official god

Chapter 409 Divine Pen

; Chaodu didn't say anything, but slowly picked up the fishing rod. Put the bait away. A thrower: The man puts on the posture of sitting firmly on the fishing platform. However, Xia thought carefully found that his hand trembled slightly. Obviously, there is also a fierce ideological struggle in the heart.

Xia thought that he didn't expect a conversation to impress Song Chaodu. Suddenly, he saw his float sinking and hurriedly said, "Gour Governor Song, the fish is hooked

Song Chaodu suddenly woke up, hurriedly picked up the fishing rod, and slowly dragged out a carp weighing more than one catty from the water. After the carp went ashore, it kept struggling. Unfortunately, the fish lost its freedom as soon as it came out of the water. In a few strokes, the hook was taken off and thrown into the bucket.

Song Chaodu caught a fish, but he was not excited and still looked thoughtful. Xia thought with a smile and said, "The fish bites the hook. Maybe you don't know that the bait is a trap. Maybe you know it's a trap. You also have a chance. You think you can eat the bait without being hooked by the hook. After all, there are many decoupled fish, but they are caught in the end. It can only be blamed for its bad luck

Song Chaodu was stunned, and then suddenly woke up. He smiled and said, "Xiaoxia, what I just said was really a good word, which made me figure it out. It's okay if I'm passive. Whether to take the initiative or not, no one can tell which one is a trap, which one can eat the bait and be safe. The key is that if you don't eat now, you will starve to death, then simply take the initiative. After eating, you can't escape from the left and right. Take the initiative to face the front to show the man

Xia wanted to nod repeatedly: "Govert Governor Song said it well. Even if you respond passively, you may eventually be assigned as the leader of the province. It's better to take the initiative to fight for impressions. Regardless of success or failure, the courage to be the first in the world is also admirable. And I also believe that with Governor Song's excellent vision and accurate entry point, it will definitely guide the pilot cities to achieve unimaginable great success

Once Song Chaodu figured it out, he was greatly comforted and laughed: "Don't say Xiaoxia, you are really my lucky general. I have been worried about this matter for several days, and I always can't figure out a good way. As soon as you said it, I was suddenly full of confidence in the pilot city. Since you are also full of confidence and encourage single cities and Baoshi to take the initiative to apply, it means that you must know it. At that time, you must make a plan for me, and you can't be a little lazy

Xia thought had to pretend to sigh: "I'm just busy with the leader. There's nothing I can do. Who let me always find trouble for myself?"

"The fish was hooked and Song Chaodu screamed, pointed to Xiaxiang's fishing rod and said. Xia wanted to see him and hurriedly pulled the fish out of the water. Unexpectedly, under the tension, the fish escaped calmly"

In the afternoon, Xia wanted to be with Song Yifan again. I visited Lao Gu. Song Yifan's sudden appearance of Lao Gu is also a surprise. He always likes to call Lao Gu "old antique". Xia thought to stop it, but Lao Gu stopped Xia Xiang with a straight face. Xia wants to be helpless. I had to let the old and the young fool around and keep laughing.

Xiaxiang always feels that it is certain that Lao Gu is a senior general in the army, but his identity is still a mystery in his eyes. It seems that Lao Gu has no family except Gu Yu, because he has never heard him talk about it. Especially when Song Yifan inadvertently asked Lao Gu if he had children. Lao Gu's face changed, and he didn't pay attention to Song Yifan for a long time. It made Song Yifan want to be coquettish with Xia.

Xia thought criticized Song Yifan for the first time and told her to respect the old man and not to lose his temper with him. Every old man has experienced the vicissitudes of life, has an unimaginable experience, and should maintain tolerance and understanding for them.

Although Song Yifan is still angry, Xia wants to look strict, which also makes her dare not play anymore


Fortunately, after a while, Lao Gu regained his childlike innocence, and Song Yifan and him returned to heart. Let Xia Xiang look aside and shake his head repeatedly. The old child is really true, a senior general like Lao Gu. My life is also a military career. When I get old, I get angry with a little girl, which makes people laugh and cry.

A day in early April. Vice Premier He officially visited Yan Province.

