official god

Chapter 125 Li Dingshan's careful arrangement

※ Ten thousand words a day is really tiring. After sticking to it for a week, I finally realized that the lumbar enzyme has a strong feeling. Now I am very eager for everyone's support. I'm hesitating. How long can I last ten thousand words a day? I feel that seven or eight thousand words a day may be the most suitable for me.

Although I am tired of the woman who is conceited about her appearance, I am tired of the poisonous pursuers around me, if I meet a man who ignores her appearance, I will still feel delicious in my heart, even Ruohan is no exception. Women's strange and complicated psychology can be seen from this.

Then there was a car crash, and Lian Ruohan and Xia Xiang met again at the Public Security Bureau. After learning that he was the secretary of the county party secretary, she was somewhat surprised. He is young and steady, and he speaks and does things. It is far more thoughtful than his peers. Compared with Zheng Qian and Wang Guanqing, in addition to looking much younger, she is not one point worse than two middle-aged men who have been in officialdom for a long time, so she has to look one point higher. However, she still doesn't believe that there are really young and old people in this small place of Ba County. It's not that she hasn't met a young and old man. However, later facts proved that most of the so-called young people are silent. It's not that you don't really want to be surprised.

Later, she met Xia Xiang twice, which made her more and more feel that he was indeed the most mature one of the children she had ever met. For example, in the Public Security Bureau, she secretly taught Zheng Tao to beg her for mercy downstairs in the hostel. In the name of deliberately drawing circles, he set a trap to let her jump. Later, in the name of reminding Mi Dong, he secretly reminded her that the skirt was too short to prevent walking * light, etc., which fully showed that he was much more witty than a child of the same age. Nevertheless, in Lian Ruohan's mind, Xiaxiang was just The characters in her imagination are still ten thousand miles away.

In Lian Ruohan's imagination, there is always a person in the world who can not only ride a white horse, but also elegant. Not only should she be the same age, but also mature and steady. Have a broad mind. There is the vitality of young people. There is also the calmness of middle-aged people. Such a person dare not say that he is unparalleled in the world, at least it is rare in the world. However, she also knows that even if there is, it is a vast sea of people, unable to meet, and can only exist in her imagination.

Until Xia wanted to command Ruoding and asked her to find the stone with the tone of command, and then he drove up in the air. After leading everyone out of danger safely, Lian Ruohan only felt that the world seemed to hit a new door in front of her. A man with colorful light came through the door and stretched out a hand to her very much

"Wake up, here it is

Lian Ruohan opened her eyes and remembered that she just wanted to sleep for a while. She secretly looked at Xia, but she didn't expect that she was really asleep. It was Xia that woke her up. He had parked his car in the county party committee hostel and opened the door for her: "Are you tired? If you are tired, have a good rest. What happened just now is also a good experience as an adventure. Don't think about it anymore. If you don't die in a disaster, you will be blessed. There will definitely be good things chasing you in the future

"I don't need your comfort. My psychological endurance is very good!" Lian Ruohan, who wanted to express his gratitude. As soon as he saw Cao Shuhui, who was closely following Xia, his heart suddenly jumped, and he regained his cold tone.

Cao Shuhui looked at Xia, and then looked at Lian Ruohan, so she pulled Xia aside and whispered, "Sister Lian has a bad temper. You let her a little. After all, she is a girl, isn't she

Xiaxiang is also tired, after all, everything he just experienced. Anyone will feel afraid and physically and mentally. When he saw that even Ruohan was still holding it, he was more or less angry: "Let's get out of it. Only women and villains are difficult to raise, which is true

"Are you looking for a fight? If you say so, you didn't even scold me." Cao Shuhui was ready to fight, but there was a smile in his eyes, "I've always been very good. I can't generalize, no

Xia wanted to see that it was not early, so he didn't go upstairs again. He left three beautiful women and returned to the office. It happened that Li Dingshan was still there. Li Dingshan asked him to call Xiao Jia, and the three of them went out for dinner together.

Speaking of which, Xia wants to meet Li Dingshan and Jia He almost every day. But Li Dingshan and Jia He may not see each other every day. Unless Li Dingshan uses the car, Jia He generally can't see Li Dingshan. The three of them haven't eaten together for a while, and Xia wants to know. Li Dingshan should have something to say.

