official god

Chapter 351 The words of Shi Lao's heart Chapter 352 Wu Peiyong was arrested

Han wanted to listen attentively, and the experience taught by the old officials was priceless. He was willing to sneer at him and looked up to himself. The way to be an official, the way to be a man. There are many tips, and those who are not really trusted can't be disclosed. Today, Mr. Shi asked himself to see it, and it seems that it still has a deep meaning.

He took another look at Li Dingshan. Li Dingshan nodded slightly to him, which means that Mr. Shi said, let's listen, it's a rare opportunity, and we should seize it well.

Xia wanted to take Shi Lao's words and asked curiously, "What's the phenomenon? The problems found in Shi Lao's eyes must be particularly unique, and there must be amazing discoveries.

"It's not an amazing discovery, but I just think that those who achieve great things in the end have a few things in common." Mr. Shi took a sip of tea and closed his eyes slightly, as if he was recalling the fragrance of tea. After a long time, he opened his eyes and looked at Xia Xiang and Li Dingshan with a smile Why don't you two ask what you have in common?

Xia Xiang and Li Dingshan looked at each other and said, "Listen to the teachings of Mr. Shi, you should have opportunities and be more patient."

With a "pop", Mr. Shi put the fitness ball in his hand on the table and pointed to Xia with his finger. He smiled at Li Dingshan and said, "Dingshan, I just believe that your vision is also good now. This summer, as soon as I opened my mouth, I said two things in common. It's not simple. He is right. He is the one who achieves great things. First of all, opportunity and patience are indispensable!"

Xia wanted to smile shyly: "Mr. Shi laughed and praised it wrongly. I just said that I want to listen to Mr. Shi's teachings. First of all, there should be opportunities, and then be more patient. It's not the common point of people who have become big cars."

Mr. Shi waved his hand: Xia, you don't have to be modest in front of me. If you can realize these two points, it proves that you have basic literacy in this regard, and it also shows that you realize the importance of opportunity and patience. Opportunity is the meaning of idealism. In fact, it is not. Opportunity has always been an opportunity for those who are ready at all times, and it is a reward for their efforts. But can you seize the opportunity? It depends on whether he has enough patience.

Today's Shi Lao is in a very good mental state and has a high mood. He simply put down his crutch, held the teapot in one hand, gestured in the other, and continued to talk.

"The way to be an official, there is a common saying that if you want to be an official, be a person first. As an official, you should first have a good relationship with superiors and subordinates in the officialdom. Whether it's superiors or subordinates, or the party or the country. What everyone has to face every day should be specific to the individual.

Therefore, the collective and the organization are actually living people. They are responsible to the party, the country and the people. In the final analysis, they still have to be responsible to a certain person. Be an official first. It seems to be a simple truth, but many people can't pass it.

"If you figure out the relationship between the collective and the individual, you need to establish a belief in your heart, that is, why am I an official? Is it for personal glory and wealth, or for the people to live and work in peace and contentment. To tell the truth, there are few real officials. The fundamental reason for entering the officialdom is for the people of the world. It's not that I'm pretentious, or that I've been subdued, but to be realistically, because before a person is in a high position, he doesn't have the vision and mind to look down on the world. Even if some people say that being an official is for the happiness of the people in the world, it's just a performance for others. One person. Only by standing on a high position can you satisfy your own needs. After there is no worries, you will have the world in mind. Love for the world!"

Xia wanted to hear it, and a trace of understanding flashed in his heart.

Today, Mr. Shi's words are heartfelt. As an old party member and a former provincial party secretary, he can tell such a big truth, which is also because he really doesn't regard himself as an outsider and said heart-to-heart words. Xiaxiang is not completely anti-time sloganism and sloganism, but he is a person who really goes deep into the officialdom. How many people regard the beautiful slogans and slogans of public propaganda as true? When self-deception becomes a tradition and a culture, it is actually a kind of sadness for a country.

is a kind of social regression.

