official god

Chapter 281 Fierce Collision

※ Believe it or not, when Qiu Xufeng called several familiar developers in the city and asked them to develop the resort. Everyone pushed it off with various excuses, and the last developer had a good relationship with Qiu Xufeng. He told him the truth: "Dacai Group announced the temporary suspension of investment. Who dares to come to An County again in Yan Province? Not to mention the huge risk of offending Dacai Group, that is, everyone is not sure. Dacai Group has to put on the project. If we small developers go, we may lose all our money.

Qiu Xufeng understood. In the current situation, except for Dacai Group, no one dares to take over the resort.

He is extremely depressed.

What made him more frustrated. The motion proposed by Li Chaosheng on the inability to promote the mining of limestone in An County was voted by the Standing Committee. Under the strong promotion of Li Dingshan and Mei Xiaolin, and with the second proposal of Rong Zhi, Minister of Organization, and Ni Zhengfang, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, it was finally passed. That is to say, in a short period The label was rejected.

Of course, it is not a complete veto. Unless he re-examines the mining of quartz sand ore. However, since Qiangjianghai has forged materials with low quartz sand content, and then re-mining quartz sand is undoubtedly a slap in the face.

Qiu Xufeng's carefully arranged situation was a complete failure. He suddenly felt at a loss and didn't even know what to do next. After thinking about it, I found that the pillar industry of An County is almost completely in the hands of Xiaxiang. After leaving Xiaxiang, except for a Sanshi scenic area that is still developing step by step, other aspects are almost stagnant.

How could this happen? Is it really so important for Xia to think about him? Is it really such a big deal?

Not to mention that. Several times when Mei Xiaolin passed by him, she didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. She always said, "The toad wants to eat swan meat", which made him angry, but there was nothing he could do. He could not argue with Mei Xiaolin or quarrel a few words? I can't say bad words, and I didn't say anything unpleasant.

Qiu Xufeng's depressed mood can be imagined. Everything went wrong. Then he received a phone call from the capital, saying that the Wu family was willing to compensate the Qiu family in other ways, but the marriage was impossible for the time being.

Qiu Xufeng finally had an attack. After falling a few tea cups and tea poisons, he only felt sorry for his secretary Liu Yingjun, and he was worried every day. I'm afraid that saying something wrong will provoke a big scolding.

An County, because of Xiaxiang, because of the openness of the discord between the secretary and the county magistrate, everyone is in danger.

Compared with the ups and ups and ups of the outside world, Xia wants to live an extremely free life alone. He eats and sleeps every day, eats, smiles, does what to do, asks him questions, and doesn't know. In short, he has no guilty attitude at all. It really seems that he regards this place as a leisure resort.

The mood of Yue Fang and Bao Yueming. As time goes by, I become more and more anxious.

If both of them were confident at the beginning, Xia thought that he would definitely not be self-defassated. He would definitely not be able to stand the pressure of being locked up. Sooner or later, he would collapse, and then he would let him say something. Xia didn't want to bow his head at all. He was still happy every day, as if he was not locked up, but on vacation.

No matter how much Yue Fang coerceded and lured, Xia thought replied with one sentence: "Please speak with the evidence. There is no evidence, and I have nothing to say." When he asked again, he said with a smile, "Do you have any poker? Everyone is bored. Let's play cards together. But the three of us are exactly three short of one, so let's fight separately!"

Yue Fang and Bao Yueming were so angry that Xia, and Bao Yueming even wanted to be rude. Xia thought his face changed and said coldly, "If you talk well, you still have a way to go. But if you dare to do it, don't blame me for being rude. I dare say that neither of you can beat me.


Bao Yueming was unconvinced and put up with it. Seeing that Xia thought had no intention of retreating at all, he also thought that Xia thought that Xia had always had always been confident. Although he thought that he had the support of the secretary of the provincial party committee, for some reason, he also felt an inexplicable fear.

Seeing that they couldn't get anything out of Xia's mouth, Yue Fang and Bao Yueming would not give up. They studied the data for a long time. I decided to enter the market from Jiajia Chaofu first.

