official god

Chapter 247 Finally found Li Chaosheng's weakness 0

After Dehua was in charge of tourism. In contact with Shanshui Company. Obviously, Ji Si is not cold or hot to him and has a sense of resistance. He took on his position as the deputy county magistrate and pointed out a project in anger. As a result, Shanshui Company returned the previous funds without saying a word and turned to contact with Huangxian County. Put forward the intention to invest in Zhangyan Scenic Area in Huangxian County.

Li Dingshan patted the table at the Standing Committee. It is a disgrace to An County to accuse some leaders of not understanding the market economy, rigid thinking, and staying at the level of the early 1990s, and even taking cards from investors. Since the county government did not pay enough attention to the investment in Shanshui Company, he decided to take the lead in person. On behalf of the county party committee and county government, he is directly responsible for the investment of Shanshui Company. As long as it involves Shanshui Company, he should report to him no matter what is big or small.

Qiu Xufeng understands. Li Dingshan just took the opportunity to monopolize the power. But he also has hardships that he can't say. Yang Dehua did a really bad job and had no brain at all. No wonder the last investment was robbed by Jingxian County. With a deputy county magistrate like him, it's no wonder he can attract investment!

Yang Dehua was sincerely frightened. He also knew his position, as long as he reported to Secretary Li about the Shanshui Company. Everything will go well. As long as Secretary Li does not nod, it will be difficult to carry out all the work. There is no way. He had to change the practice of reporting everything to County Magistrate Qiu and ask Secretary Li for instructions on everything. It made Qiu Xufeng very angry and called him a white-eyed wolf.

Qiu Xufeng is angry, and it is impossible to travel back from Yang Dehua. The county government's decision is not for children to stay at home. Today, this and tomorrow, if so, what prestige is there? Qiu Xufeng suddenly woke up. No wonder Xia wanted to look as if nothing had happened. It turned out that he did not intend to make contributions at the beginning, so he wanted to give up his political achievements to Li Dingshan. If Xia wanted to be in charge, Li Dingshan would be embarrassed to reach out directly. Now it's better to give it to Yang Dehua, but Li Dingshan brazenly intervened in big and small things.

Qiu Xufeng tore up a notepad in front of him and was furious. Li Dingshan and Xia Xiang really cooperated seamlessly. In fact, he was asked for it once by the two of them!

Compared with Qiu Xufeng's anger, Xiaxiang was not only not angry at all, but also happy, because after a period of secret investigation, Xiao Wu finally gained something.

"Chang of Xia County, Li Chaosheng has a lover named You Li. She opened a clothing store in the county, and the business is not bad.

Xiao Wu, whose husband works at the tax office, said excitedly, with a trace of joy of victory on his angular face.

In the private room of Changshan Restaurant, Xia wanted to sit opposite Xiao Wu.

"Wait!" Xia wanted to interrupt him, "Are you sure that You Li is Li Chaocang's lover? Li Chaosheng's taste is unique enough. Are you looking for a lover and a husband?

"It can't be wrong. You Li met Li Chaosheng before she got married, and she has always been his underground lover. Later, under the introduction of Li Chaosheng's sister, she married her current husband. After marriage, she still kept going with Li Chaosheng, but because they never spent the night in Anxian County, and sometimes even drove to the wild. Why don't we go to Yanshi? Anyway, there is no fixed place, so I stayed with You for a month. Only then did I have a chance to see them drive into the wild with my own eyes, and then in the car, "Hey hey!" Xiao Wu laughed. He laughed.

Li Chaosheng is really a character. He is awesome. He is so careful when dating lovers and lets his lover get married just to hide people's eyes and ears! I admire it, it's really admirable! Xia thought had a little admiration for Li Chaosheng's thoughts and wrists. He also sighed that his ability to take care of the overall situation and not hesitated to let his lover marry.

Who can Li Ransheng's sister introduce to You Li, not Li Chaosheng's instruction?

"You Li also has a son, who is in the third grade of Chengguan Primary School." Qi Wu added, "I suspect that You Li's son was born to her and Li Chaosheng, because her son's surname is You, and his name is You Yong!"

Xia wanted to be stunned.