Everyone knows a lot of things in their hearts and understands that what they say is lies, but everyone says it. It's all said passionately. Just like many corrupt officials who have been taken down, he talks about anti-corruption every day, noble and morality every day, and he is still very careless on the surface. He wears plainly and shouts loudly. After being investigated and punished, many people still can't believe that such a hard and simple person will embezzle tens of millions of people?

In order to be an official, people who do not even recognize their biological parents not only forge their academic qualifications, but also their resumes, names and even their age. In order to compete for tens of millions of property after the death of their godfather, they do not hesitate to rob the inheritance with their biological daughter. As a result, the east window incident happened. He was exposed, and finally lost his official and went to prison, and his reputation was ruined.

Xiaxiang's ideal official is that he can have selfish thoughts, but after satisfying his own selfishness. There must be a public heart to ask for the people. The purpose of not being an official is just to get promoted and get rich. No one can really be selfless. They are all people with seven emotions and six desires. It is better to use a strict system to restrict officials according to the requirements of saints.

If you really want to restrain people's thoughts and behaviors with moral norms, any rules and regulations are not as perfect as the power of religion.

"If you don't talk about others, let's talk about my experience first. When I was promoted from mayor to secretary of the municipal party committee, there was a check-up, that is, the superior leaders originally wanted to airborne a secretary. Before the airborne, they came to the city to consult the opinions of the standing committees. As a result, the people of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee originally wanted to stay in the local area for three days, but they returned to the provincial capital in less than a day. Three days later, the appointment came down. I sat on the ground and became a regular. When Shi Lao, the mayor took over as secretary, my face was full of smiles. A light of memory flashed in his eyes, slowly turning the purple sand teapot in his hand. "And why? Is it because my mayors have done a good enough to marry all of them? Or is it because I am weak and can be bullied? It's better to let a soft person be a secretary than to airborne an ignorant person? Neither!"

Mr. Shi's question does not need to be answered by Xia Xiang and Li Dingshan. He asked himself: "In my three years as mayor, I have offended many members of the Standing Committee and contradicted many people, and on the issue of principle. I have never retreated. It can be said that many members of the Standing Committee have a problem with me, and even said something unpleasant. They took over as secretary of me. Most of them also have resistance. But in the end, why do the people from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee still want me to become a regular member? It's because of one thing that I reassured them that I'm a strong mayor, and I can't do absolute justice. But on many issues of right and wrong, I refuse to give in and absolutely adhere to a principle of justice, and at the time of many people's struggles. Don't touch the interests of your hands. More money is in front of you. I'm not moving either. Because everyone has a bottom line, you should insist on not crossing the line in doing things. So in their opinion, although I am not the best choice to be a secretary, because I insist on justice, I have enough credibility in their minds.

Xia wanted to secretly sum up another common point for Shi Lao, that is, to adhere to the principle, maintain a fair heart, and stay in the position. Try to achieve a non-obvious bias!

Mr. Shi then talked about one thing when he was promoted from governor to secretary of the provincial party committee.

When Mr. Shi was the governor, the secretary of the provincial party secretary of Yan Province was very low-key. However, although he was low-key, he was a very principled person, and his personality was very strong. It was difficult for others to change his opinion when he worked with him, there were many conflicts when he worked with him. Because Mr. Shi also had an unyielding side, he quarreled with the secretary many times at the Standing Committee.

When the secretary left office, the superior leaders asked him for his opinion on whether Mr. Shi was suitable to take over as the secretary. He directly concluded to Mr. Shi: "Only the governor's talent has no secretary's ability." Because he has a very tough background in the capital, his words are very heavy, which directly affects the upper level's views on Shi Lao.

Later, the upper level decided to transfer Mr. Shi to the governor of another province, parachuted a secretary over, and then pick up a governor from the deputy governor. In fact, it is equivalent to letting Shi Lao be the governor for a few more years. I almost retired, and there is no possibility of becoming a secretary in the future. Basically, the future is hopeless,

When Mr. Shi heard the news, he was shocked. At that time, he was off duty, so he went directly to the secretary's home and asked for an interview. The secretary said to him at the door, "What should I say. I've finished talking to the Central Organization Department. It's useless for you to come to me again. I won't change my opinion of you.