The two directly found Feng Xuguang. After clarifying their identity, they asked to check the account.

Feng Xuguang didn't know that Xia had come up with something. He heard from the other party that he wanted to check the account and mentioned Xia's name before he realized that there was a major problem. He called the accountant, took out the company's account book and the list of shareholders, handed it to Yue Fang and Bao Yueming, and said, "The county magistrate Xia had business with me before he went to Ba County. It's not a business, it's a social relationship. After he went to Ba County, we had a friendship. Money is not involved. Two comrades can check the accounts at will"

Feng Xuguang is not afraid to check. There is no Xiaxiang's account to check at all, and all the accounts are in his mind. He said a few words to his men, and then went outside to make a phone call.

Ma Wan, who was in the office, received a phone call from Feng Xuguang. When he heard that Xia wanted to be locked up, he was first surprised, and then stunned. He asked the names of Yue Fang and Bao Yueming, and said, "You can do whatever you want. Don't worry. I'll learn more about the situation."

Feng Xuguang thought for a moment. Dial another one. The phone said, "Lao San, help me check two people. They are from the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. They are Yue Fang and Bao Yueming. They mainly see if there are any problems with economic and life style. The faster the better, the more detailed the better."

The third brother's laughter is a little gloomy. He laughed a few times: "Old hole, there hasn't been a black man for a long time. Why did the fork suddenly think of it and it's broken?" ...※

Feng Xuguang changed his laughing image with a gloomy face. His face was extremely ugly, and he sneered a few times. He said, "Damn it, someone dares to blackmail my brother. I also checked the account on my head. Can I let him live a good life? ***, I'm not a good person to be bullied by bad people, third brother. You're good at this. Investigate him hard. If you don't believe that they don't have a bad inside story. I'll kill them!"

"Don't worry, Lao Feng, my brothers don't have any other skills. Investigate the dirty things behind people, that's amazing. I will treat the two brothers Yue Fang and Bao Yueming kindly. There was a little excitement in the third brother's voice.

"Be careful not to show your feet, because after all, the other party is a staff member of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. In addition, I will pay three times the hard work of my brothers.

"Lao Feng, don't mention the money. You can arrange a few errands for your brothers, okay?" Lao San said, "If it's the criminal police who investigates the public security, I dare not talk big, investigate the people of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. They can't run. It's not that I haven't checked it. Their counter-investigation level is still a little short.

"Ap, that's the final say."

Back in his office, Feng Xuguang found that Yue Fang and Bao Yueming looked frustrated. It was expected. His accounts are clear and there are no loopholes. Not to mention them, even professional auditors will not find any problems.

Don't say that there is Xiaxiang's name on it, not even Gao Jianyuan's name.

Although Feng Xuguang did not know Gao Jianyuan's role in the Xiaxiang incident, he also clearly estimated that Gao Jianyuan did not help. Otherwise, as long as he opened his mouth, how could anyone dare to investigate Xiaxiang so blatantly? Fortunately, after Xia wanted to remind him, he communicated with Gao Jianyuan in time. And Gao Jianyuan also unexpectedly agreed to cash in the shares.

That is to say, the current Jiajia Supermarket and Gao Jianyuan no longer have a dime relationship.

Of course, it has nothing to do with Xiaxiang.

Although Xiao Jia's name is there, Yue Fang and Bao Yueming are not immortals. So far, few people know the relationship between Xia Xiang and Xiao Jia. Feng Xuguang is also secretly glad that Xia Xiang is wise. As early as he first contacted him, he had such a long-term plan. It's really amazing. If Xia wanted to be greedy for a while and insisted on putting the shares on paper, it would not be clear now.

Yue Fang and Bao Yueming had to return in disappointment.

What they didn't know was that while they were checking Feng Xuguang's accounts, Ma Wanzheng had put a piece of information on his desk, which was their resume.

