official god

Chapter 273 The Agreement with Lian Ruohan

"When I grow up, I hate Mr. Tea more and more. Maybe the hatred of Zhonghuan is mixed with my brother's dissatisfaction. In short, it is love and hate. I swear in my heart that I just belong to myself and don't belong to anyone. It doesn't belong to my father and mother, let alone my family, so I have been in business since high school. Gradually, it gets bigger and bigger. When you graduate from college, you will set up a vision set

" Unexpectedly, as soon as I graduated from college, my family wanted to arrange a marriage for me on the grounds of political marriage. I have no sense of identity with my family. Even my parents are just a vague shadow in my mind. What can the family be? So I refused their arrangement. They were so dissatisfied that they asked my father to call me to put pressure on me. I only asked my father three words: Can you tell me why your mother and I divorced? Have you told me that you have loved me for so many years? You told me that when you abandoned me alone in the capital for your love and career, did you feel any guilt in your heart? After asking three sentences, he hung up the phone without saying a word, and never dared to call me again!"

Unexpectedly, even Ruohan had such a sad past. Xia wanted to hold her tighter, and there was a burst of pity in her heart. She really can't be alone. No wonder when she first met her in Ba County, she was stubborn and wayward.

How powerful is the Lian Ruohan family? Although she said it briefly, Xia thought still had no idea. At the age of Lian Ruohan. It is normal for her parents to go to the provincial and ministerial level. The main reason is who is the old man? It is estimated that the old man's influence should be a terrorist existence. Xia didn't dare to guess.

"But they still didn't let me go and tried their best to force me to agree. In a rage, I left the company to someone else to take care of. I ran far away alone in astonishment. One is to relax, and the other is to avoid their entanglement. It was at that time that I unfortunately met something shiny in Lian Ruohan's eyes. He looked at Xia thinking and smiled strangely and happily. "I didn't know until now that compared with the previous misfortune. Meeting you is the greatest misfortune in my life!"

Xia wanted to reach out and pick her ear: "I'm really so good? I didn't even know that I was so powerful.

"Go, it's cheap and good. If it weren't for you, how could I have reached where I am today? Lian Ruohan punched him firmly in the chest, but he didn't hate him. He raised his leg and kicked him, and then said, "Why are you doing well? Do you have to provoke me? As a cause, I can't get up and down now. You don't marry me. What exactly do you want me to do?"

Xia wanted to listen to Lian Ruohan's words and suddenly figured out a question: "Listen to what you said just now, it seems that the influence of the family on you is also very limited, so you used to talk about the pressure of the family. He also said that if I don't marry you, you can't be with me, and you will be persecuted by the family in every way. Is it true or not?

"Are you really stupid or deliberately annoying?" Lian Ruohan said dissatisfiedly, "The family's influence on me is limited, but they have a lot of ways to force you to do it. There are also ways to make your future bleak. As long as they find out that you exist, of course, I'm not stupid. As a woman, who doesn't want to be openly with what they love. I also want to use some real and false methods to make you make up your mind to marry me.

Lian Ruohan boldly told the truth. I couldn't take my eyes off Xiaxiang. Wait for him to answer.

"I just hate that we got to know each other a step late. If I fail the wise girl and marry you now, you can imagine. How sad will she be? Will you do something stupid?" Xia wanted to hold Lian Ruohan in his arms again and knew that she was thinking. Whether you are careful or deliberately forcing him to marry her, it is understandable from her point of view." Girl Hui is weaker than you. Far from being strong as you, hurt her. I can't even imagine it."

Lian Ruohan said softly, "I know, I don't have the right to snatch you from her. If there is another person. I will definitely be unwilling, but for the wise girl. I can't bear to hurt her either. She is too kind and pitiful," suddenly she smiled easily again, breaking free from Xia's arms. I'm thinking about it now

"What do you think about?"

"I won't tell you. Guess for yourself

"I can't guess!"

"If you can't guess, just hold it back. It's hard to go by yourself."

"Qiu Xufeng's ex-fiancee is Mei Xiaolin."

