official god

Chapter 263 Next

Hanxiang was quite on the road, and it was really clever enough. Qiu Ai smiled and shook her head: "Recognize that I am the host of a TV station, but I can't afford to be a provincial leader. However, it's hard to say anything about work. If you don't say it, you won't be sad.

"It's okay to talk about it." Instead, Xiaxiang became interested.

"In fact, it's nothing, even my time as a host is not short, and the TV station also evaluates professional titles and qualifications. According to my seniority and achievements, I should be promoted to the director level. Unfortunately, no one spoke for me," Qiu Mai put on a helpless look, and there was a faint expectation in his eyes.

It's just that Xia wanted to say what she wanted.

"I also want to help you. After all, I'm a friend. Unfortunately, several deputy governors I know are not in charge of TV. They are not within their authority, and they are not easy to talk, and it is even more difficult for me to beg them. After all, the deputy governor is too busy every day." Xia wanted to speak with a sincere face. It's also the truth.

Of course, Governor Ma, who is in charge of the TV station, has a better relationship, but no one knows that he has a relationship with Governor Ma.

Qiuxia's disappointed eyes could no longer be concealed. She covered her mouth and yawned and said with a little dissatisfied, "At first glance, the county magistrate Xia has no sincerity. Whether it is Governor Fan or Governor Gao, even if he is not in charge of the TV station, he knows the deputy governor in charge of the TV station Love. It's very simple for them.

For the vice governors, it is indeed not difficult. It is just a matter of one sentence, but the matter of one sentence also varies from person to person, and it should also be considered whether it is worth mentioning. As a tall man in the vice governor, how can he easily ask someone to do something? The favors have to be paid back, and there are face problems, etc. The problems to consider are much more complicated than ordinary people.

Of course, if Xia wants to meet, please ask Governor Ma to say hello to the TV station. It's not difficult. Governor Ma, as the deputy governor in charge, can solve the problem with one phone call. But Xia thought that he would not open this mouth for Qiu Ai. Because he felt that there was no need to help her, and he also thought that Qiu Ai was not worth helping him.

Before Xia thought about how to answer her, he heard someone knocking on the door. He said, "Please

Mei Xiaolin pushed the door and came in. When she saw Qiu Ai, she was stunned at first. Xia wanted to introduce and said, "Secretary Mei, the deputy assassin of the Anxian County Party Committee. Qiu Mai, a famous host of the provincial TV station.

Mei Xiaolin didn't say anything, and Qiu Ai obviously showed a surprised expression. She hasn't seen such a young deputy secretary yet. It's even more surprising that such a beautiful female secretary is young at the same time


But women are women. After Qiu Ai was surprised, she carefully looked at Mei Xiaolin and saw that she was dressed in ordinary clothes with a plain face. Although she looked good, she looked a little bad because she didn't wear makeup. Thinking again, the deputy secretary of the county party committee is actually a deputy department level, and there is nothing left, so he picked up the airs of the famous host and said reservedly, "Secretary Mei really surprises me. The young and beautiful female secretary is really rare."

Mei Xiaolin, for some reason, didn't want to see Qiu Ai, and said directly: "Media reporter? The ceremony has long been over, and the reporters have left. Why don't you leave yet?

Qiu Ai was choked by Mei Xiaolin, and she couldn't hang on her face. She said unnaturally, "What does Secretary Mei mean? Isn't An County not welcome our provincial station to come for an interview? I just stayed to talk to County Magistrate Xia and talk about the past. Secretary Mei's attitude is not very good!"

Mei Xiaolin smiled, turned her back, put her hand behind her and waved her hand to Chongxia, which means that you don't interfere and give it to me. If you want to be right, just sit still without saying a word.

"Our county welcomes provincial and municipal platforms to interview and publicize, but it should also be arranged through the unified arrangement of the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee, rather than private interviews. Of course, I don't care if you have a personal relationship with the county magistrate Xia, but you are now in the office of the county magistrate Xia, so his words and deeds represent the image of the county magistrate. Therefore, as the deputy secretary of the county party committee, I officially inform you that the county magistrate Xia cannot accept your interview. If you want to chat with him, you can talk to him after work.

