official god

Chapter 320 Be a man before doing something

Xu Feng's idea is. Anyway, I wanted to give in to Xia before. What's wrong with making the second Quao panic again? He is arrogant, and he doesn't care about any face.

In the officialdom, you earn face by yourself. It's not given by others.

Xia wants to know the curve behind the scenes. He was also very puzzled by Qiu Xufeng's low posture again and again. If Qiu Xufeng was deep-hearted, he could not bow his head in front of him again and again. Like a primary school student who made a mistake, at least he is also the second-in-command of An County and the county magistrate.

Xia wanted to sit next to Qiu Xuxu. He, who had always smoked much, took the initiative to hand Qiu Xufeng a cigarette, lit it for him, and said, "County Chief Qiu. In An County, we are about the same age and work together in the government team. You are the leader and I am the deputy. If there is a contradiction, it is also my fault. How can there be a reason for you to apologize to me? It spread out. It seems that I am arrogant and arrogant. Isn't it?"

Xia's words are reasonable. Qiu Xufeng knows everything in his heart, but he just doesn't understand why the situation is always in a direction that is in favor of Xia's imagination. If he had known today, why would he have made one more phone call to expose the relationship between Xia Xiang and Lian Ruohan to the Wu family? However, Wu Caijiang is still too bad. If he hadn't thrown a big sweet fruit, how could he have been fooled? How could you have an idea when you saw Lian Ruohan's beauty?

Now that I think about it, I'm still too young and impulsive. Isn't it just a woman? No matter how beautiful a woman is, her future is not as important as her future. If he could take it away at that time, no matter what the relationship between Xiaxiang and Lian Ruohan was, even if they gave birth to a bunch of children, it was their business, and they had nothing to do with themselves. Now it's better. I've turned a big circle and came back. Even Ruohan still doesn't have a dime to do with himself, but he has offended Xia Xiang, and it is possible to be killed by Wu Caijiang.

Qiu Xufeng felt that he jumped into a trap. He wanted to climb, but he couldn't climb out. The feeling of being powerful and nowhere was really uncomfortable.

"Don't say that, magistrate Xia. There are some things that are really worthy of you." Qiu Xufeng swallowed his saliva and still didn't tell the truth. He didn't dare to say it. He was afraid that it would eventually reach Wu Caijiang's ear, so he said sincerely, "Let's put it this way We should work together to govern An County well, not only make political achievements, but also do practical things for the people. To be honest, Li Shushi has been transferred, and I will take over as the secretary. I will vigorously promote Sheng County Magistrate Fu Zheng, and then recommend you as the executive deputy county magistrate and a member of the Standing Committee. The three of us are together. In the past few years, I have done my job well, jointly carried out the economic suggestions of Anxian County, and also wrote a beautiful note for my resume.

Xia wanted to look at Qiu Xufeng's sincerity and determination. I thought it was not because he went back to the capital and heard some rumors that he adjusted his strategy in time. From a secret confrontation with yourself to an apparent division of labor? However, in any case, Qiu Xufeng's attitude still made Xiaxiang very useful. Although he did not fully believe that he was sincere, it was not easy to have such an attitude.

It's one thing to believe not to believe, but Qiu Xufeng can have a sincere and cooperative attitude, and Xia wants to cooperate. He also understood that Qiu Xufeng must be reluctant, but as a leader, he can take the initiative to show his goodwill to himself and no longer cooperate with his work, so it is rumored that he can't be a person and doesn't know the worldly wisdom, and will be despised by his superior leaders.

Xia Xiang looked solemn and said seriously, "As the county magistrate Qiu said, we may have had different opinions in our work before. I will vigorously correct it in the future. I will also be deppled in my work and cooperate with you to improve the economy of An County

Qiu Xufeng stood up and held Xia's hand tightly: "With your words, I'm relieved. So let's make a decide? In the future, we will seek common things and save differences. Everything is for the economic development of An County. Everything is for political achievements

Qiu Xufeng also did tell the truth: everything is for political achievements, although Xiaxiang dares not claim how noble he is, because he knows that in the officialdom, the pure pursuit of nobleness without means, at best, it is the end of a Hai Rui. In society, it is impossible for people to be as clean as water, let alone in the world. It can only be the same as the light, otherwise it is impossible to fulfill the ambition in your heart.

And the facts also prove that the official who puts integrity to his mouth every day has always flaunts how to be a public person, but he is often a big corrupt official. The reality is that if you want to do practical things for the people, you must dare to fight against a bunch of officials who use their power for personal gain, and you can only take down the roadblock. Only then can we show our skills, otherwise all the ideas can only be fantasies.

