official god

Chapter 144 Kill the Southern Construction Plan

Han wanted to have a smile instead. He said softly, "Weaving has always been calm and moderate, and I won't get angry. I didn't expect it to hum bloody times. Well, thank you for coming up for me just now. It's okay, right?" Seeing that Xia didn't want to say anything, she smiled even more happily. "It's rare for a big man to be as narrow-minded as a woman! Forget it, I know you have something to do. I'll go to the swear girl in the evening, and I'll explain it to her today.

In fact, Xia thought that he didn't mean to be angry with Lian Ruohan, but didn't want to be led away by her all the time. After all, he didn't know the real purpose she had been following him. Although he didn't seem to have any malice, he didn't have anything to be tricked by others. Interests, so we have to be cautious.

Being angry with her is also a kind of temptation.

After Lian Ruohan left, he called Li Hongjiang again and asked him to book a restaurant. Li Hongjiang said that it had been booked for a long time, and he arrived immediately after waiting for his greeting in the old room of the house door 3. Xia wants to be quite satisfied with Li Hongjiang's efficiency. He made an appointment with Li Hongjiang to meet first


Dazhaimen is located under the Viaduct of Anding Road. Although it is average, the business is still booming. It is an authentic Beijing-style restaurant. It has both authentic roast duck, but also Beijing-style fried pork with sauce, glass meat balls, bean paste fish and other famous Beijing flavors. It is unique in Yan City. When Xia wanted to arrive, Li Hongjiang was coming out of the door: "Secretary Xia is here. Coincidentally, I'm also online."

In fact, Xia Xiang had seen Li Hongjiang sitting in the hall waiting for a long time. Now he pretended to come out to greet him at the same time. It's also heartfelt, and he has a little more affection for him. He believes that he is still a jin, a friend worth making.

The two of them came to the private room. I asked for a pot of tea first, and Xiaxiang stopped making detours. Straight to the point, he asked, "Have Manager Li ever heard of Nanfang Yijian?"

Since Li Hongjiang learned that Xia Xiang is the secretary of the county party secretary, he is now a deputy section-level cadre. There is a little more respect and enthusiasm for Xiaxiang in my heart. He is the manager of the provincial second construction company. The provincial second construction company is a single department level, and the head of the first branch company is also a section-level. He is more than ten years older than Xia, and he is keen on promotion. Naturally, he knows the way in the officialdom. As the secretary of the county party committee, he starts from the grass-roots level. This is a typical type of promising cadre. He is not like him. Although it is also a sectional level, it is only that the level of

And he also knew that Xia was the director's daughter's boyfriend, and the director's daughter's boyfriend did not follow Director Cao's side. But he went down to the county with a county party secretary. What if he didn't go down to practice to increase his qualifications? In his opinion, Xia's background is deep enough and his path is wide enough. Behind him is the county party secretary and the director of the provincial bureau. Now he wants to introduce the secretary-general of the municipal government to him. He is young. How can he have a background at the county, city and provincial levels?

Li Hongjiang is both envious and excited, and he is glad that he can make a friend like Xia Xiang


"I've heard of it. A small company that is not a stream, one has no technology, two has no capital, and three has no qualifications, which is not worth mentioning.

I also went to the second construction in the south and asked to be attached, but it was rejected by the second construction. Li Jianghong is also a middle-level leader of Erjian, and has also contacted people from Nanfang Yijian, and has no good impression of their useless company.

Xia thought that it was the Southern Construction that was despised and rejected by large and small construction companies in Yan Province. Later, after gaining power, all construction companies in Yan Province were suppressed, pulled and acquired, and several companies were squeezed out, causing a It's a big earthquake.

Before any large company really became bigger, it did not have the momentum to swallow the mountains and rivers, just like Microsoft was just a small company that could not be small, which was once looked down upon by many people. At present, the construction in the south is still very weak. It is thinking of relying on or subcontracting to share a share in the construction industry in Yan Province. It is in the low-level stage of looking for food everywhere. If you have milk, you are a mother. Their current requirements are very simple, that is, from the hands of large construction companies. As long as we can contract some small projects to feed the hundreds of people they brought from the south.

The best way to minimize the loss is to kill the malignant tumor in the cradle before it grows up. Of course, Xia thought that he didn't want to completely drive the southern construction out of the Yan province market, which was unrealistic and impossible to do so. Since Nanfang Yijian is here, he just took a fancy to the relationship between Gao Chengsong's wife Jing Xiaoying. Why don't you pull them over when Nanfang Yijian has not been forced to be desperate and desperate? Use the method of boiling frogs in warm water to divide them into projects, so that small projects can continue, big projects can't be grasped, and firmly grasp the initiative.