Mr. Shi knew the secretary's opinion, which had a great influence on him, and also knew that his personality was very stubborn. It won't change easily. He has worked with him for many years. I have known his temper for a long time, but it is related to the future of my life. I have to bet on it, so I said sincerely, "Secretary Xin. I'm looking for you, just to say: a word. The first sentence is that I have been working with you for several years. Although we have often clashed with you, please think about it carefully. What kind of conflicts and contradictions are caused by personal reasons? The second sentence is that in the past few years as governor, I have offended a lot of people and raised a lot of people. You can compare the performance of the people I offended and the people I have raised at work now? The third sentence is. What have I achieved in my years as governor? How much contribution has been made to the economic development of Yan Province? How much investment has been attracted for Yan Province? You must know it. From the perspective of the people of Yan Province. Please think about it carefully, whether I am suitable to take over the position of secretary!"

After saying that, Mr. Shi ignored Secretary Xin's expression and reaction. He didn't stop for a moment and turned around and went downstairs.

A few days later, Mr. Shi received the truth from the Organization Department of the Central Committee and asked him to be psychologically prepared to take over as the secretary of the provincial party committee.

"Sometimes things in the officialdom, when you can't see the direction clearly, you have to rely on your intuition. Go and make a bet. If the bet is right, it is possible to make a smooth step. If you lose the bet, you may be defeated. Or you will step in place. But no matter what, those who achieve great things must have the determination and debauchery to gamble at critical times. What's more, isn't life also a big gamble? Mr. Shi laughed, finished the tea in the teapot in one bite, and reached out and handed the teapot to Li Dingshan, "Dingshan, fill me with water!"

Li Dingshan got up to renew the water. Shi Lao looked at Xia meaningfully and suddenly asked, "Xiaoxia, have you heard my story. Do you feel anything?"

Xia knew that he wanted to ask Li Dingshan to leave from Mr. Shi that he must have something to say to himself in private.

Hearing Mr. Shi's question, he thought for a little and said, "Mr. Shi finally found Secretary Xin's move. It seems reckless, but in fact it is also the result of careful consideration. First of all, you know more about Secretary Xin's personality. You know that his personality is strong in the Internet, and he also has a clear and important side. Otherwise, if Secretary Xin only cares about personal grudges and does not care about the overall situation, it is useless for you to ask him to explain again. Secondly, the three sentences you said to Secretary Xin are incisive and directly point to the hearts of the people, so that Secretary Xin can't think of a reason to refuse. If he does not take back what he said to the upper class before, it will become his private revenge, and it will become his public and private revenge. Finally, the most critical point is that in fact, you are still admonishing Secretary Li and me. In officialdom, no matter where you are in, you must adhere to the principle of justice and unshakable. Only by humming the heart of justice can you have credibility in dealing with people, and be mysterious at the critical moment. Appreciated by the superiors!"

After listening to Xia wanted to say, Mr. Shi just stared at Xia's eyes with great interest, showing a cabinet smile, but Xia thought also met Mr. Shi's eyes. With a humble smile on his face, he waited patiently for Mr. Shi to speak.

It was not until Li Dingshan came back with the teapot that Mr. Shi reached out to take the teapot and smiled, but did not want to talk to Xia, but said to Li Dingshan, "Dingshan, summarize the way of being an official. What do people who are promoted to a high position have in common?"

Li Dingshan also understood something. He thought about it thoughtfully and said, "First of all, there must be opportunity and patience, and secondly, we must maintain a sense of justice. On the issue of right and wrong, the principle cannot be lost, even if it can't be absolutely fair. There should not be too obvious bias, otherwise you can't convince the public. Finally, you should have the courage to make a bet,"

"It's basically true. I'll ask you again. I finally interviewed Secretary Xin. What kind of psychology did I get out of?

"In those years, you had no way back, and you also had the determination to fight back. If you win, you will be banned. If you lose, there is no loss," Li Dingshan hesitated for a moment and said what he thought.

"No more?" Mr. Shi asked again with a subtle smile.

"According to my guess, Li Dingshan did not hesitate and nodded and replied.

