official god

Chapter 342 Collection

Baoshi is not far from Yanshi, less than a young kilometer. All the way to the highway, that is, Na. Just a journey. Xia wanted to drive Cao Yongguo all the way to the municipal party committee compound. The people who came to see him off were already standing at the gate of the compound.

Although Cao Yongguo is a Pingli, he is the leader of Bao City, compared with his status in Yan City. It can be said to be a stride forward. Officialdom has always been high or low. Everyone knows that after Cao Yongguo has been a secretary, he can at least become a deputy governor in the province. If the political achievements are outstanding and there is a tough background, it is not impossible to enter the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. So there were many more people coming to see him off than expected.

Tan Long is also here.

He stood next to Chen Feng, slightly behind Chen Feng. Looking at Cao Yongguo, who was full of spring breeze, he felt a little uncomfortable. I saw Xiaxiang next to Cao Yongguo again. I feel extremely uncomfortable. Cao Yongguo really had good luck. From the director of the Urban Construction Bureau, he entered the core of power of Yanshi in one step. He was also promoted quickly by the executive deputy mayor of Yan City, who became the secretary of the municipal party in power. It's amazing.

It's even more enviable!

And his son-in-law Xia thought that less than half a year after arriving in An County, there was a low-ranked deputy county magistrate. He quickly rose to the standing committee and became the third person in the government team, and his rising speed was even more staggering.

What do they do? Tan Long was unconvinced and very dissatisfied. He also inquired that Cao Yongguo's backstage was just the propaganda minister of the provincial party committee who did not have much say in the provincial party committee, and Xiaxiang's biggest reliance was Chen Feng, but no matter how energetic Chen Feng was, it was impossible to hold Cao Yongguo and Xiaxiang in one hand and let both of them rise rapidly. Tan Long felt that his heart was extremely unbalanced.

There is nothing we can do about the imbalance. The situation is better than people. However, he believes that as he entered the Standing Committee. It can restrain Xiaxiang on many major issues. Xia wants to stay in Yanshi for one day. If you want to take another step, you must go through the discussion of the Standing Committee. With him and Xu Dequan, Xia doesn't want to take another step forward easily!

Tan Long glanced at Xu Dequan in the crowd.

Xu Dequan also came to see him off, and everyone carried Huahuaqiaozi. If he didn't come, he seemed to be too bad at being a man. If anything happens to him in the future, no one will come to support him. Therefore, although he was uncomfortable, he came to see Cao Yongguo off. Moreover, Cao Yongguo will be the mayoral secretary of Baoshi in the future. He is a member of the municipal party. Compared with him, the secretary-general of the municipal party committee who ranks low and does not have much voice, is much stronger.

If you are unhappy, you still have to do it.

But when he saw Xiaxiang standing behind Cao Yongguo, he could no longer suppress his anger. The eyelids jumped a few times uncontrollably, and the expression on his face became stiff in an instant.

Xia thought, Xu Dequan hated him very much.

After Li Chaosheng was arrested, he never opened his mouth. Xu Dequan also believes that Li Chaosheng's tenacity can withstand it. Unexpectedly, with the help of Xiaxiang, Qin Tuofu actually caught You Li. He also used You Li and You Yong to make a promise to Li Chaosheng, broke through Li Chaosheng's psychological defense line, and let Li Chaosheng make a full confession!

When Xu Dequan heard the news, he was scared into a cold sweat. He hurried to Gao Chengsong and asked Secretary Gao to give him his advice. Gao Chengsong advised him not to panic. He had already said hello to Gu Renjie, and Gu Renjie also talked to Qin Tuofu, saying that it was better to control the matter in a small range and not to involve municipal officials.

Qin Tuofu also agreed.

At the same time, Gao Chengsong also pressured the Fu Committee to call Cui Xiang in person to let Cui Xiang look at the problem from a political perspective. Don't expand Li Chaosheng's case, otherwise it will trigger a series of chain reactions. It will have a negative impact on the Yan Municipal Party Committee. The provincial party committee hopes not to affect the great situation of stability and unity because of a fierce tide.

Cui Xiang's answer made Gao Chengsong feel at ease: "Secretary Gao, please rest assured, the attitude of the municipal party committee is very clear. Responsibility to others, no involvement, close the case as soon as possible, do not expand the influence, and control public opinion as much as possible

Gao Chengsong thought that Cui Xiang understood his spirit, so he encouraged Cui Xiang to say a few words and hung up the phone. It's a re assuring.