"You, you've been too much," Qiu Ai blushed with anger. Has she ever been treated like this? As her famous host and the aura of the provincial TV station, everywhere she goes, she is like a lot of stars holding the moon. Coupled with her old face, she is simply like the darling of society, but she didn't think that she was snubed by the same young and beautiful female secretary in An County.

It was difficult for her to swallow the evil spirit in her chest.

"County Minister Xia. With Secretary Mei's attitude, it is difficult to broadcast the news of today's donation ceremony and the shooting of the scenery of Sanshi Scenic Area. It is clear that we don't pay attention to our provincial station. Since we don't like our provincial platform, why do we have to publicize An County? Qiu Ai's words reveal the meaning of threat inside and outside.

Mei Xiaolin was stunned and said with a stunned face, "You can represent the provincial TV station one by one, as if you can represent the provincial TV station as a host? If I remember correctly, the director of the provincial TV station seems to be Liu Xuezhi, right? In my opinion, Director Liu should represent the provincial TV station, right? The last time Director Liu went to the capital, he insisted on going to my house to visit our old man, but he still didn't go. But for the sake of his good attitude and sincerity, I had to go out to meet him. At that time, Director Liu said, when I come to Yanshi, I will definitely go to the TV station to find him." She said a lot in one breath and looked at Qiu Ai, who was stunned. "Today's news and scenery films, it's better to go back now and edit them immediately, and then arrange the best time to broadcast. If you think it's difficult, you can go directly to Director Liu and say that Bai Xiaolin said it. I hope the provincial station will treat it carefully!" The last sentence was so loud that he was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time. He just stared at Mei Xiaolin with a blank expression and a pale face.

Mei Xiaolin ignored Qiu Ai's gaffe, but smiled apologetically at Xia: "I'm sorry to restore the county magistrate, let you laugh. I've never been so arrogant. You also know that I've always kept a low profile and don't like to bluff, but sometimes I don't show my


Although the metaphor is extremely inappropriate, Xiaxiang was still amused by Mei Xiaolin's cuteness and waved his hand with a smile: "Secretary Mei, don't be angry. Why didn't you say that you and Director Liu knew each other earlier? As a matter of this, I almost didn't hire a reporter from the provincial station. Fortunately, Qiu Mai gave me face and took the initiative to come, which solved my urgent needs.

Xia thought that one is to give Qiu Ai a step down, and the second is to remind Qiu Ai that you took the initiative to come. Don't go too much.

The situation is stronger than people, even if Qiu Cai doesn't believe Mei Xiaolin. The small deputy secretary of the county party committee can command the director of the provincial station, but there are some things that are credible and can't be believed in nothing, otherwise once Director Liu has a bad impression of her. She went to bed with the deputy director countless times, and Director Liu could still refrigor her in one sentence.

Qiu Wu tried his best to make his smile look kind and warm: "Secretary Mei, I was angry just now and didn't speak very well. Don't worry about it. We are all friends. Don't get any misunderstandings.

Mei Xiaolin opened the door with a standard lady's smile on her face: "Turn right when you go out, and the third room is dedicated to sending red envelopes to reporters. Please ask Miss Qiu Ai to take it. Thank you for your support to An County. On behalf of the county party committee and county government, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you. In addition, please say hello to Director Liu for me, and say that I will definitely visit him if I have a chance.

unremitting, okay, definitely, definitely. Qiu Ai nodded repeatedly. The good attitude made Xia want to be surprised. She thought that it was really one thing to drop one thing. Mei Xiaolin made Qiu Ai obedient in a few words. She had been dealing with her for a long time, but why didn't she get rid of her?

As soon as Qiu Ai left, Mei Xiaolin immediately changed her appearance, both flattering and proudly saying to Chongxia, "Well, am I still awesome? I have a lot of means to deal with such a snobbish and arrogant woman. In the past, when I saw a lot of women who had no ability but a temper in the capital, I lost a lot of face. On the contrary, women who really have the ability and capital are often gentle and graceful, at least they will not show timidity in front of outsiders.

