official god

Chapter 348 Major Personnel Changes in Yan Province

Shang Cheng Panasonic jumped up from the seat and took it at an unprecedented speed. I was about to call Wu Peiyong and officially warn him. Let him restrain his arrogance recently and smooth out the disgraceful things in the past as much as possible. The black money that can be spit out will be spit out. Let's go beyond the limelight first. As soon as I picked up the phone, the phone rang.

Gao Chengsong was stunned and wondered how to pick up the phone and the phone still rang? Then he shook his head and smiled. I was so nervous that I forgot that there were several phones on my desk.

The bell was a red phone. As soon as Gao Chengsong sat down and stood up, Xin Lixuan mentioned in his throat. The red phone was a special phone in the capital, with high-level calls and instructions from his superiors. It's all transmitted by red phone.

Gao Chengsong was even nervous and sweated. In the past, when the red phone rang, it was basically a good thing, but now it's different. The red phone became a time bomb in his eyes. Maybe after answering, it was a message that he couldn't accept!

But I have to answer. Who dares to let the superiors wait for a long time? Gao Chengsong carefully picked up the microphone and whispered "feed", and then tried to say in a calm voice, "Hello, I'm Gao Chengsong."

"Secretary Gao, I'm Android of the Central Organization Department. I have some news to tell you in advance. You have to be psychologically prepared

Andoda is the deputy director of the Central Organization Department. He has always had a good relationship with Gao Chengsong. He called to inform Gao Chengsong in advance that the central government will take major measures against the personnel of Yan Province!

Put down the phone, and Gao Chengsong sat down in the chair. I haven't moved for a long time. He always had an idea in his mind: What's going on? Does this arrangement leave a way out for yourself? Although Android also implies that it is the collective decision of the central government to let him retreat, in order to take into account the overall situation, to take care of the emotions of the people of Yan Province, and for the better development of Yan Province. At the same time, he fully considers his personal physical condition, and is also the central government's love and protection for him...

Gao Chengsong heard the outside sound. I always feel that there is a kind of sadness when people walk with cold tea.

Almost at the same time, a submersible stream surged in the provincial party committee compound in Yan Province. Many people's phones kept ringing. After answering the phone, some people smiled and some people shook their heads secretly. Others were speechless. I bowed my head and pondered. In a word, in the whole provincial party committee compound, all the people had no intention to work and were looking for acquaintances to exchange views. Many people were moved and thinking about how to meet the upcoming great changes.

Xia Xiang learned the news from Li Dingshankou. He was talking about his work in Li Dingrang's office, and Li Dingshan received a phone call from Mr. Shi. Mr. Shi's voice was very loud, and Xia wanted to hear it clearly.

"Dingshan, there will be a political earthquake in Yan Province, and the situation will change greatly. Here comes your opportunity. Whatever you say, take advantage of this rare opportunity to operate it well, and I will help you in the end!"

Li Dingshan didn't say anything. He knew what Mr. Shi was thinking. Shi Lao felt that he didn't have much time. If he wanted to at least help Li Dingshan to the department level in his lifetime, it was not in vain that he left a useful favor when he was the secretary of the provincial party committee.

Xiaxiang has been looking forward to the fall of Gao Chengsong. Now when he heard the news with his own ears, he was still a little excited and uneasy. He said, "Secretary Li, this move in the capital means the denial of Gao Chengsong. In the next step, I'm afraid there will be relevant measures."

Li Dingshan nodded. He knew what Song Chaodu had been scraping and promoting, and also knew what Xia Xiang was thinking. He had no good impression on Gao Chengsong. He was also gratified to hear that Gao Chengsong was about to fall: "I hope Yan Province can be restored to a clear place in the future."

"Next, Secretary Li should be able to step into the main hall in one step, right?" Xia Xiang also felt that Li Dingshan had enough qualifications, coupled with the strong recommendation of Mr. Shi behind him, and happened to encounter the shock brought by Gao Cheng Panasonic. How could he miss the great opportunity that he could not be found? It's definitely worth doing a good job.

Li Dingshan waved his hand and smiled: "It's hard to say. I thought, but if it's not difficult, it's indifferent. If it's not, it's calm. It's nothing, isn't it?

