaomin and pass the stone fortress in the middle. It's too roundabout. The head of the city wants to mobilize a small secretary of a county party secretary who has no level. Do you have to hide people's eyes and ears like this?

I'm afraid the key to the matter is still Wang Xiaomin. I guess he is also entrusted. Since he is not Mayor Hu, who can he be? No matter how smart Xia was, he couldn't think of it. Things really went around, but he went back to Yanshi again, which was rooted in Chen Feng.

At dinner time. He went to the county party committee hostel to find Cao Shuji. Knocking on the door, I found that the little girl was wearing a pajamas without a quilt, and she lay directly on **. The buttocks are upturned, revealing traces of underwear. The whole body was exquisite. Xia didn't pay attention to his feet and almost tripped over the carpet. He coughed in a hurry: "Mrs. Hui, are you asleep?"

Since hearing Mi Ying shout out Hui's girl, Xiaxiang has been calling Cao Shuhui Hui's girl with her, which seemed kind.

Cao Shuji opened his eyes in a daze, shouting, "Ah" and as soon as he raised his hand, a pillow flew out, hitting Xiaxiang's face: "Bad guy, pervert! Who let you in? The last time you peeked at my skirt, you didn't settle accounts with you. This time you peeked at me sleeping. You are really too thick-skinned

Xia thought had to raise his hand and beg for mercy: "I knocked on the door just now. It was you who agreed to let me come in. You can't be reasonable. I didn't mean to! My brother said that your sleeping posture is too indecent. I accidentally took a look and felt a headache. In fact, I suffered a loss.

Cao Shuhui was furious. He turned over and got out of bed. He picked up the quilt and covered his face. Jiang wanted to wrap it in it. Then he circled his arms and hit the quilt seven!" I'll kill you, you're a small bad guy. I'll tell Dad later that you peeked at me sleeping again."

Xia wanted to be wrapped in a quilt. In addition to feeling that he was not breathing well, Cao Shuhui's fist not only did not have any strength, but was as comfortable as beating his back. He did not resist and did not move, allowing Cao Shuhui to keep beating.

The person rushed in without knocking on the door. The person didn't arrive, and the voice came first: "Hui girl, have you thought about it? Where are you going to play tomorrow? Ah, did you go to bed so soon? I didn't see anything. I really didn't see anything. Don't kill anyone."

"Mi Dong, you are talking nonsense again. I'm going to kill you!" Cao Shuji let go of Xiaxiang and ran out after Mi Ying.

Xia wanted to show his head and took a deep breath. When it was over, he was misunderstood again, as if he really deliberately peeked at Cao Shuhui's sleep. But to be honest, although the posture of the wise girl is not very elegant. However, the white and shiny divination legs, coupled with a graceful body, lie on ** with a lazy look, so as not to make people fantasize!

I don't know what the two of them said. When they came back after a while, they looked like they were talking and laughing, but Cao Shuhui still kicked Xia out with a straight face: "Go, go, go out, I want to change my clothes" little

Xia wanted to smile shyly, scratched his head again, and walked out obediently. As soon as the net went out, I heard a burst of laughter from inside. He shook his head, whether women are big or small or mature. It's all weird and inexplicable. It's hard to guess.

For dinner, we ate stew pot cakes, that is, use a large iron pot with pure meat and cabbage, paste the cake on the edge of the iron pot, and use the heat of the stew and the heat of the iron pot to bake the dough cake. The dough cake is soft and delicious on one side and crispy on the other side. In addition, the aroma of the stew and meat are immersed in the dough cake, which is particularly delicious.

You can choose chicken, pork and rabbit meat, etc., and you can choose cabbage, radish, etc. The ingredients include mushrooms, Chinese cabbage, and coriander. It seems to be stewed in a pot. In fact, the order of the pot is very exquisite.

The three of them were sweating profusely. Cao Shuhui especially liked to eat the crispy side of the dough cake. As a result, Xia wanted to eat only the rest of the dough cake she recorded with the skin and ate several in a row, which made her completely calm down from the peeking incident.

