official god

Chapter 193 Shi Lao's First slap

※There was nothing to do in a room for a day. There were several small disputes, but Xia wanted to show up. He threatened to deal with it face to face. Tuesday morning. A fat-headed man with a thick gold chain hanging on his neck and wrist came to Xiaxiang. He said that he was a person of the third construction of the constitution, and he specially came to go through the construction procedures.

"What construction procedures?" Xia wanted to see him as an upstart, and he was disgusted, so he asked knowingly.

"I said Director Xia. Can't you remember what Secretary Wu said? The third construction of the constitution is going to enter the Yanshi market. I went to the mayor's office and said that the office of the renovation team was fully responsible, which was also a strange thing. He insisted on letting people run more. He shook his head and kept talking, and when he spoke impatiently, he changed his feet.

"Which secretary of Wu? Xia wanted to look down at the document, "Give your company's qualification certificate, copies of the industrial and commercial license and related performance to Director Qu. If Director Qu passes the preliminary examination, he will notify you of the review. If the review is qualified, you can participate in the public bid expansion

"What? The fat head and big ears didn't listen to the paint, and the voice suddenly increased by an octave. "Did I hear it correctly? Secretary Wu said, do you, a small deputy director of the office, dare not disobey? I don't want to fool around, do I?

"The Yanshi Municipal Government does not have the secretary of Wuhan University, so no matter who the secretary of Wuhan University is, he can't control the decision of the Yanshi Municipal Government! If you think the regulations of the municipal government are unreasonable, no one will ask you to undertake the project. There are more people who want to undertake the project. Xia wanted to give him back with a word and took the secretary of the secretary of the provincial party committee to suppress the municipal government. Not to mention Wu Peiyong, even Gao Chengsong would not publicly deny the decision of the Yan Municipal Government.

The fat head was so angry that he couldn't speak. Zhong Yiping came in and said, "If there is nothing else, please don't hinder the government personnel from working. Thank you for your cooperation!"

Wu Peiyong is arrogant, but he has no real power in his hands. At best, he can make trouble in front of Gao Chengsong. In order to intimidate others. Xiaxiang is just a small section-level cadre. No matter how dissatisfied Wu Peiyong is with him, he will not lose his share in talking to Gao Chengsong. Are you kidding? Let the provincial party secretary clean up a section-level cadre, and it is rumored that Gao Chengsong can't afford to lose this catty,


And Xiaxiang can guarantee it. No matter how arrogant Wu Peiyong is outside, he also has political wisdom and is also good at being a man in front of Gao Chengsong, otherwise Gao Chengsong would not have indulged him so much.

The party secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor of the city below are afraid of Wu Peiyong. He doesn't have to be afraid. Wu Peiyong will be angry at most, and then find an opportunity to embarrass him. He can't do anything about him for a while. Opportunities are also two-sided. Wu Peiyong wanted to find an opportunity to deal with him, but he was not waiting for the opportunity to fight back against Wu Peiyong.

After the week, news came from the constitution that Hong Zhaoguang, the new mayor of the constitution, was suddenly transferred from the constitution city, and the deputy director of the old cadre bureau of Yan Province was solemnly marked: department-level treatment.

Everyone knows that Hong Zhaoguang's political life will end from now on.

After Xia wanted to hear the news, she was shocked and speechless for a long time! If Mr. Shi doesn't do it, he will do it. As soon as he takes action, it will be a thunderous blow, which directly brings a mayor's career to the end. How much energy does he have? If you can move the mayor of the city, you must pass the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. In order to protect Li Dingshan, Mr. Shi really spared no effort!

What made him unable to figure out is what the cards are in Shi Lao's hands, why did he retreat for so many years, and the impact of changing the political arena of Yan Province?

Xia wanted to sigh that the Song Dynasty advised Li Dingshan to take a step in politics until today. Only then did he show the wisdom of his original decision, and finally under the great pressure of Gao Chengsong, he opened the first loose seam


At the beginning of August, the political situation in Yan Province ushered in a new shock, and the airborne vice governor Gao Jinzhou took office.

The first thing Governor Gao did when he took office was to inspect the Forest Park of Xili Village and ask Xia to accompany him.