Sure enough. When he was about to eat, Li Dingshan put down his chopsticks and said to Jia He, "Jia, you have been with me for several years, and you haven't received any benefits. Now I'm working as a driver, and the treatment is not very good. However, I will help you solve a staffing as soon as possible, and now you are still employed. When there is a establishment, it will be a formal national cadre. It won't take long. It shouldn't be a big problem within half a year

Jia He knew what Li Dingshan wanted to say. He was stopped by Li Dingshan. Li Dingshan smiled and said, "I'll help you solve the work problem, but your personal problem is not easy to solve at the moment. If you can find a suitable one in Ba County, you can talk about it. At worst, when you transfer in the future, try to transfer

Jia He laughed and said, "I think it's good to be single. The main reason is that women are too complicated. I don't understand what they are thinking, so they don't like me. I'm worried

Xia wanted to laugh: Xiao Jia, you don't have a crush on Zhang Xinying, do you?"

Jia He suddenly blushed: "How can there be such a thing? Xiaoxia, you are now a secretary. Pay attention to the influence when you speak, and don't slander good people at will

Li Dingshan smiled and pointed to Xia and thought, "You, you, don't play a joke on Xiao Jia. I didn't see Xiao Jia's thin-skinned skin. When it comes to his girlfriend, he blushes and his neck is thick. He is so embarrassed."

Jia He touched his neck: "I blushed, but my neck was not thick

After laughing, Li Dingshan solemnly said to Xia: Xiaoxia, I think you can be my secretary with your ability. I'm a little subservient. I've decided to let you go out to Jiazhai Township to be the deputy head of the township. How about that?

"Secretary Li. This is too sudden. I think I should practice with you for another two years. Isn't it too early to go down to the grassroots level now? Xia Xiang couldn't figure out Li Dingshan's mind. Today, his proposal was too unexpected. He was caught off guard and had to be cautious. "Dos Secretary Li think that I'm not doing well and is ready to send me out?"

"Don't get it cheap and sell well." Li Dingshan hit Xia with a smile and thought, "You mentioned the deputy section level. Although it's okay to be my secretary, after careful consideration, I decided to put you out as the deputy head of Jace Township. The deputy section is also a power in hand and can do something practical things. At the same time, I also consider other aspects

Li Dingshan has nothing to hide from Xia, and he doesn't pay attention to leadership art in front of him. Half of his words are hidden. Let Xia want to figure it out again. Now he and Xiaxiang can be said to be a relationship between superiors and subordinates. He is also a staunch ally. He not only needs Xia's wisdom to help him overcome difficulties. It is more necessary for Xia Xiang's ability to help him make political achievements, so that Xia wants to be appointed as the deputy head of Jiazhai Township. He is preparing for the overall situation in the future.

Because in the future, both food factories and grassland resorts will be located in Jiazhai Township. It can be said that if there is no one he absolutely trusts in Jiazhai Township who can control the situation, he will not rest assured in the county party committee.

Xia wants to wake up by Li Dingshan. I also realized his good intentions. After all, food factories and grassland resorts are projects that he has invested all his energy in and has high hopes. On the one hand, it is important to be able to make political achievements. The most important thing is that if it is operated properly, it may be impossible for the people of Ba County to solve all the problem of food and clothing in a few Hopeful.

Li Dingshan let him take office. First, he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility, and second, he was also helpless. Xia Ming knew in his heart that it was too short for Li Dingshan to come to Ba County now. There is no one who can be fully trusted. Besides, the grassland resort and the food factory were all out of his idea. Li Dingshan asked him to let him do it. He also felt that he had the ability to complete these two projects and give them to others. Li Dingshan was worried, and he didn't want his efforts to be ruined by bureaucrats who pretended to understand.

