official god

Chapter 204 The fight overturned the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau

After Wenwu's speech, he said to Li Fei seriously! "Li Feixiao will temporarily replace you as the director of the Beining District Police Station, and will be officially appointed after the discussion of the Party Committee of the Bureau

Li Fei was overjoyed, and one sentence was corrected by the deputy. Good things came too quickly, and it was all under the light of Xia's thoughts!

Compared with Lu Wenwu's promotion and Li Fei's promotion, Zhang Zhiqiang's frustration of being dismissed on the spot was ignored. He looked at Xia in a daze. He couldn't figure out why he was a section-level cadre for a long time. He also let the Lu Bureau come forward in person and let the Lu Bureau be removed from his position as director!

Zhang Zhiqiang even has the heart to cry. He finally got to the position of the director. Don't underestimate the director of the small police station. In just a year, he can get tens of thousands of benefits from the old man and old lady who look at bicycles, not to mention the restaurants, wine bars and vegetable wholesale markets in the jurisdiction. Where can there be less filial piety? He earns a hundred and eighty thousand yuan a year, which is not too much!

Now it's all right, and it may end up with something. Zhang Zhiqiang looked at Xia for a long time and thought, okay, you're cruel. You boy, wait, don't let me turn over one day.

Li Fei is happy to run before and after. He personally poured water for the reporter. Seeing that the matter was almost handled, Du Tongguo asked Xia to say goodbye. Xia wanted to send him outside and said with a smile, "Thank you again, reporter Du, for understanding the circle

Du Tongguo waved his hand and smiled: "No. Director Xia said it again, which is shame on me. You are doing your duty as a legal citizen and providing valuable news clues for our newspaper. I thank you for not being too late!"

"All in, our brothers won't be polite. Let's have dinner together when we have time. Press release, as long as your newspaper dares to issue it, you can send it boldly. Citizens now need some reports that expose the dark side"

Du Tongguo nodded in agreement: "This theme is very good. I want to make a big draft after the aftershock results come out, which must have positive social significance."

Farewell to Du Tongguo, Xia wants to go back to the vegetable wholesale market. Lu Wenwu wants to stay in Xia and want to have dinner together. Xia wants to refuse. He can't let Xiao Jia go. Lu Wenwu saw that he did have something to do; he was not reluctant to say a few words, and finally told the matter: "Actually, Director Xia and I are not outsiders. My family also works in the municipal government and has also worked with Director Xia. Her name is Lin Shuangyu."

Xia wants to be happy: "It turns out that it's really a family. I won't say anything more if I'm grateful. I'll invite Lu to dinner later

Xiaxiang didn't want to be accompanied by Li Fei. The reason why he didn't call Cao Yongguo or Sun Dingguo directly was that it was not appropriate to disturb them. After all, it involved Xiao Jia. It's better to control the situation within a certain range. Fortunately, Li Fei was not a talkative person, and he didn't ask Xia why he had a conflict with the aftershock.

Back to the vegetable wholesale market. Order has been restored at the scene, and Xiao Jia's cars of vegetables have entered the market. Wholesale to various locations in batches.

Xiao Jia was relieved to see that Xia wanted to come back safe and sound. Although she also knew that Xia wanted to have some ability, she did not know the real background of Xia thought. As soon as Xiao Kun saw Xia, he gave a thumbs up: "Bro-in-law, you are so awesome. As soon as the reporter of the provincial newspaper came, Yu Zhensheng still said harsh words. The reporter was not afraid of him, so he called the Technical Supervision Bureau and the district government. Soon, the Technical Supervision Bureau came to the professionals. After inspection, all the vegetables were qualified and issued a qualification certificate. He had no choice but to let our car enter the market, but he also said that as long as it is our dish in the future, every car will be checked. Now it's a temporary pass. What should I do in the future?

Xia wanted to pat him on the shoulder: "Don't be afraid, I called


After listening to this, Gao Hai didn't ask much, "Do the director of the management committee dare to mess with you? You are the one who even dares to contradict the secretary of Wu face to face! Beicang District, right? I called their district chief to ask about the situation. Since the provincial newspaper is also waiting for a result, I think Beicang District will definitely treat it seriously


Gao Haibo will call again. Xia wanted to come directly to the aftershock's office. The aftershock shouted aggressively, "Please leave my office immediately."