The deputy governor named a section-level cadre, and the meaning of it will definitely be implication. Chen Feng didn't think much about it. He knew the origin of Gao Jinzhou and Lao Gao's appreciation for Xia. Cao Yongguo was puzzled. Although a deputy governor came to Yan Province and was restricted by too many places, even Yan City may not give face to the deputy governor who did not have the title of standing committee, but after all, the deputy governor is a justified deputy provincial cadre. Moreover, Gao Jinzhou was lowered from the capital. How did he know that Xia wanted to accompany him by name?

was named by the deputy governor. Anyway, it is an honor, a political signal. Cao Yongguo didn't know whether he should be glad that Xia was unbelievably lucky, or whether he should worry about him. The result of being paid more attention to is that the tree is a big wind.

However, what Chen Feng and Cao Yongguo did not expect was that after hearing the news that Xia wanted to refuse the third construction of the charter city, the furious Wu Peiyong was preparing to find a way to deal with Xia Changshi. Hearing that Gao Jin and Zhou wanted to accompany Xia. I immediately withdrew my mind. Originally, Hong Zhaoguang was transferred from the charter city, which also surprised Wu Peiyong, but he obviously did not realize that there was any connection between Hong Zhaoguang's transfer and Xiaxiang. He also wanted to find Xia to regain his face through the Yanshi Municipal Government. When Gao Jin spoke on Monday, Wu Peiyong obediently temporarily suppressed his heart's fire.

Even Shen Fuming is much more honest. Let the third construction of the charter return to the charter market first, and wait until the time is ripe. Shen Fuming is not stupid. Hong Zhaoguang wanted to show Li Dingshan's color, but his political future was directly erased. Someone must have taken action behind the scenes. Although he doesn't know who he is, no matter who he is, he is the person who makes Secretary Gao afraid! Shen Fuming knew that he couldn't afford to provoke him.

And he also understood that although Secretary Gao transferred him to Yan Province as the deputy governor, the capital set up Xuan as a deputy governor. The meaning is self-evident, balance, political balance. Before the political situation in Yan Province has undergone subtle changes, Gao Shuzhi's family is a single dog. Slowly, I squeezed to talk about it... The heart of this new force began to be the airborne Secretary-General Qian Jinsongqian. Now it is Gao Jin and Vice Governor Zhou Gao. When did all the changes begin? Shen Fuming couldn't figure it out, but he knew that he had no way to go except to keep a low profile and keep up with the pace of Secretary Gao, unless he wanted to go home to retire now.

Xia Xiang can also speculate about the subtle changes in the situation in Yan Province, and what he sees more clearly than Shen Fuming is that a small turning point in the situation in Yan Province actually started from Li Dingshan's appointment as the secretary of the county party committee of Ba County. It was because of Li Dingshan's appointment that the original historical process was changed, and the Song Dynasty also tied himself to Shi Lao's boat in an obscure way because of Li Dingshan's relationship

Gao Jinzhou's airborne. If you calculate it seriously, it is actually one of the influences he brought. Because of him, Lian Ruohan came to Yan City to open the market of Yan City for his family. In later times, it was not until more than ten years later that real estate developers in the capital began to shut down the Yan market. It can be said that Lian Ruohan's early intervention was more than ten years earlier than the original process. It was the great power of the Lian Ruohan family that led to Gao Jinzhou's airborne landing. In the previous political situation of Yan Province. There is no Gao Jinzhou at all.

Although Gao Jinzhou is only the deputy governor, he is only young! Good-year-old deputy governor, everyone knows that he is not overdoing or pensioning, but gilding and making political achievements, and he is also from the capital. He is young and has a background. Although it's just a catty, an ordinary deputy governor, who dares to say that he will not suddenly become a member of the Standing Committee in a year? Therefore, Gao Jinzhou and Shen Fuming are also deputy governors, and Gao Jinzhou ranks last in the provincial government. But everyone looked up at him.

Since the deputy governor has an order, how dare Xiaxiang not do it? What's more, the inspection is also a place connected to Ruohan. He got up early this morning. First, he came to the office, sorted out the relevant information, and told the matter. Then he called Zhong Yiping and asked him to accompany him to the forest park.

Zhong Yiping is overjoyed. Only when the leader trusts you can you accompany him. Besides, it's a big face to accompany the deputy governor to inspect. He hurriedly took the car key, hurriedly helped Xia open the door, got on the car and went straight to the forest park.

