official god

Chapter 384 Who is the yellow finch

Ershi also proves that Fan Rongheng has the right attitude to the instructions of the funds in Shanshui Road. As a result, the funds were stuck for a while. And he also heard rumors that Tan Long and Fan Ruiheng had always approached. In the province, Fan Ruiheng was also consistent with Cui Xiang's views. That is to say. Governor Fan really has a bad impression of himself. Even if he does not deliberately suppress him like Cui Xiang, he will hold an attitude of approval and support for things that are not good for him.

So which one did Governor Fan play today?

Xia wanted to take over the brocade box, but she felt that there was no weight, and there must be no precious gift in it. But the governor asked the secretary to give the gift in person. Even if it was a feather, it meant a lot. Just like the wineman's intention is not wine, the governor's gift is not the gift itself, but outside the gift, on the wedding. What kind of message is conveyed?

Everyone was shocked for a moment. They couldn't figure out why Governor Fan did this and what intriguing hints there were. There is no small matter in officialdom, not to mention the visit of the governor's secretary. Come in person with the governor himself. It's not much less!

Even the Song Dynasty was not sure what Fan Ruiheng meant. Did he want to win over Xia? Or did he take the opportunity to hint to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee present that he knew the movements of everyone here? Or. Governor Fan is just a painstaking effort**. He wants to send a secretary to see for himself who came to attend Xiaxiang's wedding?

With the understanding of Fan Ruiheng in the Song Dynasty. Fan Ruiqin will not do the boring thing of sending someone to check who will attend the wedding. As the governor of the province, he doesn't even have any confidence to drive his subordinates, which is also a sign of incompetence. I'm afraid that Fan Ruiheng's move has not only given Xiaxiang face, but also confused others with infinite associations.

The confusion lies in the brocade box he sent. Xiaxiang will definitely not be ignorant and open the brocade box on the spot. Let's see what gift the governor gave. It's because it doesn't open. Everyone is curious about what is in the brocade box. They want to borrow the gift in the box to judge Governor Fan's real intention. And Xiaxiang is not stupid. He knows what to say and what not to say. The more he doesn't say, the more suspicious everyone will be. The more suspicious everyone is. The more suspicious you are, the more you can make people unable to understand.

Governor Fan is not simple. He is so beautiful.

Xia thought was different from Song Chaodu. He intuitively thought that Fan Ruiheng's move was likely to be a false shot. It is to show Cui Xiang and Ye Shisheng, so that they can't figure out Governor Fan's true attitude towards them.

Anyway, suspicion is beyond suspicion. Unable to understand, Xia thought still took the box very respectfully and said politely, "Thank you, Governor Fan, thank you, Secretary Zhang." Needless to say, that's all.

Zhang Zhibin smiled and reached out and patted Xiaxiang on the shoulder affectionately: "You're welcome, Governor Fan said, if Xiaoxia is polite. You don't have to give him a gift, hehe.

Another one. With an unclear hint, Xia thought couldn't help smiling bitterly. Looking at the complex and questioning eyes of the people around him, he thought that he couldn't stop Zhang Zhibin's mouth and prevent him from talking, right? I had to say politely, "Has Secretary Zhang eaten yet? I'll ask the hotel to bring you the food again. I'll have two drinks with you later. Thank you for your hard work.

Zhang Zhibin waved his hand and said generously, "No, I have to work for the leader, and I have to go back as soon as possible. In a hurry. I didn't prepare any gifts for you, so I wish you a bright future. A happy family.

Is the future bright? In this way, from the mouth of Governor Fan's big secretary, the taste must be different. Looking at the eyes of everyone, there are many more complicated emotions. Xia wanted to complain secretly. When Zhang Zhibin came today, it was obvious that the drunken man was not drunk. Send a lucky box of good words. It's really necessary to stop between him and his network without pricking a nail!

Xia wants to believe that whether it is Ma Wanzheng or Song Chaodu, or Chen Feng, Hu Zengzhou and others. They have enough political judgment to guess Fan Ruiheng's real intention, but there are still many people who are not close enough with themselves and do not know themselves well enough to doubt their position. You will be more suspicious of yourself because of this.