Xia wants to cross his legs: "This office belongs to the management committee, not yours. In addition, I would like to remind you that Zhang Zhiqiang has been dismissed"

The sweat of the aftershock immediately flowed down: "What's going on? What the hell happened? What's your coming from?" He seemed to understand, "Did you invite the provincial newspaper?"

Xia wanted to be a bachelor and nodded: "Yes, I also invited someone else. I guess I'll be there in a minute


"Brother, misunderstanding, everyone misunderstood that the aftershock realized that something was wrong. He hurriedly lowered his posture, "It's my fault. It's that I shouldn't be surprised. It's my lust. Brother, let me go. How about it?"

"It's late" Xia wants to shake her head, "The provincial newspaper has to follow up on this matter. Unfortunately, you are the negative textbook

The voice fell on the net, and the phone rang. Aftershock heard it and was stunned on the spot as if he had been struck by lightning. After a long time, he said, "It's over, it's all over."

Yu Zhensheng was removed from the post of director of the management committee, expelled from the party, and transferred to the judicial organs for handling. The aftershock cried on the spot: "Am I wrong? I didn't spend the money I embezzled. Can't I hand it all over to the treasury? Let me go. Give it to me again"

Unfortunately, some mistakes are unforgivable.

Xiao Kun was so impressed by Xia.

If there is a car coming in the evening, Xiao Kun will stay at the wholesale market for vigil. Xia wants to go home with Xiao Jia. Xiao Jia didn't say anything all the way. He lowered his head and thought about what was on his mind, looking unhappy. The county wants to tease her with worries. Why are you unhappy? Xiao Jia forced a smile: "I feel more and more that you are much more powerful than I thought. Are you very hard in the background? Is it very good?"

Xia wanted to smile and touched her head lovingly: "Don't think so much, you just need to know that there is a difficulty at any time. You can come to me

Xiao Jia suddenly smiled mysteriously: "I have a difficulty with you for help now. I don't know if you can agree?"

"What is it? As long as I can do it!"

"You can definitely do it. And it can be done easily." Xiao Jia's smile revealed strangeness.

Xia is very curious: "Say it and listen to it

"I want to have a baby for you."

Xia wanted to be stunned. He didn't understand why Xiao Jia suddenly had this catty. What's the idea? He began to scratch his head, and then he wanted to touch his nose again. Before he could touch it, he was snatched by Xiao Jia's hand. She smiled and said, "I'll touch your nose for you. That's what I just said. You can think about it first and reply to me when you figure it out. I want to wait for you for a year, I want to wait for you for ten years, I will wait for you for a year

Three days later, the Yan Provincial Evening News reported on the low quality of the grass-roots police in the public security system with almost a full page. Barbaric law enforcement, chaotic individual market management, the management committee accepts bribes and compensation, disrupts the normal business order. The harsh tone of the report surprised Xia Yang, and he understood that he inadvertently caused a small matter. It has been fully utilized by the upper class and has become a fuse.

Because he knows very well. Only with Du Tongguo, an ordinary reporter, even if he writes such an article without a nod, it is impossible to use critical words. Journalists have the power to supervise, but they don't dictate to the government?

Xia wanted to call Du Tongguo in a hurry. As expected, Du Tongguo also said that after his manuscript was handed in, the editor-in-chief did not say anything. Unexpectedly, the manuscript had been polished after seeing the newspaper, which was very different from what he wrote before. He didn't know what was going on? Xia thought about it and advised him not to say anything and not ask, just wait for the promotion.

Du Tongguo is skeptical. Two days later, he was appointed as the chief reporter and asked him to continue to follow up and report on the matter. Is Du Tongguo extremely impressed by Xia's foresight?

Although Xiaxiang is not fully aware of the inside story, he can also guess the incident caused by a fight. People with ulterior motives have risen to the height of political events and are evolving into a political storm.

After seeing the report of the Yan Provincial Evening News, Chen Feng was furious. He patted the table on the spot, called Ling Songping, the director of the Public Security Bureau of Yan City, to scold him, and then asked him to carry out rectification activities against the city's police. Don't humiliate Yan City, and you can' Ling Songping couldn't tell the pain, so he had to bow his head and didn't dare to talk back.