Ma Wanzheng looked at it a few times, threw it aside again, and smiled faintly: "It's just two pieces, Secretary Gao, sometimes your political skills are really high, but unfortunately, you have been the secretary of the provincial party committee for a long time. I've always been used to talking, thinking that as long as you say a word, Yan Province will listen to you all?

He stood up, pondered for a moment, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Morning, I'm Ma Wanzheng, shall we meet in the evening? OK, the old place."

Shortly after the last marriage, Ma Wanzheng met with Song Chaodu under Xia's arrangement. The two of them were very speculative at first sight. After a period of contact, it has become a united front. Both of them have a backstage in the capital. And they are all one of the nine people in the center, and the backstage of the two is also relatively close, so it is logical that the two of them are getting closer and closer. One more thing. Both of them agreed that according to the current situation, Gao Chengsong has two ways to go. One is to be pulled down and fall into the dust. The second walk entered the center, and from then on, it flew to the sky.

If Gao Chengsong is allowed to enter the center, I'm afraid that all those who are wrong with him will have a bleak future. However, because Song Chaodu and Ma Wanzheng had just contacted each other, they were still a little wary of each other. Song Chaodu did not reveal to Ma Wanzheng that he was behind his back, and had found a lot of powerful information that could give Gao Chengsong a head-on blow.

The Xiaxiang incident created an opportunity for everyone.

After Ma Wanzheng met with Song Chaodu in the evening, he returned home with a thick pile of materials in his hand and looked at it quietly for a long time. He touched the sparse hair on his head and sighed, "The mountain rain is coming and the wind is all over the building." Xia thought, if you stick to it for a few more days,

Yue Fang and Bao Yueming got nothing at Jiajia Supermarket. Then he went to Vision Group to find Lian Ruohan. Lian Ruohan avoided seeing it and didn't give the two a little affection at all. In the end, Mr. Gao came forward to receive the two.

The two explained their intention, and Mr. Gao looked up and down at them: "You two are not old anymore. It should have been some years since I entered the officialdom, but I still acted so hastily. Have you ever thought about how to end it?

Yue Fang was said to him by Mr. Gao, so he was a little unhappy: "Mr. Gao, please cooperate with our work and don't talk about irrelevant topics."

"Not related topics? Ha ha, young man, it's about your future. How can it be an irrelevant topic? Both of them are close to a year old, but in front of Gao Lao, they are indeed authentic young people. With the old man's vision and experience, even if Yue Fang and Bao Yueming are from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, he will not have much respect for them. "Since you don't want a future, I won't worry about it. The relationship between Xiaxiang and Yuanjing Group is innocent and there is no insider trading. Mayor Chen can testify about this, and my son can also prove it

Yue Fang and Bao Yueming looked at each other, and their hearts jumped. They hurriedly asked, "Who is your son and what does he do?"

"My son's name is Gao Jinzhou. He is the deputy governor. As for what he does, I don't know."

Yue Fang and Bao Yueming only felt that their brains were short-circuited in an instant. A huge bang

The man stood up in a hurry!" Gao Lao. It turns out that you are the governor of Gao"

Mr. Gao waved his hand: "First of all, let's talk about what Xia thought. After I finish speaking, if you don't believe it, you can ask Gao Jinzhou again.

After Yue Fang and Bao Yueming came out of Vision Group, both of them had an ominous foreboding; if they can't defeat Xia Xiang this time, I'm afraid it will be them who will be unlucky.

They will definitely be regarded as substitute sheep!

On the seventh day of being imprisoned in summer. The seemingly calm Yan coin finally had an earth-shaking


Vice Governor Shi Fuming was directly taken away by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on his way to work. In advance, the Yan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection did not hear any news. Shen Fuming was directly taken to the capital by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and asked all the questions on the same day. Subsequently, the capital directly informed the Yan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection that Shen Fuming's problem was serious. After clarifying all his problems, he would give Yan Province an explain.

Gao Chengsong was shocked!

He didn't hear any news and took the person away directly from his eyes. Obviously, his backstage is not as tough as before. And it is possible that he will no longer be able to protect him. In shock, he made several phone calls to the capital and got the answer that it was just don't panic.