"So, Ding Shan, you are not as profound as Xiaoxia in some aspects, and you are not as tricky as his perspective on the problem. Gambling should also pay attention to skills. If I don't think I know enough about Secretary Xin and ask him to play the love card, I might as well go directly to the capital and find the upper class to play the sad card. In the officialdom. You can solve the problem within your own control. Try not to disturb the upper layer. Otherwise, it is easy to leave the impression of frivolous or incompetent to the upper class. Even if you pass the current level, it will be difficult for Mr. Shi to pass the next level and pat Xia on the shoulder. He said earnestly, Xiaoxia, I'm old and I can't take care of Ding Shan for several years. He can only be helped to the position of the hall level, and then the future. He can only rely on himself. There is an impetuous side of his character. Maybe he didn't realize it himself, or maybe you think he has been trained for more than two years. I have overcome my impatience. But I know that it is difficult to change his nature. His personality defects always exist, but because of you by his side, there has never been a chance to expose it

Li Dingshan was criticized by Shi Lao face to face, and said that he was not as good as Xia. There was no embarrassment on his face. On the contrary, he said sincerely, "You're right. I also know my shortcomings. But it has been finalized, and it can't be changed. I'm in Ba County, because Xia has always been by my side, and he has plotted a plan for me. So I didn't do anything wrong. Come to An County. Together with Xiaoxia, he straightened up everything very clearly, and my secretary's position was very stable. It can be said that without Xiaoxia's assistance, I would not have my political achievements today.

This sentence is very heavy. Xia wants to stand up in a hurry: "Secretary Li, don't say that. It's too heavy to say. I can't afford it."

"Sit down, Xiaoxia!" I don't know when Mr. Shi picked up the crutch again, put it on the ground heavily, and said very seriously, "You can bear his thanks. If you feel that you can't afford it, you don't want to help Dingshan in the future.

Xia Xiang had to sit down and smiled shyly: "Mr. Shi, you and Secretary Li have a red face and a white face. Why don't you let me be a junior? Just say it directly. In the future, how do you want me to help Secretary Li and how to advance and retreat with Secretary Li in the officialdom? It's just a

Shi Laomei smiled and said, "Xiaoxia, you are a little bad, but you are too smart. Before I opened my mouth, you thought of what I wanted to say." But what I admire most is your cleverness. What I want is not how you help Dingshan, but I want you to give me a promise, that is, in the officialdom in the future, no matter what happens. No matter where you go, no matter what reason you and Dingshan have conflicts and conflicts, please remember that Dingshan will never be your enemy, and you should never regard him as your enemy! Even if Ding Shan can't think about it for a while, it's okay to break up with you. Please believe in your own judgment. Ding Shan is a good person, and he will never have a personal grudge against you!"

Xia wanted to be frightened and suddenly stood up again. With a panicked face: "Mr. Shi, why did you say this? Although I have never called Secretary Li Uncle Li, in my mind, he has always been one of my closest people, just like my own uncle. Even if he and I have different opinions on some issues, it is because of business that I will never become an enemy to him!"

Mr. Shi pressed his hand, which meant that Xia wanted to sit down, while Li Dingshan directly stretched out his hand and pulled Xia back to his seat.

"I also know that with your character, you would rather give in by yourself than have a direct conflict with Ding Shan. But things in the officialdom are complicated and change in an instant. Maybe sometimes you have to have difficulties and have to fight against Ding Shan. If such a situation really happens, I just hope you can remember a little Xiaoxia. Don't fake it, it's true, but it's true.

Chapter 352 Wu Peiyong was arrested

, why did the second tube of Shi Lao warn himself painstakingly? Xia Xiang knew that Shi Cang and Ashan were all right now, not only for Li Dingshan's consideration, but also for his own sake. Perhaps in Shi Lao's subconscious, he could go further than Li Dingshan, but he was embarrassed to say it, so he had to implicitly show that he would not let himself be the enemy of Li Dingshan. Xia Xiang also knows what's going on in the official world. No one can guarantee tomorrow, but one thing he can do is to have a clear conscience, that is, he will never secretly do anything against Li Dingshan.

