official god

Chapter 407 Political Gambling

Crecore pipe Wang Xiaomin and Shan Shiqi discussed the fixed ring of the household, which is the main purpose of the construction of the railway in a hurry. Idiom tourism should be slowed down first. After all, there will be two large-scale projects, and the Standing Committee will have doubts about the joint decision of the secretary and the mayor. We should also respect the opinions of other members of the Standing Committee and concentrate. We also want democracy, right? The most important thing is. He knows that promoting cultural tourism in the hometown of idioms requires huge investment, policies are easy to pay, and money is not easy to find.

But Wang Xiaomin suddenly found a huge opportunity from Xia's words.

Take the initiative to propose to the province to make single-city behavior pilot cities, and the province will definitely be happy as compensation. If you apply for funds to the province again, it should be easy to approve. But Wang Xiaomin also knows that if the pilot is not successful. The consequences are also very serious, and there is no loss in a single city. The biggest loss is his political life.

It is very likely that the future will be gloomy from now on, and the mayor will withdraw from the political stage after leaving office.

But what if the pilot is successful? It can not only bring huge economic benefits to a single city, change the status quo of the decline in the ranking of a single city in the province year by year, and bring practical benefits to the people of a single city, but also add luster to his political career. What is particularly touching is that the success of a single city may also shock the Vice Premier. If Vice Premier He He inspected the single city, and he was the mayor. After entering the eyes of Vice Premier He, he can enter a broader political stage.

It can be said that the application becomes a pilot city. If you become a success, you will become famous. If you fail, you will be defeated. There is a great political risk. It is a political gamble!

Bet or not? Wang Xiaomin has been in the position of Organization Minister for many years, and he is well aware of the principle of safety.

But it is also precisely because he is unwilling to always do false things within the party and wants to do a big job. Now that he has come to a single city and become the mayor of a single city, he should have the ideal of benefiting one party. Alone in the officialdom. No matter how much corruption and people you see. How many injustices have been seen, but everyone has their own political ideas. They all have their own fundamental principles of being born as human beings.

If you dare to work for the world first, you need courage and determination. He has ideals and ambitions and needs to bear the serious consequences of failure. He was also psychologically prepared. Seeing the smile on Xiaxiang's face and the encouragement in his eyes, he understood a truth. Xiaxiang also had an idealistic side, but he was not in his position. In fact, he had hinted at himself and placed his hopes and ideals on himself!

Wang Xiaomin instantly felt the long-lost leakage * point surging in his body. He clenched his fists with both hands and said loudly, "If a single city applies, how sure will it be?" Shan Shiqi was shocked: "You also jump the trap? How sure? One application is accurate. Xiao Min, don't be impulsive. Politics can't be missed at all.

Cao Yongguo also saw Xia's idea and asked, "Do you want Baoshi to take the initiative to apply?"

Xia wanted to nod.

Cao Yongguo looked at Qiu Xufeng with a solemn face.

Qiu Xufeng and Xiaxiang are also familiar. Before Xiaxiang gradually pushed forward and slowly revealed his views, he had faintly guessed Xiaxiang's intention. Although it is not clear why Xia wants to persuade Shancheng and Baoshi to apply for the pilot. But one thing he is very sure of is that Xia thought that this would be of great benefit.

Single city coins and Baoshi have a great relationship with Xiaxiang. It can be said that they are all his familiar friends and the closest people, and they will certainly not harm people's hearts. And according to Qiu Xufeng's understanding of Xiaxiang. Although Xia wants to act too much sometimes. It's not free and easy enough, but he definitely doesn't mean to hurt people. Of course, Qiu Xufeng can also understand Xia's caution. Which of the grassroots officials does not rely on caution to climb to a high position? The princes who came from a family don't have to worry about the fall of the backstage. You can do whatever you think of without looking at the backer's eyes, because the backstage is his own father! Grassroots officials are different. It's not easy to have a backstage, and they always try to have a good relationship with the backstage, so that if one day they offend the backstage and lose support, it will become a sourceless water.