"I already know. Well, I just knew it.

"How do you feel about Qiu Xufeng?" Xia wanted to ask with a nervous face.

"I think it's not bad. It's white and clean, wears glasses, speaks politely, walks lightly, and looks like a good person." Lian Ruohan deliberately thought angrily and replied to him with an unconvinced face, "Marrying him is not too bad, isn't it?"

"What is it?" Xia wanted to be angry and said tastefully, "Qiu Xufeng's face is white. If you are younger, you will see a little white face, and if you are older, you will be a traitor and evil person. Now he looks like a father-in-law no matter how he looks at it.

"My father-in-law?" Lian Ruohan was stunned, and then punched Xiaxiang happily, "You're too bad. It's the first time I've heard you swear like this! Do you really care about me?

"Of course I care. You are one of the most important people in my life. I swallowed it back and coaxed the girl. Sometimes I still need to tell a lie.

Lian Ruohan was moved. She took Fuxiang's hand and said, "I know you didn't tell the truth, but it doesn't matter. I'm very satisfied. The matter of Qiu Xufeng. Don't worry, just do whatever you want. Don't worry about him. I'm not Mei Xiaolin, and I don't have a sense of belonging to my family. I'm in a hurry. At worst, I'll go abroad

Speaking of foreign countries. Xia thought suddenly had an idea: "There is something convenient about you."

"This is a good idea. I'll figure it out. What do you think about me becoming a U.S. citizen? Lian Ruohan really listened to Xia's words. As soon as he said it, she was moved.

"Although the American people are more realistic, they are an evil capitalist country. I don't feel at ease if we let our family pass. However, thinking about Ruohan's ability and character, you won't suffer losses when you go to the United States. Just think of helping the American people make progress

Xia thought that made Lian Ruohan amused. She bit her lip, with charming eyes, and said a word in Xia's ear.

Xia thought for a moment and was stunned on the spot. It took a long time to react and said in disbelief, "Really


"Of course it's true? However, I have two other conditions for Lian Ruohan to continue to show his charming side. It makes Xia want to feel itchy.

"What are the conditions?" Xia wanted to ask urgently.

"I won't tell you for the time being. Let's talk about it then

Xia wants to shake her head helplessly: "You are getting more and more evil now. I'm not like you

"I'm not your wife. Don't think about treating me in this life!" Lian Ruoruo almost gritted her teeth and said. It can be seen that she was always atlancholy that Xia thought that she could not marry her.

In the afternoon, Shanda came to accompany Lian Ruohan again, and introduced some preferential policies in detail today. He said that Lian Ruohan just listened. Don't express your opinion. Since Xia wanted to say that she wanted Dacai Group to invest, she gave up the idea of investing in An County. Especially when Xia wanted to know that the Wu family wanted to marry the Qiu family, she was not allowed to come to An County more.

Don't say, Xia is nervous, and even Ruohan is still a little proud. Women like to be cared for by people they like. Xia's nervousness and stingyness show that he is really cool.

If you want to be jealous in summer, you will be jealous. The business still needs to be done. He hid in another room and discussed high-level issues with Gao Lao. When the discussion was enthusiastic, he suddenly asked, "Lao Gao. If one day I suddenly find out. A person I have always respected, who secretly does things that are sorry for me. How should I face it?

The smile on Mr. Gao's face suddenly froze. He looked at Xia for a long time without blinking, and suddenly smiled meaningfully: Little friend, what you mean is that I am old and disrespectful. Did you secretly inform the family?

"I dare not blame Mr. Gao. Mr. Gao is highly respected. I have no right to say that you are not. Xia wanted to speak politely. But the tone is not so respectful. He has always been kind to people, and he seldom turns against others face to face.

But he also has a bottom line. Cao Shuhui and Lian Ruohan are the limits that he can't reach.

