official god

Chapter 239 Good news brought by strict hours

Thinking of Yao Nai smiled. Yan Xiao was a smart woman and was very good at regretting her greatest advantage. Charming without losing etiquette, making people have nothing to say. If you can't get angry, he said, "Since Mr. Yan knows that he has made a detour, you might as well say it directly. We are also good friends. It's better to make friends directly."

Yan Xiao covered his chest with his hand and pretended to be frightened: "I thought the county magistrate Xia would treat me severely, but I didn't expect that it would let me pass the test by understatement. It's really a good person." In fact, I think you have guessed that it's about the development of the

Xia wants them to develop villas, not to help them make a lot of money. Instead, they designed a serial plan to make them fail in the end. Yan Xiao now asked him to make a plan for the second phase of the project. He said with some embarrassment, "I'm not in the transformation team now. I don't know much about the rules of Yan City, so it's difficult to put forward constructive opinions."

"Actually, we have found the land." When Yan was a child, he sold it. She smiled. "A smile." It was built on Xishui Mountain, and the name was also given. It is called Xishui Villa, a Xishan and a Xishui. They complement each other and can definitely become a feng shui treasure in Yan City.

Xia thought was stunned for a moment and stunned on the spot. It took him a long time to react. He tried to endure it for a long time before he couldn't help laughing on the spot.

They have to figure it out to build a villa in Xishui Mountain. What a great idea.

Xishui Mountain is a distance away from Xishan Villa, which is located in the southwest of Yan City, but Xishan Villa is northwest. I still remember very clearly about Xishui Mountain, because in later generations, Xishui Mountain has also built an extremely high-end residential area. From a distance, it looks like a series of white houses. It is spectacular, but it is not a villa for the living, but a house for the dead, a high-end house! It is said that the price is high, a good place, but a few square meters of cemetery. Just sell it for more than 100,000 yuan, count it. It is 30,000 to 40,000 yuan per square meter, and the price is not lower than the house price in the capital.

I didn't expect that this life was due to accidental reasons. Unexpectedly, Gao Jianyuan, who accidentally got involved in real estate, wanted to develop it into a villa for the living to live in. Xia wanted to feel ironic. It was really unexpected. Because of the accident in Xishui Mountain, it was an escape from death and changed from a yin house to a yang house.

The yin house in Xishui Mountain in later generations is booming business, and I don't know that it was developed into a villa by Gao Jianyuan. Will it be on sale?

"We want to ask County Magistrate Xia to help us do two things. One is to get out of the design idea. Of course, the benefits are indispensable. Friends belong to friends, and business is business. The second is to hold a gathering of business people in the province. The participants are all influential figures in the province's business community, and they are also the most powerful potential customers to buy villas. We would like to invite County Magistrate Xia to participate. Let's promote Xishui Villa for us at the party. Of course, there are also benefits, because they are all business celebrities in the province. You get to know a few investors. Maybe you can make a lot of investment for Anxian County, but you can write a lot of money in your resume.

Xia thought that his heart was moved. His heart was not whether he could attract investment, but that he was very interested in the gathering of business people in the province: "This party should be held by the provincial government, right? Is the initiator Governor Fan?

"Not bad. Several deputy governors also participated, and Vice Governor Shen was the same as Cao Shuhui. She likes to wrench the index. Compared with Cao Shuhui's cuteness, she looks focused when counting, and she is less obedient and more formal. "Yes, there is also Vice Governor Ma!"

Xia's eyes lit up, and the opportunity came. On such a semi-formal occasion as the party, it would be better for Feng Xuguang and Ma Wanzheng to meet unexpectedly. Hearing the good news, I ran around with Yan Xiao today, and finally it was not in vain.

"Since I'm helping Jianyuan, of course I have no problem, but I also have a condition that I will take a friend to meet the market and let him take the opportunity to make some business people, which may be good for his future business." Xia wants to know what requirements he has made now, and Gao Jianyuan will try his best to satisfy him. Because he has always responded to Gao Jianyuan's needs, but he has never asked for anything in return.