Unless Li Dingshan does something illegal. I happened to be bumped into by myself. At that time, will it be legal or humane? Xia wants to be unable to answer himself now. He had to comfort himself and said that Secretary Li has always been upright, will not embezzle and take bribes, and will not do great bad things.

He now fully understands Mr. Shi's intention. Maybe the old man knows that there is not much time. Today, I told him so much that there is the normality in the officialdom. There is also a way to be an official, and he also specially explain the relationship between him and Li Dingshan, which is quite meaningful to explain the future. Xia wanted to see the ubiquitous old man on Mr. Shi's face and hands, and there was still a trace of emotion in his heart. Time is not forgiving, and Mr. Shi is indeed old. No matter whether he looks at the problem from the right perspective or not, the old man's teaching is always a spiritual wealth worth cherishing.

Seeing that Xia wants to be sincere and frightened, Mr. Shi was quite satisfied with Xia Xiang's attitude, so he said, "My last energy is to help Dingshan and you. Next year, Dingshan will come to the city. The specific position is not good now, and it may take a big step forward. As for you, how about sitting at the head of the county in An County in two years?

Two years later, Xia wants Dao Sui. Dao Sui's actual position is still the county magistrate. Anyway, it is a rare road to promotion. Xiaxiang also knew to say such words with the energy of Mr. Shi. Absolutely enough confidence. In fact, he was able to be the deputy magistrate of An County, which was also written by Mr. Shi.

In front of Mr. Shi, you only need to maintain a modest attitude. There is no need to be polite or pretend. Xia said respectfully, "Everything obeys Mr. Shi's arrangement

Mr. Shi smiled happily: "Okay, okay. With your words, it's worth opening a bottle of good wine today. He stood up happily and shouted outside, "Shi Jie, go and take out the good wine I have treasured in Li Nian. Today I'm going to have a good drink with Xia."

At lunch, Xia Xiang sat with Cao Shuhui, Li Dingzhi. Sit with Shi Jie. Mr. Shi sat in the main seat like a family. It's fun.

Cao Shuhui was as clever as a little wife. She wanted to pick up vegetables for Xia and whispered him to drink less. You should pay more respect to the elders.

Li Dingshan heard it and said to Shi Jie while drinking, "Women are not old, but whether their minds are clear or not. You see, Shuhui is young, but she has already won the three flavors of a wife. Shi Jie, you should learn more from her in the future. If you look at Shu Ji's every move, you will know what kind of virtuous help men like.

The county wants to smile: "Don't look at her obedient now. When she comes home, she often cares about me

"No matter who you care about? It's your love for you. It's to take care of you. You men are born to let our women worry and let our women take care of you, right? Cao Shuhui stared at Xiaxiang. There was a strong joy in his eyes, and he said to Shi Jie, "Aunt Shi, in fact, Secretary Li means that you can give him more face in front of outsiders and let him fully experience the feeling of male chauvinism. As for returning home, he bows his head to you and admits his mistake, or is gentle and considerate. Anyway, outsiders don't know. Men are all the same. They are all good face. Don't let them lose face in front of their colleagues or friends. It doesn't matter if we put up with them at a time. At worst, we'll return it when we get home and then leave.

Shi Jie didn't say anything and looked at Li Dingshan with a smile. Li Dingshan praised Cao Shuhui's cleverness in his heart. It seemed that she was speaking for Shi Jie, but in fact, he secretly told her how to be a qualified wife. The words were very euphemistic, but the reason was very clear, and Shi Jie was not embarrassed. He secretly boasted that Xia's choice was right. Cao Shuhui was indeed a girl who knew how to advance and retreat.

I believe that she will definitely be a qualified good wife and mother in the future.

After dinner, Mr. Shi asked Xia to accompany him out for a walk. Xia wanted to accompany Mr. Shi to the backyard with Li Dingshan.

Mr. Shi lives on the first floor and goes out through the back door. There is a small yard of about dozens of square meters. In the winter yard, except that the holly is green. Other plants have withered. The three of them strolled in the courtyard, and unconsciously the topic shifted to Song Chaodu.

