official god

Chapter 132 Reject the temptation of Lian Ruohan

Shu straightened his eyes with a smile, and cleverly said, "Well, you have been bullied. I must help you find your face. Humph, I don't believe it. Obviously, her boyfriend has done all the bad things, but he also accused the person who stopped Liu He's bad things, a woman, can't be ignorant to

"I've decided," Mi Dong suddenly screamed, and his voice was so loud that people around her looked sideways. Regardless of other people's surprised eyes, she still said loudly, "Xia miss you so much that you gave me another golden idea. However, there are still some marketing and promotion ideas. I haven't figured it out yet. Do you have to help me come up with a small planning book? Don't shiy. I'll give you shares."

Xia wanted to shake his head and looked helpless: "I'm only responsible for coming up with ideas. How to implement it? I don't have the talent in this field, and I'm not as good as you profiteers."

"No way!" Mi Ying said firmly, grabbed Cao Shuhui's arm and threatened, "If you just take the gun. No matter if you open the fire, I will break you and the girl Ji alive and won't let you two love each other.

Cao Shuhui was blushed by Mi Ying's unobstructed words and kicked her and said, "Don't talk to me. It's up to me. You don't care about me." It means not to let Mi Ying use her to threaten Xiaxiang.

Mi Dong had to let Cao Shuhui go. Suddenly, he smiled mysteriously: "If you don't promise me, I will promise you with my body. How about it?"

The eyes of the people around her made Xia want to speak on her back. She had to admire Mi Ying's unobstructed mouth, so she had to admit defeat: "Get out of here first. I'm afraid of you."

Back to the hostel, after some bargaining, the conditions were finally negotiated. Xia wanted to be responsible for a set of all-round plans. Mi Dong bought it for 10% of the shares, and the shares were temporarily listed under Cao Shuji's name. Naturally, everyone is happy. Only Cao Shuhui said reluctantly, "Xia Xiang originally had a sum of money with me, but now there are some shares in my name, which always makes people feel uneasy, as if there is a conspiracy."

Mi Dong hugged Cao Shuhui's shoulder affectionately: "What are you afraid of? Fat water does not flow to outsiders' fields. I'll give you shares. It's better to give him an outsider. You can enjoy it at ease. Just think of it as the betrothal gift he paid to you. Anyway, you can take care of it and pay it back. If he does something wrong to you in the future, he will confiscate it. If you do something wrong to him. Confscated. Even if no one does anything wrong to anyone in the future, it is still confiscated. Don't let a man have too much money in his hands. If he has too much money, a man's mind will be wild.

"You don't have a good word in your mouth. Forget it, I won't care about you. I'm going to comfort Xia." Cao Shuqi came to Xiaxiang and stood face to face with him. It seems that he is as tall as him. "In order to comfort your young and injured heart, I decided to take you to climb the mountain. How about it?"

Xia wanted to think that there was nothing to do anyway. Feng Xuguang gave it to Mi Ying for hospitality. He nodded and agreed, and then said to Mi Dong, "I think it's okay for me to go with girl Hui. You can take a break in the room and sort out your thoughts by the way. Think about how to open a good supermarket and how

"It's not good!" Mi Ying resolutely refused, "I have to keep an eye on you and girl Ji. Lonely man and woman. How can I rest assured about the dry firewood? Also, I can ask you some questions along the way. I have paid for consultation. You have the obligation to answer, and you are not allowed to raise objections.

When he happened to go downstairs, he met Feng Xuguang. He wanted to lead Hu Yongchao and Zheng Xuebi to Jiazhai Township to check the terrain, and then went deep into the villagers. The county government also sent someone to accompany him. Thinking about it, he was relieved. After saying goodbye to Feng Xuguang, he went

When the net walked to Mi Ying's Santana car, there was a roar of a car. Lian Ruohan's Land Rover stopped behind Xiaxiang. Lian Ruohan, dressed in refined clothes, poked his head out of the car and rarely took the initiative to nod to Xia and said, "I borrowed your girlfriend for two days last time. I Drive."

Mi Dong was about to speak out against it. Cao Shuji screamed. Without saying a word, he opened the door and sat on the co-pilot. Then he said to the helpless Xiaxiang and Mi Ying, "Don't object. Sit in the back. Hurry up."