Yan Xiao frowned slightly: "This party is very strict with the qualification examination of the supervisors. Generally, it is the recommended list of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the Chamber of Commerce. After strict examination by the general office of the provincial government, the notice was issued." She deliberately stopped for a while. Seeing that Xia wanted to change her face, she After a long time, no matter how difficult it is, I have to overcome it. I will tell Fan Zheng later and leave it to him to do it. Remember to report your friend's name and details to me.

Xia wanted to laugh. If Yan Shi was ignorant and deliberately raised the price, the more difficult it was to say the matter, the more she could show her sincerity, and he would propose to take a step back. Fortunately, she was still very smart and shut up in time.

As for helping Gao Jianyuan sell villas. Xia thought that there was nothing wrong with him. He just said some scenes in the cold noise, and properly mentioned how Xishui Mountain is a feng shui treasure. At the party of business people, everyone was a businessman, and it didn't hurt to talk about business. However, regarding the design issue, Xia thought still gently pushed back, and Yan Xiao did not force it.

Now that everything has been negotiated, Xia wants to leave. Yan Xiao hesitated for a moment, or said shyly, "The night is long and it's still early. Can the county magistrate Xia accompany me for a while?" I was afraid that Xia would misunderstand, so I explained quickly, "The habits developed in life in the south are generally difficult to fall asleep before night. After coming to the north, I am not used to going to bed so early."

Southerners have a rich nightlife. Because they can't sleep in the hot weather, they are particularly restless at night. From the urgency, it can be understood that their restless heart is restless, and they also report the requirements of Yan Shi, "Mr. Yan is a guest from far away", but there is no night view to visit in the county

Yan said, "Then please wait for me downstairs." I'll change my clothes and come down, and we'll just walk around

In a short time, Yan Xiao changed into a casual dress. When she wore a skirt, she was delicate and picturesque. Now she has removed her makeup and changed into casual clothes with a home flavor, which looks like a little Wuyi. A pair of eyes, reflected in the sunset, are as tender as water, and her skin has the unique delicacy and water spirit of southern women, and her whole body is full of a dreamlike feeling.

They are all women made of water, which is most fully reflected in Yan Shi.

The county party committee guest house in Anxian County is far less than the county party committee guest house in Baxian County. It covers a large area and has good greening. In fact, it can be said that there is no eye-catching landscape. However, both of them were not on top of the view, and they took a walk. There was a word of gossip on one side. At this time, the sun is setting, and the surroundings are quiet. You can faintly hear the chickens and dogs barking in the distance, and you can even see the curling cooking smoke from afar.

Yan Xiao sighed and said, "I grew up in a small town in the south of the Yangtze River. When I grew up, I studied everywhere, and finally came to work in the north. I haven't been back to the town for a long time. The longer you run, the more you miss the leisure time in the town, especially when you go to the town at night. The smoke is everywhere, and the sound of calling for children to go home for dinner is everywhere. It's fascinating to think of it, "

Her voice is like a dream, and her eyes are like fog, creating an addictive artistic conception. Xia Xiang can't help sighing. It's not easy to evaluate how she is, but she also has a true feeling, and there is also an ordinary girl who recalls the homesickness of her hometown. Now the strict hour in front of him has faded the aura of Fan Zheng's cousin and Gao Jianyuan's spokesperson, and it has gradually become true.

"Are you alone in Yan City? The family is not there?" Yan Xiao's emotion also aroused Xia's thoughts, and he casually asked about her family affairs.

"My parents are still in the south. They are too old to adapt to the climate and food in the north, so they won't come. In fact, I didn't think about coming to the north. It was Fan Zhengfei who tricked me to help him. My parents also felt that because my uncle was the deputy governor, the development in Yan Province could definitely be better, and they also insisted on letting me come over. Yan was facing the sunset when he was young. The golden sun hit her face. The fine fluff is clearly visible. It sets off her skin. She is the best girl Xia wants to meet.

"Why didn't your parents come to Yan Province before? Governor Fan has been the governor of Yan Province for two years. If they want to come, they should stand firm. Xia wanted to be slightly curious.