It is normal for officials not to lack lovers, and it is not uncommon for lovers to give birth to children for officials. If Youli's son's surname is You, not her husband's surname, it obviously illustrates a problem. Youli doesn't want her son's surname to be someone else's surname. Li Chaosheng didn't want his son's surname to be someone else's surname, but he couldn't be surnamed his surname, so he had to retreat and ask for his mother's surname!

The estimated situation is. You Li has been with Li Chao for many years and has been hidden by him. The wild lily also has spring, not to mention a living woman, so whether she is unintentional or intentional, she is pregnant anyway. She wanted to give birth to this child. No matter what method she used to impress Li Chaosheng, in short, Li Chaosheng agreed. But the condition is that she can find a husband to marry, which is a cover-up. For the sake of the child, You Li had to agree.

As for more details, for example, Li Chaosheng may ask You Li to spend more than a week with her husband **, no more than a few times, how many days a month must accompany him, and so on. Xiaxiang is embarrassed to continue to guess.

I haven't found a breakthrough from Amway. Unexpectedly, I still found Li Chaosheng's weakness with the help of Xiao Wu. Xia wanted to look at his former friends in front of him warmly and was in a turbulent mood. Sure enough, he used to be his best friend. As soon as he took action, he helped him solve today's big


"Are you interested in working in Sanshi Scenic Area?" Xia wants to know that there will be some underground forces in every county. Maybe it is not accurate to call it underground forces, that is, some unemployed wanderers will threaten and extort foreign investors. Generally, the amount is not large, similar to the nature of the protection fee. Most companies will choose to pay the money, so he intends to help Xiao Jia's company for a period of time. After everything is formalized. Heart-to-heart knife! New arrangements for Xiao Wu's future.

Xiao Wu rubbed his hand: "I'm used to being idle, and I'm afraid of embarrassing the county magistrate Xia."

Xia wanted to pat him on the shoulder: "It's time for you to take care of it. Take my advice and go to Sanshi Scenic Area to be a security captain for a period of time. Responsible for the public security of the scenic area. After a while, I will find a way to find a better job for you, anyway, as long as you are willing to accept it. I'm sure I can't treat you badly."

What else does Xiao Wu want to say? Xiao He pushed the door in and said, "Thank you, Chief Xia! The county magistrate Xia will help you in the future. You will have a good day. If you don't let yourself fool around now, you will kill yourself sooner or later.

Xia wanted to be shocked. Xiao He was really prescedent. He is now slowly restraining Xiao Wu, and he can't let him stay on his own. Otherwise, once something big has happened and the law has been violated, no one can save him.

Xiao Wu was born as a soldier, and soldiers were used to obeying orders from their superiors in the army. Xia Shang is the deputy county magistrate and the deputy company commander in the army. Therefore, he has a natural fear of Xia. Listening to Xiao Heyi again, Xiao Wu subconsciously stood up with a "pop": "Yes, chief!"

Xia wanted to solve Xiao Wu's work with a phone call. Xiao Wu rushed to work, because he was very happy to hear that more than a dozen young men were going to give him to practice.

Back in the office, Xia thought about it for a long time, thinking about how to make a breakthrough from You Li. As long as You Li looses his mouth, Li Chaosheng will definitely fall. But the problem is that You Li is not only willing to have a child for Li Chaosheng, but also listen to his arrangement to marry someone else. It can be seen how determined she is to Li Chaosheng. If she wants her to take the initiative to explain the problem, it will not only startle the snake, but also the effect will be counterproductive.

What should I do? The key is to prove that You Yong is Li Chaosheng's biological son, not just by guessing. How to prove it? You can only use the concave for paternity test.

But how to get the concave of You Yong and Li Chaosheng?

I thought about it for half a day. Xia wanted to suddenly flash and came up with an excellent way to get You Yonggang. He picked up the phone and said, "Xiao Xie, come to my office."

Xie Qiyi quickly knocked on the door and came in: "County Minister Xia, are you looking for me?"

"Xiao Xie, please do some statistics to see how many primary schools there are in the county, and how many primary school students there are in total, and then list three data for me." Also, inform Wang Lei, Director of the Education Bureau, and Diao Huawen, Deputy Director of the Health Bureau, to come to my office."

After Xie Qiqi left, Xia thought for a moment and felt that it would be better to discuss the matter with Mei Xiaolin. With her support, it would reduce a lot of resistance. And I'm afraid that the matter of getting Li Chaoshengao will have to fall on her.