With the clear instructions of Secretary Gao, Xu Dequan also put his heart into his stomach, thinking that even if Li Chaosheng confessed, he could not make any waves. After all, Yan Province is still the Yan Province of Secretary Gao. Who dares to brazenly quarrel with the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee? Unless the suspect has done it for too long!

said so, but when Xu Dequan saw the incident, he still couldn't suppress his anger. If it hadn't been for Xia's trouble, how could there be today's situation? And he also knows it. Even after the final case of Li Chaosheng is closed. He doesn't mention the relationship between him and Li Chaosheng, but everyone in the municipal party committee knows his problem, and his right to speak in Yan City will be greatly reduced. And it is almost impossible to be promoted in Yanshi, and he always carries a huge burden. Once there is a conflict of interest, it is not sure who will accuse him of threatening him with this matter

How could he not resent Xiaxiang?

But no matter how dissatisfied and resentful he is, Xu Dequan can't shrug his face and think about Xia? Moreover, after he and Tan Long wanted to move away from Xiaxiang and failed to send him to Cangshan County, he also understood. I'm afraid that if I want to clean up the summer thoughts, I have to wait patiently for the opportunity. In this way, it is also a good thing for Cao Yongguo to be transferred to the secretary of Baoshi Municipal Party Committee. As soon as Cao Yongguo left, Xia Xiang lost a huge backer in Yan City.

Thinking of this, Xu Dequan barely squeezed out a smile, after shaking hands with Cao Yongguo. He shook hands with Xia and said, "County Magistrate Xia. First of all, congratulations on entering the Standing Committee, and the last time you made an invitation,

" I was happy to drink a few more cups. Now I can't remember what happened at that time. If there is anything rude, don't take it seriously.

Xia Xiang also knew that Xu Dequan must have hated him to the bone, but on the surface, he could still greet him with a smile, and he was also a man of the city government, so he replied with a smile, "No, no, it is also my honor for Secretary-General Xu to participate in my marriage ceremony. I'm so happy that it's too late. Now I still remember the shock you brought me when you appeared. It's really unexpected.

Xu Dequan thought to himself, and it's strange. Xia wants to be young. Why is the city so deep? It's not a little worse than his old officialdom at all. He talks and jokes. It's like nothing. It's really hard to figure out.

Xia wanted to shake hands with Tan Long again.

Tan Long's joy of being promoted to a member of the Standing Committee and executive vice mayor. As soon as he saw Xia, he disappeared, and instead turned into an unspeakable anger.

I don't know why, he looked left and right, but he didn't like the county. Maybe Cao Yongguo, Xiaxiang's future father-in-law, robbed the position of the Standing Committee and executive vice mayor who had long belonged to him. Maybe Xiaxiang was too close to Chen Feng, and he was extremely disgusted with Chen Feng's style. In short, various reasons made him dislike Xiaxiang more and more. I can't even wait to be put to death.

When he wanted to shake hands with Xia, Tan Longpi smiled and said, "As soon as Mayor Cao left, the burden of County Magistrate Xia will be heavy in the future. You should pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and don't bother too much. If you have any difficulties in the city, just come to me

Xia can see the meaning of Tan Long's smile. I was too lazy to deal with him and smiled lightly: "The greatest benefit of youth is that you can endure hardships and hard work. Thank you, Mayor Tan, for your encouragement. I will work hard and believe that I can bear it."

What does Xia think is that he can finally defeat him by his age advantage alone? The smile on Tan Long's face disappeared. He turned around and talked to others, no longer thinking about Xia.

Xia wanted to shake his head and had already put Tan Long's attitude aside. He thought to himself, after Hu Zengzhou and Mayor Hu came to Yanshi, did he visit and catch up with the past?

Xia wanted to send Cao Yongguo to the highway intersection before returning. After Cao Yongguo left, he returned to the municipal party committee compound. I wanted to talk to Chen Feng, but I just entered the courtyard. I happened to meet Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian has been officially elected as the county magistrate of Jingxian County in accordance with the normal procedures. He came to the municipal party committee compound to report on his work. I met Xiaxiang. He was very happy to say hello to Xia. The two of them talked as they walked and came to Chen Feng's office.

Chen Feng saw that Xia wanted to appear with Jiang Tian at the same time. Overjoyed, he smiled and said, "Come on, come in and sit down.

What's the happy event for you two to come together?

