official god

Chapter 314 Vice Governor's Visit

Taiya Xinya went to Xiaxiang and Cao Shu were in Taibu's Feng Zhu, and the beauty was like jade. Ren Tian Qihua, Xiaxiang is even more handsome, and he can't help sighing in his heart. At the beginning, she was worried that Xia wanted to seize power after coming to the urban village transformation team. Now she is already the deputy county magistrate and has a wide range of connections. Compared with him, she is ten thousand miles away. Think about it, I still had the desire to compete with him at that time. Now I know it's ridiculously childish.

Qiu Zhi was also arranged to sit at Qu Yaxin's table. She noticed Qu Yaxin's eyes when she looked at Xia Xiang. Warm and yearning, although she knew Qu Yaxin, she still thought contemptuously. At a young age, she still stared at Xia to see it, and she was not ashamed. Don't look at how young and beautiful Cao Shuhui is around Xiaxiang. Delete

But I think of myself as if I don't like summer. Autumn love is particularly stuffy. What's wrong with you? You need to have a figure, a face, and a famous person. It's just that she's not as young as Cao Shu, and she doesn't have a good background. However, although she is the daughter of the mayor, how can she be noble as a famous female host?

She thought so and inadvertently turned her head. But I saw the same Yan Shi, who was also obsessed with staring at Xia.

Compared with strict hours, autumn and summer can't help but feel a little filthy.

Yan Xiao's skin is really good, smooth and delicate. Like natural jade. Qiu Ai is clear that her disadvantage is that although her appearance is good, her skin is really bad, a little dark, and not smooth enough. She can only make up for her shortcomings by makeup, and Yan Xiao only put on a layer of light makeup, which gives people the feeling that her skin is like jade, especially her face is red in protein, and the blush on her cheeks is even more charming.

Dos she also like Xiaxiang? Qiu Ai glanced at Yan Xiao jealously.

Yan Xiao had long found that Qiu Ai had no kind eyes. She also knew that she was a famous host of the provincial TV station, but she did not like her. Because in Yan Xiao's opinion, although Qiu Jian pretended to be generous and decent, in fact, her eyes and manners were frivolous, and it could even be said that she was too dusty.

Yan Xiao can also see that Qiu Xia's eyes on Xia have a complicated meaning, and he feels funny in his heart. Although she didn't dare to say how much she knew about Xiaxiang, she clearly knew that Xiaxiang liked more pure girls. She doesn't dare to say whether she likes mature women or not, but she definitely doesn't like women who smell like dust. Qiu Zhi is full of dust at a glance. From her walking posture and every move, it can be seen that she is a woman who has experienced a lot of men. Does Xia think she will like her? Unless he faints.

Unfortunately, Xia wants a very calm man. He never faints, so Yan Xiao made a conclusion to Qiu. It's hopeless. Don't worry about yourself.

Then Yan Xiao couldn't help looking at Mei Xiaolin.

In Yan Xiao's eyes, although Mei Xiaolin was dressed in ordinary clothes, did not deliberately dress up, and her clothes were not famous brands, she sat still and showed a noble temperament. Whether she spoke or smiled, she knew at a glance that she had been trained by a lady's tutorial.

Mei Xiaolin's appearance is not very amazing at first. But after a few more glances, you will find that she has a beauty of addictive temperament. The longer you look at it, the more you feel that her femininity is irresistible.

Mei Xiaolin looked at Xia Xiangshi's eyes, which was not only indifferent, but also a sense of inexplicable. Yan Xiao couldn't see through her true thoughts. Do you have feelings for Xia, or do you pretend to have no feelings and suppress a feeling in your heart? Because Mei Xiaolin's eyes are changeable, sometimes indifferent, sometimes enthusiastic, which makes people unable to figure it out.

Mei Xiaolin had no feeling for Yan Xiao's curious eyes. She saw Xia Xiang and Cao Shuqi on the stage, snuggling with each other, like a pair of jade people, with a trace of envy and a little loss in her heart. I don't know why, she obviously feels that she and Xia are ordinary friends, even if there is a friendship between people beyond the scope of work. It is also because of the common interests that we have come together. It has nothing to do with feelings, and there is no attraction between the opposite sex, but she just feels uncomfortable in her heart, and there is always a kind of boredom.

"Sigh that the beauty of life is not enough for today's letter. Even if it is a case, it is difficult to calm down after all." Suddenly, Mei Xiaolin thought of this sentence. Of course, it is not appropriate to describe her and Xia. It is appropriate to meet with foreign water. No matter which one, it is better to fall above the !

Now that I think of my ex-boyfriend and ex-fiance, I never feel any regrets in life. Inexplicably, there was a great sadness. I felt like a lonely boat in the vast sea of people, lonely and helpless." When she saw Xia Xiang's exchange of rings with Cao Shuhui, her tears almost came out of her eyes.

Fortunately, she put up with it, but she still held it.

Xiaxiang and Cao Shuhui were about to walk to the stage and toast to the crowd. Gao Lao, with the help of Gao Jin and Zhou, walked upstairs quickly and was in the distance. He said loudly: Little friend, I'm a step late, fine for drinking, free to drink, roar,

Xia wanted to see Mr. Gao's gray hair all over the ground, and he walked very fast. He was moved, so he hurried forward and went to the crowd to help him: "Mr. Gao, why are you here? How dare you work hard?