In addition to a State Councilor, there is also Yi Xiangshi, Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, and Wu Caijiang, Vice Minister of Education. The other personnel are all economic experts. The purpose is very clear, that is, to discuss economic issues.

On the same day, the Yan Provincial Party Committee held martial law in an all-round way, and all the staff were mobilized to ensure that the inspection work was safe. Xia Xiang also participated in the mobilization meeting and conveyed the spirit of instructions from the superiors to all the staff of the Information Office. Now Yang Tianke is still cooperating with Xia's work. Basically, he will urge Xia to complete what he wants to do. I will never drag the water, and I will not disobey the law, which will surprise everyone in the information department. Of course, there are also people who know what's going on. That is, Xia wanted to meet Secretary-General Qian to nod, and then the Personnel Department of the General Office released the person and transferred Yang Tianke's son to the Secretariat of the General Office of the Municipal Party Committee. It is said that he was deeply valued by the leaders. It is much better than in the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee. After someone knew about it, he asked Yang Tianke in private why he didn't ask Secretary Cui to help him deal with the director of the personnel department of the general office. Yang Tianke mysteriously replied, "In the eyes of the leader, some people can only do things and can't find trouble, while some people usually do things for the leader. Sometimes, the leader will He solves the difficulties.

Xia Shang, as the director of the Information Department, was not qualified to be an attendant accompanying Vice Premier He. He just looked at Vice Premier He from afar and didn't see it too clearly. He just felt that he was younger than on TV. And the spirit is very good

Originally, Xia thought that he had nothing to do with him, just a cadre at or above the provincial level. There are only a lot of provincial party committee compound, not to mention that the deputy provincial level may not be qualified to accompany Vice Premier He. However, because of the visit of national leaders, it is different from usual. At noon, it is strictly required not to go out of the provincial party committee compound. When to get off work in the afternoon, wait for the notice.

After a few hours of meeting in the afternoon, Xia thought about why the Vice Premier would return to the capital immediately. Unexpectedly, Vice Premier He was not safe after the end of the meeting. He was shocked to hear that there would be a meeting in the evening. It seems that in Yan Province, the opposition to the industrial structure adjustment is also very strong. When I was thinking about when it might not be released at night, the phone at hand rang.

Xia didn't think much about it. After answering, he casually said, "Hello." Wu Caijiang's Beijing-style Mandarin came from it: Xiaoxia, you said it was good for me to go up. Or would you like to come down?

Wu Caijiang was not good to himself before. He was also Lian Ruohan's uncle, and even Ruohan said it. Wu Caijiang heard a little about the things between himself and her. The reason why he no longer paid attention to it was that Wu Caijiang tabooned Lian Ruohan's temper and Lian Ruohan's father. It was not good for him to talk about it. Second, Wu Caijiang didn't care about the affairs of men and women. I never think it's a big deal. It is also for this reason that Xia wants to have a somewhat good impression on Wu Caijiang now.

Even if he is Lian Ruohan's uncle, he is at least a deputy minister. Xia wants to say quickly, "Hello, Minister Wu, wait a minute, I'll go downstairs."

When he got downstairs, Xia wanted to see Wu Caijiang with his hands behind his back and looked at the scenery in the yard as if nothing had happened. He served as a follow-up to Vice Premier He. Isn't it too idle? Xia Xiang was speechless. As the deputy minister of the Ministry of Education, Wu Caijiang's visit to Yan Province this time is probably to join in the fun.

Sure enough, Wu Caijiang's first sentence when he saw Xia was: "I'm here to relax, not work. There is no educational issue in this inspection. So I'm very idle, so I'll come to see you. By the way, I'll talk to you

Xia thought helplessly: "The order of the office is. All cadres above the director must be ordered at any time. If you are free, I have to go to work.

If it weren't for Wu Caijiang, he would have been Lian Ruohan's uncle. Xia thought that he didn't dare to talk to the deputy minister in such a tone.

Wu Caijiang said disapprovingly, "You also know that things in the officialdom are often fuss. What does Vice Premier He's visit the work? What does it have to do with you as a director of information? It's purely to promote the crowd, and there is nothing to do. Come on, don't take it seriously. I have something to do with you. Go out with me. Vice Premier He is now having a closed meeting with Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiheng. I'm sure there will never be anything to do with you.