Personnel, personnel, personnel means. Being a person first and then doing things can also be understood as thinking about people first, and then thinking about things, because things are done by people, and even people can't figure it out. How to do things?

After sending Qiu Xufeng away, Xia thought about it alone for a long time. Qiu Xufeng's attitude has changed greatly. There must be a deep-seated reason, but what happened behind it. He couldn't guess, but one thing he could do is that there was a rumor in the capital.

He decided to talk to Li Dingshan.

The square is helping Li Dingshan clean up the room, and Li Dingshan is also sweeping, and it seems that he is still enjoying it. Xia Xiang came over and reached out to take the mop. He smiled and said, "Secretary Li regards cleaning the room as a physical exercise, so he doesn't feel tired. You have to learn more squares. Do everything as a kind of relaxation and fun, and you don't think it's a burden."

Fangge smiled shyly: "If a beautiful woman comes to me every day, I won't take it as a burden, and I will also enjoy it

Xia wanted to immediately pat him on the shoulder and warned him, "Young man, one day you will find that beautiful women are also a very troublesome animal. At that time, you will find sad that you have really grown up."

Li Dingshan laughed: Xiaoxia is a feeling, experience, write down, square, must be kept in mind

After a few jokes, Xia wanted to talk about Qiu Xufeng's performance just now.

Li Dingshan didn't think so much and said directly, "If he wants to cooperate, then cooperate well." It doesn't count, you have to show enough sincerity and determination. It also depends on the specific actions. Although the division of labor of the government team has been adjusted, your burden is heavy. The next step is to see whether he interferes too much, directs disorderly, etc. As long as he is really willing to improve the economy of An County, I raise my hands to welcome him

No one is more eager to improve the economy of An County than Li Dingshan.

While talking, the phone outside rang, and Fang Ge hurriedly answered it. After the film came back, he whispered, "It's County Magistrate Qiu. I asked if you have time. He wants to come and report the work."

Li Dingshan took a look at Xia Xiang and nodded to the square: "Please come over."

Xia wanted to avoid it for a while. Li Dingshan shook his head: "No, everyone knows the relationship between us. It's not good to dodge. It's okay if you are here. It's just right to talk about the next step of work together

Xia thought of Mei Xiaolin and proposed, "Why don't you ask Secretary Mei to come up and talk about all aspects. We also have a small discussion meeting on a small scale."

As soon as Li Dingshan nod, he trotted out of the door: "I'll invite you in person."

Seeing this, the two smiled at each other and shook their heads.

After Qiu Xufeng came, Gang Xia was also there. Without any surprise, he nodded and said a few words with Li Dingshan before stepping to the point: "Secretary Li. Regarding the next development of Anxian's economy, I have a preliminary idea and would like to report it to you.

Li Dingshan handed over a cigarette and smiled: "Come on, tell me what you think. I also happen to have an idea. Let's see if our ideas coincide.

Qiu Xufeng took over the cigarette. Xia wanted to help the two leaders and listened to Qiu Xufeng say.

"Now the governor of Xia County is in charge of urban construction and tourism. In the future, he will focus on the Sanshi Scenic Area and Resorts. I also believe that his ability can fully operate these two projects, so there is no need to worry about Secretary Li. Li Chaosheng's private mine is now returned to the county. I mean, I will focus on the transformation and further development of private mines, contact the downstream sales department, and standardize and scale the private mine, which can also drive the economic growth of An County by a few percentage points. I also thought of a name, which is called Anxian Limestone Mining. I don't know if Secretary Li and County Magistrate Xia have any opinions?

Qiu Xufeng said this in a consultative tone and a consultative tone, and his attitude was indeed sincere enough.

Originally, Xia wanted to discuss with Mei Xiaolin to let Mei Xiaolin contact the downstream sales channels, but since Qiu Xufeng mentioned it, he put forward a real attitude of doing practical things, and he had nothing to say. After all, Mei Xiaolin is the deputy secretary of the county party committee. It is not easy to interfere in government affairs. Qiu Xufeng is the head of the government and the second person in the county.

Li Dingshan has no objection. He is in favor of Qiu Xufeng's idea: "I support the idea of County Magistrate Qiu."

Xiaxiang also nodded and said, "Originally, Secretary Mei was also enthusiastic about this matter, but it was still more convenient for the county magistrate Qiu to operate. When she comes, I need to explain it to her."