If this is the case, Fan Ruiheng's real goal will be achieved.

After sending Zhang Zhibin away, Xia Xiang cast a helpless look at Ma Wanzheng and Song Chaodu. The two shook their heads and smiled at Xia Xiang and waved their hands gently. Xia wanted to know that they told themselves, don't worry, what to do and what to do.

He smiled apologetically to Chen Feng and others again. Chen Feng stood up and came to Xia Xiang. He whispered, "I just found out. In fact, Yan Province is also a Tibetan dragon and a crouching tiger, and Governor Fan's acting level is higher than mine. He doesn't have to go out in person. It can cause the effect that I have to work hard for half a day.

Xia wanted to laugh, and Chen Feng gave him a reassurance pill. At least he knows that among the few people closest to him, they will not believe that they will turn to Fan Ruiheng.

Xia thought that if it is so shallow, it is not Xia thought.

The brocade box was handed over to the square for safekeeping, with a delicate lock on it.

Although the square is curious, it does not dare to open it in front of people.

Basically, the wedding went very smoothly. At the end of the song, a noisy footsteps suddenly came. A straight soldier came from downstairs. He came to Xiaxiang and saluted with a military salute and asked, "Are you Comrade Xiaxiang?"

Xia wants to wonder that he has never known the people in the army. How can there be soldiers? He nod his head and said, "I am, what can I do for you?"

The soldier pointed downstairs with his hand and replied, "At the order of the chief, I specially sent a gift. Please check it."

After saying that, he didn't wait for Xia to say something. Turn around and go downstairs. In a blink of an eye, he disappeared.

Xia wanted to be stunned, which one? The chief? Why are you interested in today

At this time, basically the people who are a little farther away have left, and those who are left are close to each other. Chen Feng was very interested: "Let's go and see what's strange."

Ma Wanzheng, Song Chaodu, Mei Shengping, Hu Zengzhou, Wang Pengfei, Fang Jinjiang and others followed closely and went downstairs one after another.

In the hall on the first floor, there is a watery cabbage in the middle. On the cabbage, it is also clearly visible that Ma Fei is climbing on it, and there is even a cicada singing on it. Behind the cicada, once the mantis held up the forearm. It is preparing to catch cicadas in one fell swoop as its delicacy. But behind the cockroach. A proud bird was tilting its neck and looking at everything in front of him, with the self-confidence in his eyes.

The highlight of the whole sculpture is on the bird, because its expression is the most realistic and the form is the most plump, especially its contemptuous eyes, which is lifelike and makes people can't help screaming.

Ma Wanzheng has a lot of research on jade and exclaimed: "What a big handwriting, this is a good Shoushan stone. Not only is it valuable, but it is such a good appearance, but it is one in a million. If you have money, you may not be sure to buy it. Xiaoxia, who appreciates you so much and makes you so scary?

Xia wanted to smile helplessly and spread out his hands: "If I had known, it wouldn't be like this. It's a little strange. I never know anyone from the military.

Since Mei Shengping came here. After being silent all the time, he suddenly said, "Be polite to others. You must ask Xiaoxia for something. You have to be careful.

"Since the gift has been delivered, I won't accept it. It is also disrespectful to the gift givers.

" Song Chaodu also interrupted, "If you accept it, the mantis will catch the cicada. After the yellow finch, although the Shoushan stone is precious, the meaning of this carving is the most interesting place. Guess who is the cockroach. Who is the yellow finch?"

In fact, everyone also thought of this just now. After listening to Song Chaodu's analysis, they also felt that there were indeed some problems. Gifts are so expensive. It is also a carved allusion of mantis catching cicadas, compared with the brocade box given by Governor Fan. But it's much more straightforward.

The gift giver is almost the same as telling everyone on the spot that it doesn't matter who is the cicada and who is the cockroach. The important thing is that he is the biggest winner hiding behind the yellow finch.

Who has a deep military background in Yan Province? Everyone was lost in thought. Don't think that everyone knows that you can make such a valuable gift. The people who come must not be in the military again, but must be a high-level person. It's just that the military region of Yan Province is not a large military region nationwide, so the military of Yan Province has little influence in the province.