"My parents are both teachers, and they like to live a peaceful and comfortable life, so no matter how old my uncle is. They didn't look for it." Yan Xiao smiled, and there was a smell of joke in his smile. "I thought you couldn't do anything. It turned out that there were times when you were curious. Do you still want to ask if my boyfriend has come with you?

Xia wanted to smile: "In contrast, I care more about your family and don't care much about your personal affairs. And for your current situation. Career and social status are reliable, but boyfriends are the most unreliable things.

"Don't say it. You're really right." Yan Xiao smiled happily. She came to a bench, bent down and sat down. She motioned Xia that she wanted to sit next to her, and continued, "I had a boyfriend in college. It's a southerner. It's ridiculous to say that there were many boys in the north who pursued me at that time. I stubbornly thought that men in the north were not good. First of all, the living habits were too different. Secondly, they were not as careful as men in the south, so I directly excluded all the boys in the north. As a result, he chose a southern boy, but found that he had many shortcomings, such as being too selfish and not responsible. He is too shrewd and stingy, "

When Yan Xiao was talking, she stared at Xiaxiang's eyes. She still held hands on the shortcomings of her ex-boyfriend. After saying that. He laughed at himself again: "When I came to the north, I realized how shallow my previous understanding was. Southern boys are too careful and stingy, and their mother-in-law is not generous enough.

It's too smart to calculate, and it's clear to calculate everything over the years. On the contrary, it is a northern boy, but there are many advantages that I have not found before, such as being patient and careful, revealing cheerfulness in generously. Even if you are angry, even if you are stingy, you can put it on the surface, making people feel his truth


Xia wanted to laugh and said, "No way, why has your opinion changed so much? Isn't it a little too subjective? The land is divided into north and south, and the good and bad of people are not divided into north and south.

"That's what I said. Maybe I didn't meet the best southern boy, but I met the best northern man. Sometimes when I think about it, I really envy Lian Ruohan. She dares to act, love and hate. Such a personality is difficult for us southern girls to do. Yan Xiao finished speaking. Stand up and say, "Okay, thank you, Chief Xia, for having the patience to listen to me so much. You are a qualified listener and the best northern man in my mind

No matter how thick-skinned Xia was, she couldn't stand Yan Xiao's face-to-face praise, so she said with a little embarrassment, "I'll treat you to a meal. You won't give me such a big hat, will you? The title of the best northern man is too scary. If it spreads, I will become the public enemy of all northern men. I have no place in the north.

Yan Xiao squeezed his mouth and was very happy: "Then you can escape to the south and say, where do you want to go? I'll go with you?"

This sentence was too straightforward. Xia thought that he didn't answer her words and raised his hand to look at his watch: "It's time to have dinner. What do you want to eat? I'll treat you to a big meal so that I can gag your mouth."

She returned to Yan City early the next morning. After sending her away, Xia thought that she had no time to return to Yan City, so she called Feng Xuguang and told him about the situation. Feng Xuguang was very happy: "It's a good thing. No matter whether you can recognize your relatives or not, you can at least get to know celebrities in the business community in Yan Province. I can also be in the gathering of celebrities. Thanks to you, Brother Xia, I won't say anything more to thank you. I'll invite you to a dragon later."

Xia wanted to laugh and scold him again, so he called Yan Xiao again. First, he said a few greetings, and then said Feng Xuguang's information. Yan Xiao made Xia want to rest assured. She can definitely do this well, and finally stressed, "But if County Magistrate Xia has time to go back to Yan City, remember to chat with me. I chatted with you yesterday and had a great chat.

In the afternoon, Xia wanted to find the square, drove him and Li Dingshan, and went to the scenic spot together. Li Dingshan is obviously not very interested in playing in the mountains and rivers, and he looks worried. Xia thought that Shi Jie's problem was bothering him, so he didn't persuade him. Some things can only be solved by yourself. After all, outsiders are outsiders, and it is difficult to understand them.