Xia Xiang was no longer pretentious. He nodded and agreed to Li Dingshan's arrangement: "I will do whatever Secretary Li says. However, I still think it's good to be your secretary. If something happens, you can be in front of you. I can be lazy secretly. If you really want to be the deputy head of the township, you have to do everything yourself. It's a headache to think about it

"You have to blame again, don't you? Xia thinks that everything is fine, but it's not good not to tell the truth in front of me! What is the purpose of being a secretary for a leader? It's not to be a secretary for a lifetime, but to take a leadership position as soon as possible. The one in power. But to be honest, I don't want to let you out so early. There is also a reason why Li Dingshan's attitude towards Xia Xiang is still very useful. If Xia Xiang really doesn't show any nostalgia for him, he will feel uncomfortable. Of course, with his understanding of Xia Xiang. I also know that Xia wants to have no heart for him, and he has spared no effort to support Xiaxiang and hope that he will make great achievements one day.

Xia wanted to see Li Dingshan's look a little lonely and was shocked: "What's the matter, Secretary Li? Is there a big trend in the province?

Li Dingshan shook his head: "It's not a province, it's a city, it's Yan City. I heard the news that Chen Feng intended to pass the regulations of the Municipal Party Committee. Transfer you back to Yan City.

Chen Feng's energy is not small. He really wants to make up his mind to transfer you away, and I can't help it. Fortunately, his relationship is Minister Wang Xiaomin of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee of the Constitution. It happens that Minister Wang has to have a meeting in the province. It is said that it will take a month to drive. Taking advantage of this time difference, I will put you outside the deputy head of the township. If they want to mobilize you again, they have to think about it carefully.

Li Dingshan's idea is also right. Xia figured out his arrangement. If he was just a secretary, it would be really easy to transfer if he wanted someone from above. But if he became the deputy head of the township and wanted to be transferred again, the procedures and procedures would be much more complicated, which would be much more cautious than transferring a secretary. Li Dingshan's method is also a helpless solution. What Xia can't figure out is how did Chen Feng know his name and have to transfer him back to Yanshi? He didn't even feel that he was so popular. Is it


"It's not Gao Hai, it's Chen Feng's own idea!" Li Dingshan also guessed the doubts in Xia Xiang's heart, "It should be that Chen Feng took a fancy to the leisure square and LCD large screen project you designed. By the way, he and Shu Hui met by chance in the railway station square. He saw the project he designed twice a day. By coincidence, he was full of praise for the two projects. He was naturally Yes. In addition, Director Cao can be favored by him. It's also because of Cao Shuhui. In the final analysis, it's because you are in all links. The most critical bridge that can connect everyone.

Xia doesn't know whether he should be lucky or admit that he should be unlucky. He just wants to spend two or three years in Ba County. While avoiding Gao Chengsong's sharpness, he secretly makes friends with officials who can rise again. Of course, when he meets a straightforward and capable mayor like Chen Feng, he is also willing to think about Try to help him, provided that he hides in the dark and not be hated by Gao Chengsong. Just kidding, if the secretary of the provincial party committee hates the little secretary of the county party secretary, isn't it the same as pinching an ant to death?

Unfortunately, the little life always surprises or surprises people at inadvertent moments. Chen Feng heard his name twice. An accidental encounter with Cao Shuhui unexpectedly made Mayor Chen, who was forced to worry by the pressure of the province, rushed to the hospital. It's okay to use the relationship to let Cao Yongguo be the executive vice mayor, and I don't want to laugh or cry. It's true that Chen Feng can do it, but he dares to do it more. Sooner or later, he will have a conflict with Gao Chengsong. He is by Chen Feng's side. It will definitely affect the pond fish.

When Li Dingshan saw Xia, he wanted to be silent and then said, "What, do you think of Mayor Chen's side?" Do you think the decision I made is a little domineering? Didn't I ask for your opinion?

Xia wants to wake up. He smiled apologetically and said, "I'm distracted. Don't blame Secretary Li. To be honest, if others arrange the future for me without my consent, I will feel uncomfortable even if I am grateful to him. There is a feeling of being manipulated. But you are different. From Yanshi to Baxian, I made up my mind to advance and retreat with Secretary Li. Since I chose to come to Baxian County at the beginning, I left without making any achievements. First, I'm sorry for Secretary Li's trust and support for me, and second, I'm sorry for my determination to show my efforts. Besides, the people of Ba County are so poor that they are finally looking forward to Secretary Li. If I don't help Secretary Li do something for the people of Ba County, the people of Ba County will be very disappointed

Li Dingshan laughed: "You are still a secretary now. If you become a deputy township head in the future, I don't recommend you to speak so smoothly. Pay attention to your own image

Xia wanted to be shy: "In front of Secretary Li, I am a subordinate and a junior. What kind of image do you have to pretend? I have to show Secretary Li my honest side, so as not to always make you feel that I am not lively enough.

