official god

Chapter 259 County Magistrate Xia's Love Project

Ding Shan said! Sheng County Magistrate is now the executive deputy. Work hard. Hui Huazhou can help the right. But you need a political achievement now. Do you have any ideas? If there is, I will communicate with Xiaoxia. If it is feasible, I will strongly support it.

Li Dingshan and Xia have known each other for a long time. They know that since Xia wants to sit down, they are sure of Shanda. Li Dingshan has also heard of Qiang Jianghai's dissatisfaction with Xia Xiang. He doesn't want to wait for An County to become the world of Qiu Xufeng and Qiang Jianghai after he left. Xia Xiang is really difficult to move.

After listening to Li Dingshan's words, Shanda looked at Xia Xiang with a smile, and then said, "Thank you, Secretary Li, for your trust. I really have one thing to discuss with the county magistrate Xia."

Li Dingshan was not in a hurry to ask questions. He said as the host, "Come on, eat while talking."

After Shanda talked about his ideas, Xia Xiang didn't say anything first, but looked at Li Dingshan expectantly.

Li Dingshan thought for a little and agreed: "The idea is really good. My personal opinion is worth a try. Of course, I'm not familiar with the real estate dealer. Xiaoxia is half an expert. Let's listen to his opinion.

Shengda has seen that Li Dingshan's attitude towards Xia Xiang can no longer be described by weight, and it can even be said to be obedient and extremely trustworthy. No wonder Xia wanted to specially call Secretary Li together. It turned out that he was confident that as long as he supported it, Secretary Li would definitely support it. With the support of Secretary Li, the pressure from Qiu Xufeng will be greatly reduced.

Even if the political achievements are given to Secretary Li, because if Secretary Li is transferred, when Anxian adjusts the team, the superiors will carefully consider Secretary Li's opinions.

Xia thought for a moment, considered the sentence, and said, "The idea of the county magistrate of Sheng County is very groundbreaking. I think that if I come forward and find a developer from Yan City to invest in the construction of a resort in the scenic area, the chance of success is still very high."

As soon as this came out. Not only was Shanda happy, but Li Dingshan also smiled and nodded repeatedly.

"But I have a bolder idea. I want to report to Secretary Li and County Magistrate Sheng.

Xia wants to have a modest and cautious expression. Shanda is there. He doesn't want Shanda to see how casual he has a natural attitude in front of Li Dingshan. Otherwise, it's not good to let others think that he doesn't respect the leader.

"Tay and see" Li Dingshan didn't think so much. He asked very casually, and there was no superior's way of superiors to subordinates.

Shanda is a kind-hearted person. He understood in his heart that the relationship between Li Dingshan and Xia Xiang is not a simple relationship between superiors and subordinates, and the two also have a kind of friendship and tacit understanding. Shengda also remembered the rumor that Li Dingshan and Xia wanted to work together to rectify Liu Shixuan in Ba County. He was secretly glad that he was lucky. Fortunately, he still had a bad temper with Xia, and he also got close to Secretary Li in time, otherwise he accidentally chose to be the enemy of the two of them. I'm afraid there will be no good end.

Shanda also nodded quickly: "County Minister Xia must have a good idea. Tell me quickly."

Xia wanted to see that there was a subtle change in Shanda's attitude. He thought that Shanda was also a person with a good look. Seeing that Secretary Li's relationship with him was extraordinary, he smiled humbly: "Actually, my idea is to build a resort as a supplement to Sheng County Magistrate's idea, and the Route, so as to attract more ordinary citizens. At the same time, we can also create a piece of land next to the resort. Divided into separate yards, specializing in leather. Let more rich people have the right to choose. They can build their own villas and quadrangle courtyards. They can even build a vegetable yard, as long as they want, they can build whatever they want. Moreover, the value of our land is very cheap. Compared with Yanshi, it can be said to have a great price advantage. At the same time, we also need to build ancillary facilities to ensure the supply of water and electricity, so that everyone can live at ease and regard the scenic spot as a second home.