When Xia wanted to propose to go back to the room directly and no longer walk outside, Mi Yingyuan opened her eyes and looked at Xia Xiang with an incredible look. She was extremely suspicious of his intentions. Xia wanted to explain in a hurry and get rid of the suspicion: "Qiu Liang, it's easy to catch a cold. If girl Hui is sick. I can't explain it to Director Cao! In addition, I'm going to call Director Cao in the evening. I have to let him know that girl Hui is with me. If he knows from other people's mouths that Shuhui has come to Ba County in the future, he will definitely have a problem with me

Xia's idea is that despite the work in Ba County, the relationship with Director Cao must remain harmonious and should not be misunderstood because of Cao Shuhui's affairs. Although Li Dingshan is the secretary of the county party committee of Ba County, in the final analysis, the root of many relationships is in the provincial capital, and there must be a top-down overall view.

Cao Shuhui didn't say anything. Mi Dong curled his lips disapprovingly: "I'm not young, and I'm very serious. I don't care about you. I went to see my father. I can't see him several times a year round. Since I'm here, I'm going to pick up my daughter

In Cao Shuji's room. Xia wanted to call Cao Yongguo. After Cao Yongguo heard that it was Xia, he asked in the first sentence, "Is Ji'er by your side?"

They are all old and elite figures. Xia thought that the phone call was right: "The girl came to play in Ba County. I accompanied her around. The scenery of the grassland was very beautiful. She had a good time, but she was quite homesick, so she urged me to call back

"All right, don't cover for me. What kind of nature does Huier have? I don't know her yet? If she wants to be home, she has called herself for a long time, and she still needs you to say good words for her? There was a trace of dissatisfaction in Cao Yongguo's voice. But when Mi Ying went with her, I was relieved. Bu Xia, there must be something else when you call. Just say it directly.

Xia wanted to guess that in Cao Yongguo's dissatisfaction, there must be more resentment against Wang Junyang. For Cao Shu's vow to come to Ba County to see him, even if he was angry, he could not be blamed on him. However, he still said very respectfully, "Mr. Cao, Secretary Li heard a news that it was possible Executive Vice Mayor of Yan City, High Standing Committee

"There was a heavy breathing and a short silence from Jiang Zhong. After about half a minute, he heard Cao Yongguo's voice trembled slightly and said, "What did Song Chaodu say?"

"Yes, it is said that the proposal of the walking secretary and Minister Lu are also very much in favor of it, but no full consensus has been reached. So the news may not have come out yet." From Cao Yongguo's reaction, Xia wanted to know that he had not heard the news, otherwise he would not have lost his temper so much?

"Secretary Lu is not familiar with me. How can he think of me? It's really strange. Xia thought, what else did you hear? Don't hide it. Say it out!" Concerned about his personal interests, Cao Yongguo's voice was no longer stable, and finally showed his impatience.

Xia wanted to take a look at Cao Shuhui. Seeing her staring at a pair of curious big eyes, she sat quietly aside and looked at him with blinking eyes. She was quiet and stunned like a little wife, which made him laugh. When he was crazy, he was not decent. When he was quiet, he was unbelievable. He was really

Seeing that Xia wanted to see her, Cao Shuhui spit out his pink tongue and made a restrained gesture to him. Xia wanted to smile and continued to say to the phone, "I heard that Mayor Chen Feng and Chen recommended you to the intersection. He encountered many difficulties in the transformation of the village in the city. Haiwan, a scholar-type assistant around him, happened to meet a girl in the railway station square last time. Maybe it's because of this that he is interested in Uncle Cao, who started from the bottom

If Chen Feng heard Xiaxiang's analysis, he would definitely pat Xiaxiang's shoulder acorn with satisfaction and said, "I got it right. Although Cao Yongguo felt that Xiaxiang's reason was a little strange, it was mainly because he was far from Xia wanted to understand Chen Feng's character and his current situation. He still couldn't suppress his Well, it's too unexpected. I have to think about it carefully."

If the province really reveals this small meaning, Xia can guess that Cao Yongguo will not refuse at all. He has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. The standing committee member of the Municipal Party Committee and executive deputy mayor of Yan City is much better than the position of the director of the Surveying and Mapping Bureau.

Cao Yongguo's words are not finished yet. I remembered something again: "Let Huier answer the phone. I have something to ask her."

Xia wanted to reach out and hand the phone to Cao Shuhui. Cao Shuhui waved her hand, but her mouth moved but did not make a sound. Xia wanted to understand. She was saying, "I'm not here." I couldn't help laughing and said, "Uncle Cao is looking for business. Besides, I can't hide it from him. Don't pretend. Answer the phone quickly."