"Song Chaodu's energy exceeded my surprise. Unexpectedly, he almost won Gao Chengsong. This man. The mind is deep, and the forbearance is extremely deep, not the thing in the pool. For the first time, Mr. Shi had a positive evaluation of Song Chaodu. He looked sideways at Xia, and his smile questioned Xia. You and Song Chaodu are very close now. Have you noticed what ambition he has?

"People in the officialdom, who is not ambitious? Xia wanted to laugh. He had no bad feelings for Song Chaodu, but placed high expectations on him. As for why Mr. Shi didn't like Song Chaodu, he had no intention to ask and didn't want to inquire clearly, and he did not decide his own judgment based on Mr. Shi's likes and dislikes. He said, "In fact, it's not easy for Minister Song. After more than two years of silence, he was trying to bring down Gao Chengsong. Whether it is selfishness or public and private, it has always done a good thing that is beneficial to the people of Yan Province

"I heard that you and him are bright and dark. Did you catch Gao Chengsong off guard? Mr. Shi did not judge Xiaxiang's conclusion, but asked again

"It's not true. I'm just in accordance with my principles to find out Li Chaosheng's illegal and undisciplined behavior. It happened that Li Chaosheng led Xu Dequan. Then Xu Dequan was involved with Wu Peiyong, and they were all from Gao Chengsong. It's okay to say it's a coincidence. It's okay to say that it's intentional. In a word, Minister Song also made full use of the impact of a series of events and found evidence that Xu Du was not conducive to Gao Chengsong. Xia wanted to smile faintly and said calmly.

Mr. Shi nodded: "It's okay to bring down Gao Chengsong. He has really been too arrogant in the past two years. It's good, which is conducive to the stability and unity of Yan Province. Moreover, Song Chaodu vigorously promoted Dingshan's political work at the beginning, which was equivalent to indirectly helping me a lot. Without Ding Shan's politics, he would not have reunited with Shi Jie now. In some ways, I should also thank him. "I heard that he is operating the position of head of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee?"

When Shi Lao asked, it was not inadtentional, and Xia's heart suddenly picked up.

"Yes, Minister Song has been silent for more than two years. With his talent and ability, it is really too subservient not to control the real power department. He only wanted to operate the position of deputy governor. Later, Governor Ma reminded him that he could take a long-term view. The position of the minister of the organization was not impossible. Minister Song was moved, but it seemed to be very difficult. Xia wanted to guess the real intention of Mr. Shi, so he didn't say more.

"The Organization Department is an important department of Diren. In charge of personnel, Song Chaodu is more attentive than what I said. He is more suitable for doing practical things in the government team. In the organizational department, it still can't be used. Mr. Shi said with a smile and looked at Xia Xiang with an inquiring expression.

Xia wanted to admire Mr. Shi's sharp vision. In his memory, the Song Dynasty in later generations started from the deputy governor, and then from the governor to the secretary. I have never been the head of the organization department.

Before Xia thought, Shi Lao continued to say, "Bu Xia, please help me bring a message to him. Just say, if he wants to, do you want to take the position of standing committee and deputy governor? If you want to, I'm sure I can give him a help in the end.

If he insists on going to the organization department, I can't do it anymore, so he has to work hard by himself.

If Fan Ruiheng successfully became the governor. Then there is a vacancy for the executive vice governor. If nothing unexpected happens, Ma Wanzheng should take over. If Ma Wanzheng takes office, another position of the Standing Committee and Deputy Governor will be vacated. If Song Chaodu takes the opportunity to come up, it will be a good opportunity. But the question is, will Song Chaodu be willing to give up the throne of the head of the organization department and become a deputy governor? Although he is also a member of the Standing Committee, the deputy governor and minister of the organization cannot be compared in terms of ranking and power.

"I'm responsible for passing the words on. As for what Minister Song thinks, I have no influence." Xia wanted to tell the truth and smiled at Li Dingshan, "Secretary Li, can Secretary-General Gao take a small step forward in the next step?"

