official god

Chapter 344 The Last Counterattack

Shang Jianyuan didn't understand what had happened. He was seeing the noise that could make a lot of money. He knew where he was willing to give up the great opportunity in front of him, so he asked, "Dad, what's so urgent? My business is about to be negotiated. I can't make a loss.

"Talk about it? What kind of business are you talking about? You have been fooled. I was cheated by Xia! It has always been Song Chaodu who has been plotted behind my back, and Xia Sang is his pawn!" Gao Chengsong was so anxious that he couldn't wait to rush to Gao Jianyuan immediately and watch him get on the plane with his own eyes.

Gao Jianyuan heard his father's almost angry voice for the first time. He was shocked to know that his father was really panicked. He also comforted Gao Chengsong: "Dad, don't worry. If you have something to say, say it slowly. Things may not be as urgent as you think. Besides, Xia thought about lying to me. It's not that easy, just by his IQ. Just because he looks like a pervert? Let him dream! In fact, he didn't help me, but because he fell in love with Yan Shi and wanted to take the opportunity to get close to Yan Shi to achieve his purpose of possessing her. Maybe the two people already have an ambiguous relationship, and they have already flirted in front of me

Gao Jianyuan wanted to impress Gao Chengsong and let him think that he was sure of what he did. In fact, fundamentally speaking, he was still reluctant to give up the hundreds of millions of funds he was about to get. With only two or three hundred million yuan in hand now, it is not enough for a lifetime of life after going abroad.

Gao Chengsong was a bystander. The more he listened to Gao Jianyuan's words, the more shocked Xiaxiang's tricks were. He almost played Gao Jianyuan in the palm of his hand, and Gao Jianyuan thought that he could control everything. It was really naive! He said in an indisputable tone, "There is no room for discussion about this matter, within two days. Transfer all the money from the book abroad, go through the formalities of going abroad within a week, and don't come back as soon as you go out.

Gao Chengsong immediately hung up the phone and immediately made a phone call: "Yan Ge, send someone to secretly follow Song Chaodu, strictly monitor his every move, and report his movements to me at any time. If necessary, he used technical means to monitor all his calls and stopped again, or said, "I still want to monitor Xiaxiang."

"Xia wants to? Xia Xiang is Xiang. As the deputy director of the Public Security Department, Yan Ge is also one of Gao Chengsong's confidants. Speaking of Song Chaodu, Yan Ge still has some impressions. But who is Xia? He can't remember at all.

"Deputy head of An County." Gao Chengsong didn't bother to explain anything. He stressed again, "Both of them should be closely monitored and can't be let go. If there is a phone contact between them, be sure to tell me the content of the call.

Yan Ge put down the phone with tears and laughter. He, the tremble deputy director of the public security department, wants to use unconventional force to monitor a deputy county magistrate. What is it? Generally, which one can disturb the person he can monitor in person is not above the department level? Xiaxiang was really shameless. He was the first deputy county-level cadre to alarm him.

Secretary Gao had to follow the order immediately. Yan Ge immediately ordered Xiaoji to personally monitor Song Chaodu. In addition, he arranged personnel to monitor Xiaxiang. At the same time, he used the technical team to start monitoring Song Chaodu and Xiaxiang


Although Yan Ge is the deputy director of the Public Security Department. However, he has a wide network and has considerable connections with the National Security Bureau.

At this time, Xia wants to know nothing about it and is still in the dark,

On Sunday morning, Xia was still sleeping, but she was woken up by the phone. He wanted to take the opportunity to take Cao Shuhui last night. Unexpectedly, it's very unlucky for the little girl to be inconvenient. He had to fall asleep. He had to sleep. Maybe it's because I'm depressed. I slept to death, and I didn't get up until the morning. At this time, the phone rang in a hurry.

The phone call came from Xiao Wu.

Because when he was discussing another meeting with Gao Jianyuan, Gao Jianyuan suddenly claimed that the negotiations had been suspended. The leading real estate will no longer be sold, and there are other arrangements. What exactly is it? Gao Jianyuan refused to disclose it, so that Xiao Wu didn't have to contact him in the future,

"What?" Xia was shocked and had no sleep at all. What's the big deal? Gao Jianyuan suddenly changed his mind. He must have noticed it. Did he find his true intention? It's impossible. It's impossible for him to think that he wants to stay in China, and there is no news of Gao Chengsong in Beijing for the time being!

