official god

Chapter 267 Make the most of the advantages in your hands

Pingchao's slightly unhappy eyes flashed. Xia wanted to observe the side to attract Zhichuan to Guan Pingchao and Qin Tuofu also met for the first time and did not know each other. It's also very interesting to think about Secretary Wang. Of the four people, he is the only one who knows three people, and the other three people don't know each other. That is to say, Secretary Wang has fully grasped the initiative.

Judging from this detail and arrangement, Secretary Wang likes to take power and has to ask about everything. It doesn't seem to be groundless.

Several people came upstairs. Chu Zigao had been waiting for a long time. As soon as he saw that Xia wanted to wait for someone to appear, he didn't ask much, and took a few people to Yajian. Now Chu Zigao is much more open-sighted than before. After being arranged, he smiled and said nothing, closed the door and went out.

Chu Zi went to high school. Wang Pengfei smiled at Xia and said, "Xiao Gu arranged a dinner today, and now I'm really a little hungry. How about playing cards after dinner?

The words are what Chongxia wants to say, but in fact, it is also to consult Qin Tuofu.

Qin Tuofu nodded without hesitation: "Whatever."

The order was handed over to Wang Pengfei. Guan Pingchao asked for a cold dish, and Xia thought also ordered a vegetarian dish, but Qin Tuofu didn't order it. He waved his hand and said, "Secretary Wang has the final say. I'll listen to you."

Qin Tuofu sat opposite Xiaxiang. When he was waiting for the food, he had been depressed and didn't say anything. Suddenly, he looked up at Xiaxiang and asked, "Xiaxiang? Deputy head of An County? Did you originally work in the office of the urban village transformation team?

"Yes. Secretary Qin. Xia's attitude is still very correct.

"Sit's like this. Are you really thinking about that summer?" Qin Tuofu showed a sarcastic smile at the corners of his mouth, "Mayor Cao's son-in-law? No wonder the official has been promoted very quickly.

Qin Tuofu seems to have gone too far. It is true that he is Uncle Cao's son-in-law, but along the way, Xia thought really didn't let Uncle Cao do anything to help him. It can be said that he did take advantage of the power, and almost all rely on his own ability. That's why I got a little result today.

Although I asked Qin Tuofu today, I can't let him look down on me. Xia thought with a slight smile: "Secretary Qin means that I'm because of Uncle Cao. Just became the deputy magistrate of An County?"

"What do you think?" Qin Tuofu sneered, "Do you still rely on your own real ability? Young people, what qualifications do you have?

"Secretary Qin, I don't know about the achievements of County Magistrate Xia in other aspects, but he has done a lot of great things in the office of the urban village reform group. Haven't you heard of it?" Before Xia thought he opened his mouth, Guan Pingchao hugged the injustice for him and said, "Designing the forest park was highly appreciated by Mayor Chen, and Yuanjing Group was also very satisfied. In addition, the People's Square currently under construction has also come out of the hands of the county magistrate of Xia. No matter how big the landmark project of Yan City is, he has his participation, and the county magistrate of Xia also has a certain role in promoting the establishment of the two major projects. Not only Mayor Chen appreciates the county magist Talent, even if it is not in the officialdom, whether it is design or business. You can get along well,"

Guan Pingchao may have come out of his dissatisfaction with Qin Tuofu, perhaps because he was influenced by Cheng Dacai, or maybe he really appreciates Xia, so he said a lot of good things for Xia in one breath, and after that. He also looked at Wang Pengfei with a smile.

Wang Pengfei is the highest-ranking person among the four people. He also has the responsibility of recommending Xia to know Qin Tuofu, so he has to say a few words for Xia: "Lao Qin, Xiao Xia really has real skills. He was a deputy before he came to Yan City. After coming to Yan City, I don't know if there is anyone else to help him. But Mayor Cao did not come forward. I can testify for Xiaoxia,"

Wang Pengfei also knows some inside stories in Xia's promotion from the deputy department to the main department, and then to the deputy department, although not much. But it can also be guessed that Cao Yongguo did not help. And he also believes that even if Cao Yongguo comes forward. He may not have much face. After all, when he first arrived at the Yanshi Municipal Government, he was not very familiar with the municipal party committee. He was also a member of the Standing Committee, and it was not easy to talk to others.

