official god

Chapter 218 Kung Fu is outside of playing cards

Wang Qianfen followed the emperor to Kaixia's room to see Cao Shu dressed in embarrassed clothes, holding the pillow, and pouting his buttocks. He crawled in ** in an indecent posture and slept soundly. I don't know what a beautiful dream I had. I moved my mouth a few times, so I almost talked in my sleep.

Obviously, she came up and waited for Xia to think. I didn't wait, but I fell asleep.

Wang Yufen wants to turn on the light. Xia wanted to stop her and whisper, "Don't wake her up. I'll hold her down and let her sleep well

This sentence made Wang Yufen nod with approval, and his eyes looking at Xia Xiang immediately added a trace of love.

Xia wanted to bend over and gently picked up the little girl. She fell asleep and was not honest. She was hugged by Xia. In a daze, she put her hands around his neck, and her body pressed up hard, holding him tightly. Xia thought had to smile awkwardly at Wang Yufen, gently went downstairs, put her on her **, covered the quilt, turned to the door, and said to Wang Yufen, who had been watching at the door, "I'm going to sleep, auntie,

Wang Yufen nodded: "It can be seen that you are really good to Huier. Before he finished speaking, Cao Shuhui suddenly said in her sleep: "Xia Think, you're really bad. You're a pervert."

Xia wanted to sweat and fled in Wang Yufen's doubtful eyes.

At breakfast the next day. Wang Yufen's eyes turned around on Xiaxiang and Cao Shuhui. Xia wanted to be uncomfortable all over. She hurriedly ate a few mouthfuls of rice and made an excuse to go out. Cao Shuhui didn't know what had happened. He insisted on following Xia, but Xia wanted to find a reason to refuse: "I'll go to Secretary Wang to play cards, so don't follow

Cao Shuhui nodded: "Then you only come back at night. Don't let me fall asleep again. Well, I seemed to fall asleep in your room yesterday. Why did I wake up in my room again?

Xia wants to not explain at all. If they go out in a hurry, the matter should be left to their mother and daughter to solve.

After going out, he made a phone call to Wang Pengfei. As soon as the phone was answered, Wang Pengfei's voice with a slight southern accent came: "Who?"

"Hello, Secretary Wang, I'm Xiaxiang." Xiaxiang's voice was respectful and enthusiastic, "Last time you said that I would play cards with you when I was free. I don't know if I have time now?"

Wang Pengfei paused for a moment, and then said slowly: Xiaoxia, then come here. Come to Lu Yuju Teahouse to find me

Lu Yuju Teahouse is in the east of the bridge. Xia wants to be in the west of the bridge, which is a distance. He thought about it and didn't drive. He took a taxi.

When he arrived at the teahouse, as soon as he heard that Xia wanted to report his name, he led him directly to the elegant room on the second floor. When he pushed the door, he saw that there were already three people in it. In addition to Wang Pengfei, he didn't expect that Shen Lichun was also there. The other person was an old Tao.

Shen Lichun stood up with a smile: "You are the latest, why don't you pay New Year's greetings to Secretary Wang and President Yu

Xia wanted to hold her fist with a smile: "Good New Year to Secretary Wang, Good New Year to President Yu!"

Wang Pengfei nodded, but President Yu just raised his eyelids without saying anything or nodding, which was basically equivalent to ignoring Xia's thoughts.

Shen Lichun was busy and said, "President Yu is the dean of the well-setting courtyard of our group, which can be said to be a leader in the design industry in Yan Province

Xia figured out that Dean Yu must be a representative of the academic school.

The figures of the academic school have high eyes, and he is neglected by Dean Yu. Although there was also dissatisfaction in his heart, he did not show it on his face. He said a few polite words that he had admired and admired for a long time, but he knew in his heart that although there were no outstanding figures in the design industry in Yan Province, the first-class design experts were in the School of Architecture. Dean Yu did not know which immortal he was The name doesn't match.

Wang Pengfei stretched out his hand and pointed: "Come on, Xiaoxia, sit down and play cards

Xiaxiang and Shen Lichun face to face. It's the same family. Xia thought that Secretary Wang would play something profound, and he didn't want him to only play and upgrade. Almost everyone can upgrade, and Xia Can't dare to say that he is proficient. But when I was in school, I was also addicted to it. I often fought and didn't sleep all night. Shen Lichun is obviously also proficient in this way. His cooperation with Xiaxiang is very tacit, winning Secretary Wang and President Yu three times in a row.