Before Li Dingshan spoke, Shanda couldn't help praising: "It's a good idea. It's really a great idea. No matter what house the rich buys, it is designed by others. Some people with personality want to build a yard according to their own wishes, but it is impossible in Yan City. We have specially created a piece of land in the picturesque Sanshi Scenic Area, so that they can realize their dreams to their heart's content. There must be a big market. When the county magistrate Xia said, even I was a little moved, haha,"

Compared with Shanda's optimism, Li Dingshan is a little conservative: "Xiaoxia. Your idea is really good at first glance, but how many people don't think it's troublesome and can design their own drawings? Build your own house? Build your own yard? Besides, the rich are very busy. They have this. Time has this heart

Li Dingshan's worries naturally have his reason, according to his age. Now is the time for stability. Many successful businessmen are about the same age as him, so his views are also representative.

However, Li Dingshan is not a real businessman after all. Although he has also gone through business, he is still a literati in essence. Domestic businessmen, no matter how rich they are, whether they were farmers or grew up in cities, have an unstoppable yearning for pastoral life. The deep-rooted concept developed by thousands of years of agricultural society is that if you have money, you can buy land and buy real estate. People always feel that there is a piece of land and a real estate. There is a place to settle down, and there is a root.

Xiaxiang also knows more clearly that in later generations, what gradually emerged was the farmer's courtyard-style leisure and relaxation, as well as the emerging leisure life of claiming the vegetable field. However, at that time, it had been popularized to ordinary citizens. As long as they had cars, they would claim a little bit in the suburbs. Every weekend, I ask for care, ice filling or trimming. I'm so busy that I'm happy to harvest a few catties of vegetables. Although I don't have enough money for oil, I will comfort my tired heart with satisfaction: at least this is my own vegetable, at least this is a completely natural vegetable. It does not contain any pesticides and hormones.

Although it is still a little too early to claim the promotion of vegetable land, it is absolutely attractive enough to open up a piece of land, draw countless small pieces, and sell them separately. You can design your own planned sales methods. For a group of emerging rich people in Yanshi, it is absolutely attractive enough. And once this plan is implemented, it will also be of great benefit to Sanshi Scenic Area, and the return on Xiao Jia's investment is also extremely


It can be said that Shanda has indeed come up with a good idea, and Xia wants to support it.

"If you have money, you may not have leisure, but if you have money, you must try your best to be free. Everyone wants to be a rich man, but no one wants to be a rich man who has a lot of money but no personal time. Any rich man who pursues a higher quality of life is eager to have his own yard. He can invite two or three confidants. On weekends, in a quiet environment where no one disturbs, they can stay quietly for two days. The private resort in Sanshi Scenic Area in Yi'an County is their best choice.

"County Minister Xia is not only first-class in creativity, but also has an extraordinary business acumen. He has even figured out the advertising slogan, hehe. Listening to your words today is really eye-opening and surprising. Shanda's praise is heartfelt. He just has a preliminary idea, but Xia wants to design all the ideas, which makes him surprised and happy. I thought that Qiu Xufeng really had no luck and no vision. Xia thought that such a good deputy would not make good use of it. Now, a heavy political achievement has slipped away from his hands.

But it's better to slip away. If Qiu Xufeng and Xia want to unite, wouldn't it be nothing to do with him? Shanda now admires Xia's long-term consideration of calling Li Dingshan together. He said his thoughts in front of Li Dingshan, and since Li Dingshan expressed his strong support. He will definitely treat this matter as carefully as his own business. In case Di Xufeng has the idea of picking peaches, he will first encounter great resistance from Li Dingshan.

Shuangda immediately made a decision and said on the spot: "I think this matter is very possible. It's better to settle it today. Under the direct leadership of Secretary Li, I am responsible for a series of preliminary work such as land approval and land division in the government. The governor of Xia County is responsible for finding suitable investors in Yan City and striving for the Make the contribution you deserve.