The princelings are in power, smashed, and the background is angry again. I also have to clean up the mess for my son. Grassroots officials have made achievements, and there is light on the background. If you fail, you may let it go of the backstage. Qiu Xufeng has been an official in Anxian County for several years. He has gains and losses, but the gains are still very huge. Especially, he has learned a lot of valuable things from Xiaxiang. For example, if he can cooperate, he should cooperate as much as possible. For example, if he deals with Liu Shou, he should be resolute and powerful. For example, you must be cautious and alert, and so on.

So he doesn't understand Xiaxiang's proposal very well. But I won't object. Because Xiaxiang always has a convincing reason, besides. In fact, at the beginning, Xia thought made it very clear. The first is to share the worries of the province, and you can take the opportunity to put forward some policy support that you don't usually get. The second is to seize the opportunity, which can not only make single cities and treasure cities get rid of the current difficulties, but also make an extremely heavy stroke for their respective political careers!

Qiu Xufeng has nothing to be afraid of. He is a princeling party. If he messed up, will his father ignore him? What if it succeeds? He can completely raise his eyebrows in the family and take the opportunity to consolidate his position as a successor.

Qiu Xufeng knew that Cao Yongguo was good at stability. Although Ren Qingzhi, the mayor of Bao City, is conservative, he is a wall grass and has always followed the wind. As long as Secretary Cao firmly supports something, he will never oppose it. He is a typical bureaucratic figure. However, Ren Qingzhi likes to shirk responsibility in everything. If Secretary Cao agrees to apply to the province for Baoshi as a pilot city, Ren Qingzhi will not object, but he will not focus on this matter, and will definitely find a reason to escape. In order to find responsibility, the burden will fall on his own. Qiu Xufeng is not afraid of carrying the burden On the contrary, there was still some vague expectation. When he thought of what Xia wanted to do in An County, he felt a little excited. I thought that since Xia wanted to make suggestions. He must have figured out the countermeasures, and he has had contact with Wang Xiaomin, and he should have put forward his ideas on the development of single cities. If Baoshi also joins the application, he will definitely make suggestions for the development of Baoshi. Qiu Xufeng nodded solemnly and said, "I believe in Xia's vision. Since he mentioned it. I absolutely support it

Wang Xiaomin looked at Qiu Yuanfeng and thought that Xia thought that there was really a way to make Qiu Xufeng support him so readily. He must have done something to convince Qiu Xufeng when he was in Anxian County.

Although Cao Yongguo also believes in Xia's vision. But after all, he is a little old and said, "You can't be too hasty. After going back, you still need to go to the Standing Committee to discuss it and fully compare the gains and losses to reach a conclusion. If you do it well, it will naturally be a good thing for everyone to be happy. It's smashed, and there is no light in the province. Baoshi will also be implicated and affect his personal political future.

"Everything has both advantages and disadvantages. If you don't work hard, you will be sorry for the heavy responsibility of being a parent. Anyway, the economy of a single city is not optimistic, and it declines year by year. Don't take this opportunity to surpass it. I'm afraid I won't have a chance in the future, Shiqi. This time, you must support me. I can make a military order. If I succeed, the credit is everyone's. I failed. I took full responsibility. Wang Xiao** said with a sigh of sighs. Obviously, I have made up my mind.

Shan Shiqi was successfully forced to the corner by Wang Xiaomin. His face turned slightly red. After a while, he still shook his head and sighed, "Why do you have to do it? Xiao Min. You are taking political life as a bet. It's too radical.

"It can't be considered radical!" Xia wanted to see that the fire had arrived, and he would no longer sell it. He smiled confidently. From the top level, what is the support of the deputy prime minister? With the guidance of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, from the provincial perspective. What I have learned is that at least three or more members of the Standing Committee also support the adjustment of the industrial structure, and I believe that with the adjustment of the pilot cities, the initial results have been achieved. There are more and more standing committees supported by the province, "

Shan Shiqi's eyes lit up: "Which standing committee member supports it at present?"

"Secretary-General Qian, Minister Zhang, Secretary Chen" Xia wanted to carry out Qian Jinsong to Shan Shiqi. As for the United Front Minister Zhang Canyang and Chen Feng, he just mentioned it by the way and knew that even if they were not strongly supportive, at least they would not oppose it." He pondered a little and said his own guess, Test, Governor Fan may also express his support!"