On the way, Xia wanted to talk to Lian Ruohan on the phone again and made an appointment to meet. Lian Ruohan still had a faint tone. It seems that his identity is only Director Xia, and her identity is only the same as that of the president, even her sister. If it's good, it will disappear in Xiaxiang's eyes. Since the last time we met in the lotus pond. Although the two of them have seen each other several times, they are doing business every time, and even Ruohan is cold. I don't have a smiling face for Xia.

Xia thought that she didn't force her, and she also knew that she was upset. There was no way to say what she wanted to say, so she had to get along with her not far away. Even Cao Shuji, who often went to design plans to draw drawings, felt Lian Ruohan's alienation, and asked Xia if he had offended his sister Lian. Xia thought was speechless.

He has offended her. She was offended, but she couldn't forgive herself. How to forgive? Do you want to tell her? I can't marry you, and I dare not marry you, but I do like you too. Be the woman behind me, okay?

According to what Xia thinks. He can definitely impress Lian Ruohan and let her agree. But he couldn't say or do it. Even if Ruohan agreed, he didn't dare to agree. Lian Ruohan is no one else. There is a huge family behind her who can airborne a catty in order to open the Yanshi market. The deputy governor's energy is far beyond his imagination.

He can't be with Lian Ruohan. It's not a joke. It's just that once her family has an attack, it may only need a phone call. He can turn everything he has worked hard into a bubble, and may even implicate Cao Yongguo, and may also harm Cao Shuhui. He can't be selfish enough to take care of himself, and he really thinks it very clearly. Even if he broke off the relationship with Cao Shuhui, he devoted himself to Lian Ruohan's family power without hesitation. Even if Lian Ruohan's family was finally willing to let Lian Ruohan marry him, he did not dare to gamble on his life.

He is as small as a grass. If he really wants to devote himself to Lian Ruohan's family, he can't get rid of the fate of being at the mercy of others!

And since he has lived again, he wants to control his own destiny and doesn't want to be controlled by others! Moreover, Xiaxiang is also very clear about the horror of some family forces. They may not necessarily use unexpected means in order to cut off his contact with Cao Shuhui and his future.

He doesn't want to harm others.

Xia wanted to know clearly what he wanted, and what he could do and what he couldn't do, so he could only respect Lian Ruohan and stay away from him and could not be a good friend. Just take it as a catty, even if it's an ordinary friend, she will do her best to contribute to her career.

Seeing that Xia was worried, Zhong Yiping asked with concern, "Director Fu, what's wrong with you?"

Xia wants to wave her hand. He laughed and said, "If you think about something personal, don't worry so much and drive your car well. Your driving skills are also average, and you will practice more in the future. When I don't use the car, you can practice more

Zhong Yiping nodded hurriedly: "I got my driver's license when I was in college. Later, I didn't come into contact with many cars, so I was a little relieved. I will try my best.

Xia wanted to rush to the forest park first.

It is said to be the Principality of Forest. In fact, it is still a wasteland, and the scene is a wolf, but a simple wall is built. A small sign was erected with a drawing effect picture on it.

The overall relocation of Xili Village has come to an end, and there is basically no resistance. First, the conditions given by Vision Group are favorable enough, and second, the support of the office of the urban village transformation team is strong enough, so most of the villagers are very satisfied and moved into the temporary resettlement house happily. Of course, there are also those who want to take the opportunity to take advantage of the powerful offensive of Wugang. In the end, they were defeated, so they had no choice but to finish it.

Xiaxiang has a lot of things to do recently. Although as a designated joint of Vision Group, there are not many opportunities to come to the forest park these days. He looked around and saw that the scene was quite flat. Some workers in the distance were busy sorting out the saplings. There are also some bulldozers leveling the site, and a small forest has formed in the distance, which is lush, which makes people feel comfortable to see.

According to Xiaxiang's suggestion, the forest park should not only plant some ready-made big trees, but also some saplings. Give the woods a chance to grow. As for what kind of trees are good to plant, how to plant them at intervals, what kind of soil is suitable for planting what kind of trees, etc. Naturally, garden experts are worried about it. If Xia wants to be a layman, he will no longer express his opinions?

It didn't take long to wait, even Ruohan arrived.

Lian Ruohan is still a Land Rover. However, the car has been repaired and polished, which looks much new. She jumped out of the car. Lower body jeans. The upper body is small, the shirt is simple and casual like a student. She nodded and smiled at Xia: "I want to dig an artificial lake in the woods and build a villa in the center of the lake. Can you help me think of a name?"

