official god

Chapter 363 The Last Counterattack

But now that I have received the phone call, the greetings on the surface need to be installed. He said a few polite words and pretended to greet the condition.

Gao Chengsong did not make a detour and said bluntly, "Shi Sheng. You and I have been colleagues for many years, and there is something I have to solemnly mention to you. I hope you can take this as a warning and don't end up like me.

When Ye Shisheng heard Gao Chengsong's sad and Jiang Jia's desperate voice, he was also shocked. He forcibly suppressed Xinfeng's mood and asked, "What does the old secretary have to say? Just say it. I'll listen carefully.

A sentence "old secretary" almost made Gao Chengsong burst into tears. He took a deep breath, calmed down his excitement, and said in an extremely solemn tone, "I came to an end today because Song Chaodu was playing tricks behind his back, and Xia wanted to wave the flag and shout for him in front of the stage. Song Chaodu blamed me for being idle by his superiors because he was at peace with me in those years. Later, I got together with Xia Xiang. The two of them were dark, one behind the scenes and the other in front of the stage. They listed my charges and sent my black materials to the capital every day. Xiaxiang is even more hateful. He was so tricky that he framed Jianyuan, so that he thought he could make a lot of money and stayed in China. As a result, he was also arrested

Gao Chengsong finally said earnestly, "Shi Sheng. We have been floating in officialdom for decades. Who dares to say that we are as innocent as a piece of paper? Everyone will have a little stain, all for the revolutionary work, stained with a little bad habits, a little selfish thoughts, all of which are inevitable. However, Xia wanted to be with Song Chaodu, grabbed my little loophole and insisted on killing me. It's to satisfy their personal desires. In order for them to take office, they will not hesitate to sacrifice everything, even the happiness of my family! Shi Sheng. Remember, remember, always beware of the two people, Xiaxiang and Song Dynasty, who should not be reused or promoted. If you can suppress it, try to suppress it as much as possible, otherwise once they sit down and see you don't like it. My today is your tomorrow!"

Gao Chengsong's words were unpleasant and a little alarmist. Ye Shisheng thought he was a dignified provincial party secretary, and he would be intimidated by the joint contact between a deputy governor and a deputy county magistrate? Just kidding! If you want to move a provincial party secretary, you must nod more than half of the people in the upper class. If Gao Chengsong was not arbitrary and domineering in Yan Province, how could he end up today?

Put down the phone, and Ye Shisheng had no intention to read the document. Stand up, carry your hands behind your back, and walk around the room. Although he also has his own judgment that Gao Chengsong is soning discord, he has to admit it. Gao Chengsong's words did leave a shadow in his heart.

No one wants to have a subordinate around him who always picks up people's faults with a magnifying glass. Although Xia wanted to be far away from him, Song Chaodu was the person around him. He is both a member of the Standing Committee and a deputy governor, so he has to deal with him. If, as Gao Chengsong said, Song Chaodu is a person who likes to pick people's faults and take the pleasure of punishing others, isn't it equivalent to placing a time bomb beside him?

Ye Shisheng frowned, thinking of Xiaxiang and Song Chaodu's joint help pulling Gao Chengsong. He was actually the biggest beneficiary, and a trace of uneasiness flashed in his heart. Will Song Chaodu make any requirements to himself because of this? Or has he even mastered some of his disgraceful information? Lian Gao Chengsong is such a provincial party secretary with a background and a very arrogant personality. He can be removed from the stage by Song Chaodu. Compared with Gao Chengsong, whether it is power or backstage, it is much worse. Will Song Chaodu also have a different mind?

Song Chaodu is only old this year. Feng Sui is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. If he has no ambition, it is a big joke.

After thinking deeply, Ye Shisheng suddenly made up his mind, thinking that Fan Ruiheng had always been close to Gao Chengsong before, and this time Gao Chengsong fell. Not only was he not affected, but he also successfully became the governor. It can be seen that the high-level officials of the capital also have deep considerations to balance the situation in Yan Province. He had a fixed idea, so he said to Duan Zhenyan, the secretary outside, "Xiao Duan. Call Governor Fan and ask him to come to my office.

Duan Zhenyan answered respectfully. He was about to call Fan Ruiheng's secretary when he heard that Ye Shisheng suddenly changed his mind: "No need to do it. You can do something else first."

Ye Shisheng closed the door, picked up the phone in person, and called Fan Ruiheng.

Because of the inventory of Gao Jianyuan's leading real estate. Sun Xianwei made a plan, and Xiao Wu came forward to contact the investigation team in the name of mergers and acquisitions of leading real estate. And when providing early contact with leading real estate, I got first-hand information, gained the trust of inventory, and was included in the priority sale target. At the same time. Because of the investigation of all companies that have had economic dealings with Gao Jianyuan, Feng Xuguang's Jiajia Supermarket has inevitably entered the attention of the inventory team. Fortunately, because Xia wanted to remind in time in the past, now Jiajia Supermarket and Gao Jianyuan have nothing to do with it.

