official god

Chapter 295 Hit a country

"Okay, that's a deal. The company became ancient. Count it on you. I want to find a few "state friends to buy shares. At that time, we can start a business together and make a country." Xiaxiang has even figured out the company name: Jiangshan Real Estate. The slogan is to create a picturesque country.

Xia wanted to start the company not only to make money, but through this incident, he mysteriously realized that the reason why he was able to get out safely was that the magic pen of the Song Dynasty played a major role. Without the planning of the Song Dynasty and the fatal blow at the critical moment, he I'm afraid it's difficult to turn over calmly.

Li Dingshan will definitely spare no effort to help himself. Uncle Cao will also, as well as Chen Feng. When it is not involved in his own major interests, Chen Feng will also come forward to say good words for him. But it's hard to say for other people, such as Fang Jinjiang. Looking at the face of the square, he may be a little inclined to him. Wang Pengfei may also support him because of Dacai Group.

However, Gao Chengsong was really angry. He could withstand the pressure and confront the secretary of the provincial party committee, and firmly supported himself. I'm afraid there were very few.

There is no other reason, or the relationship of interest between him and them is not strong enough.

That's why Xia thought suddenly came up with the idea of establishing an interest group. Only by using a company to tie everyone's interests together, one is prosperous and one is lost, so as to ensure that it is firmly consistent in the face of the storm and not to be reversed. Only when everyone has common interests can everyone do their best to keep their territory when danger comes.

Why is China Mobile's monopoly so difficult to break? Why did Sinopec and PetroChina play with the national oil people in the palm of the country? As soon as the international crude oil rose, they immediately rose. As soon as international crude oil falls, their reaction will slow down several beats? Why do some departments connect with international standards when protecting their own interests? When others accuse them of being unfavorable, will they use domestic conditions to prevaricate and fool the public?

Everything comes from top to bottom; there is a solid and hard-to-break interest group. Lead one hair and move the whole body, so it is difficult to move step by step.

Xiaxiang wants to build a group of Limu Group, so that his fate will not be dominated by others. Gao Chengsong can't, not even the Wu family!

Li Hongjiang was overjoyed to hear Xia Xiang's words. He knew that Xia Xiang's proposal was equivalent to tying his and Xia Xiang's interests together, that is to say, he would completely become a partner with Xia Xiang in the future, and maybe Xia Xiang would attract other senior officials to join him. He will also rise with the water. It can be said that Xia wants to make one for him. A great opportunity to further make friends with high-ranking officials and dignitaries.

He stood up excitedly: "Thank you, Brother Xia, for your praise. I know it. I will support you whatever you do. I didn't say anything about the money. Then he said with a little embarrassment, "But my ability is limited, and I don't have a lot of money to use, so I have more than 10,000 yuan. Brother, don't think it's too little, and don't look down on me..."

Even if more than three or forty thousand yuan is not all Li Hongjiang's possessions, it is not much less. Xia Xiang can also figure out how much money he can make, so he smiled and said, "It doesn't matter how much money is less. The most important thing is the heart. Since my brother is sincere, I won't say anything Let's discuss the issue of their respective shares. What do you mean?

"It's good to say, it's easy to say, everything is up to Brother Xia." As soon as Li Hongjiang heard Xia Xiang's meaning, he knew that he would definitely have to contact other people with face. He was too happy and nodded repeatedly. Then I will be ready for funds at any time. Waiting for your good news?"

declined Li Hongjiang's invitation to stay with him. Xia wants to go to find Sun Xianwei.

As soon as he saw Sun Xianwei, Xia thought about his intention to set up a joint-stock company. Sun Xianwei was much more cautious than Li Hongjiang. After thinking for a while, he asked, "Good things are good things, but you have to tell me first. Who is there?"

"Li Hongjiang, a vice president of Erjian, has a subsidy of 10,000 yuan. I also plan to discuss with Minister Fang and Secretary Wang to let them also occupy part of the shares. If possible, I will also pull Shen Lichun into the group. There should also be Sun Xianwei, a relative of Secretary Jiang, who is a member of Fang Jinjiang. And show it out.

"Secretary Jiang? Mayor Chen's secretary, Jiang Tian? Sun Xianwei was shocked, "Do you have a good relationship with Jiang Tian? If you can bring Mayor Chen in, I will obey you."

