official god

Chapter 340 The relationship between men and women and the situation in An County

After a lot of points, Xia remembered to leave. Song Yiji didn't know when he cut the student's sportswear and said with a smile, "Dad, I want to send Brother Xia downstairs. Do you agree or not?"

Can Song Chaodu disagree? Besides, he knew that I'm afraid it wouldn't count if he didn't agree, so he had to nod: "Come back early and don't run around."

"I won't run around. I just sent Brother Xia away, and then one of them came back through the air." Song Yifan showed a cunning look and wanted to wink at the summer.

Xia wanted to know that she must have something to say to herself.

Song Chaodu also knew that there were some things that should be guided and not guarded against, so he had to laugh and said, "Well, then you can tell the air that you can't be late at nine o'clock."

Xia wanted to hear that he had a fever on his face, but Song Chaodu was very clear in his heart. He said it as if he was going to abduct a little girl, but his words could not be broken. I had to say with embarrassment, "Then I'll go first, Minister Song. Goodbye."

Song Chaodu didn't say anything and waved his hand with a smile.

When he went downstairs, Song Yifan quietly took Xiaxiang's hand again. Xia thought about breaking free. She grabbed it tightly and said dissatisfiedly, "My father is not there. What are you afraid of? Besides, I'm not shy if I'm a girl. You're a big man dodging. Don't you be ashamed?"

, it's much better than Cao Shuhui in those years. Xia wanted to be helpless, so she had to let her hold it and comfort herself in her heart. The little sister took the big brother's hand. It's a normal brother-sister relationship, um, I think too much about it.

Most of the communities where Song Chaodu lived were from the Provincial Party Committee. Perhaps because they are all in officialdom, there are not many people walking at night, even if occasionally someone passes by. No one noticed that Xiaxiang was hand in hand with a little sister. Xia Xiang is still a little unnatural, not like Song Yifan. He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with holding Xia Xiang's hand at all.

After a while, I arrived at a secluded pavilion. It's cool in autumn, and people in Yanshi are not used to nightlife. Basically, there was no one around, and it was quiet. Occasionally, there were a few sound of insects, showing silence. Song Yifan pulled Xia to sit on the wooden chair in the pavilion. He said to him, "Air, come and sit opposite me. I have something important to announce to you."

Xia wanted to see her serious look. He didn't feel well, so he asked, "What's the big thing you can do?" Did you become a class cadre, or were you praised by the teacher?

"Neither, stupid!" Song Yifan unceremoniously glanced at Xia, then put his hands on the stone table, held his chin, and stared at a pair of big and round eyes. In the dark, he looked directly at Xia's eyes and said, "There is a boy who likes me and wrote more than a dozen love letters to me in a row. Not to mention, Cai, and he is also very handsome. Many girls in our class like him. As soon as everyone praised him, I was a little moved. Do you think I should promise him to be his girlfriend?

Xia wanted to be asked suddenly.

He thought about the sentence and didn't know how to answer Song Yifan. There are many high school students who fall in love, but in high school, they are only sixteen or seventeen years old. Their mind and body are immature. It is said that it is early love. At best, it is just a kind of good feeling and curiosity about the opposite sex. But you can't underestimate good feelings and curiosity. Hormones are so powerful that you can't do anything out of the way on impulse. At that time, it is too late to regret, and it may even miss a lifetime.

Of course, it only tells the truth, and no one likes to listen to it. Song Yifan lacked maternal love since he was a child. Song Chaodu may have a more rigid personality, and there is a generation gap with her. It is difficult to communicate. It is difficult to meet himself. I guess I really regard myself as a big brother. When I have my worries and worries, I am willing to talk to myself, which is also a good thing.

Xia thought about it for a long time before saying, "I also liked a girl in high school. At that time, I liked her very much. I was willing to do everything for her. I thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. Do you know what I liked most about her at that time?"

"What?" Song Yifan asked curiously.

"When she laughed, she showed two small tiger teeth and two dimples on her face. I just feel that her smile is unparalleled. Only one day, she suddenly transferred to another school. I was very sad for a while, thinking that I would never meet a girl who moved me in the future. Unexpectedly, after I went to college, I suddenly found that the world was still as colorful, countless times better than I thought. Xia wanted to take a deep breath. His words are also sentimental...

In his previous life and this life, he has also experienced a lot of women, Wei Xin's gentleness and thoughtfulness, and Xiao Jia's fierce tenderness. Cao Shuhui's intelligence, virtuousness and even Ruohan's frankness made him understand that the richness of the world has also created the richness of women. Men keep chasing women, in fact, in order to experience another different feeling, and sometimes they can't be completely classified as hunting.

"Do you still want me to wait a little longer and don't be easily fooled by little boys? Don't be so easily confused by little boys?" Song Yifan is still a little bit clear.

"Women are different from men. No matter how the world progresss and the society develops again, it is still a male society after all, and because of physiological reasons, if women do not love themselves, they will eventually hurt themselves. Men can wave their hands gracefully and turn around and leave, while women can't. A lot of pain can be borne by themselves. Xia thought that he couldn't say too clearly, so he had to make it clear in a vague place.

"I know, of course I know that girls must love themselves, otherwise it will be miserable." Song Yifan blushed when he thought of something. He stuck out his tongue and looked extremely naughty and cute.

Xia thought again and said earnestly, "A knife... a fierce big brother. I want to tell you solemnly. At Bu University! Before. The most female love. Do you know? It not only affects learning, but also affects physical and mental development. At this age, I am not mature at all, and I am not in love, but curious about the opposite sex.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you again and ignore him, but," Song Yifan kept blinking and said reluctantly. He is really handsome. He almost caught up with you.

Xia wants to touch her face. She is a little less confident. Is she really so handsome? Not only can it make Cao Shuqi like it, but now it is still charming, but it can also attract high school girls? Does it really have the charm of killing?

But the next sentence of Song Yifan. Xia thought almost felt ashamed: "Brother Xia, every time I want to fall in love early, you earnestly advise me. Why do I always feel that there is a smell of conspiracy inside and outside your words, as if you always want me to grow up intact. You are like a patient fruit farmer, sitting aside. Waiting for the fruit to ripen one day

. The swallow coin of the moon, at night, the cool breeze blows. Although it is not very cold, it is also cold all over the body. Xiaxiang feels that the deep body is dry and hot, mainly the fever on his face. Of course, he does not admit that he is guilty, but is scared by Song Yifan's boldness and directness. Nowadays, the little girl is a little too powerful. She dares to say anything and think about everything. Xiaxiang, a big man, was also choked by her words and couldn't speak, so she had to cough a few times.

"Cough. Yifan, don't be against your brother. How old are you? How can you think nonsense? He hurriedly taught her a few words, and then asked her to go home on the grounds that it was too cold. "Don't catch a cold. Go back quickly, have a good rest and be obedient."

Song Yifan laughed. He stretched out his hands and waved goodbye to Xia like playing a piano on his chest: "Goodbye, Brother Xia, I wish you a good dream. And she turned around and ran to the entrance of the corridor quickly and said word by word, "Don't worry, I'll grow up soon

Xia wanted to escape and was completely defeated by a little girl for the first time.

The news that Shen Fuming was convicted did not cause any movement in Zhang County. After all, Shen Fuming, as the deputy governor, was a little far away from An County. The big and small officials in An County have been wondering that Li Chaomang did not say that he had made a full confession. Why hasn't he been convicted or formally arrested, not to mention his Xu Dequan. Or is it safe and sound? Is it still until Li Chaosheng is finally found?

It took a lot of effort to catch You Li, dug out a lot of cash, and found the account book and what else


It should be said that it is in An County. Except for Xiaxiang. Others were somewhat puzzled by the long delay in Li Chaosheng's case, but Xia thought clearly that Li Chaosheng pulled around and moved his whole body. Now it is not the best time to be convicted. Regardless of whether there is any connection between Song Chaodu and Qin Tuofu, Qin Tuofu is obviously not a brainless person. He will not let it go for the time being, either to see the current situation clearly or at the instruction from the upper class.

Ziaan has officially signed an agreement with the county to contract the county party committee's hostel. Now it is under comprehensive renovation. It needs to be refreshed both inside and outside, and all kinds of facilities need to be updated, and the waiters also need to be re-cultivated. Although the comprehensive rectification has not been completed yet, Xiaxiang can clearly feel the rapid changes. He also believes that the county party committee hostel after the rectification will certainly not disappoint.