"Why can't I come to the book to show off the details and say that it's a different body clam?" It's good to read

You don't like it. Mr. Gao's face was full of red rice and his face was full of smiles. Is the road blocked? Xiaoya can just in time. Unfortunately, it's a step late. Next time I get married, I will definitely arrive in time.

Who is Mr. Gao? Few people here know him, but he is holding Mr. Gao's very respectful person beside him. Except for the people in the business community, almost everyone here has recognized him. He is Gao Jinzhou, the deputy governor of Yan Province, who is rumored to have a lot of airborne!

The deputy governor appeared at Xiaxiang's booking ceremony with such a low profile, and everyone was shocked. They all stood up one after another to show their respect. It is true that Chen Feng is a deputy provincial cadre, but after all, he is only the mayor of Yan City. Although in terms of power structure, it may not be better than Gao Jinzhou, who is the deputy governor, but after all, Gao Jinzhou is a righteous deputy governor and a real provincial leader. Who does not understand the rules in the officialdom? The deputy governor is standing next to him. No matter how low he is, he is also the deputy governor, isn't he?

For a moment, almost everyone stood up, and their voices came one after another, with enthusiasm and excitement: "Gest Governor Gao!"

"Good, Governor Gao!"

"Hello, Governor Gao!"

Gao Jinzhou was pulled by Gao Lao to attend Xiaxiang's begoal ceremony. In fact, he was a little reluctant and thought it was a little unfair. Since the family spoke, he intended to keep a distance between himself and Xia. After all, he benefited from the family and could be the deputy governor of Yan Province, which was also the result of the family's vigorous promotion.

But he had to listen to his old brother's words. I had no choice but to accompany him.

Previously, Xia wanted to be arrested. He also knew that it was the family's instruction. Under the questioning of Lian Ruohan and the questioning of Mr. Gao, he could neither offend the family nor dare to refute Mr. Gao, so he had to pretend to be deaf and mute and tried to muddle through. And he also knows that even if he comes forward, with his influence in Yan Province, his foundation is not stable. It can't change any status quo at all.

What he didn't expect was that a few days later. Xia wanted to come out safely, Shen Fuming was arrested, Fang Zili was filed, and even Yue Fang and Bao Yueming were also reported. After a series of dazzling events, Gao Jinzhou came to the conclusion after analysis that the family let Gao Chengsong suppress Xiaxiang this time, which ended in a fiasco!

Xia thought that he actually had such a wide range of connections!

Gao Jinzhou has been in Yan Province for a while. Unlike his ambition when he first came here, he now knows that the situation in Yan Province is not easy to open. First of all, Gao Chengsong's family was dominant, then Ye Shisheng's governor Mingzhe to protect himself, and then other members of the Standing Committee were in separate, so that he could not see the direction clearly. Originally, he thought that with his own ability, he could lay a strong foundation in Yan Province and have his own connections and network of relationships. Now it seems that without the help of the family, he has no powerful people in Yan Province. If you want to make a difference, it's just an empty word.

Gao Jinzhou accompanied Gao Lao to Xiaxiang's bee ceremony. As soon as he went upstairs, he saw Chen Feng at first sight.

Chen Feng is the next secretary of the municipal party committee of Yan City. At the same time, he is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. Speaking of which, he is the real leader of the Provincial Party Committee. Even Gao Jinzhou has to call a leader. After all, he is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. Gao Jinzhou was surprised and glanced at Wang Pengfei, Fang Jinjiang and Xu Dequan.

The pupils of his eyes contracted involuntarily.

, a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee!

Counting Cao Yongguo, five members of the Standing Committee gathered together. It's really gone. Gao Jinzhou smiled bitterly in his heart. He thought that he was more influential than a deputy governor of the province.

Seeing that everyone greeted him, Gao Jinzhou also responded politely. Someone reached out and shook hands, and he also shook it one by one to show his approachable side. There are some people from Yan City and even Yan Province, which is a good time for him to establish his image.

Suddenly, Gao Jin Zhou understood that his father insisted on pulling him. Jiang was still old and spicy. His father asked him to support Xia, so why didn't he take this opportunity to get to know more key people in Yan City? In such a rare private gathering, everyone comes into contact in a private capacity, and it is easy to establish a personal relationship.

Gao Jinzhou glanced at his father and was full of gratitude to him. Although he was usually a little strict with him, he seemed to have no interest in him in politics. But from the bottom of my heart, I still think about him everywhere. He is a little ashamed that he has been in the officialdom for many years. It's not as good for his father outside the officialdom to see the problem thoroughly. No wonder he has to come. He must be able to guess what heavyweights will come to attend Xiaxiang's betro-inding ceremony!

Chen Feng, Wang Pengfei, Fang Jinjiang and Xu Dequan all came forward. One by one, he shook hands with Gao Lao and Gao Jin Zhou. Cao Yongguo was overjoyed. No matter what identity Gao Jinzhou appeared in, his identity as deputy governor was solid. People in the officialdom, no matter what reason they claim to the outside world or in what status they attend, everyone still cares about his position.

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