Xia thought about it, too. I remember that after the development of the Internet, I often saw this. Which director is the director, or even some district-level bureau chiefs are driving in a rampage. He was still bullish when he bumped into someone, claiming that he wanted the other party to kneel down and beg for mercy, but he had never seen any mayor or secretary outside! This is also an old saying that people who really have the confidence and capital will not be arrogant and heroic in front of the common people.

The more arrogant people are in front of the people, in fact, the less expensive they are, the more expensive they are, the more capable they are. It is precisely because they don't have enough capital to join the society that they show off their power in front of ordinary people and show off their little capital. In fact, it is also a kind of abnormal expression of Now.

Xia thought and asked with a smile, "How do you know that I don't like autumn love?" Maybe I still want to talk to her about the wind and moon on purpose.

"Don't lie, I don't know you yet?" Mei Xiaolin raised her eyebrows, her eyes stared slightly, and her expression was a little exaggerated. "When you deal with men, I can't see your likes and dislikes, but when you are with women, I can see at a glance whether you want them to deal with them."

Xia wanted to be shocked: "Really? When did you know me so well? Where did you see it?"

"From your smile." Mei Xiaolin smiled mysteriously and was very happy, "That's right, and your eyes. If you are willing to talk to her, your smile will be sincere and your eyes will be clear.

If you hate her, although your smile looks a little sincere, it is a little reluctant to smile. Of course, the angle of the corners of your mouth betrays your heart even more, and your eyes are no longer clear, but flashing.

Xia wanted to be stunned. He opened the drawer and turned over for a long time. Then he found a mirror from it, looked at his face, smiled at the mirror, and then said to Mei Xiaolin, "Secretary Mei, you are a little too powerful. Why can't I find my secret, but it was told by you It is clear. Tell me, why did you study me so clearly?"

Mei Xiaolin took a blank look at Xia and said anguously, "How can you talk? It's so unpleasant? What does it mean to study you? I'm just observing carefully. How can I study you specifically? Self-indifficious, you're not my fiance." Xia wanted to see Mei Xiaolin. She dared to say anything. Even her fiance came out and was about to say something. Unexpectedly, she continued, "Even if it's my fiance, I don't bother to study him. To be honest, the stinky men in this world are not worth my research. The more I study, the more disappointed I am.

Xia wanted to have nothing to say. If Mei Xiaolin knew how good it would be to stop at the right time, but she insisted on saying the last depressing words to make her a ladyless image.

But then again, Mei Xiaolin is Mei Xiaolin. Her personality is so good that if she really wants to turn her into a twisted woman, Xia Xi is really not used to it. It's really because of her big personality and work with her. Xiaxiang doesn't have any psychological pressure and rarely takes her as a woman.

"Good, stop talking about men and women. Secretary Mei said that you came to me. What can I do for you?" Xia doesn't want to entangle with her anymore.

"It seems that Li Chaosheng's problem is really complicated. We haven't made any progress on You Li's matter. As a result, another mining incident came out. Mei Xiaolin looked incomprehensible, "It's strange. Why do you think he is such a small township party secretary? I thought you were old-fashioned enough, but I didn't expect that Li Chaosheng was better than you.

Xia wanted to smile bitterly: "Please, can you compare me with good people? Why do you have to compare with Secretary Li? I really can't compare with him. He is really awesome.

Xia Xiang also learned a lot from Li Chaosheng, such as letting Xiao Jia gradually retreat behind the scenes, slowly moving to the capital, going abroad in the future, taking foreign nationality, etc., preparing for everything. Don't be careless. In fact, he should have thought that Li Chaosheng must be a very skilled person. Otherwise, she will not let Youli follow him wholeheartedly, give birth to a child for him, and marry under his arrangement. Since You Li is so loyal to him. Even if someone from the Commission for Discipline Inspection intervenes. It may not be able to let You Li speak.