The grand attitude came out, and Li Dingshan had to say something. He was still cautious and optimistic: "It's a good thing, but we should also be psychologically prepared to meet the difficulties. It may not be difficult to find developers, but if there is no market after completion. It's not easy to end."

After the meal. Li Dingshan went back to rest first. Xia wanted to stay with Shanda and discussed some details.

Xia wanted to talk to Shanda, so he was much more casual. He fully agreed with the question Shanda raised and thought it was feasible. If you think there is something to add, just point it out directly. Shanda is very satisfied with Xiaxiang's attitude. Without some hypocritical politeness, it was a real attitude of doing practical things. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Xiaxiang was really a rare partner, and he had an idea in his mind, if he could help him smoothly. No matter what you say, you have to find a way to make Xia Think as the executive deputy. With the help of such a deputy, how much will he save? And it is also greatly beneficial to the development of An County.

Qiangjiang is brave and resourceless, and the other deputy county magistrates are all ideological traditions and have no economic minds. Basically, it belongs to the type of people who can muddle along. Fundamentally speaking, Shanda still appreciates people who are capable and practical.

In the end, the two reached an agreement, as long as Shanda can do a good job in the preliminary work and choose a good location in Sanshi Scenic Area. After the government established the project, Xia Xiang began to look for investors.

Shengda personally poured wine for Xiaxiang: "County Magistrate Xia, I wish our first cooperation a success."

Xia wanted to clink glasses with Shanda: "Sheng County Magistrate, there is still a long way to go. I think we may have a long way to go."

Shanda understood that Xia wanted to cooperate for a long time, and laughed: "It's rare to have the same temper with the head of Xia County. In the future, we will walk around more. My family is not in An County, and my family has not come. I am very free to eat, play cards and so on. I can be on call.

Xiaxiang's idea of improving the culture and education in Anxian County actually stems from the problems found in the last free physical examination of primary school students in the county.

Although An County is the same as other counties, the slogan proposed is "No matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education". Similarly, it is the same as other counties, it is just shouting slogans. The proportion of domestic education expenditure is shameless compared with developed countries, but compared with some poor countries. If the amount of food and drink with public funds is announced again, we will basically know the inferiority of the Chinese people. If half of the public funds are invested in education, not to mention that the nine-year compulsory education is free, even the 12-year compulsory education is completely free, which is more than enough.

Xia has inspected the middle school in Anxian County, just like the primary school. The tables and chairs are all old. In some primary and secondary schools in mountainous areas, even the houses are dilapidated, leaking wind and rain. It's not that he hasn't thought about improving the current situation, but he hasn't come up with a good way. The last time he attended the party of business people made him sigh that there were many rich people in Yan City. But there are too few rich people who care about charity. At the party, Xiaxiang had a general idea of how to establish an effective charity mechanism. Shallow people pay more attention to the poor, even if they don't pay attention to the poor first. There are only children who are out of school because of poverty, or children who use rickety tables and chairs in dangerous classrooms!

No matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education. Unfortunately, when several deputy county magistrates were rushing around for a special car, many children were still moving some bricks to put them under the tables and chairs to prevent the tables and chairs with arms and legs from falling down. When many officials are trying their best to make a political achievement, the lack of education for political achievements has become a chicken rib in their eyes.

Xiaxiang already has an idea in his heart. He called Feng Xuguang and was not polite. He said bluntly, "Mr. Feng, you are the big boss now. I want to kill you and let you work hard to improve the backward teaching environment in Anxian County. Do you have any opinion?"

? Tian Wan?. Feng Xuguang's voice was a little hesitant. He deliberately paused and wanted to wait for Xia to be stingy and scold him a few words. Unexpectedly, Xia thought that he just smiled and said nothing, so he had no choice but to say, "Why don't you doubt me and think I don't want to pay this money?"

"If I doubt you, I won't call you. Brother Feng, if I ask you for strength, you won't come out, even if I don't have a vision and see the wrong person. Yixia wants to know about Feng Xuguang, and he also knows that although 10,000 yuan is also a large amount, he can still get it with Feng Xuguang's friendship for many years.