Qiu Xufeng said, "Uh-huh" and said, "I have to trouble Secretary Li to catch the remaining problems of fruit trees in Danbao Township in person. I'm not very familiar with agriculture, just like Secretary Li's experience. Thank you for your hard work. In addition, in the mountainous areas of Danbao Township and Sanshi Township, some land of economic value has been found one after another, which can be transformed into farmland by simply leveling and transformation. The only drawback is that it is too far from the mountain village. I have studied it carefully, and I have referred to the experience of other counties, and I think that after the land is transformed. It is most suitable for planting economic fruit trees, such as jujube trees, walnut trees and persimmon trees. It can also give full play to the enthusiasm of local farmers in the situation of contracting barren mountains. Let them reclaim the barren mountains by themselves

Li Dingshan is most interested in agriculture, he feels. It is very successful to open up a piece of farmland that can be cultivated from the barren mountains. It's like the magic of making a stone into gold. Hearing that Qiu Xufeng was so thoughtful, he was overjoyed: "County Chief Qiu, good idea, good idea. You also said that you are not familiar with agriculture, as I say. You are also half an agricultural expert now. OK, I'll catch this matter. Autumn is coming. After the autumn harvest and before winter, there is a period of time that can be used to open up barren mountains. How to implement it? I'll talk to the relevant person in charge then.

Xia wants to see Qiu Xufeng's calm appearance. In my heart, I secretly admire that he is indeed a figure. He can not only bend and stretch, but also be very thoughtful, and fully understand everyone's personality and do what he likes. It seems to show people in a low posture, but in fact, it still secretly holds the initiative. He concluded with Qiu Xufeng that he was a person who did great things, did practical things and could do things!

As soon as the door rang, Mei Xiaolin came in.

Mei Xiaolin wore a hidden blue dress, straight trousers, and a straight waist, like a poplar. It is graceful and graceful, giving people a very clean and upright beauty. Xia thought about it and found that Mei Xiaolin especially liked Lanba

Mei Xiaolin said hello to Li Dingshan and Qiu Xufeng in turn, and then said to Xia Xiang, "County Magistrate Xia, come to my office later. I have something to see you."

Xia wanted to nod, thinking that Mei Xiaolin really didn't pay attention to details. It's okay to go downstairs and talk about such a thing later. Do you have to say it in front of Qiu Xufeng?

However, Qiu Xufeng's face did not change at all, as if he hadn't heard it.

Li Dingshan talked about what the three people discussed just now, and Mei Xiaolin inadvertently glanced at Xia Xiang. Seeing that he had nothing to say, he said, "The private mine can be handed over to the county magistrate Qiu. I believe he can do this better than me."

Qiu Xufeng smiled and said: "The capital is about to hold a conference, and there will be more work with party affairs at that time. It is enough for Secretary Mei to study and understand the spirit of the document in depth and do a good job in the implementation

Mei Xiaolin nodded and didn't say anything.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Qiu Xufeng threw out the greatest sincerity he came today, and he wanted to show his goodwill to Xia to get Li Dinggong. The biggest weight supported by Mei Xiaoyan: "Li Chaosheng was ousted, and the members of the Standing Committee became a mouthful person, one less. I think although the county magistrate Xia is young, he has the ability and wide connections, and can take on heavy responsibilities, so I suggest that we jointly propose to the municipal party committee to let the county magistrate Xia be highly appointed as a member of the Standing Committee.

As soon as he said this, Li Dingshan was also slightly moved. He looked at Qiu Xufeng with complicated eyes. He couldn't see that Qiu Xufeng was so generous that he actually took the initiative to let Xia Xiang be a member of the Standing Committee, which was also a huge concession.

Mei Xiaolin won't think much about why Qiu Xufeng has such an attitude. She nodded quickly and said, "I also have this idea. I propose that Fang Yuhui, the head of Danbao Township, take over the position of Secretary of the Party Committee, but it is no longer suitable for the Standing Committee of the High-level Standing Committee. After all,

Of course, Li Dingshan will not object to Xia Xiang's high-level standing committee, but he has a little worry: "The city may not agree to promote the standing committee on the spot. It is possible to transfer from other places. Even if one is not transferred from another place, I'm afraid he is opposed to Xiaxiang's high-level standing committee. Because of the government team. There are already two deputy county magistrates and senior members of the Standing Committee. In addition, Xiaxiang, the three deputy county magistrates are all members of the Standing Committee, which is not in line with the rules.

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