Shan Shiqi was slightly shocked and looked at Xiaxiang in disbelief. Qian Jinsong is his backstage. He didn't hear Qian Jinsong say anything about the matter. How did Xia think that Secretary-General Qian also held a supportive attitude?

Cao Yongguo narrowed his eyes slightly and thought about it. Fan Ruiheng is facing the joint contact between Ma Wanzheng and Song Chaodu. The government team has never established its due prestige. In the affairs of the provincial party committee, due to Cui Xiang's strength, he also intends to give in. Basically, it is very low-key now. If he wants to be practical and make a difference, it is indeed a good opportunity at the moment.

Cao Yongguo sighed secretly that Xiaxiang was really not simple. Originally, I thought that he would come to the provincial committee to be depressed and complain. Unexpectedly, he would face it calmly, and he was also blessed by misfortune. He got the convenience of the right time and place. He analyzed the situation in the province more thoroughly and saw it more far-reachingly. As expected, he climbed to the top

Far away.

With such a state of mind, it's really not like a young man under the age of a blade. If it were someone else, I'm afraid I would have muddle along long ago.

Although Xia is already his son-in-law. But Cao Yongguo still secretly praised Xia for thinking about it.

Qiu Xufeng also nodded and said, "My idea is the same as Mayor Wang, Secretary Cao, please make a plan. I'm responsible for the problem. It's yours to get the results.

Cao Yongguo complained unhappily, "I don't have such a burden? You said that about his father-in-law in front of Xiaoxia. It's strange that he didn't scold you.

Qiu Xufeng smiled, and Xia Xiang also smiled: "I also have some immature opinions on the industrial restructuring of Baoshi. I will report to Secretary Cao and Mayor Qiu when I have time. Of course, the prerequisite is that you want to hear it.

Qiu Xufeng laughed and scolded: "It's really yours. You still call Secretary Cao. Aren't you afraid that Shu Hui will scold you? And it's Mayor Qiu. Isn't it too out of the way? I don't like to shout that. It's your treat today.

Xia wanted to smile and said, "I'm worried about you, give you advice, and let me treat you. Does it make sense?"

Before the voice fell, the mobile phone rang. After Xia wanted to answer, she immediately unfolded her face and hung up the phone and said, "Secretary-General Qian is coming to sit down."

The arrival of Qian Jinsong pushed the party to **.

After he listened to Xia's idea, he couldn't help shouting repeatedly and said: Xiaoxia, Xia. You have really helped me a lot. Regarding the idea of the pilot city, I have formally put forward a proposal to Secretary Ye, and Secretary Ye agreed in principle. When the Deputy Prime Minister visited, he responded to the Prime Minister's suggestions. I didn't expect it. You actually thought of it. You really can't afford to leave. I'm also going to convince Shiqi to make a single city one of the pilot cities. Although there are risks, risks always coexist with opportunities. I didn't expect that you had already said it for me. It's really wrong for you to be the director of an information department. How about finding an opportunity to go to the secretariat of the office to help me?

"Farewell, Secretary-General, I also want to wait for the opportunity to transfer Xiaoxia to Shancheng as a deputy old ugly Qian Jinsong and Xia Xiang have a familiar relationship. He couldn't help but live a long life, and at the same time, he was also very relieved. He joked, "There is a Xiaxiang around him, which is equivalent to another one, Secretary-General!"

The Secretary-General mentioned by Shan Shiqi certainly refers to the Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee.

Xia wanted to say helplessly, "I'm a brick of the party, and I can move wherever I need it."

The warriors all laughed.

Before Vice Premier He's inspection, Xia wanted to see Lao Gu again. Lao Gu was really childlike. I really came to Yanshi and lived in a nursing home.

Xia wants to spend the weekend with Lao Gu.

The ancient spirit is good, especially his crane hair and childlike appearance, and he wears a Zhongshan suit, which is very dusty. His voice was loud and full of breath. As soon as he saw Xia, he said, "Xiaoxia, this sanatorium is really good. The air is good, and the environment is good. It is rare to be quiet in the middle of the noise. It is most suitable for a person like me who is actually rarely quiet in the surface."

Xia wanted to laugh: "What do you say about this?"