Of course, Yan Province also has very famous missile troops, but they are not stationed in Yan City, because of their special nature, but they travel through the mountains all year round. Everyone thought about it over and over again, but they still have no clue.

Xia wanted to shake his head: "Since all the gifts have been delivered, there is another well-known person, and I really don't know who the boss is. Forget it, good things can't be wasted. Let's carry them home first."

Everyone laughed. Chen Feng reached out and touched a few times and said: Xiaoxia, next time you see the owner of the gift, remember to reach out to him for a piece of Shoushan stone for me."

Secretary Chen spoke. Xia thought of course obeyed: "But there are two major problems, one is that the master does not show up. I really don't know who he is. Second, after he appeared, if I ask him for it, don't blame me for not being boring if he doesn't give it to Secretary Chen.

"I don't blame you for not being mean enough, and I also blame you for not having enough face." Chen Feng smiled.

In the evening, Cao Yongguo invited his good friends to have a family dinner together. At this time, there were fewer provincial and municipal leaders present.

Ma Wanzheng and Song Chaodu stayed. Mei Shengping and Gao Jinzhou left. Naturally, Chen Feng did not leave. Hu Zengzhou left in advance. Wang Pengfei hesitated for a moment and stayed. Needless to say, Fang Jinjiang had no intention of leaving at all. Not to mention Li Dingshan and Gao Hai, they will definitely be there.

Li Dingshan and Cao Yongguo have not had a serious meal together. Today, on the day of Xia's great joy, he was slightly drunk at noon, and in the evening, he let go and drank a few more drinks. With almost seven or eight drunkenness, I can't suppress the excitement in my heart.

"It's really good that Xiaoxia has come to this day step by step. I'm very happy. When we first arrived in Ba County, I was still in my heart. It feels like a desolate way to be distributed. Unexpectedly, the adventure in those years was really the right step. Today, I take this opportunity to solemnly say to Xiaoxia, thank you, Xiaoxia. If you hadn't strongly advised me to be in politics back then, I wouldn't be where I am today!"

Li Dingshan stood up and shook his body slightly. Gao Hai hurriedly helped him and whispered, "Dingshan, you drank too much. Don't talk."

Li Dingshan waved his hand: "I've drunk too much wine, but my mind is very clear. I've been bored with some words in my heart for several years. If I don't say it today, I'm afraid I won't find such a good opportunity in the future. Please allow me to keep the reserve of a literati when I am awake!"

Gao Hai shut up. He didn't want Li Dingshan to lose his temper, after all, in front of two deputy governors and one. The face of the municipal party secretary is afraid to leave a bad impression on them. However, he is also aware of Li Dingshan's temper after many years of dating. There is another kind of tenacious stubbornness in casualness.

Li Dingshan continued.

"You may not know that I wanted to do business in those years. I failed and lost miserably. I just wanted to get up from the place where I fell down and didn't listen to anyone. At that time, the court advised me to go to politics. I don't listen. I think it's too faceless to throw the next one and leave the mess. And I also think that my LCD large-screen project is promising and will definitely succeed. It was when I was ambitious and thought that I could show my ambition, Xiaoxia gently proposed to me. LCD screen

Although Li Dingshan is confused and drunk when he speaks, everyone knows it. Everyone in the officialdom is good at camouflage. Usually, if you bury yourself deeply under the mask, you will never reveal your truest side. Because of the most authentic self. It is the weakest self. Whoever exposes his true and weak side to outsiders is equivalent to letting others catch his shortcomings.

Everyone was shocked. If Li Dingshan hadn't been deeply grateful to Xia. Never take the opportunity to speak your mind.

"At first, I didn't agree with Xiaoxia's opinion. I thought he was too young. How could he have a long-term vision? But he was not impatient. He analyzed the market prospects for me little by little. At the same time, he combined various unfavorable factors in reality, which made me gradually change my mind and slowly accept the reality of failure. In the end, I made up my mind to live a better life in another way.

It happened that Chaodu was still trying to persuade me to join politics, so I went to Ba County with Xia and began to take a difficult first step!"

Including Ma Wan, everyone looked at Xiaxiang in shock.