Wu Caijiang spoke. He was also the vice minister, and Xia Xiang did not dare to dissuate. He called Yang Tianke and told him that he wanted to accompany Minister Wu and called his mobile phone directly if he had something to do. What should be told must be told. When asked by the superiors, the subordinates can also answer, and it also shows respect for Yang Tianke.

Yang Tianke said repeatedly that he would let Xia want to rest assured. He usually doesn't bother Director Xia unless there is a big problem. It's more important to accompany Minister Wu.

Xia wanted to laugh and helped Yang Tianke once. Although he is not in an alliance with him, Yang Tianke is still Ji Jie's person. But human nature has a complicated side. Moreover, Yang Tianke is known for his kindness, and everything is very round, which makes Xiaxiang very satisfied and saves a lot of worry.

It is easy to have a deputy who cooperates with the work. As long as the work is handed down, how to implement it and how to supervise it, it is all a matter of the deputy. He only needs to know the results.

Follow Wu Caijiang out of the provincial party committee compound and came to the cafe next to him. Wu Caijiang smiled and said, "There are too few teahouses in Yan City. Forget it. Just go to the cafe to be quiet."

After sitting down, they each asked for a cup of coffee. Wu Caijiang also came straight to the point: "Mr. Yi is very satisfied with you."

Xia was shocked: "I don't have that much ability!"

Wu Caijiang was very satisfied with Xia Xiang's surprise. He nodded and said, "Of course, it's not easy for you to get into Yi Xiangshi's ears. He knows your talent, which Qian Jinsong said. About persuading Shancheng and Baoshi to become pilot cities. Qian Jinsong has revealed it to Minister Yi in private. I guess the words have also reached Vice Premier He's ears

Wu Caijiang looked at Xia Xiang with a smile, which means. OK, there is a set of four or two golds. Start from a small place, and there seems to be no trace. There is no benefit. In fact, in the end, it is still the biggest beneficiary. As a department-level cadre, two prefecture-level city owners were persuaded to apply for pilot cities. It can be said that he not only won the appreciation of Vice Premier He, but also gave the province a share of worries. After hearing about it, Ye Shisheng will also look at him.

Xia is really a great young man. He can keenly find a very ingenious ful fulcrum from the extremely intricate situation, and then he only needs to pry it gently, and everything will be solved. It is simply like a divine help, achieving the effect of being mazed. Wu Caijiang rarely admired people in his life. Today, when he saw Yi Xiangshi's happy face and told him the inside story that Xia wanted to push behind the scenes, he couldn't help clapping his hands and applauding the trick of turning stones into gold.

Lian Yi Xiangshi also praised Xia Xiang's behavior.

What Yi Xiangshi admired was not how smart Xia Xiang was. He and Vice Premier He also analyzed the situation in Yan Province, and finally came to the conclusion that balance and compromise can only start from the pilot city. Slowly, Yi Xunshu posted a different body clams. It is impossible to reach the point that there is not enough political atmosphere for Yan Province, and "It is not feasible. However, the superficial pressure still needs to be imposed on Yan Province, which can't attract their attention. Throwing time. Yi Xiangshi also knows that, in fact, no matter whether Xia Xiang persuaded Shancheng and Baoshi to take the initiative to apply, in the end, he basically found two pilot cities to promote it first, but Xia Xiang's cleverness is that it is better to be passive than active, and negative is not as good as active.

Taking the initiative to apply can not only get the impression of understanding the province's worries, but also let Vice Premier He remember the names of the party and government leaders of the two cities, and also let Vice Premier He take a high look at them, and will often pay attention to the development of the two cities. Maybe there may be suitable projects. I will also take care of it. There is a difference between active and passive, but the treatment is different.

Moreover, because Xia thought that it was in line. Xiaxiang's name must be registered in the province, which will also be remembered by Vice Premier He. Imagine that a department-level cadre actually has a keen and advanced vision, and can also convince the party and government leaders of the two cities, which not only proves that he has talent and eloquence, but also shows that he has connections and can gain the trust of others. Yi Xiangshi secretly praised Xia Xiang for his unique vision, and he was in the middle and coordinated. The province, the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade and Vice Premier He were favored by all parties. In the end, he, the two cities, the Provincial Party Committee of Yan Province and Vice Premier He benefited from the four parties. It can be said to be counted in one fell swoop.