Qin Tuofu's expression became solemn, "Oh," he looked at Xia and thought a few times: "I'm still wrong about you. I didn't expect you to be quite good at it. Let's see how good you play cards later. I'll talk about it when I win.

Xia wanted to laugh: "Secretary Qin and I are face to face. We should be partners."

"Then I'll play more. Do you have any eyes? Can you cooperate with me?" Qin Tuofu rarely squeezed out a smile, but his smile was like a fake smile, which made people unable to notice a smile.

In Xiaxiang's impression, the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection is either a smiling tiger or a black-faced tiger. It seems that Qin Tuofu belongs to the type of black-faced tiger. Compared with the smiling tiger, the black-faced tiger is actually better to deal with. As long as he passes his psychological barrier and gets his recognition, he will show his true side. And the smiling tiger is different. He smiles all the time. You don't know when his smile is sincere and when he hides a knife in his smile.

Qin Tuofu doesn't seem to be picky about eating. When he eats, he doesn't talk to people when he is immersed in eating. On the contrary, Guan Pingchao kept talking about the design problems with Xia, and the fun of playing cards with Wang Pengfei, which was quite interesting.

After dinner, I drank tea for a while and began to play cards. The four of them followed the seats at dinner. Xia wanted to partner with Qin Tuofu, Guan Pingchao and Wang Pengfei, and began to play cards.

A circle of cards down. Xiaxiang and Qin Tuofu lost.

In fact, the cards of the two are not bad. If they lose, they will lose in poor cooperation. It's not that Xia didn't cooperate with Qin Tuofu, but that Qin Tuofu only cares about himself and plays as he wants when playing cards. I don't know how to count the cards. I haven't seen Xia's playing cards yet. The two claws are still playing their own cards, and they lost in a mess.

As a result, Qin Tuofu also complained that Xia Xiang couldn't play cards. He just played cards randomly and had no idea. Xia Xiang didn't know why he had never quarreled with others, but he couldn't stand Qin Tuofu's ridicule and retorted, "Qin Jing, I didn't say you. You must not By the way, how can you win the opponent's maximum score! You play cards basically in the order of each category from the largest to the smallest, until they are finished!"

"Dricomes all about luck when playing cards. How can you win your opponent without a good hand?" Qin Tuofu disapproved of Xia's theory, "If you don't play cards from big to small, do you still go from small to big? You can't play cards, and your thinking is wrong.

"There is a good hand. If you can't calculate, you may lose badly. Unfortunately, if you take a bad hand and calculate well, you can also catch your opponent off guard, and there is a possibility of reverse the game. Xia wanted to turn over the cards he had just finished and turned over one. He said what his purpose was at that time and what Secretary Qin should cooperate with. Each card was not bad at all, which stunned Qin Tuofu.

"Can you remember every card clearly? You are too awesome, aren't you? How can others win if you play cards like this? If Qin Tuofu knew that Xia Xiang was Cao Yongguo's future son-in-law at the beginning, he was a little contemptuous of him in his heart. Later, Guan Pingchao's explanation and Wang Pengfei's supplement made him look at Xia Xiang a little differently. Now he is completely impressed with Xia Xiang.

Everyone has strange psychology. Just now, Guan Pingchao and Wang Pengfei praised Xia Xiang one after another. Qin Tuofu believed it, but he didn't go to his heart. As soon as he played the card, Xia Xiang could remember the cards just now clearly, and he also analyzed the head. He, who had always had a lower level of card skills, immediately changed his view of Xia Xiang. He thought that this young man was really good. He remembered such a complicated card path at all, and he could calculate the mistakes from it. He really went!

Qin Tuofu came from a poor family. With his own efforts, he climbed to the tall man of the secretary of the Yan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection little by little, so he has a natural resistance to the princely party and people with background in his heart. In addition, he has been engaged in discipline inspection for many years, and has caught many bad people such as There are some prejudices.

He was not jealous of Xia's promotion too soon, but always felt that there was an inside story, and he believed that Xia was also a little bureaucrat with a background and no ability.