At the same time, Chuzigao's Zigao Park is also under intense construction. Because winter is coming, the greening project must be put on the agenda after the beginning of spring next year, but the venue is flat and fake. The heap and the excavation of artificial ponds can be carried out. Basically, the outline of the park has been formed, and it can be seen in general that it is fully built.

There is an endless stream of people who come to visit the construction site every day. Everyone is full of interest in the first park in the history of Anxian County, and they are extremely grateful to Chu Zigao, the owner who invested in the construction of Zigao Park. Praise him for being a good man and doing a practical thing for the people.

Of course, Zigao Park is an investment pulled by the governor of Xia County, and it is also well known.

There are also rumors among the people that the governor of Xia County asked the old man and the old lady for advice on where to build the park. It is said that the county magistrate Xia is young and handsome, and he speaks kindly. No airs, surprisingly good attitude, and so on. Anyway, there are a lot of rumors. They all said with nose and eyes, as if everyone who spoke saw it with their own eyes.

Xiaxiang and Chu Zigao stood at the construction site. Hearing the people around me talking about it, a trace of pride rose in my heart. People who are officials are eager for the recognition and praise of the people, and the public is very rich. Political achievements and reputation should also be needed, and everyone loves to listen to good words.

Gao Chengsong is so arrogant that he doesn't like others to speak ill of him.

Xia wanted to say to Chu Zigao with a smile, "The park is far away from the south of the city and a little far from the center of the county. Have you thought about it? Is the hotel still built in the park?"

Xia wanted to consider the actual situation and wanted to approve a piece of land in the county to build a hotel for Chu Zixing. Chu Zigao did not agree, but insisted on building the hotel in the park. He replied very resolutely, "Even if I lose money, I will build it in the park." And I also thought about it. I also need to provide breakfast and sell at a low price to the people who come to the morning exercise. I would rather not make money than earn word of mouth. Gold and silver monuments are not as good as the reputation of ordinary people. I finally understand that no matter how much money you have, you have to spend it in useful places. Only then can it be more meaningful."

It seems that Chu Zigao was stimulated and moved by the praise of the people in unison. Grand hotels generally do not sell breakfast, because it is limited to human and material resources. Early breakfast not only does not make money, but also loses money. Chu Zigao decided to provide breakfast, and he was also ready to lose money and make a shout,

It is rare for a businessman to have a heart of public welfare.

Xia wanted to pat him on the shoulder: "Lao Chu. I have known you for so many years, and today, I have met you again. You are a real friend."

Chu Zigao was solemnly recognized by Xia for the first time. He was extremely excited and nodded heavily: "A merchant is a businessman. But in the final analysis, it is still one person. It's a person. Do something beneficial to others. Otherwise, it will be in vain."

Chu Zigao has such awareness. Xia thought that he has been helping Chu Zigao develop over the years, which is a help.

So far, the basic dagger can be said that An County is moving towards the set goal. Secretary Li's agricultural strategy, County Magistrate Qiu's mining Xingxian County, the grand resort and Xia Xiang's Sanshi Scenic Area, Zigao Park, etc., a prosperous scene has brought earth-shaking changes to An County.

As soon as Xia Yang went to work, Xia wanted to receive a notice from the square to hold a meeting of the Standing Committee.

Since Xia wanted to serve as the Zhuo Committee, he has held several meetings, and he is also familiar with the members of the Standing Committee, except for Fang Yuhui.

Fang Yuhui is the Secretary of the Party Committee of Danbao Township and a member of the Standing Committee. He is Tan Long's person. At the Standing Committee, it is generally not easy to state his position, but his temper is also very stubborn. Once he expresses his position, he will never give in, and he will always "reserve one." People's opinions. Fortunately, now Li Dingshan and Qiu Xufeng are busy with their own affairs, and they don't care about it as much as him.

The main topic of today's Standing Committee is. Li Dingshan received a notice from the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee and asked Anxian County to report a list of cadres in different places. It is best for young cadres who are rich and strong, to rotate cadres with Cangshan County in the eastern part of Yan Province. Among the members of the Standing Committee of An County, the youngest is Xiaxiang. But when it comes to the year of wealth and strength, you can still pick out a few.

But first of all, it is impossible for Qiu Xufeng to communicate with each other. He is the county magistrate and can't communicate. The second is Mei Xiaolin, but as a full-time deputy secretary, she is not very qualified. The most qualified is actually Xia Xiang, but Li Dingshan will definitely not let Xia want to go. He knows the importance of Xia Xiang to him and the importance of An County. Among the rest. Cai Yi, director of the county party committee office, and Fang Yuhui, secretary of the party committee of Danbao Township, are both around the age of Wu, and they are also representatives of wealth and strength.

In the conference room. In turn, it was full of famous members of the Standing Committee.

Li Dingrang talked about today's topic, took a look at the member of the Standing Committee present, and said, "It's a good thing for cadres to communicate in different places. Everyone can recommend themselves. You can also choose the person you think is the most suitable. "County Chief Qiu, you can talk about it first."

Qiu Xufeng is also clear that the candidates recommended by the county party committee are only provided to the municipal party committee for reference. The specific decision is still in the municipal party committee, but the recommendation power of the county party committee can also affect the decision of the municipal party committee. If it hadn't been for the recent cooperation with Xiaxiang, the first person he thought would have been Xiaxiang.

The timing is different, so the perspective of considering the problem is also different. He pondered slightly and looked at Mei Xiaolin with a smile: "I think Secretary Mei is quite suitable for Taiwan. If she goes to Cangshan County, she can not only bring a new atmosphere to Cangshan County, but also be of great benefit to her personally."

Xia wanted to be calm, and his eyes flashed between Qiu Xufeng and Mei Xiaolin.

Qiu Xufeng is going to kick Mei Xiaolin away and kick her to the distant Cangshan County. Think about it, there is a former fiancee swinging around in front of you every day. No matter how good-tempered people are, they are inevitably upset. Of course, he also knew that if it hadn't been for the fact that he had enough capital now and had a pleasant cooperation with Qiu Xufeng, I'm afraid that the first person Qiu Xufeng wanted to get rid of was himself.

Xia Xiang thought that Mei Xiaolin would immediately turn her back and sneer. Unexpectedly, she just smiled faintly, but did not speak.

Cai Yi, director of the county party committee office, raised his hand and made a speech: "I think that the head of Xia County, as the youngest member of the Standing Committee of An County and the most capable deputy county magistrate, if he communicates to Cangshan County, he can definitely add more color to our An County."

"I also agree with Director Cai's opinion that County Magistrate Xia is the most suitable candidate." Duan Daka, Secretary of the Party Committee of Sanshi Township, also seconded to Cai Yi.

Xiaxiang was slightly stunned. It seems that it is the interior of An County. It's not as harmonious and unified as you think. Different voices appeared, and they were very neat and strong. Who is behind the scenes? He inadvertently glanced at Fang Yuhui and saw that he had an indifferent face and a shallow smile on his face, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

Fang Yuhui is young this year and has an ordinary appearance. He is of medium height and looks old, which gives people a sense of old age and weight. Xia wants to feel that Fang Yuhui is deep-hearted and difficult to deal with. It's true that he is Tan Long's person, but he is more famous than Tan Long. Xia Xiang even maliciously guessed that Danbao Township may really be a feng shui treasure. Li Chaosheng, the former party secretary, is an extremely powerful figure. Fang Yuhui, the current party secretary, is also an incomparable person.

Kong Jian, the armed minister who has rarely spoken, said slowly, "I really think the county magistrate Xia is the most suitable and capable. He is young and full of energy. I also support the governor of Xia County to communicate in different places

Bibi: Thank you for your support. Your monthly ticket makes me feel the warmth again. Very touching! Let me always feel your amazing power and let our ranking rush forward again!! Let our monthly ticket break through the ticket as soon as possible! Is it good?

If there is no accident in the future, one update before the early and the old one before the old one. Every time, all the chapters will be issued to meet the reading needs of the brothers! The stream book is mixed with different body clams with fine concave mouths. It's easy to read and go outside