Li Dingshan showed his face in front of Xia Xiang, which was both real and literati. Xia Xiang smiled and said nothing. In fact, he can also see from Li Dingshan's expression that Li Dingshan still has great expectations for a big step forward.

There are not many people in Anxian County who know the news. After all, the level is not enough, but there are many people in Yanshi. I knew the inside story at the first time.

However, at the level of Cui Xiang and Chen Feng, after knowing the news, they just shook their heads faintly without too many expressions. Tan Long has been a little restless since Xu Dequan was double-regulated. Although there is no entanglement between him and Xu Dequan, let alone economic interests, Xu Dequan is his help after all. After being double-regulated, there must be no chance to come out again. For him, concubine is also a loss of political struggle.

When he heard about Gao Chengsong. First, he looked pale. After thinking for a long time, he slowly smiled and said to himself, "Maybe it's also a rare opportunity. After the reshuffle, who knows which force will rise again?

On the morning of the 7th, the Provincial Party Committee of Yan Province held a provincial leading cadre meeting in Yan City. Androda, deputy minister of the Organization Department of the Central Committee, was appointed by the leading comrades of the Central Committee and announced the decision of the Central Committee on the change of the positions of the main leading comrades of the Yan Provincial Party Committee. And make an important speech.

Gao Chengsong, Secretary of the Yan Provincial Party Committee, Ye Shisheng, Deputy Secretary and Governor Ye Shisheng, and a member of the Standing Committee all attended the meeting and sat in the front row.

Andoda announced the decision of the central government: Comrade Ye Shisheng is a member of the Yan Provincial Party Committee, a member of the Standing Committee, and "Comrade Cheng Song no longer serves as the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, a member of the Standing Committee and a member" ※

As soon as the news was announced, there was a sound of surprise! Secretary Gao still has a two-year term. Why did he suddenly step down?

There are also many people who don't know the truth look at each other in consterance. The shock in my heart is beyond words. It's not that Secretary Gao's backstage is unparalleled. It's not that Secretary Gao has to take a step to become an official in the capital. It's not that no one can touch Secretary Gao's hair. Why did it suddenly change? What's the big deal?

Of course, there are more people who know the truth secretly glad, and even think about it with regret. It's a pity. Gao Chengsong was only removed from the post of secretary of the provincial party committee. He also holds important leadership positions.

Gao Chengsong sat on the stage and tried to make a calm face. He peeked at Ye Shisheng and saw that his face was calm, but his eyes showed unstoppable excitement. He thought hatefully that I had suppressed you for so many years, and now he finally came to power. What are you proud of? Isn't it that you became the secretary of the provincial party committee? Don't forget, I'm still the director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress!

Everyone calmed down and realized that Gao Chengsong was just removed from the post of provincial party secretary. But he still serves as the director of the National People's Congress! The central government's decision is unpredictable. Why is Gao Chengsong not avoided to the end? Generally speaking, the provincial party secretary will be dismissed before the end of the year. It should be a problem, but Gao Chengsong was also appointed as the director of the Provincial People's Congress. What aspects did the central government take? It's just a show. Then let Gao Chengsong retire at ease on the height of the director of the National People's Congress?

With Gao Chengsong's energy, can he sit in the seat of the director of the Provincial People's Congress and stop interfering everywhere? It's just that Gao Chengsong didn't fall completely. Who can guarantee that his party members will not continue to toss around in Yan Province. Shake the flag and shout for him?

For a moment, people's hearts fluctuate and imagination.

Android naturally knows that everyone has different thoughts. But he is only responsible for conveying the spirit. Unresponsible for explaining questions, he smiled and continued to make a concluding speech: "In recent years, the Yan Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government have been under the leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council. Adhere to the small * flat theory and the "three representatives".

Take the important thought as the guidance, fully implement the scientific concept of development, and unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the province. Focusing on the fundamental theme of seizing opportunities and accelerating development, we will resolutely implement the decision-making and deployment of the central government, actively maintain social stability and national unity, and adhere to deepening reform. We will expand opening up and focus on infrastructure construction focusing on transportation and infrastructure. The economic development has shown a good trend of relatively fast speed, better benefits, gradual improvement of structure and gradual enhancement of coordination.

To this end, the central government has fully affirmed the work of the Yan Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government.