After a few words, Li Dingshan was in a good mood and remembered another thing: "I used the relationship in the capital to secretly inquire about Lian Ruohan. No one knows who she is. It's a strange thing

Some families are deeply hidden. Their information is at a high level of confidentiality, and it is normal that they can't find out the information. Xia Xiang talked about him and Cao Shuhui, Lian Ruohan and Mi Dong to explore the way. The thrilling encounter was not hidden. Li Dingshan was shocked. He stood up and solemnly said to Xia Xiang, "Bu Xia, don't do such a dangerous thing in the future. It's too scary. Think about it, the four of you are all important figures. In case of a mistake, how much noise may be made. Don't do this again in the future. Do you remember?"

The concern is beyond words.

Xia Xiang felt warm in his heart. Li Dingshan's care for him exceeded the love of his superiors to his subordinates. He was completely an elder's posture. He didn't want him to worry too much, so he smiled shyly and said, "Isn't this Lian Ruohan's idea? She is too wayward and spoiled. She doesn't listen to anyone, and I can't do anything about her. Fortunately, Shuhui can still talk to her. I'm afraid it's impossible not to go out with her or take a ride in her car.

Li Dingshan has a very good impression of Cao Shuhui, so good that he thinks that she is almost perfect: "Shuhui, a little girl, is really good, but it's a pity that I don't have a son of her age. If so, I also want her to be my daughter-in-law. This little girl is so cute and likable. "Xia, don't miss the good opportunity. Hurry up.

I dare to say that she must be a virtuous helper in the future, and she will definitely be very helpful to you.

I don't know how many times Li Dingshan has reminded Xia Xiang. Don't miss Cao Shu. Xia Xiang also understands what he thinks. At the same time, he also knows how Cao Shuhui feels about him, and can also see how much she has helped him. However, he always felt that Cao Yongguo's defensive psychology towards him could also be vaguely guessed that Cao Yongguo had great expectations for Cao Shuhui. He definitely hoped that she would find a high-ranking official and powerful son. After Director Cao became Mayor Cao, his vision would be higher. Will Mayor Cao, who is satisfied at that time, still look up at him, a poor boy with no origin, and will he be happy with him?

Xiaxiang has never been sure.

Xia's worries were interrupted by Jia He. He blushed and asked with a twisted smile, "Xia, one of the three beautiful women around you is the most mature and popular, which is the one who likes to wear big red clothes the most. Who is she?"

Xia Xiang came to be interested. It turned out that Jia He secretly took a fancy to Mi Dong. It is true that Mi Dong is mature and hot, and is most liked by a sultry man like Jia He. He joked Jia He: "Her name is Mi Ying, and she is Shu Hui's cousin. She has a good vision. She is indeed Jia. You need to redouble your efforts!"

Jia Helian waved his hand repeatedly: "No, it's nothing. Don't talk nonsense. I just asked casually, and I thought she was very beautiful. No, it's quite durable. He looks a little like an acquaintance I used to be.

But no matter what Xia wanted to ask, Jia He refused to say who Mi Ying looked like. He hesitated to change the topic. Li Dingshan smiled and said nothing, but he thought that Xia was not arrogant or impatient. He was appreciated by Chen Feng and was not moved at all. He felt more and more that Xia wanted to be reliable and worthy of his strong support. Nowadays, there are not many young people like this, and they can be appreciated by the mayor of Yan City. With a few catties, young people can sit down. Are you still willing to stay in the remote area of Ba County for development? The development in the county will come to an end at best. And following the mayor can be said to have a bright future. After all, Yan City is the capital city of the province. Once Chen Feng is promoted to the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, he will be a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. Will there be no good prospects for the people he like?

However, Li Dingshan also smiled conceitedly. Xia Xiang didn't know how deep the network behind him was. If he really wanted to use his father-in-law's relationship, it was also a force that could not be ignored. Looking at Xia's young and energetic face, he made up his mind. Xia thought, do a good job and you can relax with me. It's definitely not worse than following Chen Feng, or even much better. The future is long, not just talking.