Starting from the problem of today's life style, it may also lead to Li Chaosheng, but if you can't expose his deep-seated things, you can't find the backer behind him. And since Xia wanted to hear that he was the big deal of three villas, he was more determined to start from him, follow the vine, slowly approach Gao Chengsong's core alliance, and break through each other, and finally let the Gao family arrive in advance


should also prevent the recurrence of events in future generations, and let Gao Jianyuan escape abroad and escape the punishment of the law from then on.

If his conjecture is correct, Li Chaosheng is really suspected of mining private mines, which is a good opportunity to completely knock him down, and he can continue to touch this line, and he will definitely find a big man. No matter how skilled Li Chaosheng is, it is impossible for him to complete the whole industrial chain alone. If he is responsible for mining, it is an upstream industry. There is transportation in the middle reaches and sales in the downstream. There must be many people involved, and there will also be higher-level officials involved and play a card. Three people's Hu card is the effect that Xiaxiang wants most.

"It's a pity. There is nothing wrong with the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. It is estimated that it has been intercepted. I don't have any acquaintances in the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, otherwise, I can hand over the materials directly. Xia thought regretfully that he did not dare to lobby for Youli in person now, nor did he dare to entrust others to go. If a woman recognizes a man, she is very stubborn and difficult to change, unless she finds that the man's love for her is hypocritical. But so far, it has not been found that Li Chaosheng has other lovers.

"Why don't I find an opportunity to get to know You Li, and then slowly get acquainted with her, and then get some words out of her mouth?"

Mei Xiao's idea is also very unspery, and it is not feasible. You Li has been a lover for so many years. After getting married, she always maintained a relationship with Li Chaosheng without being noticed by her husband. She is also a person who can act and has talent for acting. With Mei Xiaolin's character, she may have been tricked by her instead.

"It's better to start from the perspective of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. I'll go back to Yan City this weekend to see if I can find an acquaintance of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Then hand over the materials." Xia wanted to say what he thought, and remembered Li Chaosheng's gaffe at the Standing Committee, and said, "I guess Li Chaosheng must have heard something, otherwise with his city government, it is impossible to turn against Qiang Jianghai on the spot at the Standing Committee. That is to say, Li Chaosheng's defensive psychology is heavier now, so at this stage, we should not have any idea of approaching Youli, but find a breakthrough from somewhere else. Li Chaosheng is now bent on preventing someone from attacking You Li, so we do the opposite. On the one hand, we find the Commission for Discipline Inspection. The comrades of the Commission for Discipline Inspection have rich experience in detection, and there are too many ways to deal with Li Chaosheng. On the one hand, check whether he is mining secretly or not

Mei Xiaolin also agrees with Xiaxiang's idea. In fact, she came to Xiaxiang to listen to Xiaxiang's next step. Now Mei Xiaolin has completely lost the style of the deputy secretary in front of Xiaxiang, and she is also obedient to his ideas. As long as he says it, she thinks it is feasible, and it also makes her wonder why the difference between people is so big? Whatever Qiu Xufeng said, she thought it was inappropriate and thought his idea was ridiculous and naive. No matter what Xia said, she felt that she was mature and safe.

Is this also a kind of blind car management?

"I'll go back to the capital this weekend. If it's convenient for you, you can take me to my station." Mei Xiao, Lin made a request that Xia wanted to refuse, "I'll go back to the capital to find out who knows the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Yan City. Let's see if it can be led online, and there are also some personal matters to deal with," before she finished speaking, she suddenly flushed and coughed a few times.

"Are you in good health?" Xia wanted to ask with concern, "Are you going back to see a doctor?" Why don't you take your car back? It's very tiring to squeeze the train.

At present, there is no intercity train between Yan City and the capital, let alone a bullet train. Generally, the express train will take about 3 hours to arrive, and the next bullet train will only take more than an hour.

"It's a personal matter, so you don't have to ask, okay?" Mei Xiaolin's impatience also smells of cheating. She waved her hand, "I don't want to take the county car, it's troublesome, and follow the driver, it's awkward all the way. Besides, I have a lot of things that I don't want others to know, and I don't even want others to know when I go back to the capital.