"Hehe, Xiaoxia is still quite nostalgic. At that time, Xuanji was stunned by Gao Hai's good. Mr. Shi laughed first. He stood on a pile of fallen leaves and said with emotion, "I'm old, just like the fallen leaves occupied by the ground. It is no longer very useful except for the final fertilizer to moisten the earth. Fortunately, although I was strong in those years, although I had a hard temper, I also favored many people. Now what I say is more or less useful. I will dedicate all my last light and heat.

In fact, Xiaxiang also knows that even if Mr. Shi doesn't help with Gao Hai's affairs, as long as Chen Feng, Wang Pengfei and Fang Jinjiang say a few words, it is not difficult for him to become the deputy mayor smoothly. But the meaning of Mr. Shi's words is completely different. It can be said that it is fixed on the board, so that Gao Hai can have a reassurance. To be fair, Xia wants to be grateful to Gao Hai all the time.

Since he mentioned what happened in those years, Xia Xiang asked curiously, "It seems that Governor Ma and Mr. Gao know you. Did they also receive your favor in those years?"

Mr. Shi's face changed slightly, and he shook his head and said, "It's all the old things of Chen Zhima's rotten millet. It's okay not to mention it. They remember that my good is their business, but I never want them to repay me. All right, Xiaoxia, don't mention Ma Wanzheng and Gao Ming in the future"

Xia wanted to nod silently. The older generation had their own considerations. It seemed that what happened in those years was not clear in one or two sentences.

In the afternoon, Xiaxiang and Cao Shuhui returned to the Cao family, and then Xiaxiang called Song Chaodu. Tell him about Mr. Shi's words.

Song Chaodu didn't have any abnormal performance after listening to it. He just was silent for a moment and said, "I know." He paused for a moment and said, Xiaoxia, pay more attention to the movement of the province next week. In addition, Gao Jianyuan has been secretly controlled. You'd better suspend your annexation plan. Because there will be an inventory operation later.

Xia figured out that if Jiangshan Real Estate wants to annex the leading real estate, it must pass the audit. Leading the source of real estate funds is a problem. After investigation, it must be confirmed that the state-owned funds will not be lost, or the accounts have been wiped out before it can be officially invited or auctioned or auctioned.

As for the movement in the province mentioned by the Song Dynasty. Xia wants to know what's going on. At the critical stage of starting the net, a lot of nets have been cast. Only with the last net can we find out what big fish there are in the net!

As soon as he went to work on Monday, Xia wanted to hear rumors that after Gao Chengsong stepped down as the secretary of the provincial party committee, although he still served as the director of the Provincial People's Congress, he had no prestige at all. He spoke on the stage, and there was no one below. People listen carefully, and there are even people who openly sing against him and pick out the

in his speech.


Gao Chengsong was so angry that he brushed his sleeves away at that time. "It's because he is not feeling well and needs to be hospitalized for a month! He has been retired from Shi Lao for many years and is still respected. Compared with people's admirable respect, Gao Chengsong is still a provincial cadre, and some people have begun to fall into the well. It can be seen how unbearable he has been since he became the secretary of the provincial party committee. One person is in a high position again. There will always be a day to retreat. Even if there is no lofty moral standard in your heart, you should put yourself in the future and think more, because no one can escape the day of step down. If you are on the stage, you will be majestic. Get off the stage. He became a lonely family, not only the failure of being an official, but also the failure of being a man.

I failed to be an official, and there is also personal affection. It is a complete sadness to fail in being a person.

Gao Chengsong is not sick, but he is just very angry.

But he pretended to be sick and didn't go to work for a few days. After hearing another piece of news, I was really angry!

While Wu Peiyong was presiding over the meeting in the Construction Department, he was taken away on the spot by the personnel of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection who suddenly broke in. Then he informed the Provincial Party Committee of Yan Province and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to cooperate with the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to investigate the serious illegal acts of Wu Peiyong's corruption and

Ye Shisheng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Xing Duantai, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, unanimously said that the Provincial Party Committee of Yan Province and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection will never tolerate or protect any violations of law and discipline. They will resolutely cooperate with the comrades of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to strictly investigate the

After Gao Chengsong, who was recuperating at home, heard the news, he was so angry that he was so angry that he lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

Gao Chengsong was angry and anxious, partly because Wu Peiyong was indeed his most trusted and capable general. Moving Wu Peiyong is equivalent to moving his weak ribs, which is equivalent to a loud slap in the face directly. Second, as soon as he got out of the net, Ye Shisheng and the evil platform couldn't wait to jump out and make a gesture of brave death with a righteous and awe-inspiring appearance. Being a man can't be so shameless. Gao Cheng was so angry that he wanted to find Ye Shisheng and Wu Peiyong and questioned them in front of them. Why did he do this? What good can it do for them to force Wu Peiyong to death?

But he thought about it, but he still didn't have the courage to stand up. After calming down, Gao Chengsong finally understood the truth that Li Chaosheng's case was implicated with Xu Dequan, and Xu Dequan was closely related to him. At the same time, Li Chaosheng had economic dealings with Wu Peiyong. Wang Dechuan is a relative of Wu Peiyong. Don't think about it. In the appointment of Wang Dechuan, Wu Peiyong must have played a disgraceful role, and there must be a solid place. Wang Dechuan probably knows a lot of Wu Peiyong's economic problems. With the evidence of Li Chaosheng and Wang Dewei, coupled with the evidence collected by people with intentions, it is strange that Wu Peiyong has a good end!

People with intentions, except for the county, want to be with the Song Dynasty. Who else can there be?

Gao Cheng was so angry that he sweated all over, and his headache was unbearable. He and Xia wanted to have no grievances. Why did he always get along with him? If it was because the Wu family opened his mouth last time, he locked him up for a few days, but before that, Xia Xiang had already found out Li Chaosheng's problem. Going forward, he seems to have known Gao Jianyuan for a long time. Maybe he deliberately approached Jianyuan at that time, that is, knowing that he cares about Gao Jianyuan very much, and wants to take Jianyuan to threaten himself?

Xia thought why did he do this?

Of course, Gao Chengsong can't figure out where Xia wants to hate him, and he doesn't know what will happen to him in the end. Even if he feels that he has done a little bit of some things, he will never think that many people in Yan Province hate him to the bone!

At the thought of Gao Jianyuan, Gao Chengsong suddenly remembered, as if Gao Jianyuan had not contacted him for a few days. Normally, he is already safe abroad. Gao Chengsong hurriedly called Gao Jianyuan's phone, but it didn't work, prompting him to turn off the phone. His heart sank. Jianyuan rarely turned off his phone, and he didn't take the initiative to call him for several days. What happened?

The more I thought about it, the more anxious I became. After thinking about it for a long time, I remembered the strict time that Gao Jianyuan once mentioned. Gao Chengsong found the phone book. After searching for a long time, he finally found Yan Xiao's phone number. Gao Jianyuan inadvertently left it for him, saying that if something was inconvenient for him to come forward, he could find Yan Shi to do it. He dialed Yan Shi's phone.

Gao Jianyuan's disappearance also caused Yan Xiao's panic. There was no news from Gao Jianyuan for several days in a row, and she also guessed what might have happened. Even if Gao Jianyuan goes abroad, he will call back to inform the situation, because after all, he still has the funds to attract B yuan in China. Although she doesn't know how much money Gao Jianyuan has in her hands, she can also calculate that she is afraid that the domestic money is two-thirds of all his funds.

But Gao Jianyuan disappeared as if he were in the air. If the mobile phone doesn't work, and you don't take the initiative to call back, Yan Shi can't help but be very anxious. Now the accounts of the leading real estate have been sealed, and the audit department has found out that there is something wrong with the accounts of the leading real estate. If Gao Jianyuan does not use the relationship to settle it, it will be difficult to end.

She only relies on Gao Jianyuan and Fan Zheng in Yanshi. Now Fan Zheng completely no longer interferes in the leading real estate, and she went to find Fan Ruiheng. Fan Ruiheng also ignored Yan Xiao's requirements, and even let Yan Xiao get out of the leading real estate as soon as possible!