After talking about the collective, he praised the individual: "Comrade Gao Chengsong has a firm political position, a strong sense of party spirit and a sense of the overall situation, consciously maintains a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee, and resolutely safeguards the authority of the Central Committee. We always insist on putting the cause of the Party and the interests of the people first. After years of post training. The leader has rich experience and is familiar with party affairs. Strong ability to drive in the overall situation. We should attach importance to strengthening the construction of leading bodies and cadres, and adhere to the correct employment orientation. Conscientiously implement the principle of democratic centralism. Pay attention to mobilizing the enthusiasm of the team members. It has given a good play to the core leadership role of the provincial party committee, and several provincial teams are united and coordinated. Familiar with economic work, clear thinking and prominent focus. Pay attention to leadership art and working methods, and consider problems carefully and thoughtfully. Have a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility, have a solid style of work, and care about the hardships of the masses. Comrade Gao Chengsong is fair and decent, modest and cautious, and cares about his comrades. Treat people sincerely and have high prestige among cadres and the masses. He worked hard and worked hard, and devoted a lot of effort to the economic and social development of Yan Province. It has contributed to the development of Yan Province. The central government is fully affirming the work of Comrade Gao Chengsong!"

After a series of sure words, many people under it curled their lips secretly. If Gao Chengsong did make some contributions to Yan Province at the beginning of his rise to power, he has also played a good leading role in the economic development of Yan Province, but when he is grown up. Besides, his "righteous, modest and cautious, and sincere" is somewhat ironic. Of course, everyone will only bury their words in their hearts, and no one will say it. However, seeing the depressed appearance of Gao Chengsong on the stage, many of them were suppressed by Gao Chengsong and couldn't raise their heads. People who have always been depressed have a feeling of raising their eyebrows.

Gao Chengsong, do you also have today?

Andoda said after introducing Ye Shisheng's resume. Comrade Ye Shisheng has a firm political position and consciously maintains a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee. After years of post training, Comrade Shi Sheng has rich leadership experience and strong organizational leadership and coordination ability. The idea is clear. Have a sense of reform and innovation, promote strong work, and actively participate in the decision-making of major matters such as economic and social development. Since he became the governor of Yan Province, his work has been outstanding. Solid attitude, excellent style, fair and decent. We have a strong principle, attach importance to ideological work, and pay attention to strengthening the ideological style construction of the organs. He has a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility, is diligent and dedicated, has a deep style of work, cares about the masses, treats people sincerely, and requires himself to be stricter. The central government believes that it is appropriate for Comrade Shi Sheng to be the secretary of the Yan Provincial Party Committee!

Finally, Android stressed that the change of the main leadership of the provincial party committee is a major event in the political life of the province, and the cadres and the masses are very concerned. With a high sense of political responsibility and the principle of party spirit, we must fully and correctly understand the decisions of the Central Committee, implement the spirit of the decisions of the Central Committee with practical actions, realize the smooth handover of the main leaders of the provincial party committee and the smooth transition of work, better maintain the overall situation of unity and stability of the province, and maintain the good momentum Do things in Yan Province better, reassure the Party Central Committee, and satisfy the people of the whole province.

Ye Shisheng next delivered an enthusiastic speech, saying that he firmly supported the decision of the Central Committee and resolutely obeyed the arrangement of the organization. He deeply felt that this was a high degree of trust of the Party Central Committee. At the same time, he felt the heavy responsibility and pressure, and he was confident and determined to realize the province's economy and Strive for the historic leap.

Gao Chengsong also delivered a speech, which only expressed his firm support for the decision of the central government. At the same time, he deeply recalled his past events. He had deep feelings for the people of Yan Province and regarded himself as the son of the people of Yan Province. Finally, he said that he was convinced of the strong leadership of the provincial party committee with Comrade Next, the people of Yan Province will move towards a richer tomorrow.

Although there are a lot of clichés. But it is also an indispensable link. After all, the handover of the secretary of the provincial party committee is a major event. Whether it is for the central government or Yan Province, it is a most important thing in political life. The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee is related to the long-term stability of a province, the future political stability and economic development of Yan Province, and the political future of everyone here.