"Oh, well, you're awesome. In fact, what I want to say is whether it's enough or not. Don't be polite to me. Feng Xuguang had to admit defeat, "In front of you, why can't I play tricks on you once?" Let's talk about how to spend money and what's the point. You have the final say."

Xia Xiang was still very satisfied with Feng Xuguang's straightforward attitude. He said, "Purchase 10,000 sets of desks and chairs, distribute them to middle schools and primary schools in Anxian County, and then take this opportunity to call on entrepreneurs in the city in the name of Jiajia Supermarket. In order to improve the backward educational environment in the city, every Force." Xia's idea is not only to let entrepreneurs pay, but also to let them get practical benefits. "Then take this as an opportunity, you can put a donation box in every place where the passenger flow of Jiajia supermarket must pass. It is specially designed to raise funds from the society to help students. At the same time, it also solemnly promises that whether the required funds can be raised every year or not, Jiajia Supermarket publicly promises to build a Jiajia Supermarket Hope Primary School every year.

A Hope Primary School costs about 10,000 yuan, one a year, which is a dime for Feng Xuguang, but after all, the money is Feng Xuguang's money. Xia can't make the decision for him, not to mention building a few every year, just one, because if Jiajia Supermarket does this, the symbolic significance is great. After all, the Of.

Among other things, Jiajia Supermarket has set a precedent in fundraising, which will certainly arouse the great interest of the provincial media. The positive reports of major media alone are equivalent to making a unique free publicity for Jiajia Supermarket. If you calculate the advertising fee by yourself, I'm afraid there will be more than five or six million, not to mention the positive social image brought to Jiajia Supermarket, which is also an inestimable social wealth.

"Brother Xia, how do you think your head looks? Obviously, you asked me for money, but in the end, you helped me publicize it. I'm really convinced! It seems that any method that you say can be transformed into great social value. It's a pity if you don't do business.

Feng Xuguang said with regret. From the bottom of his heart, he sighed, "You are friends enough to find me. If you think of others first for such a good thing, it will be too disgroom. If Wan is really enough, now my funds are still sufficient, and 40,000 is nothing!"

"Enough, let's do it first. Don't be too much. Since you want to be an example for other enterprises, you can't be too high at once, otherwise you will be deterred by the latecomers. Xia wants to know that if Feng Xuguang persuades Wan, he will also happily agree, but the problem is that after the first enterprise persuades Wan, the enterprises that also want to use this to establish a social image will have some scruples. There are indeed a lot of persuasion, but the other party can only take out Wan in a hurry. Will it be too

So we can't put too much psychological pressure on enterprises with limited ability.

After discussing with Feng Xuguang. Xia wanted to call Du Tongguo again, saying that the Yan Provincial Evening News, as the only provincial evening newspaper in the province, could not fall behind in the direction of advocating philanthropy. Then he talked about the feat of Jiajia Supermarket. Du Tongguo listened and said repeatedly, "Such a good thing, I can guarantee that the editor-in-chief will agree to follow up the report. I will report the topic selection to the editor-in-chief immediately. At that time, I can also contact other media in the province to report together, so that more entrepreneurs can participate.

Du Tongguo grew up in Ba County. I have experienced the poor and backward teaching environment in Ba County, which is a good thing for the country and the people. Of course, he is a hundred willing.

Everything is well arranged. Xia wants to find Li Dingshan first and report this matter to him. Li Dingshan was overjoyed, and Lian Kuaxia wanted to do a good deed, which deserves public commendation in the whole county. Xia wanted to wave his hand and said modestly, "The matter has not been done yet, and I don't know what the final effect will be. Is it too early to praise me now? Let's wait until the results are made."

Li Dingshan said happily, "Okay. I know it in my heart. I remember that you have made a great contribution. Remember to report to the county magistrate Qiu later. This is a big event. At that time, a ceremony will be held, and the county magistrate Qiu and I will attend.