Could it be that Gao Chengsong's backstage revealed something to him, which aroused Gao Chengsong's vigilance, causing Gao Jianyuan to flee abroad in advance? No, you can't let Gao Jianyuan escape calmly again. From now on, you must find a way to keep him behind!

Xia wanted to tell Xiao Wu: "Contact Sun Xianwei and Shen Lichun by phone immediately, and let them go to the Jiangshan real estate headquarters to discuss matters."

Then he wanted to call Yan Xiao. Before she could call over, Yan Shi had already called over. She said eagerly, "County Chief Xia, it's not good. Jianyuan has changed his mind again. He is ready to transfer all the funds abroad, and it seems that he is still going through the overseas formalities urgently. "What should I do?"

Her voice revealed helplessness and helplessness. It's completely a tone of Xiang Xia's request.

"Don't worry, little, calm down first." Xia wanted to calm down slowly. Now he guessed that Gao Jianyuan must have heard something. That's why he is so anxious to escape with money. No matter what, it's reasonable to find ways to keep him first, otherwise he will give up all his previous achievements. "Listen to me. You should stabilize Jianyuan first and tell him that according to reliable information, Jiangshan Real Estate has been secretly raising funds. Basically, he has agreed to the price of one billion yuan. However, they can't get so much money at once, so on the one hand, they continue to lower the price, and on the other hand, they are also raising money everywhere. Now they have about 700 million yuan in their hands, and there is about a week left to make up enough heart.

Only by throwing enough bait to continue to benefit Gao Jianyuan can he be left behind. Of course, he will continue to confuse him from other aspects, so that he can minimize the fear of the police. Dian Qin Qicha continued! It will be noon in a week. You ask Jianyuan to go or stay. I'm not just trying to help him. I also want to take some intermediary fees from it. Of course, after it is done, you will also get the part you deserve, and your life is guaranteed.

Yan Xiao had no idea. Xia listened to whatever she wanted to say. She just nodded repeatedly and didn't want Xia to call her. She couldn't see her expression at all.

Xia wanted to say something more. It happened that there was another phone call, so he said a few words to Yan hours: "Wait for my call, and we will meet as soon as possible. Go to Jianyuan first and tell him what I said.

Xia wanted to hang up Yan Shi's phone and answered the call. It was Sun Xianwei.

"I'll wait for you downstairs."

Xia wanted to go downstairs in a hurry, but he had no time to explain to Cao Shuhui to let her stay at home. There is no need to explain. When I came downstairs, I saw Sun Xianwei's Audi parked at the gate of the community. He got into the car and found that it was Sun Xianwei who was driving in person. He asked, "Where's the driver?"

"I'll get in the car and do it again. Sun Xianwei looked solemn. As soon as Xia wanted to get on the car, he galloped forward with one foot on the accelerator and left.

After the two left, a man poked his head out of the commissary at the door, holding a box of cigarettes in his hand, looking at the distant taillights of the car, took out a walkie-talkie from his body and whispered, "No. 2 got on an Audi car. The license plate number is "Please pay attention to tracking

After a while, a voice came from the walkie-talkie: "Ore it!"

"I received a call from Xiao Wu. I happened to have something nearby, so I came to pick you up." Sun Xianwei looked back a few times from the rearview mirror and did not find any suspicious vehicles. Then he said at ease, "Gao Jianyuan's abnormal performance proves that he has found something and wants to get out in time. Does he know that our real purpose is to annex and lead the property?"

Sun Xianwei didn't know that someone was following and monitoring Xiaxiang. He just felt that things were different, and he was subconsciously vigilant. Because everything happened too suddenly, he has been very concerned about the negotiations between Jiangshan Real Estate and Leading Real Estate, and is also confident that the leading real estate can be legally annexed, and the funds transferred back by Gao Jianyuan. It can just fill the loopholes in the source of leading real estate funds. At that time, Jiangshan Real Estate can easily receive a leading real estate without burden, which is called government burden reduction.

Unexpectedly, near the edge of success, Gao Jianyuan suddenly wanted to transfer funds abroad. Sun Xianwei was also unwilling, and he had a good opportunity to see what he wanted. But if you make a loss, no one will feel depressed and at ease.