Without Qian Jinsong's idea of adjusting the industrial structure that Xia wants to adjust for a single city to Yi Xiangshi, Yi Xiangshi will think that Xia Xiang is just a political speculator. There may not be a business vision. However, because Qian Jinsong simply and clearly said the two ideas Xia wanted to put forward for the development of a single city, he had to surprise Yi Xiangshi University after careful analysis. It was even more shocking. I can't help but praise Xia's wonderful ideas. The railway idea of single steel is not too sudden. It can only be said that the vision is ahead. But cultural tourism with idioms as the starting point is not an excellent idea.

As the Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade for many years, Yi Xiangshi has been quite thorough about local economic research. He also knows that the shortcomings of mainland cities are very obvious, that is, inconvenient transportation costs are high, and conservative. The industrial structure is aging. Wait, from Qian Jinsong's mouth, he seems to see a young economist talking eloquently, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of a single city, and the comments are also hit the nail on the head, no longer than him. Even some ideas are bolder than he has never heard of.

As a result, Yi Xiangshi once again carefully studied Xia Xiang's resume and found that he had many precedents for successful investment attraction before, and his vision was accurate. To this day, the projects he introduced in Ba County are still profitable, and the prospects are still very broad. Similarly, the projects introduced in An County are also very good. The expansion of scenic spots, the construction of resorts, and the mountains and waterways connecting the scenery of Sanshi and Sanshui like a divine pen. I feel the vision and level of one step ahead of others everywhere.

After the mountain and waterways are connected, it is now very convenient to go from Anxian to Jingxian, and a shuttle bus has been opened between the two scenic spots. The number of mutual assistance tourism projects between scenic spots has increased, which has greatly increased the playability and the fun of tourists. Although the matter is of deep and broad significance.

Yi Xiangshi really wanted to think of the thought of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade. He felt that with his talent, looking at the economic forms of various provinces in China, it is most appropriate to do the theoretical research of high-end housing and bottle-building. If he goes to the Academy of Social Sciences to study the theoretical foundation with some economic experts for two Deputy Minister.

Yi Xiangshi said his thoughts to Qian Jinsong. Qian Jinsong shook his head with a smile: "Xia thought it's better to stay in the place. It's a good thing that he has theory. But he is more suitable for doing specific work in the local area. Only then can he give full play to his talents and do practical things for the people.

Yi Xiangshi thought about it, so he didn't force it anymore. Instead, he told Wu Caijiang that he wanted to take time to meet Xia and talk face to face. Wu Caijiang agreed. However, Yi Xiangshi did not expect that the debate on industrial restructuring in the leadership of Yan Province was very fierce. Ye Shisheng implicitly objected, and Fan Ruiheng cautiously and optimistically expressed his support. Ma Wanzheng basically supported the attitude, and the Song Dynasty also strongly agreed. Other members of the Standing Committee opposed, agreed, and neutral. In a word, it is basically a stalemate, half to half.

When Premier He Hun saw this scene, his interest in Yan Province became greater. The meeting was held endlessly, starting in the morning and in the afternoon. He couldn't find time to see Xia, so he just asked Wu Caijiang to convey his meaning.

Wu Caijiang also wanted to see Xia, because he thought from Xia's means of maneuvering. I found that Xiaxiang is really extraordinary. He not only has a business mind, but also has a very accurate political vision. He is very good at using the fulcrum of the game situation of all parties, and then accurately cuts in, becoming the key force to leverage leverage in one fell swoop, winning big with small, smart. Absolutely smart.

Wu Caijiang said with great interest: "Xiaoxia, I want to ask you one thing. You must tell me the truth." The last time I used Gao Chengsong's hand to deal with you, do you have a big problem with me now?"

Prevention: The first update is sent, don't go away, today's third update. The first is to congratulate the blue and silver saddle white horse to the meteor brothers for their promotion to the helmsman of the official god. I would like to thank them for their support to the official god. The second is to repay the brothers for their consistent encouragement to the official god and fulfill their promises.