Jiang Tianxian said, "I'm coming back to see the old leader. First, I'll say hello to you, and second, I'll report on your work in Jingxian County

Xia thought that he didn't have so much politeness. He said directly, "I asked Mayor Chen to ask for a drink, and the other was to chat casually and relax."

Chen Feng laughed and scolded, "Have I become the object of your relaxation? Do you still pay attention to me, the mayor of Yan City?

After a few jokes, Jiang Tian simply reported the situation in Xiajing County.

Jing County is adjacent to An County, and the situation is similar to that of An County. Tourism is also a pillar industry. In terms of scale and grade, Sanshui Scenic Area is higher than Sanshi Scenic Area, and the benefits are naturally better. Before Jiang Tian took office, the Sanshui Scenic Area in Jingxian County attracted an investment of 10 million yuan, which is expected to surpass the Sanshi Scenic Area in one fell swoop and become the first scenic spot in Yan City. But after Xia thought of An County. A series of actions were taken. As a result, when the investment amount of Sanshi Scenic Area is much smaller than that of Sanshui Scenic Area, the number of tourists increased significantly, and the gap between Sanshui Scenic Area and Sanshui Scenic Area shrank rapidly and almost side by side with Sanshui Scenic Area, bringing a lot of pressure and threat to Jingxian County,

Jiang Tian looked at Xia and said with a smile, "You are in our Jing County now, but you are very famous. Many people even said that they want to meet you in An County for a while. Let's see what you look like, and ask you face to face, why do you have to go against Jingxian everywhere?

Xia wanted to laugh: "I'm for the development of An County, not to deliberately fight against Jing County. The head of Jiang County said so, which is too local protectionist."

Jiang Tian laughed and told Chen Feng about the situation in Jingxian County. Wang Yue, the secretary of the county party committee, is Cui Xiang's person, but he is quite disciplined, relatively tactful and not messy, but he decides what to do. It is difficult to convince him. After Qiang Jianghai arrived in An County, he not only couldn't talk to Jiang Tian, but also didn't deal with Wang Yue very well. He was basically isolated,,

Jiang Tian said that Chen Feng listened and did not give him too many instructions. He just let Jiang Tian work at ease, have a good relationship, and be single-minded about the economy. Xia also knows that wherever he goes, there will be contradictory and opposed people. The county level is the most important threshold. You must rely on your own ability to pass the test. If you don't lay a good foundation at the county level, you will be promoted to a high level in the future. It is also easy to capsized.

After talking about Jiang Tian, Chen Feng asked Xia again, "As soon as Yongguo left, you should not only take care of the Cao family. We should also do a good job in the economic construction of An County. It's not easy. Maybe there will be people who don't have eyesight to make trouble for you. How about it? Have you thought of a countermeasure?

Xia wanted to smile helplessly: "Is there any good way? I can only see the trick. There are always people who like to find trouble and want to send me to Cangshan County. Then I took the opportunity to pick my peaches. Fortunately, their conspiracy did not succeed.

Chen Feng said solemnly, "Don't be careless, the other party's power is not small." It has not been twisted into a rope yet. When the situation in Yan Province is clear, a new interest gang will be formed to show off the fine concave and different body clams. Read well and go out

Xia wants to know clearly what Chen Feng means, no matter whether Gao Chengsong falls or not, it will be a while later. Once all the situations are clear, not to mention Tan Long and Xu Dequan in Yan City, even in Yan Province, all forces will be reshuffled; they will stand in the team again. Now everyone's attitude is ambiguous. I also don't want to express my position too early, so as not to say something wrong and misestimate the situation.

After saying goodbye to Chen Feng, Xia Xiang got together with Jiang Tianxiao once. He proposed to Jiang Tian that "the mountains and rivers are connected. The concept of activities. It is intended to build an expressway between Sanshi Scenic Area and Sanshui Scenic Area. Although the cost is high, because the channel is a true line distance. The two scenic spots are actually the same mountain range, and the straight-line distance must be about kilometers. In the future, after the development of private cars, they can go directly from one scenic spot to another, and there is no need to make a long detour.

After the completion of the straight-line channel, it is conducive to the exchange of tourists between the two scenic spots, which is a good thing for mutual benefit.

Jiang Tian agreed with it very much and discussed a detail with Xia. Both of them found that the investment required for this idea was huge. Although it is not possible at present, it is also a very beneficial long-term project in the long run.

Xia wanted to say goodbye to Jiang Tian and was about to return to An County. Suddenly, he received a phone call from Xiao Wu and asked him to come over for an interview, saying that it was about leading real estate.