"It is possible, or it may be that Secretary Gao heard something. He wanted Gao Jianyuan to go abroad to avoid the limelight. Xia naturally didn't know that he had been followed and monitored, and said without worry, "Xian Wei, what can you do? Make up enough Yiyuan in two days, even if it is only displayed on the book, so that Gao Jianyuan can be moved and delay him again. Then find a way to freeze the account of the leading real estate so that he can't transfer the funds abroad?

Sun Xianwei thought for a moment and said, "I need three days. Gang Yiyuan is not a small amount, but needs multiple turnover. As long as you can delay Gao Jianyuan for three days, I am sure to make him moved with the book funds of Gang Yiyuan. Then if the contract is signed. As soon as he enters the audit stage, his funds will be trapped and can't be transferred!"

"Akay, I'll try my best to delay him for another three days, and I'll leave the rest to you." Xia said firmly that now it's an extraordinary period, maybe everything will be known. In case Gao Jianyuan escapes at this time, it will be too discouraged. After all, a lot of work has been done in the early stage.

Halfway through, Xia suddenly thought of something. He said, "I'm not going to the company. Just put me down in front of you. Gao Jianyuan suddenly changed his mind so suddenly that I had to secretly listen to what had happened. In addition, we must be very careful recently to prevent people from stalking or something. We are calculating others at the same time. We should also beware of others plotting against us behind our backs.

Sun Xianwei nodded: "That's right. After all, Gao Chengsong is the secretary of the provincial party committee. His power is so great that Ken'an has something we can't imagine. I suggest. You can contact us with a different mobile phone card, and the original mobile phone number will be retained, but only talk about work. In case, I mean, if someone has a bad idea, if you listen to your words, you may hear useful letters from the call, and then we will be passive.

After all, Sun Xianwei is rich in experience. He used to do pharmaceutical business and may have done some private things. Now when things come to an end, it has become a valuable experience.

What Sun Xianwei and Xia thought of was that Sun Xianwei had a temporary intention and an inadvertent sentence. Unexpectedly, Gao Chengsong's carefully arranged surveillance plan completely failed. If Gao Chengsong knew the truth, he would definitely be depressed and vomited blood.

Xia nodded gratefully and asked, "If you want to be the enemy of the secretary of the provincial party committee, if you are worried, you can quit

Sun Xianwei smiled and said, "What are you talking about? Am I a timid person? If you are timid. Not even mine today. Besides, if they want to deal with you, they will also deal with you. I'm hiding behind the scenes. And it's all about legal business. Even if you want to annex the leading real estate, all procedures will be legalized. Will the secretary of the provincial party committee stop legal business activities? He hasn't had that much free time, has he? Haha."

Xia was relieved and laughed and scolded, "Yes. Anyway, I am their target, and you hide behind their backs and have fun from beginning to end. OK, you go to Xiao Wu and others first, and I won't show up. It's not good to follow the headquarters if you don't have to be followed. When I change my new number, I will send you a text message

Xia wanted to get out of the car by the roadside. First, he stood in the original and pretended to make a phone call. He carefully observed the surroundings and found no suspicious person. Then he put away his mobile phone and turned around

What Xia didn't know was that his and Sun Xianwei's caution made them narrowly escape the difficulties, otherwise they would really be touched by the stalker behind him!

Xia wanted to get out of the car, and the stalker behind him hesitated for a moment and decided to follow Xia. Sun Xianwei's Audi car is not their target. But Xiaxiang's fear of the police is quite high. When pretending to make a phone call. The people behind had to park the car aside. Avoid being discovered by him. When they saw Xiaxiang again, Xiaxiang had finished the phone call and turned around and turned into an alley.

Although the alley can be opened to traffic, it is a one-way street. If you drive from west to east, follow Xia Xiang. It is bound to be retrograde. When the stalker saw that there was a traffic police at the intersection, he thought that the retrograde would definitely alarm the traffic police. If the traffic police stopped, it would definitely attract attention. There were two stalker in total, one was driving and the other was responsible for monitoring. As soon as the two discussed, they asked the driver to drive around. The monitor got out of the car and followed Xiaxiang on foot to prevent Xia from suddenly running away in the car.

But the two of them are not sure whether Xia has found them.