Xia wanted to see that Lian Ruohan's face did not have makeup, and she was still delicate. She thought that she was born beautiful. A really beautiful woman did not need makeup. He heard that even Ruohan's idea was very interesting, so he said, "It's a good idea. At that time, you can invite many friends to the party, but the name is not easy to come up with, so it's better to call it Huxinju

Lian Ruohan is strange: "Don't use your brain at all, perfunctory

Speaking of the party, Xia thought that he still promised Gao Jianyuan to take Lian Ruohan to his party. He hesitated to ask Lian Ruohan. Unexpectedly, Lian Ruohan's eyes were sharp. At a glance, he saw that he had something to say, so he said rudely, "If you have anything to say, just say it. "

"Yes, I was thinking, do you have a dress? Xia wanted to find the entry point, so she asked.

"Of course, why do you ask this? Do you want to go to a party or a party? Even Ruohan guessed seven or eight at once, but she then said, "Even if you go to the party, you have to take girl Hui with you and ask me what to do?"

Xia wanted to touch his nose, so he had to tell the truth: "You see, Ruohan, we are also old friends. Although old friends are not necessarily good friends, after all, they are also a little friendly. I'll tell the truth. If you don't like to listen to it, just think you haven't heard a good job. My friend, I wanted to invite me to his party with you, but I didn't agree directly, saying that I wanted to ask for your advice.

Lian Ruohan smiled, and his smile was a little meaningful, which made Xia confused. After laughing for a while, she said, "If you want to get close to Gao Jianyuan and deepen your relationship, you want to betray me, don't you? What if he knew that I was not your girlfriend and wanted to pursue me?

Lian Ruohan raised a difficult problem. It is also a test with a danger signal.

Xia wanted to scratch his head and suddenly pointed to the distance with his hand: "Gao's convoy is coming. Go to meet him. He remembered something and asked again, "Why didn't Mr. Gao come?"

Lian Ruohan was angry and gave him a blank look: "I don't have the courage, coward!" However, he still answered his question, "I don't receive my son, and Mr. Gao is too lazy to come out."

In fact, Gao Jinzhou is a light car today. He only brought a secretary and a driver, and even the deputy secretary-general of the provincial government was not allowed to accompany him, which can be said to be pragmatic. Gao Jinzhou also informed the city early in the morning that he did not need to be accompanied by city officials. He came to the forest park to inspect and was purely out of the consideration of loving the woods. He had more personal interest and less work?

It is very clear, that is, the symbolic meaning is greater than the practical meaning. However, as a vice governor who landed, he came to the forest park to inspect before he started his work. Who didn't know that the investors in the forest park came from the capital, and Gao Jinzhou also parachuted from the capital, and the meaning of it was about to come out.

Don't be accompanied by city personnel, but ask Xia to meet, and Xiaxiang is the designated association of Vision Group. Therefore, the relationship between Xiaxiang and Vision Group, the relationship between Vision Group and Governor Gao, and the relationship between Governor Gao and Xiaxiang has become the talk of everyone in the municipal government compound for a while.

The good-year-old Gao Jinzhou looks very young. Maybe it's because it's well maintained. It doesn't look good, and it's a little younger than Li Lishan.

He is not too tall, and his face is white. At a glance, he looks like a scholar. Xia Xiang thought that he is really deeply influenced by the elders. Gao Jin and Zhou have been an official for many years, and he also has the demeanor of a scholar. It can be seen that the origin of tutoring is extremely important.

Gao Jinzhou's voice is not high. It's a little soft, not like the voice of the northern population. He and Xia want to shake hands, without any airs: Xiaoxia, I used to hear Mr. Lian mention you, saying that you are not young and very steady. When I saw you today, it's true. Now I often hear my father talk about you, saying that you are very talented in design. If you can devote yourself to the rules and regulations, you will definitely become everyone. Although I haven't seen you before, your name is thunderous, and if you say something unpleasant, I'm a little jealous of you"

Prevention: Which dear and lovely brother will vote for a few more monthly tickets to encourage? Lao He is an emotional author, and everyone is encouraged and enthusiastic. The writing omission * point is abundant, and the plot is refreshing. Hey hey, that, the brother who watches the pirated version, it is not difficult to cast a few recommendation votes for "Gun Shen". Encourage the author more, and the author will have more motivation. If you want a horse to run, you have to give it grass.