When Xia wanted to get to Ruite Commercial Building, Sun Xianwei and Shen Lichun were both there. When it comes to annexing enterprises and calculating others, these two are absolutely experts.

"Gao Jianyuan was hooked. He transferred 100 million yuan. After two negotiations, he didn't know where to get Danwa 10,000 yuan. Now it's a total of 100 million yuan. He opened his mouth for 1 billion yuan, and he also said that the lion's big mouth, and he was not greedy enough to swallow elephants the elephant." Sun Xianwei smiled treacherously. When he talked about calculating others, the look on his face made Xia want to see and know him a little. He thought that the expression on his face was a little too rich, no worse than that of any movie actor.

After Xiaxiang's connection, Jiangshan real estate is mainly Xiao Wu, supplemented by Zhu Hu, and has made two contacts with the leading real estate. The first time was when Yan Xiao came forward. When they met, Xiao Wu pretended to be deep, and Zhu Hu pretended to be an upstart. The two of them revealed that they were short of everything, and they were not short of money. One was full of words, and his mouth was more than a billion arrogance. Yan Xiao was really shocked, thinking that Xiao Wu and Zhu Hu were really typical figures with a lot of money.

The first meeting did not talk about anything substantive. Finally, Xiao Wu said, "Mr. Yan is too unsincere, or forget it. If it hadn't been for the sake of the County Magistrate of Xia, we would have gone directly to the capital to develop high-end housing,"

Zhu Hu said, "My experience is that I have always not dealt with women and do not talk about business with women. Mr. Yan is young and too beautiful. It's uneasy. Can you ask a person in charge to come out and speak? Everyone, let's really talk about something useful. A gentleman loves money and has a way to take it, but it is difficult for women and villains to raise, the son said, in a word. I want to have an interview with someone with a history and connotation.

Yan Xiao waited for Xiao Wu and Zhu Hu to sit on the Mercedes-Benz and leave, and then they couldn't help laughing. No wonder Xia wanted to be sure that Jiangshan Real Estate would buy the leading real estate. With the pair of living treasures just now, they had an IQ.

Yan Xiaoshi said to Gao Jianyuan that he could not miss the opportunity. He gritted his teeth and transferred back from abroad to persuade him to negotiate with Xiao Wu and Zhu Hu in person. Sun Xianwei was afraid of being recognized by Gao Jianyuan, so he disguised himself and pretended to be accompanied by the driver and secretary.

The second negotiation was regarded as a little substantial progress. Xiao Wu threw out a bait and offered to invest in the acquisition of leading real estate, but Zhu Hu kept interrupting, saying that if the other party showed sincerity, he would give more policy support, not to mention the introduction of B, it would be no problem to be 600 million. Although Xiao Wu and Zhu Hu have not known each other for a long time, they cooperated well. One winkled and the other pretended not to be able to see, which completely convinced Gao Jianyuan that the two were indeed rich and stupid.

High-priced rigid tiles from Gao Jianyuan

Naturally, it was not settled in the end, and the two sides agreed to find a suitable opportunity to talk about it again.

Xiao Wu still smiled and looked a little shy: "I didn't expect that such an honest person could also deceive people. I could really deceive him

Sun Xianwei mercilessly attacked Xiao Wu: "Forget it, the more loyal you are. The easier it is to be deceived. You are the type who is thick-faced and dark-hearted. You are born to deceive people without discussion, and you absolutely have the same style as County Magistrate Xia.

Xia wants to ignore Sun Xianwei's sarcasm. He laughed and said, "Very good. Continue to delay Gao Jianyuan, so that he fully believes that we have the strength and are interested in acquiring leading real estate. The longer we delay Gao Jianyuan, the better. Of course, our intention is still to acquire the leading real estate normally. As for how to be legal and reasonable and without loopholes, it all depends on Yes."

Sun Xianwei did not notice Xia's deep-seated thoughts, or did Shen Lichun have a certain degree of politics and asked, "I always feel that in addition to the normal annexation of the leading real estate, you let us to delay Gao Jianyuan all the time. It seems that there is another purpose?"

Xia wants to know that none of the people here are outsiders. After the incident, you can definitely guess something, but it is still not appropriate to disclose too much now,

Ratio: It's the autumn chapter again, and the big network is tightened. Monthly tickets should also be followed closely, and we can see our ranking move forward little by little. With only the old ticket, we can push forward, brothers, can you give us some hope?