After the two discussed, they began to act separately. After the monitor got out of the car, he followed Xiaxiang far away and watched Xiaxiang's every move.

Xiaxiang really didn't notice that someone was following him.

He did not expect that Gao Chengsong would suddenly figure it out. He guessed that the Song Dynasty had planned everything behind his back, and also regarded him as the most important pawn of the Song Dynasty, and sent national security personnel. Take special care of all his actions. Xia thought only intuitively felt that the atmosphere was a little unusual. But he didn't think much about it, because the last time Xu Dagen followed him, he was more or less contemptful, thinking that as long as there was a left to follow him. He will find out soon. But I don't know that this time, the national security personnel are followed, professionally trained agents, and the tracking level is not the same as that of Xu Dagen.

So Xiaxiang has been followed for several streets and did not find any abnormality behind him.

He made two more phone calls on the way, and then went to a mobile business hall and bought a new card. After thinking about it, I bought a new mobile phone. After installing the new card, he sent a text message to Sun and Xianwei, asking him to call the new number if he contacted him recently.

After changing his mobile phone, Xia wanted to turn around and leave the mobile business hall. He wanted to call Cao Shuhui to report that he was safe. I was in a hurry to go out in the morning. She will definitely worry about herself, not now than before. Now he is everything to her.

As soon as the phone was dialed, the little girl really anxiously asked him what had happened. Xia wanted to explain a few vaguely, but repeatedly told her not to think too much. He was fine. Let her stay at home at ease and not run around. Xia Xiang didn't dare to say more on the phone. If it weren't for Cao Shuhui's reassuring, he would rather not talk about it.

Just as he was about to finish the call, he suddenly swept the corner of his eyes and found a man sitting idlely on a bench in the distance, but his eyes casually glanced over and fell into Xiaxiang's eyes and was being looked at by him. Just right.

His eyes seemed to be an unintentional glance, but Xia wanted to suddenly tighten his heart and subconsciously felt that this person was not a stranger like walking. Why do you suddenly feel this way? Because Xia wanted to practice martial arts with her uncle when she was a child, she was very familiar with the eyes of martial arts practitioners, and sometimes she inadvertently looked at people. You can also see the vigilance and agility in your eyes.

There is something wrong with this person. There is no kindness in his eyes. Although he pretends to sweep it inadvertently, it is obvious that there is a sense of scrutiny and surveillance in his eyes. Are you really under surveillance? Xia was shocked that he was not a professional. If Xiao Wu was there, he could easily tell whether the person in front of him had ulterior motives!

But be careful anyway.

Xia wanted to bow his head and think about it. He took out his new mobile phone and said to Xiao Wu, "In a moment, you will go to the World Square and follow me from afar. Pay attention to whether there is anyone following me. Don't contact me after you come over, just secretly find out if there is any problem

Xiao Wu was discussing things with Sun Xianwei. As soon as he heard that Xia wanted to speak, he was a little nervous and hurriedly said, "I'll be there soon. You pretend not to find anything, just walk around as usual. Do whatever you have to do. The more relaxed you are, the better.

Xia wants to hear that Xiao Wu is more experienced. Since he suspects that someone is following him, today is another weekend. It's not good to accompany Cao Shuhui. He just teased the other party and called Yan Shi again: "Little, I have something to talk to you about. I'll wait for you in Tianxia Square, okay?

Yan Shi was in a hurry. He didn't know what to do. As soon as he heard Xia's call, he couldn't wait to answer and drove straight to the world square,

Defense: Brothers, my dear brothers, your ** and majesty are really out of reach. Under the guidance of your golden fingers. "Gun Shen" sang triumphant songs all the way, and strongly reached the top of the general list and ranked first in the classification list. Name, thank you all. Your support excites me. When I'm excited, the cheerful plot will flow under the pen,

But at present, our ranking is still in danger, and a few votes have been overturned. And to be honest, we are only far from the top of the general list. It is not too far from the top 8 of the classification list. Dozens of votes are just a matter of a flick of the finger for the brothers who have always liked to win more with less and the amazing power of war, because you are all gods in life, such as officials as gods, making money as gods, picking up girls like gods, and everything like gods!

Because I believe that you are all legends like Chen Qingzhi, and you can do things that others can't do. Who is Chen Qingzhi? The answer will be solved tomorrow.