Sun Xianwei naturally knew Xia's intention. He was also happy that Xia wanted to pull him into the stock. He also knew the relationship between Xia and Chen Feng, so he had Chen Feng's idea.

"Go, don't hurt me. Don't you know what Chen coin is? He doesn't like these things. If I pull him, won't it be boring? Xia thought that he was not polite, so he directly hit Sun Xianwei a few words. Don't worry now. After our company is established and grows, we can slowly approach Mayor Chen, right?

Chen Feng can't be said to be as clean as water. However, according to Xia Xiang's understanding of him, he has always been more cautious and has a good reputation on economic issues. At least so far, Xia can't figure out which company Chen Feng is too close to and what he is doing secretly.

Of course, it does not rule out the factors that Xiaxiang does not know. But it is impossible for a person to hide it from the world, so he would rather believe in Chen Feng's integrity.

Sun Xianwei laughed for a long time, lowered his head and thought for a moment, and then asked, "I, I invested 40,000 yuan. There are two conditions, one is that I believe in you. You find someone to be the legal representative. Second, you have to tell me. What kind of project is going to be developed in Jiangshan Real Estate?

Sun Xianwei himself has Tian'an real estate, and then supports a Jiangshan real estate, which can integrate resources and echo each other. It is also a favorable condition. He can take out Quwan, and Xia wants to feel that his face is not bad

"After the establishment of Jiangshan Real Estate, under the guise of cooperation and leading real estate negotiations, in the name of joint development of Xishui Villa, finally achieved the purpose of annexing the leading real estate, and then after taking Xishui Villa as its own, it changed its appearance and resold, not selling houses, selling Yin houses!" Xia thought out in one breath and said what he had in mind.

Sun Xianwei stood and sat down without moving for a long time. He opened his mouth and looked at Xia, with a surprised expression on his face.

"What a big hand, brother, I'm more and more convinced of you now. It's really a pity that you don't do business." Sun Xianwei finally woke up! The first sentence praised Xia and thought, "You are the only one in Quanyan City who dares to be the first in the world and sell the high-end house as a yin house. I'm convinced. I'm really convinced, haha."

Xia wanted to say nothing but just smiled. He knew that Sun Xianwei did not believe in the market prospects of Yin Zhai very much.

Sure enough, after Sun Xianwei finished laughing, he said solemnly, "To be honest, I will take out Qu Wan and give it to you to run a company. Unite a group of people, I am willing and can afford to pay this money. But brother, the leading real estate is very deep, and the backstage is Gao Jianyuan, and you can't swallow it if you want to. Well, even if you deal with the southern girl, "Is anyone willing to pay a high price to buy it?

Sun Xianwei's words were not rude. Xia Xiang laughed and scolded: "Don't talk about the relationship between men and women at any time. Yan Xiao and I are innocent. Nothing happened. You were confused by the mistress. When I see a beautiful woman, I feel that I have the potential to be your mistress.

Sun Xianwei rubbed his hands repeatedly: "Yan Xiao is really good, and the skin is called one. Shuiling, it's a pity that I can't make a good dish.

Xia wanted to smile angrily: "Don't talk about business. You don't have to worry about the Yinzhai market. I have analyzed the market prospect in detail, and it can't be wrong. I will take time to write a feasibility report. I will arrange the legal representative, which is absolutely reliable. What I need you to show up is. How to deal with leading real estate, how to take advantage of the current desire for funds of leading real estate, and legally annex them little by little, you are an expert in this regard. I won't bother. I'm only responsible for introducing you to Yan Xiao.

Sun Xianwei was obviously overexcited: "Well, brother Xia, how about calling Yan Xiao now and having dinner together in the evening?"

"I despise you, as if I have never seen a woman." Xia wanted to attack Sun mercilessly. Xian Wei said, "I asked you to do business, not pick up girls. Have a good attitude, or you will look good. I still have something to do in the evening. I have to meet Secretary Wang and Shen Lichun and continue to plan big things. It's not like you. When you hear that there is a beautiful woman, you can't even walk.

"You have to pick up girls and career, you have to hold both hands together, and both hands should be hard. Don't worry, it will never affect the business." Sun Xianwei was very thick-skinned and smiled, "I'm good at annexing other companies. I'm also good at picking up girls. Just wait!"

Xia wants to shake his head helplessly. Sun Xianwei is good at everything, but he is a little lustful. Don't let Yan Xiao be fascinated.