Xia thought that he didn't want to give up the card on purpose. However, looking at Shen Lichun's posture, he didn't mean to let Secretary Wang win, so he followed Shen Lichun's card. After winning three games in a row, Secretary Wang still looked calm, but President Yu threw the card and said dissatisfiedly, "Don't play. It's only three times. Lose three games in a row. What's the point of playing again?"

Wang Pengfei also threw the card: "Lao Yu, we have to convince the old. Our memory is not good, and our energy is not as young as them. It's normal to lose the cards. Since you don't fight, just talk

Dean Yu seems to know Wang Pengfei very well. He took a look at Xia Xiang and asked, "I heard that you designed the plan of Forest Park? The design of the leisure square is not bad, with some highlights. The plan of the forest park is ordinary

Xia Xiang didn't know why President Yu seemed to have a problem with him, but he still said respectfully, "I just provided some ideas, and I didn't specifically participate in the design. I was not a professional designer in the first place.

"But I heard what Mayor Chen said. Your thinking is innovative and thoughtful. It is better than the design experts in Quanyan Province. Young people, isn't your tone a little too big?,

Could it be that Chen Feng's words spread to President Yu's ears? He felt harsh when he heard it and thought that he had been lifted too high, which damaged his reputation? Xia wanted to smile bitterly in his heart. Where can I read the most straight salary? He said that he would add this 0. At least he is also the head of the hospital. Why are you so stingy? Due to Wang Pengfei's presence. Dun backed Lichun's face, Xiaxiang had to explain, "I just designed a leisure square by mistake, but I didn't expect to be praised by Chen Fu. That is to say, I'm lucky. When it comes to design, I'm still much worse than Dean Yu

"I have been working in design for a few years. How old are you? If you are better than me now, won't I have eaten dry food for a few years? President Yu still has a thorn in his words, and I don't know why he wants to vent his dissatisfaction to Xia.

Xia Xiang looked at Wang Pengfei. Wang Pengfei's face was calm and there was no expression. Look at Shen Lichun again. Shen Lichun's face was slightly embarrassed and shook his head secretly. Xia thought about it, and President Yu deliberately looked for trouble. Is it Secretary Wang's idea, or is he just an overly scient old scholar?

Seeing that neither of them intended to relieve the siege for him, Xia thought to be arrogant and said, "Dean Yu, what advice do you have? Please tell me. I'm listening

Dean Yu sneered: "It's not good to give advice. I just want to ask why Comrade Xiaxiang Xiaoma Village and Dama Village were transformed into * People's Square? Since Xili Village can be transformed into a forest park, why can it be transformed into a people's forest park in Yan City? It is tied with Xili Forest Park and becomes another lung in Yan City. People have two lungs, and it is not too much for a city to have two lungs, right?

Xia thought to some of a clue. It should be said that President Yu wants to imitate the model of Xili Village, and also intends to transform the People's Square into a * People's Forest Park. Perhaps he believes that the model of the forest park can bring more benefits to the Dacai Group, or he can get greater benefits from the transformation into a forest park, but in any case, the statement of the People's Square was proposed by himself to Chen Feng, and conveyed to the Dacai Group through Chen Feng, and finally got the recognition of Cheng Dacai. It may be It was because of this Jin that President Yu regarded himself as an imaginary enemy.

Where does this start? Xia can't laugh or cry.

But since President Yu wants to argue with him face to face, he can't be afraid to fight, so he did not hesitate to say his point of view: "Xili Village is not in the city center, and it happens to be in the wind, so it is most suitable to build a forest park: Buma Village and Dama Village are located in the city It plays a certain role in purifying the air, but because it is not in the air outlet, the role is limited. The most important thing is to build a large forest in the city center. Not to mention wasting land, it is also easy to bring unsafe factors. Forest parks have advantages, but also disadvantages, that is, they are easy to breed all kinds of mosquitoes. There is also a habitat for birds, which is reasonable in the urban area. In the urban area, birds and mosquitoes will arouse the disgust of citizens.