Because he had to wait for the two directors in the office, he called Mei Xiaolin's office: "Secretary Mei, could you please come to my office?"

Mei Xiaolin answered simply, "Okay, five minutes."

Mei Xiaolin wears a long gray dress and a formal coat, which looks very capable. Xia wanted to praise her: "This dress is good, with the majesty of the secretary and the softness of women. Secretary Mei is the sun of our Anxian County Party Committee compound. We all go to Ricai!"

Mei Xiaolin has no image of the secretary when she smiles, although she is also a lady. With your mouth shut, there must be no more than eight teeth exposed. It's just that what she said made people speechless: "I'm not the sun. I'm not so philanate. I spread the sunshine on the earth." Say it. What's the matter with me? Won't you just to praise me?"

Xia wants to tell the truth: "I want to carry out a physical survey of primary school students within the county. The Education Bureau and the Health Bureau will jointly conduct a free physical examination for all primary school students in the county, aiming to understand the health status of primary school students and put forward a reasonable improvement plan according to the results of the physical examination. I hope With the strong support of Secretary Mei.

"This is a good thing. For the sake of the next generation, I will definitely hold you." Mei Xiaolin looked at Xia with a little doubt and thought, "That's all, nothing else?"

"Yes, and there are also things that are related to the tide, and there is a little new discovery"

Xia hasn't finished his words yet. Mei Xiaolin hurried forward and grabbed his arm and asked anxiously, "What's the new discovery?" Tell me!"

Mei Xiaolin didn't pay attention to it in a hurry, and her hands just grabbed Xiaxiang's hands. The two of them were holding each other in four hands and standing opposite each other. The posture was a little ambiguous. Before Xia Xiang could pull out his hand, he heard the footsteps from the corridor and said, "Let's talk about the matter of Li Chaosheng later. Please sit down. I'll talk about the work of the Secretary of the Secretary of Education and the Just give me some support."

Only then did Mei Xiaolin realize that she had grabbed Xia's hand. She couldn't help blushing and hurriedly let go. She pretended to sit aside as if nothing had happened, but she didn't dare to look at Xia Shan again.

Wang Lei, director of the Education Bureau, and Diao Huawen, deputy director of the Health Bureau, arrived together.

Since the last removal of the director of the Health Bureau, Diao Huawen has been presiding over the daily work as the deputy director, and the county has not given him an explanation, nor does it mean to correct him. He is a little anxious. Xia, the deputy county magistrate, wanted to find him, so he came in a hurry to make a good impression on Xia.

The deputy county magistrate in charge has no personnel rights. However, if you have the right to recommend to the county party committee and county government, you can't offend.

Wang Lei has been the director of the Education Bureau for many years. After working for another two years, he will retire. There is no need to fight, so he wants to work smoothly until he retires. His attitude towards Xiaxiang is that he is doing business and not far away.

The two directors knocked on the door and came in. I haven't had time to say hello to Xia. Xia wanted to introduce Mei Xiaolin to them in a hurry: " Director Wang. Director Diao, it happens that Secretary Mei is also here. Come and meet Secretary Mei"

Secretary Mei, as the second person of the county party committee, the general director may not be able to see it. Although Wang Lei has extinguished the idea of going further. But in the face of the deputy secretary in charge of the matter, his heart was still tight, and he hurriedly shouted respectfully, "Secretary Mei!"

Diao Huawen's mind turned countless turns in an instant. What does County Magistrate Xia mean? He looked for a phone call to let himself come over. As soon as he met, he first introduced the deputy secretary in charge of affairs. Was it a hint? Was it his own time to do it? Is it going to be corrected? If Secretary Mei had said something, the throne of the director of the Health Bureau would have been half held firm. He guessed in his heart, and his face couldn't help showing excitement: "Hello, Secretary Mei, I'm Diao Huawen, Deputy Director of the Health Bureau. Please ask Secretary Mei for instructions."

Mei Xiaolin gave Xia a lot of face. She shook hands with the two in turn and said, "I'm talking about work with County Magistrate Xia. Since the county magistrate Xia is looking for you, you can talk about it first. Don't worry about it


said she didn't mind it, but she sat aside and put on a side-listening posture, invisibly putting great pressure on Wang Lei and Diao Huawen. Especially Diao Huawen, he even regarded Mei Xiaolin's observation as an investigation of him. He not only pretended to be taught with an open mind, but also sat upright.