Qin Tuofu loves to play cards, but his level is stinky, so he admires the master of playing cards. In the past, he always thought that Wang Pengfei was the first master. Unexpectedly, Xia's level of thinking was not as good as Wang Pengfei's, and even better than that. He was convinced of the praise of Xiaxiang by Gang, just Guan Pingchao and Wang Pengfei.

Qin Tuofu was called a black face over time because he often had a black face and was ruthless when handling cases.

The second game starts. Qin Tuofu stared at Xiaxiang's card. He didn't understand Xiaxiang's meaning a few times. He asked in a hurry. He was judged as a violation by Wang Pengfei and verbally warned him once.

Qin Tuofu was not convinced: "I said Secretary Wang, you have to let me make progress, right? If my level has been so stinky, it's too easy for you to win me, and it's boring, right?

Wang Pengfei was amused: "Lao Qin, the more you live, the more you are going backwards." OK, it's boring to let you win all the time."

However, Qin Tuofu's level of playing cards was really poor. In the second game, despite Xiaxiang's vigorous handling, he persisted to the end. But it was still a little short, and I lost a move in the last two steps. Xiaxiang felt a little sorry. Qin Tuofu was very satisfied and laughed: "Okay, okay, I can force Secretary Wang to be in a hurry. Although this game is still a glorious defeat."

Xia also followed Qin Tuofu's words and said, "Secretary Qin is really admirable. The cards at the beginning were very good, but the last few cards were a little anxious. Secretary Wang saw your intention, and the result was,

Being praised by Xia, Qin Tuofu laughed happily and looked at Wang Pengfei dissatisfiedly: "I said Secretary Wang, you have to let me win a game, right? I always lose, don't win a game, and I'm not interested in playing any more, do I?

Wang Pengfei smiled and said, "How to play cards depends on your own ability and calculation. How can you give up the cards? It's unfair and not fun to be humble. What do you think, Xiaoxia?

Xia wanted to laugh: "Secretary Wang is right, Secretary Qin, we can win a game with our real ability, and let them lose convincingly."

Qin Tuofu grabbed the card from Guan Pingchao's hand and said, "I'll wash it. I don't believe it. I can't touch a good card yet."

The competition was fierce at the beginning of the third game, and the two sides fought endlessly. Qin Tuofu absorbed the teaching and was no longer in a hurry to take good cards early. Instead, he did not panic and played cards. He also secretly communicated with Xiaxiang. The two cooperated tacitly, dragged each other, and always occupied the initiative. With Xiaxiang's cooperation, Qin Tuofu finally won a beautiful card.

Qin Tuofu said happily to Wang Pengfei, "Secretary Wang, my time playing cards with you is not short. Xiaoxia is the smartest card friend I have ever met, and we also cooperated the most happily. I've been your training partner for so long. For the first time, thank you for introducing me to the best card friend.

Wang Pengfei smiled meaningfully: "Xiao Xia is a smart child. He knows how to use the advantages in his hands to achieve the best results. The players I introduced to you before had a higher level than Xiaoxia, but they only cared about themselves when playing cards and didn't know how to cooperate, so they still lost. Whether the card is good or bad is not exactly the decisive factor. Only when you know the tactics of cooperation

Qin Tuofu waved his hand: "I'm too lazy to think about it. I knew that Xiaoxia is good at playing cards, and sometimes he would rather not play the good cards in his hand. You should also think about the overall situation. It's a good seedling.

"What, is it better to praise him now? Who had a problem with pickpocket just now? Wang Pengfei joked.

"It was just now. Now, it takes time to understand a person, right, Secretary Wang? Qin Tuofu was not embarrassed at all. It seemed that he had a problem with Xia just now.

Several people laughed.

Qin Tuofu's black face is black face. But there is also a lovely side.

Continue to play cards again.

There are wins and losses in the next few rounds. Qin Tuofu's card skills have improved a lot, and the cooperation with Xiaxiang is also gradually getting better. Often with one look or just looking at the other party playing cards, you can almost know the other party's intention and play to the end. Xiaxiang and Qin Tuofu won three games in a row.

Wang Pengfei shook his head and smiled: "Awesome, you are getting better and better. That's all for today. It's just a draw. I'll leave you a thought, so that you won't lose the next game and make Lao Qin feel pregnant again.