But Xia Xiang also knows that his thoughts can't be completely told to Li Hongjiang. He can only take a real and false approach to let Li Hongjiang follow his advice and slowly attract the south to divide the construction, so that they don't have the opportunity and time to grow.

"Yes, the strength of the Southern First Construction is really not good, but the southern workers they brought are skillful, conscientious, and willing to work hard. If Manager Li is not busy with the project, he can take care of them properly. It's also a matter of making friends." What Xia wants to say is also the truth. Southern workers are more able to bear hardships and do a good job, especially the decoration project is better than the northern workers.

Li Hongjiang heard the voice: "Is Nanfang Yijian the relationship between Secretary Xia? Why don't you say it earlier, as long as you open your mouth. I have several projects in the Electricity Bureau and the Industry and Commerce Bureau, all of which are other construction teams. Tell you, there is no problem for hundreds of people to enter. Divide them into one building, about five million projects, is it enough?

It's still a little less to persuade Wan. Xia wants to study architecture. He also knows that the four high-rise buildings of the Electricity Bureau, the cost of a single building is more than 10 million yuan, and the industrial and commercial building of the Industry and Commerce Bureau. The budget is no less than 40,000. Both the Electricity Bureau and the Industry and Commerce Bureau are rich and single, and the project payment is not a problem. As long as it is related, there is no pressure. Li Hongjiang said that he had fallen 100,000 yuan, but he still made a lot of ambushes.

Xia laughed when he wanted to. Without talking, he took a sip of tea: "Which university did Manager Li graduate from?


"School of Architecture. Why did Secretary Xia ask about this? Li Hongjiang didn't understand all of a sudden and was stunned. Suddenly, he patted his forehead and smiled with embarrassment. Look at my memory. I forgot that Secretary Xia also graduated from the School of Architecture. It turns out that we are still alumni. In this way, alumni are classmates, and classmates are one of the three most iron relationships. With this relationship, I will give you the distracted project. How about that?

"It's not for me, it's for the south." Xia wanted to smile with satisfaction. "Manager Li, I just came back from Ba County and haven't had time to meet Cao Bo

, " ...I will go to him in two days. If there is something I want to tell you in advance, I will soon be out of the seat of the Urban Construction Bureau."

Seeing that he had achieved Xia Xiang's satisfaction, Li Hongjiang was also relieved in his heart. He also secretly scolded his stupidity and forgot what Xia Xiang was learning. He also heard one or two of the rumors of Cao Yongguo's transfer, so he was not surprised at all: "I also heard that it's very powerful. He said he was going to the Surveying and Mapping Bureau, but now there is no movement. What's going on?

Cao Yongguo really wants to be transferred. Xia Xiang's future director's son-in-law's aura will weaken a lot, but what still makes Li Hongjiang moved is Xia Xiang's calmness, which always gives people a deep feeling, just like when he calls to introduce himself to the secretary-general of the municipal government, which surprised him. What other great people are behind it?

"Uncle Cao will still be transferred. It won't be long in the position of the director of the Urban Construction Bureau. It's not easy to say where to go, but one thing is certain that he will not go to the Surveying and Mapping Bureau. Gao Shengxia thought that although he had not met Cao Yongguo, Gao Hai contacted Gao Hai again Knowing that Cao Yongguo became the executive vice mayor of Yanfu, it is basically a formity, and there will be no more major accidents, otherwise there will definitely be other rumors in the province. There is no movement yet. It is estimated that all forces are compromising and preparing to introduce the final plan.

No matter what concessions Secretary Lu will make to Gao Chengsong, Cao Yongguo, as a scholar-type cadre, has no direct conflict with Gao Chengsong, and the executive vice mayor of Yan City is now a hot potato. Mayor Chen Feng is too strong, and Cui Xiang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. Although the position of the executive deputy mayor is key and the power is in place, he is also restricted by concubines. It is not easy to make political achievements, but easy to fall behind. Therefore, Cao Yongguo does not have too many strong competitors in the current situation. Gao Chengsong is still holding his mouth, but he just wants to bargain again.

Li Hongjiang suddenly raised his ears and was very interested in Cao Yongguo's movements: "Where will Director Cao go? Everyone is not an outsider. Let me know about it

Xia Xiang wanted to deliberately adjust Li Hongjiang's appetite, that is, not to mention, he said another thing that made him more excited: "I guess that since Uncle Cao wants to take a higher step, before he leaves the Urban Construction Bureau, he may propose a plan to adjust the middle-level cadres to the general managers of several subordinate construction companies.

