official god

Chapter 387 Prepare for a rainy day

If you paint it, you have to get results! Outside. Huai must put the potential annual calculation in Feng Gan and Song Chaodu as his strong competitors. And Xia thought. I have a very good relationship with the two of them. Two or three years later. Xia thought that at least he had reached the deputy department level. With his assistance, any of Ma Wanzheng and Song Chaodu were like tigers and calmly challenged his authority.

Think about it, Xia wants to have a wide range of contacts at the deputy department level. The network is complex. When it comes to the deputy hall. It must be more spacious. At that time, whether he supports Ma Wanzheng or Song Chaodu, he will stand on his own opposite side anyway. Cui Xiangzheng came out of the thought of preparing for a rainy day, so he had to kill Xia Xiang's future in advance.

It's just that things are often unpredictable and unexpected. He tried his best to make a huge concession. Ye Shisheng's people successfully became the secretary of the municipal party committee of Qin and Tang City, and then Xia wanted to be transferred to him. Before he was kept in prison, a business transfer letter from the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade suddenly appeared.

Why does he feel tied up as soon as it comes to Xiaxiang, and there is always a kind of power and nowhere to do it?

Qintang City is the second largest city in Yan Province. Cui Xiang is a little sad when he thinks about it. It would be great if he could make himself the secretary of the municipal party committee.

It's good now. Is it a waste of sacrifices and concessions made in Qin and Tang City?

No, we need to find a way to prevent Xia from leaving the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee, not only about not only not letting his efforts be in vain, but also not letting Xia want to get out of sight. Go to the capital. The capital is the imperial capital. You can climb high and look far away. Once Xia wants to reach the imperial capital. I have gained more knowledge, in case I get to know the upper class again. With his excellent communication skills, and then weaving a new network of relationships in the capital, isn't it equivalent to the sea leaping with fish and the sky flying?

It's just that who came forward to ask the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade to send a business transfer letter? It is necessary to find out whose handwriting it is before we can make the next step of response.

Cui Xiang dialed Fan Ruiheng's phone directly.

"Gourer Fan, are you free? There is something I want to discuss with you.

Fan Ruiheng was also wondering in the office, and he also heard about the business transfer letter sent by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade. I'm guessing who wants Xia to get out of the scope of Yan Province. What was the intention? Suddenly, Cui Xiang called. He immediately thought that Cui Xiang was also asking about the business transfer letter, and said bluntly, "Secretary Cui, are you talking about the business transfer letter of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade? I don't know what's going on. I just called an acquaintance of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade and replied that it was issued directly from the Minister's office. Unexpectedly, it should be Minister Yi's meaning.

Yi Xiangshi, Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, is the backbone of the ministries and commissions of the State Council. He is known for his keen vision and boldness to speak out.

Xixiang was shocked.

Xia wants to be so famous that it has shocked the minister of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade? How can it be! Things are getting more and more complicated, and listening to Fan Ruiheng's tone, Cui Xiang also believes that he did not do it secretly. I believe that with Fan Ruiheng's real idea, he doesn't want Xia to leave Yan Province.

If Xia is not the enemy, it can be used. Of course, it is a great help. Fan Ruiheng wanted to attract Xia, how could he be pushed to the capital?

Cui Xiang asked again: "Do you know which link went wrong?" It means to ask Fan Ruiheng if he knows who is behind the scenes.

Fan Ruiheng replied, "I'm also surprised." A sentence made it clear that he was also in the dark. What Secretary Cui means is that the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee is releasing people?

I don't know who is behind the scenes. It's just one of the difficult problems. It's the biggest problem to let go of talents. Although Cui Xiang really wants to keep Xia by his side, he will not easily state his position before he knows who wants to transfer Xia to the capital.

No one knows which sentence is not good. It's a crime for the people behind the scenes. It's best for bad people to let others do it.

Cui Xiang hesitated for a moment and said without hesitation, "It has been less than a day since Xia Xiang transferred the information office to the Internet. The implication is to let people go now. The decision of the Provincial Party Committee of Yan Province became a child's play. "My suggestion is to listen to Secretary Ye's opinion. Although Xiaxiang's level is not high, it is not a trivial matter to ask the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade to send a business transfer letter in person.