However, Gao Jianyuan was a shareholder of Jiajia Supermarket in the past, and the inventory team proposed to further audit the accounts. Feng Xuguang also cooperated very well with the work of the inventory team, and then the inventory team received instructions from the superiors. Because of the positive image of Jiajia Supermarket, as a key publicity enterprise in Yan City, tried to relax the standards on relevant issues. After being instructed by the superiors, the inventory team hastily ended the audit work of Jiajia Supermarket.

Feng Xuguang knew that although there was also the reason for his uncle's contribution, he was still very grateful for Xia's foresight. If Xia didn't want him to take the initiative to find Gao Jianyuan to exchange shares for shares in cash, if Xia didn't want him to do public welfare undertakings and drive the upsurge of entrepreneurs in Yan City to donate money for learning, even if today's pass, it will take some twists and turns.

Soon, Xia wanted to receive a phone call from Sun Xianwei. Under his operation, because Jiangshan Real Estate first came into contact with leading real estate, and because of some real account information that Xia wanted to provide, the inventory team basically gave priority to the merger and acquisition application submitted by Jiangshan Real Estate. And because of the business strategy of Jiangshan real estate, it has recovered huge economic losses for the country. In return, it leads the selling price of real estate. It won't be too high.

Xia wanted to be overjoyed, but finally she didn't waste her effort. He not only left Gao Jianyuan in China, but also returned his funds to the country. At the same time, he also won benefits for Jiangshan real estate, which can be described as a number of

After Gao Chengsong resigned, he still enjoyed the provincial treatment and lived in a high-level building in Yan Province. He wanted to return to his hometown in the south, but he was told. You are not allowed to leave Yan Province for the time being. At the same time, Gao Chengsong also found that there were more new faces around his house. After spending his whole life in political struggle, he naturally knows that he has been under surveillance.

It can be said that Mao Jing is now a bird in the cage. He only waits for the last moment to come, like a bereavement, and he is panicked all day long.

However, the more frightened Gao Chengsong was, the more he hated Xiaxiang and the Song Dynasty. He thought about it. I feel that I just call Ye Shisheng alone. It's not enough to fight against the two people. Because according to his understanding, Ye Shisheng's personality is soft, and he may not be able to make up his mind to deal with Song Chaodu. The key is that even if he really wants to suppress Song Chaodu, he may not be his opponent.

Gao Chengsong thought of Fan Ruiheng again.

Fan Rui Huan used to be relatively close to him. But the cleverness of Fan Ruiheng is that he is very cautious and does not reach out of things that should not be touched. And he is smooth and scheming. Think twice before doing anything, plan and then move. He is a person who is not exposed, but has absolute strength. It can be seen from his ability to become one of the biggest beneficiaries of his downfall. Although he had a close contact with himself before, he did not leave a bad impression on the upper class, and in Yan Province, his reputation was also good.

Gao Chengsong's conclusion to Fan Ruiheng is that he is smart and cautious and an excellent politician. If he is against Song Chaodu, he is the most powerful opponent of Song Chaodu.

Throughout the whole political arena of Yan Province, only Fan Ruiheng can compete with the Song Dynasty.

The idea was established, and Gao Chengsong dialed Fan Ruiheng's phone again.

Fan Ruiheng's voice came through the phone, which could still make Gao Chengsong feel a strong sense of affection. He has a strong voice and is a standard tenone. The nasal voice is very heavy when speaking. If you go to sing, you may become a famous singer.

"Old secretary, are you in good health? Recently, I have been busy with a series of work handed over by the governor. I can't get rid of it. I haven't had time to see you. It's really rude. If the old secretary is not satisfied. Just scold me."

I know that Fan Jieheng's words are very hypocritical and fake, but I haven't heard anyone call him "Secretary" for a long time. Gao Chengsong was almost moved to tears. Compared with others who can't wait to receive his phone call and hang up immediately, Fan Ruiheng's emotional performance penetrated Gao Chengsong's almost dry heart in an instant, making him feel that he had never had it since he walked down the altar of the secretary of the provincial party committee


Gao Chengsong was so excited that he almost couldn't hold the phone. He shouted a few times before trying to calm down. He said, "Thank you for Governor Fan's care. Everything is fine now. You are now the governor of a province. Only when you are busy with your work show its importance. Don't worry about me, an old man

At the other end of the phone, Fan Ruiheng had a meaningless smile on his face, but he thought to himself that Gao Chengsong called at this time, and there was probably nothing good. However, on the friendship of those years, you can answer the phone and say good words, but things can't be done.