Then, the Yan Provincial Evening News secretly visited several police stations and found the same problem. Subsequently, the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee instructed all media, including TV stations and Yan Provincial Daily, to publicly and impartially report the illegal and disciplinary acts of grass-roots police stations, and should not be concealed, and should not be afraid of losing ugliness. A few days later, Sun Dingguo, deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, led a team in private clothing and found some problems. After verification, almost all the police stations involved were related to Director Ling Songping

Xia wants to be a bystander. Seeing that he could see a little way, when he found Gao Hai and asked Gao Hai a word, he was more determined by the judgment in his heart.

What Xia wanted to ask was: "Who is Director Ling Songping?"

Gao Hai replied with a smile: " Director Ling has always been close to the Municipal Party Committee."

Ling Songping is the person of Secretary Cui. Chen Feng has not listened to Chen Feng for a long time. Chen Feng has long wanted to touch him, but Ling Songping is very important and has great prestige in the public security system. Chen Feng can't find a way to do it. It happened to be a small matter of Beining police station. After Du Tongguo's manuscript was reported, he was inadvertently seen by the person in charge of the Provincial Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee that he had a good relationship with Cao Yongguo, so he called Cao Yongguo.

Since Cao Yongguo became the executive deputy mayor, he has been unable to open the situation. The incident of the Beining police station surprised him. His intuition told him that this was an excellent entry point, and he immediately reported to Lu Yuanyuan, the Propaganda Minister of the Provincial Party Committee. After listening to Cao Yongguo's idea, Lu Yuanyuan was silent for a long time, and finally said, "It's a good opportunity"

By default, Lu Yuanyuan. The media in the province began to report on the problems of various grassroots police stations in Yan City. Many of the problems were not only shocking, but also unimaginable.

Three days later, Ling Songping, who was supported by Cui Xiang, still did not bow his head.

Subsequently, at the Standing Committee held in the province, Qian Jinsong, Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, who has always kept a low profile, suddenly proposed that Ling Songping, director of the Yan City Public Security Bureau, had a serious dereliction of duty in the appointment of leading cadres and suggested that measures should be taken against him,

Although Qian Jinsong's proposal was finally settled, Secretary Cui, who had been silent on the Beining police station incident, suddenly made a public statement, high-profile support for the media's disclosure reports, saying that he would never tolerate the black sheep in the public security system, found one catty small, and investigated and punished one /P>

Two days later, Ling Songping resigned!

After the week, after discussion by the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, it was decided to appoint Sun Dingguo as the director of the Yanshi Public Security Bureau.

Cao Yongguo and Chen Feng's first dark and bright cooperation won a complete victory.

After the smoke dissipates. Xiaxiang, who was the fuse of the incident, was like nothing. Although Cao Yongguo also implicitly told him a little about the inside story, Chen Feng did not mention a word, but he guessed the curve in his way. He secretly admired Cao Yongnian's cooperation with Chen Feng. The first time the couple joined hands, he won a director, and also took the opportunity to help him correct him. If it weren't for the relationship between Cao Yongguo and him. Xiaxiang almost described him and Chen Feng as a pair of old foxes.

What just made him unable to figure out was that Qian Jinsong obviously helped Chen Feng. Did he go to Chen Feng to show his goodwill, or for another reason?

Guessing can't guess Qian Jinsong's real idea, so I can only watch it slowly in the future. Human nature is complex. Secretary-General Qian's move may not only show his goodwill to Chen Feng, but also his own careful plan.

Didn't you say that Tan Long not only has a good relationship with Qian Jinsong, but also is very close to Secretary Cui? In this way, the relationship between Qian Jinsong and Secretary Cui may be very ordinary, and there may be another inside story

Yan City in September. Although it is already the beginning of autumn, the power of the autumn tiger still makes people hot all over. Fortunately, an occasional cool breeze blows, and I can feel a little autumn.

Calculated, the renovation work of the village in the city has been stopped for almost a month, but it seems that no one is in a hurry. Everyone still has something to do. In the past, there was a lot of leftover work to be done in the village in the city. Wu Gangdehe and Qu Yaxin still often have to go out. When Cao Shuhui started school, Xia thought felt much more relaxed. At least the little girl doesn't have to think about him all the time, but always pester him. In addition to often going to the forest park to perform his duties, he also met a lot with Lian Ruohan. However, even Ruohan was still cold and hot to him. Fortunately, he has adapted to the changes of Lian Ruohan. Anyway, she is not much hot when she is hot, and when she is cold, she is not as cold as before, but pretending.