Lian Ruohan drove skillfully. While talking to Cao Shuhui, everyone understood that she actually said to Xia, "I know that after the Huahaiyuan, it has been going west, about more than ten kilometers. There is an inaccessible mountain, which is not particularly in vain, and it is very suitable for sports."

Cao Shuhui didn't answer, and Mi Ying pretended not to hear it. Xia thought that she had to answer, "Is it too dangerous?"

Lian Ruohan smiled, and the laughter was somewhat contemptible: "There are four people in the car, and there is only one man, but it is this only man who asks if there is any danger. Obviously, it is very illustrative. Nowadays, men are too delicate and irresponsible."

Xia wanted to be ridiculed, but he was not angry. He shook his head with a smile: Xiao Bu grew up in the city and was a girl. Naturally, he was a little strange to outdoor sports.

Mi Dong sighed: "If I had known it was so boring, I might as well sleep in the room. I'm so idle. What's the fun of mountain climbing? It's tiring and dangerous.

Lian Ruojiang naturally filtered her words directly and explained to Cao Shuhui: "Rock climbing is a somewhat dangerous outdoor sport, that is, climbing up and down on the cliff. Not to mention that timid and cowardly people can climb the peak, they don't even have the courage to try."

Mi Dong also directly chose to ignore Lian Ruohan's contempt.

Even Ruohan's car is still driving fast, and the grassland in August is still a green sea. Relying on the heavy body of the Land Rover, even the wild side of Ruohan burst out, driving wildly on the grassland, regardless of the long grass hitting the body, no matter how many scratches the hard grass body along the way will leave the body and how many small pits.

It's really money to burn. Xia wants to know the value of Land Rover, and there is no store that can serve it at this time. If there is any damage, the accessories have to be shipped from abroad or by sea. The price is so high that it is enough to buy a cheap domestic car.

"Slow down and cherish the car a little, or there will be no place to repair it." Xia Xiang was originally a car lover, so he couldn't help giving advice.

Lian Ruohan deftly opened a small hillside. When he rushed to the highest point, he suddenly hit the gas door. With the help of the slope of the hillside, the car soared into the air. When it landed, several people were full of meat and vegetables. She doesn't think it's too much at all. It's still like a run-off wild horse.

"It's not your car, worry about it. If it's broken, it's broken. As long as I'm happy, the car is broken

...Buy it. People want to be happy, and they can't buy six for a lot of money." Although even Ruohan's words are so awesome, it sounds so natural from her mouth. I can't hear the meaning of intentional showing off at all. Xia wanted to sigh that it was not easy to raise a lot of money without making people feel that there was an outbreak. It is not just about money, but also needs to be cultivated from childhood to adulthood. Confidence not only comes from strong financial resources, but also has a huge power and network of relationships.

What is the origin of Lian Ruo?

When it came to the peak mentioned by Lian Ruohan, Xiaxiang was shocked, and the straight peak was almost straight up and down. It's very steep. If you want to climb here, forget it. It's too dangerous.

Mi Dong only took a look and returned to the car, claiming that he wanted to sleep, and no one should disturb her. Cao Shuhui also frowned slightly: "Sister Lian, don't you want to go up the mountain? It's too high and dangerous. Besides, how sharp the stone is, in case it breaks your hand. How bad it is."

Lian Ruohan took out the equipment from the trunk, put on gloves, and took out a set of equipment. Shi Sheng asked Xia, "Do you have the courage to accompany me to the top of the mountain?"

Xia wants not to eat her general method: "I don't know how to climb, if it's windy, it's easy to make mistakes. I'd better stay with girl Hui below."

"You coward!" Lian Ruohan muttered and suddenly said, "Shu Hui, can you let Xia want to accompany me up? In case I get blown away by the wind, he can help me on it."

Cao Shuji couldn't bear to refuse Lian Ruohan, and Xia was embarrassed to refuse Cao Shuhui. In the end, he had to be fully armed. Under Cao Shuhui's repeated instructions, he accompanied Lian Ruohan to climb. To Lian Ruohan's surprise, Xia wanted to use both hands and feet and moved quickly to reach the top of the mountain ahead of her.