Gao Chengsong was relieved again, thinking that the opponent only grabbed Shen Fuming's handle. Even if Shen Fuming could involve him, he must have guaranteed him.

However, what made Gao Chengsong even more unexpected was that at the Standing Committee, the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection suddenly made an investigation, saying that according to the reports of the masses and the situation under the situation of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Fang Zimu, the deputy secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, had serious embezzlement and bribe .

Gao Chengsong had a big headache. Shen Fuming's matter had made him worried. Fang Zizi was his direct line. Yan Zha wanted to get out of his instruction, and he also knew that it was now the opponent's counterattack. But Xia thought of a small deputy county magistrate. Who on earth is secretly helping him get out?

How to save it?

It is not difficult for Gao Chengsong to protect his house and be independent. But you have to say something convincing. Before he could come up with countermeasures, Qian Jinsong, Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, raised his hand and said, "I have heard many people report that Wu Peiyong, the director of the Construction Department, has taken office since he took office. Although I didn't hear any illegal acts of him, as a bureau-level cadre of the department should set an example and play an example. I suggest that we should talk to the director of the martial arts department

Gao Chengsong said with great dissatisfaction, "The head of the martial arts department, Shang Shi Yimi, and managed the construction and worry department in an orderly manner. I didn't hear what Secretary-General Qian said. Is there anyone making a fus and retaliation against the director of the martial arts department? Comrades, don't catch the wind, listen to some rumors, and cherish the reputation of leading cadres.

"The matter of the director of martial arts will be put away first. The problem of self-reliance is relatively serious, and I think it should be checked. The Commission for Discipline Inspection has certain privileges, which is most likely to breed corruption and arrogance, so problems must be treated with caution. I think the evil secretary's advice is very good. Dare to strictly check the staff in the system also has a certain warning effect on us. Ma Wanzheng suddenly killed a return gun.

"I agree with Governor Ma." Qian Jinsong immediately expressed his support.

No, what's wrong? Gao Chengsong immediately woke up. Oh, to the smell of conspiracy, he looked at every member of the standing committee present in turn. It seemed that everyone was the same as before, and it seemed to be different.

"The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection has released such a cadre as Fang Zili. As the secretary of the municipal party committee, I am very sad. I agree with the evil secretary's proposal to investigate, and I have to investigate to the end." Cui Xiang, Secretary of the Yanfu Party Committee, said painfully, with an awe-inspiring look.

Gao Chengsong was more sure of his judgment. Someone must have colluded to work together to deal with him. First, he took Shen Fuming, and now he has to move the house to be self-reliant. Fang Zili checked Xia thinking at his instruction. If you let the people of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to check Fang Zhe now, isn't it equivalent to directly slapped himself in the face?

Gao Chengsong will never allow such a thing to happen. A sharp light flashed in his eyes and he took out the authority of the provincial party secretary: "I have also had contact with Comrade Fang Zili. He is a good comrade. I believe he will not do anything illegal and undisciplined. All the accusations against him are slanderous and gossip. Can't take it seriously. I don't agree with the self-supporting comrade!"

If it is normal, Gao Chengsong is absolutely sure, and no one dares to raise objections again.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Ye Shisheng took a sip of water slowly, put down the teacup, and said with a smile, "Is Secretary Gao's words too arbitrary? We can't trust a comrade or investigate a comrade just by impression. We pay attention to evidence. The evidence for Fang's self-reliance is conclusive. He privately instructed Yue Fang and Bao Yueming to detain Comrade Xiaxiang, the deputy county magistrate of An County, which made Comrade Xiaxiang suffer injustice. As a result, Comrade Xiaxiang suspended the tens of millions of yuan investment project for An County. Mr. Cheng called me in person and said that he was familiar with Comrade Xiaxiang and thought he was a good young man who could invest in An County. It's just for the face of Xiaxiang to go

Governor Ye, the second figure of Yan Province, who has always rarely spoken, made a long speech at the Standing Committee for the first time, actually for a deputy county magistrate!

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