Xia Xiang didn't expect that Li Dingshan would tell the past in front of everyone when he was drunk. I also sighed in my heart. In a blink of an eye. More than three years later, Li Dingshan is no longer the high-willing media and manager in those years. But now he is a steady and mature member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee. He has matured a lot, experienced a lot, and changed a lot. However, what has not changed is still the literary popularity and literati in his bones.

That's why I borrowed wine to say my heart today.

Xia thought about persuading him. After thinking about it, I still didn't say anything. He also knew that Li Dingshan had some words in his heart for a long time. If he didn't let him say it, he would feel uncomfortable.

"Whether in Ba County or An County, whether I have achieved political achievements or have the upper hand in the struggle with political enemies, there are more than half of the contributions of Xiaoxia. It can even be said that Xia is helping me make a plan, so that I can go through the difficulties step by step. Today, Li Dingshan reached out and patted Xia "Come on, Xiaoxia, I'll give you a drink!"

Xia Xiang has been standing beside Li Dingshan with a very respectful attitude. He knows that the more this time it is. The more complacent he is, the more he must maintain a humble attitude in front of these old officialdoms that have been up and down in the officialdom for decades. It's his business for Li Dingshan to exalt himself. If you are complaic because of the exaltation of others, you are impetuous.

Xia wanted to raise the glass of wine, drank it all, and said, "Secretary-General Li, you really said too much drunken words. Let's not talk about it. Come on, I'll do it first. I used to be by your side. What I do is everything a subordinate should do. You think I'm a friend and don't think I've done anything. In fact, it's nothing. It's all a matter

Ma Wanzheng took a deep look at Xiaxiang and breathed again. He remembered that Xia wanted to keep the secret between him and Feng Xuguang for him all the time. For such a long time, there has never been any rumor. Needless to say, Xiaxiang's character is absolutely reliable.

Thinking of what Li Dingshan said just now, it turned out that so many incredible things had happened at the beginning. Obviously, Li Dingshan is the leader of Xia who wants to enter the officialdom, but it is better to say that it is precisely because of Xia Xiang's maneuver. That's Li Dingshan's today.

In fact, it can even be said that it is Xia Xiang who created today's Li Dingshan behind the scenes.

Ma Wanzheng was shocked.

He has always thought that Xia wants to take advantage of the situation. First, he borrowed Li Dingshan, then Chen Feng, and then the Song Dynasty. Of course, there is also Cao Yongguo. Unexpectedly, Li Dingshan said that it was Xia who wanted to help him come to this day behind the scenes, and when Li Dingshan first entered the officialdom, there was a tortuous and strange experience!

Ma Wanzheng fully believes that what Li Dingshan said is not drunken words, but real words. Xia wants to hide this matter all the time. On the one hand, it proves that his conduct is reliable, and on the other hand, it also shows that Xiaxiang is a person, down-to-earth, sincere, and never takes credit. Failure to make contributions is the most valuable quality of people in officialdom. Which leader doesn't like subordinates who work hard? But a truly smart leader, who would not appreciate his capable, talented and humble subordinates? Xia's cleverness is that if it should be his, he will fight for it. It shouldn't be his. He definitely won't say it. There is one more point. No matter how much the leader appreciates him, what he deserves and what he deserves, as long as the leader doesn't say it, he never wants it!

If Xia wants to take the privacy of Feng Xuguang's uncle and ask him for help intentionally or unintentionally, even if he is unhappy, he will agree for Feng Xuguang's face. But Xia thought that he never felt that he had mastered the privacy of the leader. It's the same as a force. Moreover, Xia thought that he always didn't want to ask him to do something. What's the reason?

In the past, Ma Wanzheng always felt that Xia wanted to alienate him psychologically. Today, after listening to Li Dingshan's words, I finally realized that Xia thought that he rarely took the initiative to open his mouth, that is, he didn't want to feel misunderstood, thinking that he was bargaining with him for something.

Ma Wanzheng sighed with a lot of emotions.

Wang: Thank you for your enthusiastic support. You are the most lovely people in the world. For the first time, Lao He was so close to a thousand votes, close to a place within reach, which made Lao He ecstatic and moved. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Now there are only dozens of votes away from 1,000 votes. Brothers, do your best to make Lao He's little dream come true earlier, okay? Please!!