Fan Ruiheng understood Cui Xiang's meaning. I know that Cui Xiang is unwilling to take responsibility and don't want to let others go. I want to leave the problem to Ye Shisheng to solve, which is really a big slippery person. Fan Ruiheng said seriously, "Secretary Cui's suggestion is good. Please report this matter to Secretary Ye immediately and ask Secretary Ye to make a decision."

Putting down the phone, Cui Xiang scolded gently: "I don't care."

But since the matter was caused by his provocation. After all, it was he who proposed to transfer Xia Xiang to the provincial party committee. Cui Xiang thought about it and still dialed Ye Shisheng's phone number.

"Secretary Ye, are you free now? There is something I want to report to you in person.

In Ye Shisheng's office, he was silent for a few minutes. Ye Shisheng put down the business transfer letter in his hand and gently waved his hand: "The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade sent the business transfer letter, asking for our opinions in a consultative tone. Xiaxiang is not an official of the key department. Now that the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade has brought it up, let the people go.

Cui Xiang shook his head: "Secretary Ye, please think about it again. Xia Xiangwang will be transferred to the Provincial Party Committee and then transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Affairs and Trade. The decision of the Provincial Party Committee will not have any authority. If it is spread, it will make outsiders have bad views on the Yan Provincial Party Committee." It seems that

Ye Shisheng frowned.

Cui Xiang said that it was reasonable. The net transferred Xia Xiang from An County. On the first day of work, he received a business transfer letter from the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade. It was not a day and a night earlier, but it was the day when Xia Xiang had just entered the gate of the provincial party committee. Could it be said that the gate of It's so easy to go out

It is clear that it does not give face to the Yan Provincial Party Committee at all! If Xia wants to find someone behind his back, is he so unwilling to stay in the Yan Provincial Party Committee for a day? And so is the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade. If you send a letter in a few days in the evening, there will be a buffer period. Xia wants to come here as soon as she goes to work. Is it really easy for the Yan Provincial Party Committee to bully?

Yes, Yan Province is not a large province in China, and there is no provincial party secretary of the Politburo. To put it bluntly, it is not even an alternate member of the Politburo. However, Yi Xiangshi, Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, is not a member of the Political Bureau. Everyone is not much higher than each other. He sends a business transfer letter without saying a word, and wants to transfer the people from Yan Province at will.

Although he is just a director, in the compound of the provincial party committee, the director is the most backbone.

Ye Shisheng was successfully aroused by Cui Xiang's words. The main reason is that the letter from the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade is too coincidental, which really gives people the feeling of deliberately embarrassing the provincial party committee.

Seeing that Ye Shisheng was slightly angry, Cui Xiang was secretly happy. He knew that he had been half successful.

Cui Xiang knows that he knew that Ye Shisheng and Yi Xiangshi had conflicts in the early years. When the two were studying at the Central Party School in Beijing, they had a dispute over a policy and argued endlessly. During the study of the party school, arguments are common. But maybe Yi Zhongshi's tone was too impetuous, or Ye Shisheng didn't like Yi Xiangshi's attitude, and the more they quarreled, the more fierce they became. Unexpectedly, it has developed to the point of public debate.

As a result, after some debate, Ye Shisheng was defeated. From then on, he had a grudge against Yi Xiangshi. Officials were also human beings. When he met people with bad tempers, he also felt that the other party was hateful. It was because Cui Xiang knew this history that he vaguely put forward the suspicion that foreign economy and trade were oppressing people, and successfully provoked Ye Shisheng's anger.

"Then it's up to you to deal with it." Ye Shisheng casually threw down a sentence and looked down at the document. His meaning was obvious, pretending not to know about it. It was handed over to Cui Xiang to deal with it. Anyway, Cui Xiang was in charge of the public office of the provincial party committee.

Back to the office, Cui Xiang handed the business transfer letter to the secretary and said, "I sent a receipt and returned to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, saying that Comrade Xia Xiang was familiar with the work of the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee. His family is in Yan City. Unwilling to go to the capital, the provincial party committee also hopes that Comrade Xiaxiang will stay and work in the provincial party committee and play a greater role.