Xiaxiang didn't say anything polite. Kaidan put forward his idea when he saw the mountain.

Wang Lei listened. There is no objection, because it is for the physical examination for primary school students, he has no reason to object. The only thing he is worried about is who will pay for the physical examination, so he said sadly, "A good thing is a good thing, but the county magistrate Xia doesn't know that the funds of the Education Bureau are tight every year. Although The cost of physical examination is also a big expense, this, the cost problem,"

"There is not much money. The money is paid by our Health Bureau, and Director Wang is only responsible for the organization. As the deputy director of the Health Bureau, I was very moved by the deputy director of Xia County who was wholeheartedly thinking about the people and wanted to give the children a free physical examination. I'm also very ashamed.

The head of Xia County has a thousand machines. You can think of the physical health problems of primary school students. As a direct leader, I don't have this awareness. It's my dereliction of duty. I self-criticate to the county magistrate Xia. Diao Huawen looked sincere and sad, which made Xia want to see it and almost got goose bumps all over.

Mei Xiaolin didn't have Xia's forbearance. She laughed out loud, and then realized that as a deputy secretary, she must maintain her majesty. She hurriedly put away her smile and said solemnly, "Mr. Diao, don't do self-criticize. Comrades who can realize their shortcomings in their work are good comrade Since you and Director Wang have no opinion, you can discuss how to operate it and give it to County Magistrate Xia as soon as possible. I also strongly support this matter.

There is a sentence from Mei Xiaolin. Diao Huawen seemed to have a reassuring pill, and his guess is more firm in his heart. As long as the task is completed satisfactorily and leaves a good impression on County Magistrate Xia, he can definitely make a good impression on Secretary Mei. At that time, he will not have to worry about not having a chance to correct it. He was excited for Suddenly, I realized another problem. Why did Secretary Mei support the work of County Magistrate Xia so much? Secretary Mei is unmarried, and the county magistrate Xia is not married, isn't it?

Diao Huawen suddenly hit another thriller. Stop, stop, stop, the leader's privacy must not be inscriminately inquired, let alone spread, otherwise it will make the leader unhappy at that time, not to mention the promotion, I guess he will go home directly for retirement.

After Wang Lei and Diao Huawen left. Mei Xiaolin stood up and said, "Okay, okay, I just gave you enough face. Say it quickly. What have you found!"

Xia thought that he didn't lose Mei Xiaolin's appetite anymore, so he talked about You Li. Of course, there is no concealment from the speculation that You Yong is suspected to be Li Chao's biological son. Mei Xiaolin opened her eyes wide, turned her eyes around a few times, and figured out something: "It turns out that you are under the guise of giving free physical examination for primary school students in order to get You Yong's plus. OK, you have a lot of bad ideas."

Xia wanted to smile modestly: "Secretary Mei is flattered. I also came up with such a last resort by chance. It's not bad, and I also have the idea of providing free physical examination for students. As for Li Chaosheng, it has to be handed over to Secretary Mei to get it.

Mei Xiaolin is also very smart. He clapped his hands and said, "No problem. When the Standing Committee is held, I will sit next to him and take the opportunity to get a hair from him, right?"

"Yes, hair is the best, but if you really don't have hair, you don't have to pull one from his head. That's too obvious. In case it doesn't work, the cigarette butts he has smoked can also do it. Xiaxiang was really worried that Mei Xiaolin was impulsive and forcibly pulled a pair of hair off Li Chaosheng's head. Of course, it's just his guess. He also believes that she won't be so excited. The reason for saying so is that it has both the intention of prevention and the nature of a joke.

Mei Xiaolin was very dissatisfied and Xia thought, "Don't imagine me so brainless. What I'm doing now is an extremely important thing. It's about the innocence of a member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee. It's not a matter. Why don't you do it carefully?" As she spoke, she was probably a little thirsty, so she reached out and picked up the cup from the table and drank it. While drinking, he said, "If the matching is successful in the end, it proves that You Yong is Li Chaosheng's son. What should we do next?"