In the officialdom, he praised the high but not the low. If Cao Yongguo was transferred to the Survey and Mapping Bureau, he would put forward an adjustment plan before leaving and wait for him to leave. Most people will go to the tea, and no one will do it. But if he rises, he will leave the construction industry. But if he really becomes a member of the Standing Committee of the Committee and the executive deputy mayor, it means that one foot has entered the threshold of the deputy provincial level. Everyone in the officialdom has a long-term vision and will do everything that supports each other. If he deliberately points out a few names, the general managers of several major construction companies under the Urban Construction Bureau, including the If you do it, it will also be done.

Li Hongjiang's eyes were shining, and he stood up as if he was drunk: "Secretary Xia, Brother Xia, I will call you brother. I have no other advantages. I am sincere to my friends and sincere to my brothers. I recognized you today, brother.

I dare not say that the knife is on fire in the future, but as long as it is what I can do for you, if I don't do it for you, I will be the one who climb up." He stretched his middle finger forward, pointed down the other four points, and made a jin, a bastard gesture.

Li Hongjiang's statement is understandable. To be honest, after working in a construction company for a long time, whether it is the branch manager or the general manager of a large company, there is a rude side. He had seen the general manager of Erjian Company take off his shoes, one foot on the ground and one foot on the chair during the meeting, spitting and talking, calling on everyone to build a civilized construction. Not to mention the branch manager, he wanders around the workers every day. When he gets up from the workers, he is scolding his mother when he opens his mouth. He swears more cleverly than the workers.

Xia Xiang stretched out Li Hongjiang's hand and scolded, "What's the use of your bastard today, and you can't eat it? I don't believe you. I'll tell you this and introduce Secretary-General Gao to you? It's not the last time I was in Jiajia Supermarket. I saw your brother's eye to eye. He is a friend that the umbrella can entrust.


"You're right. I, Li Hongjiang, am enough friends. I dare not say anything else. As long as I identify my friend, he will definitely take up a cup of tea. "Come on, brother. Use tea instead of wine. After drinking this tea, you will be a bosom friend in the future. You help me and I will help you. Whoever doesn't help you in trouble is a son of a bitch."

Xia Xiang had a cup of tea with Li Hongjiang, said a few more jokes, and then said, "Well, Brother Li, I'll introduce you to Secretary-General Gao. Just listen, talk less and do more. At that time, you will be indispensable for the benefits. Believe me?

"Believe, who doesn't believe who is a puppy!" Li Hongjiang patted his thigh and felt happy. He thought that the last time he made a decisive decision to start the Jiajia supermarket was the most wise and greatest decision he had ever made in his life. He looked at the watch in his hand and said, "What time will you pick up the Secretary-General? My car is a Jetta, and it is not high-grade. Isn't it too shabby?"

You can't do without a car. Xia thought of this question because he was negligent. After thinking about it, he still called Gao Hai for instructions. He is familiar with it, and the etiquette is coming. After all, Gao Hai also has an identity


Gao Hai recommended and laughed: "What's the big deal for me? This little thing is also troublesome? Speaking of the place, I asked the driver to take me there. Just wait. He knew that Xia wanted to be polite, so he stressed in an unquestionable tone, "Come with me again. I'll go to the mountain to sue you!"

After listening to Xia wanted to say that he didn't have to pick up Gao Hai, Li Hongjiang even concluded that Xia Xiang had a close relationship with Gao Hai. Only when they were familiar with each other to a certain extent could he speak so casually. He asked tentatively, "You and Secretary-General Gao. How did you get to know each other? Is it convenient to disclose it?"

Xia Xiang had nothing to hide, so he said, "Secretary-General Gao is an old classmate of Secretary Li.

Li Hongjiang nodded and smiled at the leader's heart. Xia Xiang is Secretary Li's secretary and must be the person he trusts the most. Secretary-General Gao is the old classmate of Secretary Li. The meaning of the old classmate is very rich. He can be commensurate with the old classmate, and he is all in the officialdom, and the relationship between them is extraordinary.

After seven o'clock in the evening. Gao Hai came. Of course, Xia Xiang and Li Hongjiang did not sit stupidly in the private room and wait. When the two of them were about the time, they arrived at the door to greet them. Gao Hai didn't let the driver go upstairs. He simply said a few words with Li Hongjiang and sat down in the private room together.