Song Chaodu has also been to his family. Song Yifan really regarded him as a big brother. As soon as he went, she surrounded the immortals and asked questions. Who are the women's friends, whether they are beautiful or not, how to catch them up, and so on. The little girl's topics always make them unable to answer. Song Chaodu was still not close to him. Occasionally, he told him about the current situation, and most of them mentioned Li Dingshan. It is said that Li Dingshan will go back to Yan City. The meaning of the words is to let Xia Xianduo walk around with Shi Lao.

Xia thought but didn't answer. He also wanted to walk with Mr. Shi, but he also understood that Mr. Shi would only take action for Li Dingshan alone, and no matter how big problems others had, he would be indifferent. Shi Jie's attitude hasn't changed much, so it's useless for him to have more of you to go, as long as Li Dingshan has nothing to let him come forward. He never takes the initiative to find Mr. Shi.

During this period, Xiaxiang and Lian Ruohan have been visiting Cheng Dacai. Cheng Dacai did not express too many surprises about Lian Ruohan's visit. During the conversation, Xia wanted to ask curiously why Cheng Dacai did not intervene in the development of Xiao Wangzhuang. Cheng Dacai smiled and waved his hand: "You are so familiar with the general relationship with Yuanjing Group that Yuanjing Group did not intervene. The reason why Dacai Group did not intervene should be the same reason as Yuanjing Group

Judging from Cheng Dacai's relaxed performance, Xian did not regard Vision Group as a powerful opponent at all. Lian Ruohan also showed appropriate respect in front of Cheng Dacai. Of course, there are also reasons why Xia wants to tell him again and again. Otherwise, with Lian Ruohan's origin, Cheng Dacai is the leader of real estate in Yan Province. In her eyes, he is just a super upstart.

When the first autumn rain fell from the sky with cool air, the calm of nearly two months in Yan City was finally broken. After several rounds of negotiations in the city, the leading real estate and Jicheng Real Estate were proposed by Chen Feng and submitted to the Standing Committee for discussion because of their comparable strength.

At the Standing Committee, Cui Xiangduan sat in the middle, squinted slightly at the more than a dozen members of the Standing Committee present, wondering whether to help Jicheng Real Estate? Who is behind the leading real estate? He only found Fan Zheng, and the executive vice governor's face is to give. However, he is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and it is not important not to show goodwill to Fan Ruiheng. After all, no matter how good the relationship with Fan Ruiheng is, it is not as good as Jicheng Real Estate's promise.

hesitated for a moment. Cui Xiang still made up his mind: "The leading real estate is an emerging company. Although it is quite powerful on the surface, after all, Xiaowangzhuang is the first community they developed. They have not successfully developed other communities before. I'm worried that their ability to grasp the market is insufficient

Secretary Cui's speech set the tone for the leading real estate.

Cao Yongguo raised his hand and said: "Although Jicheng Real Estate has successful experience, while they are developing 20 shops, there is also a community that is being completed. The strength of Jicheng Real Estate is not enough to cope with the development of two or three communities at the same time. In the past, when I was the director of the Urban Construction Bureau, I encountered the same situation. One company developed two communities at the same time, and the strength of the company was stronger than Jicheng. As a result, both communities finally had serious quality problems. In the end, the company went bankrupt because it had to bear huge losses. As a lesson, we have to be cautious about it

Cao Yongguo has unparalleled authority in the industry. As soon as his words came out, he immediately attracted the echo of several people.

Cui Xiang's eyebrows moved a few times, and a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes.

Compared with the calm discussion at the Standing Committee, in Tan Long's office, it is an argument full of gunpowder.

Wu Peiyong sat opposite Tan Long with a golden knife and said in a very confident tone, "Mayor Tan, I advise you to take the initiative to quit. It's not good to do it with me, and it's inevitable to lead the real estate. You can definitely pass the Standing Committee!"

Prevention: Brothers. Let the monthly ticket be three digits, okay? Thank you.