Mr. Gao was stunned for a moment and suddenly laughed: "Xiaoxia, Xiaoxia, I always thought you were mature and steady without blood and impulse. I didn't expect to see you lose your temper today? Ha ha, it makes me feel that you are a living person. Young people, only when they are angry at the crown can they show their true temperament"

After laughing, Mr. Gao changed his serious face: "I'm old, I'm engaged in design again, and I have no desire for power. Without desire, there is nothing that can restrict me. And I am in the family, and my position is not high or low. Although I am not qualified to participate in any major decisions, I still have a little weight in my words. However, I have an advantage that I don't like to talk, so speaking of it, they have more respect for me as an old man, and they are very relieved. They asked me to regularly report on Ruohan's whereabouts, especially her emotional problems. I didn't want to, but in order to come to Yanshi to have a look in this emerging city. He left his own handwriting and reluctantly agreed.

Xia wanted to hear Mr. Gao admit that he did monitor Lian Ruohan's behavior, and he didn't know what it was like.

Mr. Gao continued: "To be honest, I like the child Ruohan very much, who is capricious. But it is not a principle. To be strong, in fact, there is a weak side. Although she has been favored by her family since she was a child, she is still incompatible with them. I watched her grow up. I have always regarded her as my own daughter. I only have one hope for her, that is, I hope she can be happy and do what she wants to do. You can like the person you want to like, even if that person can't give him a marriage

Xia wanted to lower his head, and Gao Lao's eyes were like a torch. He had long seen the emotional relationship between him and Lian Ruohan, and knew that he chose Cao Shuhui.

Mr. Gao saw Xia's thoughts. He laughed and said, "Don't be ashamed. For thousands of years, a man has always had three wives and four concubines. Now it has only been a wife for decades. It is not so easy to make a man honest at once! I'm not an antique. I know something very well. If I don't say it, it doesn't mean I don't know. Of course, I still have to report the matter to the family. If not, they may send others over again. There are only two words in my report every time: Normally, even if they don't believe it, they dare not ask me more. Humph, they are still a small generation in front of me. If they want to question me, they have to be qualified!"

Mr. Gao, like an old child, smiled at the conspiracy and said, "How about you? My old friend is still competent, isn't he? Do you still have a problem with me?

"It's gone." Xia wanted to be convinced. Compared with Gao Lao's childlike innocence, he found that he was still a little tender, so he had to admit defeat. "I'm sorry, Mr. Gao, I blame you

"If you don't come up to question Ruohan. I just look down on you." Mr. Gao stretched out his hand and hit Xiaxiang on the head. But I have to hit you. Who let you get a huge advantage? If such a good leap girl follows you, you should treat her better in the future, otherwise I will also trouble you

Xia wants to rub the oak head. A silly smile:

"Okay, after talking about it, let's continue to discuss business. Do you think there will be a market for high-level buildings above the level in Yanshi at this stage?" Gao Laoyi discussed real estate and planning for a moment. Xiaxiang also had a headache because of his quarrel, but he had to deal with it. Who asked Mr. Gao to hide the truth for him and Lian Ruohan?

Because of the old man, Yuanjing Group was supposed to go back in the afternoon. I didn't leave until the evening. After Shanda was busy, he was full of joy and thought that Yuanjing Group's investment was inseparable. As soon as Lian Ruohan left, he insisted on pulling Xia to have dinner together and trying to find out the wind from his mouth.

Xia can't stand his enthusiasm. Just have dinner with him and tell him. Don't worry, Vision Group wants to intervene in the resort in Anxian County. Other developers will definitely have ideas. At that time, compare a few more to see which one has the best conditions.

Although Shanda feels that Vision Group is already the best choice, since Xia Xiang said it, he looks confident and can't say anything more. He said, "I'll propose to the county magistrate Qiu tomorrow and let Lao Yang rest. He is a little confused now.

"Farewell, I'm still mainly Secretary Li, and I'm running errands for you at the same time, so I can't do this." Xia thought that now Qiu Xufeng must also know that he has a close relationship with Lian Ruohan, and he must be extremely unhappy. There is no need to take the initiative to find trouble now.