Qin Tuofu laughed: "Secretary Wang, I'm used to losing, so it's good to win one game. You have won a lot. It's not good to lose one game. Then fight here today and fight later.

Several people drank tea for a while. Wang Pengfei proposed to go to the toilet. Guan Pingchao also said that he wanted to go out to smoke, leaving Xiaxiang and Qin Tuofu in the room.

Xia wanted to hesitate for a moment, but still asked, "Secretary Qin, as the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, what do you think of leading cadres to keep their mistress?"

Qin Tuofu frowned slightly: Xiaoxia, the style of life is big and big, and it depends on how to define it. It's true that I'm the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and I also know that many leading cadres have lovers. If they all go to investigate. There is no way to do the work. Whether to check or not depends on what level of person and the backstage behind him.

Qin Tuofu seems to be generous, but in fact he is also a cautious person, otherwise he will not be able to be the position of Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection in Yan City. The secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection can pretend to be black-faced, but real selfless people only exist in ancient dramas.

"But in my opinion. As a leading cadre, if you take care of a mistress, you will have a child with your lover, which will definitely involve economic issues. Economic problems are a big deal, especially the hard-earned money of the people. What do you mean?

Xia wants to advance with one soldier.

"What kind of money do you embezzle the common people? Xiaoxia, make it clear. When it comes to corruption, Qin Tuofu's eyes lit up a lot.

"A few yuan for a sapling should also be scraped from above. Secretary Qin, don't you think such a cadre is very hateful?"

"This plot is a little bad, and the character is too bad. The people are miserable. Life is not easy, and it is not easy to save some money," he said in detail.

"Yes, in fact, in my opinion, if a few yuan for each sapling, if he earns a few cents each tree can really bring benefits to the people in the end, I'm afraid no one will say anything about him. But the problem is that the company he found to sell saplings did not know whether the technical force failed, or for other reasons. As a result, the apples produced by the fruit trees planted by the common people a few years later were bitter and astringent, and could not be sold, which was equivalent to years of hard work in vain. Xia wants to rise a little higher.

Qin Tuofu's face gradually showed anger: "This is too much. If it can be confirmed that there is something fishy between him and the sapling company. If he collects the money from the sapling company, he can check him. He looked at Xia with a puzzled face, Xiaoxia. Do you already have any evidence?"

Xia wants to nod. He gave the supporting materials to Qin Tuofu, and then secretly investigated the matter of Li Chaosheng between him and Mei Xiaolin. Finally, he added, "Secretary Mei and I verified the relationship between Secretary Li and You Li, and also proved the father-son relationship between him and You Yong through medicine, which can 100% determine the lover between him and You Zai. Relationship. You Li must be very clear about Li Chaosheng's affairs, but it is estimated that it is difficult for her to speak. We also sent this material to the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. The stone sank into the sea.

Qin Tuofu looked at Xia and thought a few times. There are some strange emotions in my eyes.

Xiaxiang smiled awkwardly: "I know I'm doing this with Secretary Mei. It is illegal to collect evidence. It should be the work of the discipline inspection department. However, Secretary Mei is very determined, and she does not have much experience in political struggle. I was afraid that she would scare the snake on impulse, so I came up with an idea for her and thought of such a way.

Qin Tuofu still looks serious. Without laughing: "Some things have happened, and it's over. Fortunately, you found me. Just think it hasn't happened." He said thoughtfully, "The discipline inspection departments at the county and city levels have no response, and Li Chaosheng's energy is not small." He knows who he is who he is

"Xu Dequan." Xia thought that he didn't hide it and said it truthfully.

"Secretary-General Xu?" Qin Tuofu briefly looked at the material and said, "Leave the material first, and I will send someone to investigate the matter. It's a big deal to cheat farmers and harm them. You can't let them go. As long as you get the real evidence, Secretary-General Xu can't protect him. However, even if the staff of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection are experienced, women are very stubborn. Since You Li can give birth to a child for Li Chao, I'm afraid it's very difficult to make a breakthrough from her mouth. Of course, it is difficult to overcome. There are still many comrade methods of the Commission for Discipline Inspection."

Prevention: My requirements for this are not too high. I have to let the monthly ticket advance to three digits, don't I, guys?