Xia Xiang knew nothing about Cui Xiang's success in blocking his road to the capital. He sat in the office of the director of the Information Department for a long time, checked the documents for a long time, and saw that it was time to get off work at noon. All morning. No one came to report on the work, and no deputy director came to officially introduce him to everyone.

It's really rare to be quiet, it can also be said. It's really rare and deserted. Xia wanted to laugh at himself, but at least he was the same. When the director takes office, why is there no one? Are you so attentive? It's time for dinner. It seems that I have to go to the canteen to eat by myself.

Fortunately, the lunch box and meal ticket are ready. Otherwise, Xia thought that he would really have to pay for it himself to buy a meal ticket, which would be too much for other departments to see jokes. He thought a lot in the morning. After thinking about it, he still felt that it was actually good to be quiet, which was conducive to thinking about some things, such as the things in Governor Fan's brocade box, such as the Shoushan stone sent by the mysterious guest.

The brocade box sent by Fan Xinheng. After the guests left, Xia thought about it and opened it, so he opened it. I can't help laughing. There is only a thin piece of white paper in it, and the white paper is empty.

Wordless heavenly book? After Xia wanted to laugh, he asked Cao Yongguo what he thought. Cao Yongguo shook his head and said that he could not figure out Governor Fan's thoughts. But when he thought about it, maybe Governor Fan was hinting at Xiaxiang. In front of him, he regarded Xiaxiang as a piece of white paper. It means that he can choose to flow to Governor Fan, and write off the previous things as if nothing had happened.

Xiaxiang also smiled. The meaning of a piece of white paper is. If he wants, Fan Ruiheng is willing to borrow a magic pen and let him draw a blueprint for the future on white paper. Of course, the premise is to flow to Governor Fan like a piece of white paper.

Xia wanted to put away the brocade box and put it on the shelf.

Compared with the brocade box, the origin of the mountain stone is a headache. Not only because the carvings are valuable, but also because the meaning is profound. Who the hell is it? Xiaxiang also has no clue.

I happened to come to work in the provincial party committee on the first day today. It's difficult to have a lot of free time, so Xia thought about things carefully. But I thought about it all morning. I still can't figure out who has such a big handwriting. The question is, I don't know the senior management of the army?

He couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think about it. He shook his head with a smile. Hearing the sound of people outside going out to eat, he also stood up and wondered whether to go later or now? It's good to go to the drought for a while, and you can get familiar with the environment.

Before I got to the door, I heard the messy sound outside and suddenly turned into a noise. I heard a series of flattering shouts: "Minister Mei!"

"Good, Minister Mei."

"Hello, Minister Mei!"

What happened? Xia Shenwei was stunned. Before I could react, I heard the door ring. A man came in in a storm. The person came to the front in two or three steps. He grabbed Xia's hand and laughed: "I had a morning meeting. Otherwise, I would have come to talk to you a long time ago. Speaking of saying goodbye to the capital, we haven't sat down and talked to each other yet. Come on, while we have time at noon today. Let's have dinner together and discuss some issues

It's Mei Shengping

Mei Shengping, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, with a kind smile, held Xiaxiang's hand tightly, just like a close friend for many years. Let the people who were about to go downstairs to eat be stunned and stand on the spot!

The whole one, the first game book posted a fine concave and said that Xunshan's different body clams. Several people in one department were in the same way, Wan Xiang Gu Ye, and someone came out of the foreign minister's standard book of Yang. It conveyed Director Yang's message, saying that before the official introduction of Ji Jie, the deputy director, everyone pretended that nothing had happened.

With Director Yang's message, everyone understands what's going on, that is, someone above wants to deliberately dry the new director. Since the above has a problem with the new director, the people below should watch the jokes. Anyway, everyone is in the same way. How can people live with such a young director? Who in the information department is older than Xia Xiang, the youngest is out of the head, and the biggest is the most concave. Everyone should respectfully call him the director. It's not good to think about it.

Just right, let him be a light pole director. Humph. Have a taste of the cold bench. Don't think that you can be doificent in the county. When you come to the provincial party committee, you still want to be respected? Sorry, the provincial party committee is not as good as the county. Everyone is a person who has seen the world. As a director who is not liked by his superiors, he really doesn't

. The director doesn't care about personnel or finance. Compared with the power of the standing committee of the county party committee and the executive deputy county magistrate, it is indeed much worse, which is a world of difference.