President Yu opened his mouth and didn't want to say anything. Obviously, he didn't take this into account. However, Xia wanted to be speechless on the spot, which still made him feel ashamed, so he said unhappily, "Strong words."

Xia wanted to laugh and didn't say anything, because he suddenly flashed in his mind and figured out a problem that had been puzzled, that is, he had never understood why Cheng Dacai made great efforts to build a people's square. If it was just to improve the corporate image, the cost would be too high. After a discussion with President Yu just now, what he had been able to figure out before suddenly became clear. Chengda is really a master!

It can be said that Cheng Dacai's long-term plan to build the People's Square is similar to Yuanjing Group's plan to develop forest parks to increase the price of the surrounding land.

After the completion of the People's Square, it will definitely become a major landscape of Yan City. In a short time, it will become a treasure place for people to gather. Because of Xiaoma Village, Dama Village and the People's Park, the three places are connected into one, and the area is large enough. After waiting for the People's Square to warm up, it will become the best leisure place in Yanshi City. Chengda can find the city again and re-apply for regulations. On the grounds that the idle area of the square Build a first-class luxury villa in Yanshi!

You don't need too much land, as long as it is located in the People's Park in the middle. There is no need to build too many villas, four or five buildings are enough, just to highlight the taste and show your identity. You can definitely sell them at a sky-high price, and you can definitely not worry about sales. At that time, the People's Square can be used as the back garden of the villa, with countless pavilions and pavilions. Countless rockery flowers and plants have all become the foil of the villa.

A smart plan to move flowers and trees.

Xia thought about the tricks and means of Cheng Dacai. Invoid, he was a little distracted and fell into the eyes of President Yu. He regarded him as Xia Xiang's contempt and rudeness to immortals. President Yu remembered that he had repeatedly looked for Cheng Dacai's theory several times, and Cheng Dacai said, "The design idea should be more open, and the idea should be more long-term. Xiaxiang's design is good, and there are places to learn from. He was very annoyed when he came back, and he became more and more hostile to Xiaxiang. He is neither a design expert nor a person in the industry. Why let a leader in the industry refer to his design?

President Yu said strangely, "Xiaoxia, although your reason is also a little reasonable, it is still a little far-fetched. I sound a little perfunctory. I hope you can demonstrate it in detail. It's better to convince me

Xia's dissatisfaction finally came out: "I'm sorry, Dean Yu, I'm not your student, nor a member of the Municipal Academy, let alone an employee of Dacai Group. There is no need to explain my design ideas to you, let alone demonstrate the correctness and rationality of my ideas. I don't need to be responsible to you."

It's not your fault that you can't catch up with Cheng Dacai. But chasing me and cheering me up is your wrong shield. No matter what kind of relationship he has with Wang Pengfei, no matter how good the relationship between President Yu and Wang Pengfei is. It's just the relationship between Cheng Dacai and Wang Pengfei!

President Yu was so angry that he shouted. He stood up and pointed to Xia and thought, "Gangry, ignorance, son!"

Xia wanted to take a sip of tea slowly: "Dean Yu, people will humiliate themselves and then others will humiliate them. President Yu and I have never known each other in our lives. The first time we met today, you were very dissatisfied with me. Excuse me, when and where did I offend you? Are you so dissatisfied with me? You said I was a child, and I was younger than you, so I can barely accept it. You said I'm arrogant and ignorant. I'm sorry, I haven't found myself with these advantages for the time being, so I can't laugh at them

Dean Yu was stunned for a moment. With a stunned look, he suddenly shook his hand: "I'm sorry, Secretary Wang, I can't play the cards anymore. I'll go first

Wang Pengfei didn't keep it. Get up and send it to the door: "Dean Yu, take your time, don't send it

Xia wanted to wait for Wang Pengfei to come back, and immediately smiled apologetically: "I'm really sorry. Secretary Wang, you asked me to play cards. I'm fine. If you are angry with another one, it is still three missing one.

Wang Pengfei waved his hand disapprovingly and smiled: "The older Lao Yu is, the bigger his temper he is. As a dean, how can he care about his juniors? Forget it, let's not talk about him. The three of us will play cards and work separately

The three of them continued to play cards. Until noon, Wang Pengfei stretched out: "Don't say, I'm really a little hungry. What's the best place for Xiaoxia to eat?"