When we had dinner together in the evening, Li Dingshan expressed his worries: "The experts from the capital invited by Secretary Mei are accompanied by the head of Qiang County, on a field trip to the mountainous areas where the ore is produced. I thought that County Magistrate Qiu was not very interested in mining, but I didn't expect that he also had a strong support attitude, which made it difficult to do. If it is discussed by the Standing Committee, there is a high possibility that it will be passed by Secretary Mei and County Magistrate Qiu. I can't veto it despite everyone's support, but I always think that mining investment is big. The effect is slow, and it may not be able to make money in the end. If you don't do it well, it's a face-to-face project that will waste people's money!"

It turned out that Li Dingshan was worried about this matter. Xia Xiang said his opinion: "Secretary Li will not be in An County for too long. If you want a political achievement that can write a resume, you can strongly support the tourism industry. I can guarantee that within half a year, the tourism in An County will stride forward and reach a new level. Since County Magistrate Qiu and Secretary Mei are keen on mining, let them go and toss around. It happens that they don't have the energy to pay attention to tourism, so you can easily get a political achievement and then be promoted to the district,"

Li Ding Rang, his face darkened: Xiaoxia, your idea is wrong. I can stay in An County for a year. In half a year, I not only want to make political achievements, but also to bring benefits to the people. If it's just a face project and a political achievement project, the people won't have any benefits at all. I'd rather not! It is precisely because the idea of Qiu County Magistrate's idea of mining is unrealistic, which not only cannot bring economic take-off to An County, but may even drag down An County's economy, so I am worried that I want to stop them. This has nothing to do with political struggle. It is a conflict of the concept of governance.

What Xia said just now is not true. Instead, I want to test Li Dingshan to see how many books and business he still has and how much determination he has to benefit one side. Li Dingshan's answer made him very satisfied, and he firmly supported Li Dingshan's idea in his heart and said, "Secretary Li, don't be angry. Political affairs have always been changing, and no one can guarantee what will happen tomorrow. Since we can't stop it, we will vigorously develop our tourism industry, and the tourism industry will become more prosperous. The more we can show the correctness of our decisions.

Li Dingshan still looks solemn: Xiaoxia, for the first time, I solemnly remind you that no matter how big your official is and how dazzling your power is in the future, you must keep in mind that in the face of political achievements and the choice of benefiting one party, you must choose to benefit the other party. If it can't benefit one party. We can't let the people get practical benefits. Our political achievements are not political achievements, but we apply grease and powder on our faces!"

Xia wanted to be in awe and replied cautiously, "I will firmly remember Secretary Li's words, which is also my original intention in politics. Thank you for Secretary Li's teaching!"

In the depths of his heart, Xiaxiang does not agree with **'s naked achievements and face projects. In fact, the government, which ignores the lives of the people and only cares about its own interests, is no different from Foxconn, a sweatshop. Such a secretary and mayor, no matter how dazzling the aura is, no matter how dazzling the aura is, it is just a capitalist who pursues all interests in the image of an official!

It has always been abandoned and greedy, politicians are black-hearted, and the officials who sneak into the government as speculators are also thick black masters who integrate greed and black-heartedness!

Of course, Xia Xiang did not fully agree with Li Dingshan's statement. Political achievements and benefiting one party are not opposite relationships, but can be harmonious and unified. As long as you have enough ability and wisdom, you can do good things that can benefit one party and achieve political achievements.

Li Dingshan's face softened slightly and said, "I heard that you have a good relationship with Secretary Mei. Can you persuade her to give up the idea of mining in private?"

"I'm afraid not." Xia wanted to shake his head. He knew that his relationship with Mei Xiaolin was far from good. However, after the initial contact, they have the foundation of mutual trust, and Mei Xiaolin has a strange personality. He was a little stubborn and wanted to persuade her to change her mind. At least he couldn't think of anything at present. "Secretary Mei has a lot of personality, and it's difficult to change what she is sure of. I can't persuade her. But Secretary Li doesn't have to worry. This matter may not go so smoothly, just like what you just said. Kaishan mining, the investment is large, and the effect is slow. Maybe it will not see the benefits until three or five years later. Can the county magistrate Qiu wait?

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