Shanda understood that Xia wanted to do not take credit, thinking of him, and was moved in his heart. He patted Xia on the shoulder and said, "Brother Xia, please help me this time. I will always remember it, and I will never treat you badly in the future."

Under the operation of Xiaxiang, two days later, Sun Xianwei, the boss of Tian'an Real Estate, came to An County to inspect the resort project and expressed his strong interest in the project.

came with Tian'an Real Estate. There were reporters from provincial and municipal newspapers, and there were also reporters from municipal TV stations. Xia wanted to be very satisfied with Sun Xianwei's style of doing things.

After the departure of Tian'an Real Estate, it was advertised in a small area of Yan City, although the impact was small. However, due to the intervention of Vision Group, Anxian County has attracted the attention of countless people. Many Yanshi citizens have turned their eyes to Anxian County, which is many kilometers west of Yanshiyang, and are speculating one after another. How did Anxian County suddenly become a star county?

In fact, above the officialdom, An County has three young deputy county-level leaders. It has long been a star county. However, the focus of attention of ordinary citizens is obviously different from that of officials. They are more interested in some eye-catching actions in An County, because everyone is familiar with Vision Group. I also have a small impression of Tian'an real estate. Because everyone has to eat vegetables, the Shilipu Vegetable Wholesale Market is a masterpiece of Tian'an Real Estate, and many people have heard of it. Therefore, with the influence of Vision Group and Tian'an Real Estate, the popularity of An County has greatly increased.

Yanshi Municipal Government, Mayor's Office.

Chen Feng saw the report in the newspaper and said to Jiang Tian with a smile, "It's needless to say, it's Xia's handwriting again. You said this Xiaoxia. Why are there so many ghost ideas? He can always come up with unexpected methods, and some methods don't seem to be surprising, but if you think about it carefully, there is always a magic point in his method. I can always use his strength to count in one fell swoop. I really admire that his brain is really good.

Jiang Tian smiled and said, "The county magistrate Xia is capable and has an outstanding business vision. No matter where you go, you will make a difference.

Chen Feng looked at Jiang Tian a few times. Suddenly, he asked, "Jiang Tian, you have been with me for a long time. Do you have any idea of releasing it?"

"Mayor Chen, I" Jiang Tian suddenly got excited, rubbed his hands, and looked a little at a loss. "I'm reluctant to leave the old leader."

Chen Feng waved his hand: "If you are reluctant to leave, I don't want to let you out. After all, it's not easy to find another qualified secretary, but it can't delay your future. If the county magistrate of Jingxian wants to be transferred, how about you go to Jingxian to be the county magistrate?

"I... Jiang Tian blushed. He has always hoped to be in charge of the government, be the master of the family, and no longer follow the leader. Whether it is a big follower or a small follower, in short, he is a follower. He didn't expect the opportunity to come. He was not prepared at all, and Chen Feng's words really moved him a little. He also said incoherently, "Thank you, Mayor Chen, for your cultivation. I will definitely live up to your trust."

Jiang Tian's performance made Chen Feng quite satisfied. Somehow, he thought of Xiaxiang again. He wanted to have a cunning and sincere smile. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his words and things were pleasing, and it could always make you feel comfortable. However, thinking that Xia hadn't called him for a long time, he couldn't help but feel a little angry. This Xiaoxia said that he could do things, and he was quite good at doing things. He said that he couldn't do things. Don't come to see him for such a long time. He didn't even have a phone call. Isn't it too much?

Chen Feng's dissatisfaction with Xia naturally did not know, but he also knew that he had not contacted Chen Feng for a period of time, and he also knew that what he had done was a little wrong. It's not that he doesn't want to see Chen Feng or call him, but he always feels that he can't find a suitable reason. Xia wants to admit that he owes Chen Feng a lot, and has done a lot of things recently. But it has nothing to do with Chen Feng. He has always wanted to find a suitable opportunity to talk face to face with Chen Feng about his views on the situation in Yan Province.

The Anxian craze set off by Vision Group and Tian'an Real Estate naturally spread to Cheng Dacai's ears...

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