On the top of the mountain, the mountain wind hunts, and even Ruohan stands in the wind. He has a first-class figure and a beautiful appearance, but his expression is indescribably cold. She looked at Cao Shuji at the foot of the mountain, and her voice was a little distorted by the wind: "I think you also guessed my intention. I want you to climb the mountain with me just to prove that I am better than you. As a result, you won, but don't be complacent. In my eyes, you are still a child.

Xia wanted to laugh dumb: "I don't understand what you mean? Am I a child very important to you? I'm immature. What does it have to do with you?

"No, just to prove an idea in my heart." Lian Ruohan looked at Xia and thought a few times. There are doubts and puzzles in my eyes, and there is a trace of confusion. But then her eyes jumped to one side again. Looking at the endless grassland in the distance, "I hope I'm wrong, otherwise I don't know what to do."

Xia didn't know why Lian Ruohan said these inexplicable words. She wanted to ask her a few words. She turned around and looked indifference. He thought about it and couldn't understand what Lian Ruohan was hiding. Was it because of what happened on the mountain road last time that made her feel frustrated?

At critical times, it is normal for women to be less calm than men. Why does she have to be so stubborn?

After thinking about it, I don't want to think about it. Anyway, even Ruohan has the same nature, which is very twisted. There is no need to care about the length of her, as long as she can talk to Cao Shuji and not become an enemy with him. Speaking of which, there is no possibility to become an opponent between him and her. Now he is not even qualified to be an opponent of Ruohan.

The strong wind was blowing on the top of the mountain, and the chill was pressing. Xia wanted to say, "Go down. It's too cold. Don't catch a cold."

Lian Ruohan nodded, stepped forward to climb down, and suddenly looked up and said, "Are you keen on politics? Want to be a senior official? I can introduce a person to you. As long as you get his favor, you can definitely ensure that you will have a smooth sailing.

"Who is it?" Xia thought that her thinking was very strange, jumping around, making people confused about the motive.

"My family, you don't have to worry about who it is. I just asked you if you agree or disagree?"

After thinking about it, Xia thought still refused her kindness. "Thank you, no merit. I dare not eat the pie that fell from the sky.

"When I didn't say it." Lian Ruohan stretched out a finger and shook it, "Protect yourself. If you fail, no one can save you

Xia wanted to say nothing, but what he thought in his heart was that Lian Ruohan suddenly said this sentence, which may be unintentional. Maybe it means something else.

He does not believe in the power of the family behind Lian Ruohan, nor does he doubt that she has bad intentions, but he knows in his heart that even if he knows a pivotal figure in her family under the introduction of Lian Ruohan, the other party is willing to speak for him and give him a promise of how long it will take. It seems to be a great thing with a bright and attractive prospect, but in fact it is not.

Even if he can enter the sphere of influence of the Ruohan family, he is just a marginal figure, that is to say, he is a pawn that can be used and thrown away at any time. Among many huge families. Their power is all over the world, fields, politics, economy and culture. Among them, there are their core personnel, as well as many small people and small people who are recruited from each other, and many of them are the same as him. Struggling at the bottom but with no background and no backer, suddenly a towering mountain that you can't imagine came to you. No one can refuse to ascend to a high position.

Compared with them, Xiaxiang is more mature for more than ten years, so he understands the stakes. The figure, the vision and the realm are not enough. He thinks that he can walk flat after having a backer, but he doesn't know that no matter whether he is at the department level or the department level, he may even be promoted to the deputy province in the future. He is just the pawn of the big family and the vanguard of the whole family. If the little man has enough luck and wisdom to survive the struggle again and again, he may be able to retire from a senior at the sub-provincial level. If he is unlucky enough and not alert enough, perhaps in several conflicts of interests, he will be sacrificed mercilessly and fall into the eternal abyss.

It's not the family behind him who refused to save him. But compared with the price paid to save him, his value is not enough. Xia thought about the truth clearly, so he would rather follow Li Dingshan. He rose steadily step by step and did not want to be the pawn of a big family. In the collision of several big families, he was smashed to pieces.

From returning to the car and all the way to the hostel, Lian Ruohan didn't say a word. Cao Shuji's eyes flashed a few times, but he didn't ask. Mi Dong looked at Xia several times with a suspicious look. Finally, I couldn't help asking, "What did you say to her on it? Why do you two look a little strange?" Is there any abnormal behavior?