It's just something that everyone didn't expect. While everyone was excited to go to dinner, they were still thinking about the dignified Director Xia. What kind of scene it was like for people to go to eat alone? Suddenly, a character who made everyone's eyes and heartbeat appeared at the information place Mei Shengping!

As a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department. Mei Shengping is in the minds of most people in the provincial party committee. It is simply higher than Cui Xiang, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. Even in the eyes of some people, he is more prominent and dazzling than Ye Shisheng, the secretary of the provincial party committee! Because county officials are not as good as current officials. Which person in the provincial party committee can bypass the organization department on the way to promotion? Although the promotion at the ordinary level can't get into the eyes of Minister Mei at all, if he offends him, he can kill a person's future in one sentence!

For people in the officialdom, the future is the root of life, and the future is everything to fight for. Who dares to offend Mei


What's more, everyone in the compound knows it. Mei Shengping, who came from the air, is independent, and sometimes he doesn't even sell the face of the secretary of the provincial party committee, so people who know a little about the inside story are both respectful and afraid of Mei Shengping.

Mei Shengping is the head of the organization department. It can be said that there is no critical department in the main building, and few heavyweights come here. Since Mei Shengping became the head of the Organization Department, he has not stepped into the door of the main building, let alone the information that is often forgotten. Unexpectedly, Minister Mei suddenly appeared in the information office. Suddenly, everyone was surprised and happy, and rushed to show their goodwill to Minister Mei.

Mei Shengping just nodded to the crowd, without even a smile, and strode towards the director's office.

When he picked up the car, there was a scene that everyone couldn't believe. Mei Shengping directly pushed open the door of the office and took the initiative and enthusiastically held Xiaxiang's hand tightly!

In the compound of the provincial party committee, who doesn't know that Mei Shengping has always been arrogant, rarely pays attention to others, and usually greets others. He didn't even give a smiling face, that is, the hall-level official greeted him. He may not respond, at most, he nodded slightly. Now I want to be so intimate with Xia. How can I not surprise the people present!

I haven't heard of the relationship between Director Xia and Minister Mei? The boss didn't say that he wanted to snub Director Xia. Now, these little soldiers neglected others for a long time, and suddenly killed a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to visit Xiaxiang, or let everyone look up at the head of the Organization Department.

The head of the Organization Department came forward in person, without a secretary or prior telephone notice. It was a complete gesture of meeting with old friends, which almost all of them could not believe that they had seen everything with their own eyes!

Xiaxiang was also shocked by Mei Shengping's sudden killing.

He doesn't know much about Mei Shengping, which is limited to Qiu Xufeng's words and the only side he has seen in the capital. But today he was overjoyed to visit him, which still made his heart full of emotion.

Although he knows several people in the provincial party committee. Executive Vice Governor Ma Wanzheng, Vice Governor Song Chaodu and Vice Governor Gao Jinzhou, but after being neglected, he did not expect to find anyone to find a balance. Xia also understood what he said. Any of the three will come forward to help him find face, but it is not necessary. It is better to deal with many things by yourself.

Unexpectedly, Mei Shengping unexpectedly appeared, which surprised him and secretly thanked Mei Shengping's intentions.

They are all people in the officialdom. They only appear at this moment. They absolutely intend to lift him up and show him to others. It is also to give a signal to people with intentions, that is, Mei Shengping will be in the compound of the provincial party committee to support Xiaxiang!

When Mei Shengping and Xia wanted to talk and laugh and go downstairs. The people who left a stunned message stood in place and did not move, including Yang Tianke. Suddenly, I feel that my thinking can't keep up with the current changes? The superior pointed out that he wanted to dry them in the summer. As a result, the general office wanted to dry them, and the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee raised them high. What should I do?

Everyone bowed their heads and went to dinner. No one said anything, but everyone knew in their hearts that at the moment Mei Shengping appeared, the unified alliance formed by the information office to deal with Xiaxiang immediately collapsed


Even Yang Tianke quickly changed his position. I'm going to report my work to Director Xia as soon as I go to work in the afternoon.

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