It can be said that there are several happy families, and several families have a good relationship with Gao Chengsong. Hearing Gao Chengsong's sudden step down, the loss and panic in his heart can be imagined, and they are all thinking about how to ask Governor Ye, no. Secretary Ye showed his goodwill in time, indicating the intention of approaching. Everyone is sensible. Gao Chengsong, the secretary of the provincial party committee, only did half of the work, and was suddenly taken down before the expiration of the term. Everyone knows that Gao Chengsong's political future is absolutely over. There has never been a comeback after the step of the secretary of the provincial party committee!

He has always been at a discord with Gao Chengsong. The people who have been suppressed by Gao Chengsong and can't raise their heads can't suppress their inner excitement. They all secretly thumbs up to the people in Gaowei and praise the wise decision of the central government. It's just the timely rain of a long drought and sweet frost. The fall of Gao Chengsong proved that the central eye was right, and the decision was well thought out. The impact is huge and far-reaching, and at the same time, it will also bring a new atmosphere to Yan Province.

Gao Chengsong's reaction to the people who were obviously divided into two factions below was in his heart, but there was nothing he could do. Everyone pushed the wall down. Can Guiji only be a man with his tail between his legs in Yan Province? The superior's hand is also cruel enough. Not to mention that he was transferred from Yan Province, nor did he let him retreat to the end. He insisted on staying in the Yan provincial political arena with the collection of the director of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. Didn't he put him on the stove to bake? But he didn't dare to bargain with the central government, so he could only take one step at a time.

However, Gao Chengsong also had a fluke in his heart. Maybe he had reacted too much in the past. It seems that the old chief still saved him. Fortunately, he went directly to the position of the director of the National People's Congress for retirement, which was also a retreat.

The black materials behind Song Chaodu. In addition, because of the involvement in the incidents of Xu Dequan and Shen Fuming, it is estimated that it has also been written off. After returning it, he can safely become the director of his National People's Congress.

After a year and a half, when he faded out of people's sight, he tried to use various relationships to make more money. At least in the end, he retreated as a provincial and ministerial cadre and retained the provincial and ministerial treatment, which was worth it.

After Gao Chengsong figured it out, the imbalance and gap in his heart slowly calmed down. Well, it is also a helpless move to retreat from high for plainness. However, as soon as he thought of everything that caused today, it was all because of Xiaxiang and Song Chaodu, and the flame of anger burned again in his heart. He couldn't wait for Song Chaodu to step down in one word, and let Xia want to avoid it to the end.

It's just that he also knows that the era of his words is gone forever.

Until the end of Andoda's speech and the announcement of the end of the meeting, the people suddenly realized a fact that only announced that Ye Shisheng would take over as the secretary of the provincial party committee, and did not remove him from the post of governor, that is to say. Secretary Ye is still temporarily serving as governor, and the central government has not nominated a candidate for governor!

It is definitely not negligence, and it is certainly not negligence. It was done on purpose. Some political ** people have even come to a conclusion: the central government has not made a final decision on the choice of the governor of Yan Province, and there must be a lot of arguments!

But it is no longer an issue that everyone can care about. After all, everyone can't find out about the decision of the central government, and they dare not ask about it randomly, but they just don't know who should be promoted again.

Compared with the people below, the members of the Standing Committee of Yan Province here are the most important people in their hearts.

It should be said that all the top five standing members of the Standing Committee are eligible to win the post of Governor of Yan Province. The superior deliberately left a suspense for Yan Province. What is needed is to create tension, and what is needed is a kind of political spower and balance.

Will a governor come over again? In addition to the deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, who had to retreat because of his age, so there was no psychological burden, several other people, including Executive Vice Governor Fan Ruiheng, Hun Governor Ma Wanzheng, and Xing Duantai, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and even Qian Jinsong, Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, were more or

Prevention: Every time I feel physically and mentally tired. Every time I think that I can't do it today, I will take a half-day rest, and it will be better. At the time of the word, as soon as I came up, I found that there was a steady stream of monthly tickets and rewards from my brothers, and I was full of energy in my heart. I persisted and persisted. Hold on again! In a blink of an eye, in August, I insisted on updating half of the 10,000 words a day, and only half of the time of the 10,000 words a day in four months. I hope that with everyone's support and encouragement, I can refresh my record again and challenge my limits again!

The second update is sent in autumn. Today, 11,000 updates are completed. Ask for monthly tickets, rewards and recommendation tickets, and finally ask for comfort and communication"