Now Gao Chengsong is hot. Itao, no one knows when he will suddenly explode, so the farther away from him, the less, in case he is injured. It's just asking for trouble.

"If the old secretary has any spirit of instruction, please feel free to tell him. If there is a problem with life, the medical staff is not well taken care of. Tell me, and I criticize them. Fan Ruiheng continued to say politely. Just wait for Gao Chengsong to say his real intention.

Gao Chengsong slowly calmed down his excitement. He also knew that Fan Ruiheng's city government would never help him with anything. And he called Fan Ruiheng not to help Fan Ruiheng stabilize the governor's treasure, but to retaliate against Song Chaodu and Xiaxiang.

"Ruiheng, there is a sentence I have to make clear to you. It's up to you to listen or not. I just say it, because it's uncomfortable to hold it in my heart and I don't spit it out. Gao Chengsong did not hesitate and poured out the hatred of Xiaxiang and Song Chaodu in his heart. Beware of Song Chaodu and Xiaxiang. The two of them are deep-hearted, insidious and cunning. They do whatever they can to achieve their goals. In the future, we must be careful that they work together to disturb the political situation in Yan Province. Song Chaodu didn't say much. He just said that Xia thought that he deliberately approached Jianyuan in those years. In the name of helping to help lead the real estate, he dragged Jianyuan into the water, and then let Jianyuan slip into his trap a little. Other than that Jianyuan would have gone away now." Ruiheng, listening to my words, the highest point of People can't defend against each other. Don't let Fan Zheng have anything to do with him. He is best at starting with coaxing, making people fooled little by little, and finally can't extricate himself

After receiving Gao Chengsong's phone call, Fan Ruiheng thought quietly and thought of Xiaxiang's earliest contact with Gao Jianyuan. Then Xiaxiang seemed to ask for help to lead the real estate without asking for anything in return, and then Gao Jianyuan was secretly detained in the capital until he was arrested, as if there had been a hidden clue guiding Gao Jianyuan. The step-by-step trap finally made Gao Jianyuan escape the bad luck of being caught. Is it all Xia who wanted to fight everything in the dark?

If that's the case, Xiaxiang is too awesome. How could he know that Gao Chengsong would definitely fall? How could he be sure that Gao Jianyuan would flee abroad? Xia Xiang is not a fairy, and he will not be unpredictable!

Fan Ruiheng did not fully accept Gao Chengsong's statement, because he had just talked to Ye Shisheng. Secretary Ye called him in person and asked him to go there. After talking for a long time, he understood Secretary Ye's meaning, which was to learn from him about Song Chaodu's person, and that he didn't leave to understand Xiaxiang.

It is not surprising that Secretary Ye asked about the Song Dynasty. After all, he is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and deputy governor, but when he asked about Xia, he had to be surprised.

Imagine that a provincial party secretary and a provincial governor are solemnly talking about a deputy county magistrate. Who will believe that the first or second leaders of Yan Province, who affect the situation in the province, will take out valuable time. Solemnly discuss the issue of a deputy county magistrate?

Fortunately, after listening to Fan Rongheng for a while, he vaguely guessed the reason for the matter, because what Secretary Ye revealed in his words was to beware of Song Chaodu and Xia's want to join hands, and to prevent the book from showing a different body clams. It's time to go to the outer mountain to deliberately disrupt the political I often wonder why Secretary Ye would suddenly say such a thing? He is the secretary of the provincial party committee. As long as you are right, you will act without omission. Are you afraid of other people's tricks? What's more, Song Chaodu is just a deputy governor, and his ranking in the Standing Committee is not very high. Xia Chang doesn't need to mention that he is just a small deputy county magistrate, let alone worry.

At that time, he dealt with it, and now he received a phone call from Gao Chengsong, and then he suddenly realized. Ye Shisheng also received a phone call from Gao Chengsong.

The intention of Gao Chengsong. Fan Muheng guessed lazily.

He also knew in his heart that Gao Chengsong could end up today, which was entirely his own fault. He was not to blame others. However, his reminder was not useless, thinking of Ye Shisheng's cautious expression. Fan Ruiheng squeezed a complaent smile at the corners of his mouth. Secretary Ye was still too cautious. Everything should not be guarded against, and he could not prevent other people's selfish thoughts.

If Xia wants to and Song Chaodu can join hands to deal with Gao Chengsong, they may not be able to work together to deal with Ye Shisheng, and it is even more impossible for them to work together to deal with themselves.