"Does Secretary Wang like Hunan cuisine?"

"It's okay. Is there an authentic Hunan restaurant in Yanshi?" Wang Pengfei is interested.

"I don't know if Secretary Wang has heard of Chu Fenglou?" Xia wanted to see Wang Pengfei's resume and knew that his ancestral home was Hunan, so he asked, "I think the taste is not bad. Of course, I'm a northerner. I haven't eaten authentic Hunan cuisine. Whether it's delicious or not, you have to decide."

"Eh, then go and try it. You have to try everything to know when Wang Pengfei is laughing. His eyes flashed, as if there were some questions that had not been said.

Xia wanted to know that Secretary Wang probably had nothing to say. Seeing that he didn't say anything and didn't ask much, he accompanied Secretary Wang to Chu Fenglou.

Wang Pengfei did not bring a car, but took Shen Lichun's car. Xia didn't drive when he wanted to come. It happened that the three of them were in the same car. On the way. Xia wanted to call Chu Zigao and asked him to prepare a room.

Xia wants to just say that he is a distinguished guest. He didn't say Wang Pengfei's identity. Chu Zigao has a deep understanding of the words of the distinguished guests in Xiaxiang's mouth. If you know it, you must have a big identity. Of course, not to mention that there are no distinguished guests, even if Xia wants to have a catty, he will also treat people with twelve points of spirit.

Go to Chufeng Tower. Chu Zigao greeted him at the door in person.

Xiaxiang did not introduce Wang Pengfei's real identity. He only said that it was Mr. Wang. Chu Zigao nodded and bowed enthusiastically. When Wang Pengfei heard Chu Zigao's Mandarin with Hubei flavor, he talked with him as he walked. After a few words, Chu Zigao said enthusiastically as a fellow villager, "Don't think we are two provinces in Hubei and Hunan, I'm in the south of Hubei. Mr. Wang is in the north of Hunan, only more than 100 kilometers away, which is a real fellow villager

Wang Pengfei had an indisputable attitude towards Chu Zi's approach to climbing fellow villagers. When several people arrived at the private room, Chu Zi asked Wang Pengfei what he liked, and went down to arrange meals. After a while, the food was served. Wang Pengfei took a few bites, nodded and said, "The taste is not bad. It has a feeling, infinitely close to the local flavor. Lao Chu, I have to thank you for letting me eat authentic hometown food again.

Chu Zi sat high for a while and made an excuse to go out, leaving room for a few people. Sure enough, as soon as Chu Zi left, Wang Pengfei said meaningfully, "The old Chu people are not bad. You helped him with the idea of the leisure square, right? Small.

Xia thought that there was nothing to hide. He nodded and admitted that, and Wang Pengfei asked again, "The construction of the People's Square by Dacai Group is not just to improve the corporate image, is it?"

Xia wanted to know that Wang Pengfei intended to test him, but before he figured out the relationship between Wang Pengfei and Dacai Group. He didn't reveal any of his thoughts, so he asked for a slippery head: "Is it more appropriate to ask Lichun this question? After all, I'm not from Dacai Group

Shen Lichun has been silent for a long time, as honest as a good child. When Xia wanted to be named, he smiled and shook his head: "Don't ask me, I really don't know. Mr. Cheng has any plans. I guess Secretary Wang can know that the gap between Mr. Cheng and Mr. Cheng is a little far away and can't keep up with his ideas.

Xia wanted to understand that it was the most useful sentence Shen Lichun said today. He secretly stared at Shen Lichun. It means, why didn't you say it earlier? Now you tell me the relationship between Secretary Wang and Dacai Group.

Shen Lichun's eyes dodged, pretended to be innocent, and responded to Xia's thought. Isn't there no chance? Secretary Wang didn't let me say that I didn't dare to say more.

Xia thought no longer paid attention to Shen Lichun. He turned his head and said to Wang Pengfei respectfully, "Cing is always a leader in the industry. His vision can't be seen through by ordinary people, and I'm no exception. Secretary Wang really asked me

Wang Pengfei didn't think that Xia wanted to see Cheng Dacai's long-term vision, so he didn't think much about it. He thought that what Xia thought just said was the truth: "So Xiaoxia can see the real intention of the Vision Group?

Compeed with: Xiaoxia is facing a new test again