I had a meal with Sun Xianwei at noon. Some details were discussed in detail. Xia wanted to tell him the truth, told him the current situation of leading the real estate, and also revealed to him that it was Yan Xiao who took the initiative to find himself and wanted to help her get out of the predicament. Of course. Deeper consideration did not tell Sun Xianwei that he didn't need to know about Gao Jianyuan. After all, he is not an official.

The more he listened, the more excited Sun Xianwei became. He felt that this stage was the best time to annex the leading real estate. The only thing that makes people hesitate was that he was not optimistic about the market prospect of the yin house. If, as Xia wanted to say, luxury yin house would be popular, then win the leading real estate and If it goes on the market after repackaging, you can make a lot of money.

Sun Xianwei's interest has completely shifted from strict to leading real estate. As a successful businessman, when you can annex a company at a low cost, it is definitely a good thing that can be extremely exciting and inspiring.

Sun Xianwei is essentially a businessman. Therefore, he became more and more interested in the annexation of the leading real estate plan. As soon as he finished eating, he hurried back to the company and carefully designed the annexation of the leading real estate plan.

Xia just waved goodbye to him. Drive directly to Shen Lichun.

When he arrived at Shen Lichun's office, there was still a period of time before he got off work. Xia wanted to come straight to Shen Lichun.

Shen Lichun is no better than Sun Xianwei. He is only a senior employee of Dacai Group, although he was promoted to management. There are also share rewards, but very small. Not only is his power not high, but it is estimated that the mood of making money will be more urgent.

Hearing this, Shen Lichun smiled shyly first, and then said, "If you want to find me, you look up to me. To be honest, who doesn't want to make more money? However, I can't compare with the leaders of state-owned enterprises, and even more than the officials who hold heavy power, and I don't have much money in my hands. I can make a lot of energy at most,"

Xia wanted to pull Shen Lichun to buy shares, and he didn't expect him to pay much money, and he also understood that with more than 10 million start-up capital, it was almost enough. What he needed was to borrow chickens and eggs instead of investing a lot of money. Li Hongjiang gave ten thousand help, and Sun Xianwei was full of heart. Now he has Shen Lichun's meritorious service. In total, he has been martyred ten thousand yuan, and the early funds are completely enough.

He is going to ask for part of the money from Xiao Jia, and he also plans to invest 0 million in the name of Xiao Wu. In total, it is the start-up capital of tens of thousands of yuan. The shares occupied will be regarded as Cao Shuqi's private money in the future, and she will be given pocket money.

? Forty thousand is fine. Thank you for your trust. As for how many shares are occupied in the end, we still need to sit together and discuss. Xia Xiang said about the investment of Sun Xianwei and Li Hongjiang, "I will also contribute to persuade Wan. In addition, some shares should be distributed to Secretary Wang, Minister Fang or others. So it can't be decided for the time being.

"It doesn't matter. I believe you. We are also old friends. Since I agree to invest, I trust you 100%." Shen Lichun is also very happy. Jinwan can build a strong alliance circle. Even if there is no return, it is a good thing worth trying. "My shares are as few as possible, and the leaders' shares are as many as possible. I have no problem with it.

Shen Lichun looked at Xiaxiang with a smile. He was a little grateful to Xiaxiang for always remembering his good. If there were good things, he would never forget him.

However, he is more optimistic about the prospects of Yin Zhai than Sun Xianwei. However, he is cautious about whether he can annex the leading real estate: "I won't come forward to swallowing the leading real estate. It's better not to let Mr. Cheng know about the shareholding, otherwise he may have a problem with me. By the way, will Secretary Wang tell Mr. Cheng after he knows it?

"No, don't worry. Secretary Wang has been an official for many years. He knows what to say and what not to say. To achieve the position of deputy secretary of the Yan Municipal Party Committee, everyone has a mouthful mouth. Xiaxiang is still very confident about this. No matter what the relationship between Cheng Dacai and Wang Pengfei is, and no matter what benefits Wang Pengfei receives from Dacai Group, Shen Lichun's investment in Jiangshan Real Estate will not cause substantial harm to Dacai Group, and it is equivalent to Shen Lichun taking money to Wang Pengfei, so he will not report to Cheng Dacai when he has nothing to do

After all, Wang Pengfei is the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, not an employee of Cheng Dacai. The more resources he has, the more capital he has on an equal footing with Cheng Dacai. No one will show his cards in advance.

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