Because they have no conflict with themselves. And Gu Fan Ruiheng also has reason to believe that he is not afraid that Xia wants to join hands with Song Chaodu, nor is he afraid that they will deal with him. He is confident that Xia wants to join hands with Song Chaodu for him.

Maybe he can be regarded as the most effective weapon against Ye Shisheng.

Thinking of Ye Shisheng's caution and uneasiness, Fan Jiheng confidently picked up the pen, wrote Ye Shisheng's name on the paper, and then drew a circle again. Enclose the three words "Ye Shisheng"!

The situation in Yan Province, under Gao Chengsong's complete removal of all positions, gradually became clear, and the forces of all parties were re-sipated. In addition to Yan Province, Yan City, and even An County, under calmness, there was a gradually forming force.

In July, Cao Shuhui officially left school, ended the college life of the four, and officially entered the society. At the same time, Xiaxiang designed the reverie design company, which was planned and registered for her in Xiaxiang, was also officially listed and established. The company is not large in scale and the registered capital is less than 10,000 yuan. In addition to serving as the general manager, Cao Shuhui also served as the main designer.

Because of Xiaxiang's face, it is indispensable for Dacai Group, Vision Group and other large companies to send flowers and cooks to congratulate him. The network was established for three days. I received the design business of a project contracted by Li Hongjiang.

Don't mention Xia's influence in Yanfu's real estate industry. Cao Shuhui's own reputation alone is enough to make many real estate companies come to the news and take the initiative to deliver business to the door. Basically, there is no need to worry about making money, but what to worry about is whether Cao Shuhui can be busy.

The famous landmark buildings in Yan City are inseparable from the shadow of Cao Shuhui. It can be said that Cao Shuji is famous in the design industry in Yan City and even Yan Province. Coupled with the strong praise of the leading elders in the design industry, her name is already a guarantee of first-class design.

It was supposed to have the opportunity to visit Lian Ruohan in the United States in the spring, but the whole spring was beyond Xia's expectation. After a series of dizzying personnel adjustments, I felt that it was time to take a breath. Xia wanted to call Lian Ruohan several times to explain. Even Ruohan didn't know whether he was really angry or petty, but he didn't listen to his explanation, which made Xia think a little big.

Fortunately, although Lian Ruohan is angry, she is still busy with the promotion and application of the Internet. Now her network company has taken the opportunity of the booming Internet to grow rapidly. In the United States, it has been on par with 0 leeks. Because of Xia wants some forward-looking suggestions, there is a faint trend of transcendence. It is precisely because he is so busy that even Ruohan's dissatisfaction with Xiaxiang has diluted a lot.

Compared with Lian Ruohan's busyness, Xiao Jia is even more busy. After her real estate agency opened, she quickly occupied the capital market because she accurately grasped the market context. First, it formed a radiation effect around it, and soon became famous in the real estate industry in the capital. Later, some real estate companies even took the initiative to come to Xiao Jia's company to do sales promotion for them, because Xiao Jia's company has a wide influence. Many customers believe the real estate recommended by her company.

Xiao Jia's achievements are no less than Lian Ruohan's, because Lian Ruohan has huge financial support behind him. Xiao Jia didn't. She achieved today's results completely under the back-to-back battle. Xia wanted to be full of admiration for Xiao Jia. He felt that she was really a business wizard and had no teacher in many places. And after starting it, it will soon be integrated, digested and absorbed in a short time, and can also keep learning and making progress in the process of operation.

Xia wanted to sigh that Xiao Jia is a money-making genius!

Prevention: Lao He is deeply ashamed to see others break out at any time. Looking at other people who often update four or even five times a day, I feel that I am too ashamed of my brothers. Let me take a closer look. It turned out that it was Zhang Shi, and he breathed a sigh of relief. I shook my head helplessly, dear brothers, they usually have two updates, a total of Hong, and I also have two updates every day. I think it's also because the landlord's family has no surplus food, and I don't have much effort to explode. Because I try my best to code words every day, and then dedicate it all to my brothers. There is no privacy. It's too sincere. So, brothers. You are more sincere to Lao He, okay, okay? Because I know that in fact, you still have a large number of monthly tickets in your hands!

Well, let's not lie, today I will send the autumn update first. It's also a big explosion today. Not to mention a few updates, anyway, if the number of words exceeds 12,000, you will leave, okay? From now until the end of the month, there will be irregular outbreaks, and it is initially decided that there will be no more than 15,000 updates in two days. So hard work, so sincere. Brothers, after our monthly ticket is left behind, how can you be embarrassed? Do you also want Lao He to pee every day in the future? Occasionally, ten thousand words also shouted for an outbreak?

My heart and hard work, brothers, you all know! Read the latest Dong Festival to wash the stream book and show the fine concave and the umbrella