"It's true that people like quietness when they are old, but what they like is not real quietness. I have also tried to live in the deep mountains and forests for a period of time. I can't. I can't stand it. It's too quiet. The main reason is that the feeling of isolation makes people feel like they have passed away. Therefore, people like me like to be quiet in the middle of the noise. They not only feel quiet, but also don't stay away from the downtown. For some reason, Lao Gu sighed with emotion at the sight of Xia.

"Then live a little longer. Xia wants to smile. Lao Gu's feelings are definitely not for no reason, but he doesn't have to explain, and he doesn't have to ask clearly. "I haven't thank you for your valuable gift. I'll stay in the sanatorium for a few more days. Just take it as my

Lao Gu smiled and said, "Maybe I will live until I get tired of you," he pointed to the lotus house in the distance with his hand and said, "This villa in the middle of the lake is unique. It smells like dust. You must also know the owner in it?

Xia wants to nod: "She is not in China" She is also the creator of Vision Group

Lao Gu nodded slightly: "Rian Ruohan, it's really a very nice name. He looked at Xiaxiang with a deep meaning, looked down on his face, and said, "Xiaoxia, what do you think of Gu Yu?"

Lao Gu obviously knew something. Xia thought that he had's intentions without thinking about his intention. Suddenly, he heard him ask Gu Yu. He thought that Lao Gu's thinking jumped very fast, so he hesitated and replied, "Gu Yu and I are just nodding friends. On the one hand, we don't know her.

Lao Gu suddenly changed the topic: "That's right. Let's not talk about her first, talk about your recent work, and then talk about the way of health care.

In the sunset, an old man and a young man strolled in the afterglow of the sunset and walked through the forest. Although the spring is cold at this time, the summer doesn't feel cold. Lao Gu gave him the feeling of being lonely, not like an old man who has been recuing for a long time. But about the situation in Lao Gu's family, Lao Gu didn't say anything, and Xia thought didn't ask much. It's about the ancient privacy, it's better not to inquire about it.

But he can live in Lao Gu's nursing home at ease. I'm still very happy. Although after Lao Gu lived there, there were a few more soldiers' plain clothes around him who were secretly protected, whether Lao Gu trusted him or trusted him, which made him have a sense of satisfaction. It is also a kind of good deed to comfort an old man's heart.

Xia wanted to decide that he had the right to bring Song Yifan to accompany Lao Gu again. Because Lao Gu mentioned Song Yifan several times, Shenwu showed his love for her.

After getting married, although Xia wanted to be with Cao Shuhui every day, she never felt any difference from before, and still felt that she was extremely cute. He is naughty and smart, and happy like an elf every day, as if life is far from trouble. It is also because of Cao Shuhui's cheerful personality that Xia wants to be in a gray mood when she is bored in many times.

Therefore, he has been secretly grateful to Cao Shuhui for her lively nature and is very lucky to marry her.

When he went home, Xia thought about it. I went to the roadside florist to buy her a bouquet of roses and prepared to give her a small surprise. It's really a shame to think about it. Since I met the little girl, the number of times I gave her flowers added up to the old one.

Xia Xiang held a large bouquet of roses in his hand and gently knocked on the door. The little girl's sweet voice came from inside: "Who?"

Because Xia wanted to go home, he always opened the door by himself and never knocked on the door. He deliberately said in a fake voice, "Is Cao Shuhui at home?"

With a click, the small window on the door opened, and the little girl poked her head out from inside and looked out: "Who are you?"

Xia wanted to cover her face with flowers to prevent the little girl from seeing her, but still said in a fake voice, "Shu Hui. I'm your admirer. I've been secretly in love with you for a long time. Would you please accept my flowers?

The little girl's cold voice came from inside: "Goodbye!" Then the window was closed with a click. Yes, it was quite resolute and there was no room at all. Xia wanted to be very satisfied with her reaction. She stood quietly at the door for a while, and then gently took out the key to open the door.

Compi: Happy Teacher's Day to teachers! The masters opened single stamps one after another to ask for tickets. In order not to bother the brothers, Lao He didn't open single stamps. He shouted a few monthly tickets in the later article. Every day, it will be healthy for a long time. Brothers, one vote every day, and happiness is often there. Today is still 0 votes, very poor bald head, which brother smashed two? In addition, if there is no accident. It will break out tomorrow. If you want to know what will happen, please log in to the muscle scarf, more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading