official god

Chapter 200 Gao Chengsong's intention to beat Chen Feng again

If Gong Yang heard Xia's praise for him and Gao Jianyuan's treatment of him. Compared with five, it will not be as good as it is now. Although he was shocked when he saw Lian Ruohan just now. He invited the beauty to dance with him with the strength of wine, he was rudely rejected, and he lost face a little. Fortunately, as soon as he turned around, he invited another beautiful woman. Although it was much worse than Lian Ruohan, it was also a little beautiful. Wen Yang danced with the beautiful woman while waiting for the opportunity to set the beautiful woman. He also knows that the more high-end the occasion is, the more opportunities there will be for a one-night stand.

Just as Wen Yang was immersed in the sexual fantasy of the beautiful woman in front of him, the beautiful woman suddenly frowned and whispered, "Be honest and don't do anything

Wen Yang was puzzled. No, he is honest, and he doesn't put his hands randomly, let alone **. How can he be misunderstood by a beautiful woman? Isn't it a misunderstanding, but a hint? He understood and said, "My hands have always been very honest. There is no third hand, right? After talking on the Internet, he felt that he was pushed lightly behind his back. He couldn't hold his body and threw himself into the beautiful woman's arms.

At the same time. The beautiful woman felt that one hand was twisted hard on her buttocks, not touching, but twisting. Suddenly, she became angry and slapped Wen Yang in the face: "Damn it, stinky pervert

Wen Yang was confused. He covered his face and said, "Who pushed me? I didn't do anything,

I didn't finish the words. A glass of red wine splashed directly on her face, and another woman's voice said, "Stinky hooligan, dancing with others ** hugging, have you ever seen a woman? What a shame."

I don't know what was mixed in the wine. It was so spicy that Wen Yang couldn't open his eyes and hurriedly argued loudly:

"I didn't, someone pushed me

"Bang. With a sound, he was slapped in the face again: "If you do it, you still don't admit it. It's really not a man."

Wen Yang couldn't see who hit him. He groped to go to the bathroom to wash his face. As soon as he raised his feet, he felt that his feet were slippery. He fell on his back and was kowtoing on the tail vertebrae, sweating with pain.

Suddenly, a man whispered in his ear, "Call Gao Jianyuan to help, or you will be miserable. No one will believe you

Wen Yang only knew Gao Jianyuan at the reception. He was woken up and did not forget to thank the other party: "Thank you, thank you so much. Then he rubbed his eyes and shouted, "Mr. Gao, Mr. Gao, come and help me. I was framed, and I didn't want to be a hooligan. I can't see the road clearly now

Gao Jianyuan hid in the dark and heard Wen Yang's shouting. He was so angry that his face turned pale: "Stupid pig! Fan Zheng, find two people to carry Wen Yang to the fountain outside and let him be sober."

The Land Rover sang happily all the way and went straight to the city. In the car. Lian Ruohan laughed and shivered, constantly describing Wen Yang's ugliness, and Wen Yang's embarrassed appearance of being soaked by the fountain. After laughing for a long time, Xia, who was driving, said, "I didn't know until now that you are really bad.

Xia wanted to beg: "I want to vent my anger on you. I'm usually a good person. I don't steal, don't rob, don't cheat little girls. Today is the first time that it has broken down. It's an exception for you. Poor me for the rest of my life.

"Ok, other things are cheap and obedient, and even Ruohan repeated the trick, biting his lips, with a bad and seductive look in his eyes, "Why don't I compensate you?"

Xia wanted to be seduced by her many times and already had immunity, and he also knew that she was deliberately bad. In fact, she was very timid, so he pretended to agree reluctantly: "Well, for your sincerity, I will promise you where to open a room at a time?"

"Open your big head." When Lian Ruohan saw Xia's eyes, he immediately showed his timidness, "You big pervert. He is more hooligan than Wen Yang

""" Xia wanted to be speechless. Lian Ruohan was too much. He managed to kill and bury it. Obviously, she seduced people first. When she really wanted to be serious, she ran away again. Isn't it sincere that people can't go up and down?

What Xia didn't expect was that he arrived at the office early Monday morning and came to Vice Mayor Tan Longtan, a small uninvited guest.

Tan Long gently knocked on the door of the office a few times, and then with a kind smile, he first came to Xiaxiang and took the initiative to stretch out his hand: "Director Xia has been in the office of the renovation team for a while. I'm free today to come and have a look. Will Director Xia think that I don't attach importance to Although Mayor Chen and Mayor Cao take care of the transformation team first, I will also join in the fun and walk around with the comrades of our transformation team. Comrades will not be unwelcome, right?

Xia wanted to hold Tan Long's hand in both hands and replied very respectfully, "Welcome Mayor Tan to renovate the small group office to guide the work. Mayor Tan came to our transformation team in person in his busy schedule. All the members of our transformation team sincerely welcomed him. Let's invite Mayor Tan to speak with warm applause

Tan Long is definitely not idle. Xia wants to know that he must have another purpose.

Tan Long pressed his hands. He smiled and said, "I just turn around casually. There is nothing to say, and there is nothing to say. But. I just want to talk to everyone about the family. He is not the deputy mayor in charge of the transformation team. Originally, he had little contact with the transformation team. Now he suddenly said that he wanted to talk about his family life. The ghost believed it. Xia thought stood very respectfully and waited for Tan Long's follow-up.

Tan Long saw that Xia's attitude was Zhou Zheng, and the others did not neglect at all. He was satisfied and continued: "Although the office of the renovation team is Mayor Chen's specific guidance, the location of the office of the renovation team is very critical. Not only Mayor Chen, but also the municipal party committee and the municipal government attach great importance to it. Secretary Cui of the Municipal Party Committee told me many times that the comrades in the reform team's office are very hard. I would like to express my best to help them and take more care of them. Zuohe Shengdun: I was very inspired to hear it. I used to pay less attention and less attention to the comrades in the office of the transformation team. Here, I apologize to everyone

Applause, warm applause.

After the applause, Tan Long continued to speak: "The transformation team is the transformation team of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, so I also have the obligation to share my worries for everyone. Well, let's not talk about it. Everyone works hard. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me. If you can help you solve them, you will solve them as soon as possible.

Xia wanted to be sent out of the office, and Tan Long held Xia's hand: "Director Xia, please stay, work hard and have a future. Secretary Cui also asked me about you, saying that since you came to the office of the renovation team, you have brought a new atmosphere. The demolition work is much smoother than before. It can be praised by Secretary Cui, Xiaoxia, but it's a big deal

Send Tan Long away. Xia wants to guess the sudden appearance of Tan Long. It is estimated that there will be any measures in the city. Moreover, he mentioned many times that the municipal party committee asked the government, which was obvious that Chen Feng was not alone in the office of the transformation team. It should be led by all the municipal party committee and the municipal government.

It's good. Why did Tan Long say these words?

At about ten o'clock, someone informed Xia that she wanted to have a meeting. As soon as he arrived at the venue, Gao Hai whispered to Xiaxiang one thing, which suddenly made him suddenly realize that Tan Long had been vaccinated in advance to remind him that the transformation team office and office should not be too biased towards Chen Feng alone, otherwise there would be no good end.

Because Chen Feng announced on the stage that after the research and decision of the municipal government, the planning and development of the transformation of urban villages will be issued by the office of the transformation team in the future, and then submitted to the mayor's office for approval. That is to say, a series of major powers, such as the qualification approval of developers, the specific plans for It has been transferred to the office of the renovation team!

Despite Gao Hai's reminder first. After Chen Feng said it himself, Xia thought he was still shocked.

If the former office of the urban village transformation team was set on fire by Chen Feng, in order to attract the eyes of all forces and balance the forces of all parties, then now Chen Feng is once again decentralized power. It is equivalent to directly giving the office of the transformation team the power to seize life and death. Although there is no decision-making power, the approval power of the second level is also extremely important. Mayor Chen directly pushed the office of the transformation team to the front of all forces, making the transformation team the first battlefield for all forces to fight.

Put oil on the fire. Absolutely add fuel to the fire.

Xia wanted to laugh and cry. As soon as Mayor Chen encountered resistance, he transferred the pressure to the office of the renovation team, but the office of the renovation team had to be able to bear it. The three of them were only three secondary drugs. Which force will come forward, at least at the department level? It's equivalent to letting their soldiers block the generals. Mayor Chen really looks up to them.

At the same time, Chen Feng solemnly announced the appointment of Xia Shang as the head of the office of the transformation team


Xia wanted to be posed by Chen Fengguan again. On the battlefield that added fuel to the fire, he was the stupid boot standing in the center of the venue. You have to withstand the fierce bombardment of all parties at any time without the power to fight back.

No wonder Tan Long came to him early in the morning. I got the news in advance. Let's remind him first, which means that when approving the qualification of Jicheng Real Estate, you should know that Tan Long is also a person with a lot of weight in the municipal government. Although Mayor Chen has devolved power, the office of the renovation team should not use chicken feathers as an arrow. I really think of myself as a green onion and a garlic. The office of the renovation team is the office of the municipal party committee and the municipal government. The meaning is that anyone can give eye medicine to the office of the renovation team, so that Xia wants to be careful. Don't think too much!

Xia wants to know. From now on, he has really become the target of public criticism.

After the meeting. Chen Feng stopped Xiaxiang and only gave him a sentence: "Do it well. The next step is to improve the establishment of the office of the transformation group, and strive to become a formal deputy department-level organization of the municipal government within half a year

Xia wanted only to nod and agree, and did not express any more opinions. Because at the meeting just now, Mayor Chen has made it clear that it has been decided by the municipal government, that is to say. Things have been knocked to death. It's useless to say more.

Needless to say. Mayor Chen must have encountered the resistance above again. He used the office of the renovation team as a shield.

Coming out of Chen Feng's office, Jiang Tian sent him to the door and whispered, "Director Xia, Mayor Chen can't help it. Secretary Gao called the name again,

Since the last time he helped Jiang Tian solve his brother-in-law's problem, Jiang Tian has been particularly polite to Xia. What he said today is unimaginable, because Jiang Tian has never been a talkative person.

It can be seen that it is very necessary to have a good relationship with the leading secretariat.

Xia wanted to nod. Thank you. He was stunned and decided to talk to Cao Yongguo.

Cao Yongguo's office was upstairs. He went upstairs. As soon as he turned the corner, he looked at the sign of the executive deputy mayor's office. He gently knocked on the door.

Gu Xiuwen, Cao Yongguo's secretary, is the secretary found by Gao Hai's concubine. He is clever and his duty. Cao Yongguo has not changed again. Gu Xiuwen doesn't know Xiaxiang. No wonder. Xiaxiang always meets and talks with Cao Yongguo at the Cao family. It's the first time to come to his office in the municipal government.

Xia wanted to say hello with a smile: "Honal Secretary Gu, I'm Xia I'm from the office of the transformation team. I'm here to report to Mayor Cao's work

I don't know Xiaxiang; but Xiaxiang's name is thunderous. Of course, Gu Xiuwen has also heard of the incident of the three major figures raising Xiaxiang. As a secretary, if he doesn't have this vision. There is no need to do it. He hurriedly smiled and asked Xia to come in, asked him to sit down, and then asked Cao Yongguo

As Gu Xiuwen expected, Cao Yongguo nodded directly to make Xia want to come in. Seeing Xia's attitude, Gu Xiuwen easily walked into Cao Yongguo's office. He thought that Director Xia and Mayor Cao really had an unusual relationship. It seemed that the rumors were not groundless. Thinking about it again, I was not stunned. Mayor Chen appreciated it and had a good relationship with Mayor Cao. The first two figures in the municipal government favored him, and he must have a bright future.

In the future, you must have a good relationship with Director Xia?

Gu Xiuwen thought again that Mayor Chen loves talent. The municipal government knows what Mayor Cao has, and it is not clear now. So why does Xia want to have such a good relationship with Mayor Cao? Is it a relative, or Mayor Cao has a beautiful daughter?

If Xia wanted to know Gu Xiuwen, he would have guessed it, and would also pat him on the shoulder and praise him: It's really talented. Now he is sitting opposite Cao Yongguo, listening to Cao Yongguo talk about why Chen Feng suddenly wanted to make the renovation team office the focus of everyone's attention.

It's still because of Gao Chengsong.

Last night, Gao Chengsong didn't know where to get the news. When he heard that Vice Governor Gao Jin and Zhou were visiting the forest park, he was almost attacked by the villagers. He was furious. He held a standing committee meeting overnight and asked Chen Feng to attend the audience. He stressed again that the transformation of the village in the city must be fair The villagers were strongly dissatisfied. Chen Feng was warned on the spot to pay attention to the way of working, not to be simple and rude. In case Governor Gao is injured by the transformation of the city village, Chen Feng can't absolve himself from the blame.

Chen Feng was criticized by Gao Chengsong for nothing to say, because the incident of Gao Jinzhou happened suddenly, and he did not hear any news.

"Mayor Chen is also dissatisfied with you, because you accompanied Governor Gao's inspection at that time. When you came back, you didn't report to him. Cao Yongguo's face was heavy and his eyes were full of doubts. He was also puzzled. It's impossible for Xia to make a mistake in such a big matter. It's okay . " What on earth is the reason?

Xia thought about it badly. It should not have been poked by Gao Jin and Zhou. I guess it was done by Lian Ruohan. At that time, Gao Jinzhou said not to disturb others, and he would deal with it secretly. Gao Chengsong was afraid that he received a call from the capital at the meeting that night. In a hurry, of course, he was angry.

However, another possibility is not ruled out. Take the opportunity to put pressure on Chen Feng to pave the way for Gao Jianyuan. In any case, the inertia of historical progress is still very huge. His idea prevented the rise of Nanyijian, but Gao Jianyuan intervened in the real estate industry. If there is a gain, there must be a loss.

However, in contrast, Gao Jianyuan has established contact with him, and Gao Jianyuan's collaborator is Fan Zheng. Gao Jianyuan's entry into the real estate industry, as long as it is in his sight and within his control, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Chen Feng's move today has a double meaning. The first is to raise the position of the office of the renovation team. In the name of Fu Zhengxia's office, there is an excuse. Second, Xia was caught off guard. Didn't you report your work to me? OK, I'll also give you a surprise attack, and I'll still lift you up so that you have nothing to say.

Xia wanted to know that Chen Feng and Cao Yongguo were a little dissatisfied with him. He had to explain, "At that time, Governor Gao didn't let him say anything and said that he would solve it by himself. I didn't expect how Secretary Gao knew. However, Secretary Gao's anger was not so simple. He also took the opportunity to put pressure on Mayor Chen for Gao Jianyuan to enter the real estate. Gao Jianyuan wanted to say that you and Gao Jianyuan also had a relationship with Gao Jianyuan?"

Xia Xiang had to tell Cao Yongguo about his relationship with Feng Xuguang, and the process of knowing Gao Jianyuan, as for all the parts involving Lian Ruohan. I didn't mention it at all. Of course, the party was also mentioned. If he didn't go to the party, he became the only one.

Cao Yongguo pondered for a long time and suddenly asked, "Have you ever thought about being transferred out of the office of the political construction team in the city village?"

Xia was stunned, and then understood what Cao Yongguo meant. He was worried that he would not be able to cope with it. After all, there were too many forces involved in the transformation of the village in the city. He is in the center of the storm and is easily torn to pieces. However, Xiaxiang hasn't thought of quitting yet. The greater the risk, the greater the opportunity. He is willing to accept the challenge. And now, although the danger coefficient is very high, it is also a link between him and Gao Jianyuan. Gao Jianyuan can go directly to Gao Chengsong, which can avoid the complete reversal of Gao Chengsong and Chen Feng as much as possible.

Chen Feng is a good man, and he is there. It is a blessing for the people of Yan City.

Xia wanted to wave his hand: "Mayor Chen transferred me and retreated before I made achievements, which would be underestimated.

Besides, although there are risks, I believe that with the care of Mayor Chen and Uncle Cao, coupled with my personal efforts, I can't break into a broad road if I don't believe it!"

Cao Yongguo knew that Xia thought was sometimes stubborn, so he stopped persuading him and asked, "The matter of Governor Gao still came to Mayor Chen to explain. Don't let him misunderstand you."

"Since Chen Fuchang didn't ask me, I won't say that Xia wants to wave his hand, once Gao Jianyuan's leading real estate enters Chen Feng's eyes. Chen Feng will understand everything. If he explains it now, Chen Feng may not believe it completely. "Mayor Chen will understand one day, and it will be soon

Defense: Celebrate the birth of the additional chapter of Official God! Almost some brothers already have a second monthly ticket. Let's celebrate with me with the monthly ticket. I won't say more to thank you. I remember the names of the brothers who voted for the monthly tickets and rewarded.