Xia thought that he didn't cover the microphone, but deliberately let Cao Yongguo hear it. Cao Shuhui stared at him angrily, waved his little fist at him, and then took the phone and said reluctantly, "Dad, I'm asleep. Why do you have to bother me?"

Xia wants to sweat. Cao Shuhui is usually a very smart girl. Why did she say such a sentence at the critical moment? What do you mean you're asleep? If I'm still with you when you sleep, doesn't it mean that the relationship between the two is ambiguous? Uncle Cao, if you misunderstand, how can you pay it back?

Fortunately, Cao Yongguo was excited, and Cao Shuji was also unintentional. The father and daughter did not realize the deep meaning of this sentence?

Cao Yongguo asked Cao Shuhui to answer the phone, that is, to ask her to talk about the last time she met Chen Feng in the railway station square.

Cao Shuji was dissatisfied and thought about Xia. He seemed to complain that he should not have betrayed her, which made her very impatient to repeat the repeated things again. However, she was dissatisfied. She still explained the situation at that time in great detail from beginning to end, clearly, and finally another He stressed several times: "Dad, this matter is all caused by Xia, which has nothing to do with me. Mayor Chen went to the leisure square first. I just came to the railway station square. It was because he was very satisfied with both designs. He asked me who the designer was. I asked him to see the designer's name on the renderings. Unfortunately, my name was also behind my family's name, so it

Cao Yongguo's heart kept churning. After a long time, he forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, and the emotions in his heart were both complicated and emotional. It seems that after Xia wanted to appear, many things had an unexpected turnaround. Originally, he asked Cao Shuji to design the LCD large screen project of the leisure square and the railway station with him, but it was just to let her participate in more social activities, have more practical experience, and maintain a good relationship with Xia wanted to see if he took the opportunity to get to know Song Yes, I didn't expect that the harvest was far from expected, which made him secretly glad how wise the original decision was.

The executive vice mayor of Yan City is in the main hall of the Standing Committee, which is comparable to his current position, but his power and vision are not the same, and the future future is also bright. If things really happen, it is not difficult to rise to the sub-level level before retreating. Cao Yongguo suddenly felt extremely comfortable, as if For a moment, he was full of energy, and his voice also increased a lot: "Huier, anyway, it's a holiday. I'll play in Tan County for a few more days. Of course, the premise is that it won't affect Xiaxiang's work, and more. Don't make trouble. Be obedient. Listen to what Xia thinks. Do you hear me?

Cao Shuqi pouted and returned his mobile phone to Xiaxiang and whispered, "My father is an official fan and a snobbish. It's so sad that he let me listen to you.

Xia thought that he ignored Cao Shuji's funnyness. He chatted with Cao Yongguo again, after promising him to take good care of Cao Shuhui. He also told Cao Yongguo that Li Dingshan had the opportunity to visit him. Cao Yongguo said happily, "Tent Secretary Li for me that I welcome him to visit at any time, and Xiao Xia. In the future, call Uncle Cao more often. If you have nothing to do, it's okay to talk about work, right? Huier, don't let her run around. She is very naughty. You take care of her for me. Don't let her make trouble."

Cao Shuji is sometimes naughty, but she is definitely not a girl who makes trouble. Xia wants to agree! Li understood that Cao Yongguo's words actually made him show that the relationship between him and his family was a step forward again.

Hang up Xiaxiang's phone. Cao Yongguo's worries about his precious daughter had been put aside for a long time, and he hesitated whether he should call Lu Yuanyuan. Normally, it's such a big thing, no one to talk to him. Is there something wrong? Suddenly, he patted his head. By the way, it must be because the walking secretary recommended him first, which gave Minister Lu another idea, thinking that since he had the way of the road secretary. But don't tell him, obviously don't pay attention to him?

Cao Yongguo was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat, and he was even more grateful for Xiaxiang's news. Hurry up and call Minister Lu to report. Although Minister Lu echoed Secretary Lu's support for him, he must be dissatisfied with himself. He must explain the matter to Minister Lu with a correct attitude and don't make him suspicious.

The next morning, Xia Xiang originally wanted to accompany Cao Shuyi, but he couldn't make the trip because of something, because Huang Pengfei suddenly asked to convene a standing committee to discuss several personnel changes.